Discuz! 模板目录结构注释说明详细整理
文件名 | 功能描述 |
block_forumtree.htm | DIY论坛树形列表模块 |
block_thread.htm | DIY帖子模块调用文件 |
common.css | 全局 CSS 样式表 |
css_diy.sample.htm | 垃圾文件?未知调用程序 |
editor.htm | 编辑器 |
editor_menu.htm | 编辑器菜单 |
editor_menu_forum.htm | 论坛菜单 |
footer.htm | 全局页脚文件 |
footer_ajax.htm | AJAX 模式使用自动加载的页脚文件 |
header.htm | 全局页头文件 |
header_ajax.htm | AJAX 时自动加载的页头文件 |
header_common.htm | 必须的全局页头文件 |
header_diy.htm | DIY 模式页头文件 |
invite.htm | 邀请好友 |
misc_imgcropper.htm | 图片裁剪器 |
module.css | 整站 CSS 模块 |
preview.htm | DIY 预览模板文件 |
pubsearchform.htm | 搜索条 |
report.htm | 举报 |
rss.css | RSS 订阅样式文件 |
seccheck.htm | 验证码模板 |
showmessage.htm | 系统提示信息模板 |
stat.htm | 站点统计模板 |
userabout.htm | 我的中心面板模板 |
widthauto.css | 宽屏切换样式文件 |
wysiwyg.css | 论坛编辑器所见所得样式 |
文件名 | 功能描述 |
activity_applist_more.htm | 应用列表(更多) |
activity_applylist.htm | 应用列表 |
activity_export.htm | 应用列表(导出) |
ajax.htm | 论坛相关 AJAX 功能模板 |
ajax_albumlist.htm | AJAX 相册列表 |
ajax_attachlist.htm | AJAX 附件列表 |
ajax_followpost.htm | AJAX 转播 |
ajax_forumlist.htm | AJAX 版块列表 |
ajax_imagelist.htm | AJAX 图片列表 |
ajax_quickreply.htm | AJAX 快速回复框 |
ajax_secondgroup.htm | 扩展用户组 |
ajax_threadlist.htm | AJAX 帖子列表 |
announcement.htm | 公告 |
attachpay.htm | 附件收费 |
attachpay_view.htm | 收费附件记录 |
collection_add.htm | 淘贴创建专辑 |
collection_all.htm | 淘贴所有专辑 |
collection_comment.htm | 淘贴评论 |
collection_followpop.htm | 淘贴关注 |
collection_index.htm | 淘贴首页 |
collection_intro.htm | 淘贴简介 |
collection_list.htm | 淘贴数据列表 |
collection_mycollection.htm | 我的收藏夹 |
collection_nav.htm | 导航栏 |
collection_recommend.htm | 推荐专题 |
discuzcode.htm | UBB 代码解析模板 |
editor_attribute.htm | 发帖页 帖子属性模板(回帖奖励、阅读权限、售价、抢楼、设置主题标签) |
editor_body.htm | 发帖页编辑器相关模板(主要为编辑器相关代码) |
forumdisplay.htm | 帖子列表页 |
forumdisplay_fastpost.htm | 帖子列表页快速发帖框 |
forumdisplay_leftside.htm | 帖子列表页左边栏版块导航 |
forumdisplay_list.htm | 帖子列表页数据列表 |
forumdisplay_passwd.htm | 版块需要密码访问时 |
forumdisplay_sort.htm | 版块分类信息搜索 |
guide.htm | 导读首页 |
guide_list_row.htm | 导读数据列表 |
index_navbar.htm | 插件菜单 |
modcp.htm | 管理面板 |
modcp_announcement.htm | 公告管理 |
modcp_forum.htm | 版块管理 |
modcp_forumaccess.htm | 用户权限 |
modcp_home.htm | 内部留言 |
modcp_log.htm | 管理日志 |
modcp_login.htm | 管理面板登录 |
modcp_member.htm | 用户管理 |
modcp_moderate.htm | 审核管理 |
modcp_moderate_float.htm | 审核菜单 |
modcp_post.htm | 帖子管理 |
modcp_recyclebin.htm | 主题回收站 |
modcp_recyclebinpost.htm | 主题回收站结果查看 |
modcp_report.htm | 举报管理 |
modcp_thread.htm | 主题管理 |
pay.htm | 支付页面模板 |
pay_view.htm | 支付结果查看 |
post.htm | 论坛发贴模板 |
postappend.htm | 帖子补充 |
post_activity.htm | 发布活动 |
post_attachlimit.htm | 更新附件限制 |
post_debate.htm | 发布辩论 |
post_editor_attribute.htm | 发帖页 帖子属性模板(回帖奖励、阅读权限、售价、抢楼、设置主题标签) |
post_editor_body.htm | 发帖页编辑器相关模板(主要为编辑器相关代码) |
post_editor_extra.htm | 发帖页 标题区域模板(标题输入框、主题分类选择、分类信息、回复引用等) |
post_editmenu_forum.htm | 论坛编辑菜单 |
postmenu.htm | 发帖菜单 |
postoption.htm | 附加选项 |
1、Q: Discuss the purpose of having a detailed template structure in a platform like Discuz! What benefits does it bring to developers and administrators?
A: Having a detailed template structure in a platform like Discuz! provides several benefits for both developers and administrators:
Modularity: Breaking down the templates into smaller, reusable components allows for easier customization and maintenance. If one component needs updating, only that specific file needs to be changed rather than the entire template.
Ease of Customization: A detailed structure makes it easier for developers to locate and modify specific elements without affecting other parts of the site unintentionally. This is particularly useful when adding new features or making design adjustments.
Consistency: With a standardized structure, maintaining consistency across different sections of the website becomes simpler, ensuring a uniform look and feel for users.
Efficiency in Troubleshooting: When issues arise, having a wellorganized template system helps in pinpointing the source of problems more quickly, thereby reducing downtime and improving overall site reliability.
Scalability: As the community grows, so too might the demands on the platform's capabilities. A clear structure facilitates scaling up by allowing additional modules or functionalities to be integrated seamlessly without disrupting existing functionality.
Training & Onboarding: For new team members or administrators, understanding the template structure is crucial for effective management of the platform. Clear documentation speeds up the learning curve significantly.
SEO Benefits: Wellstructured templates often follow best practices which can improve search engine optimization (SEO), helping the site rank better in search results and attract more visitors.
User Experience: Finally, a wellthoughtout template structure contributes positively to the enduser experience by ensuring that all elements of the site work harmoniously together, providing a smooth and engaging browsing experience.
2、Q: How can an administrator effectively use the template structure to enhance the functionality and appearance of their forum without deep coding knowledge?
A: An administrator can enhance the functionality and appearance of their forum using the template structure even with limited coding knowledge through several approaches:
Leveraging Builtin Themes and Styles: Many platforms like Discuz! come with predesigned themes and styles that can be easily applied via the admin panel, offering immediate visual improvements without any coding required.
Using DIY (Do It Yourself) Features: Some platforms provide DIY tools that allow administrators to make adjustments visually through a userfriendly interface, such as dragging and dropping elements, selecting colors, and choosing layouts.
Customizing Plugins and Widgets: Often, thirdparty developers create plugins or widgets that add functionality or aesthetic enhancements with minimal setup required. These can usually be installed and configured from within the admin panel.
Template Editing Tools: Some platforms offer WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editors for making changes directly to templates without delving into code. This allows for adjusting text, images, and layouts intuitively.
Following Tutorials and Guides: There are numerous online resources including video tutorials, forums, and blogs that provide stepbystep instructions on how to customize forums using the platform’s builtin tools. These resources often cater to users with varying levels of technical expertise.
Community Support: Engaging with the platform's community forums or support groups can yield valuable insights and readymade solutions shared by other users facing similar customization needs.
Theme Marketplaces: Exploring theme marketplaces where designers sell their templates specifically crafted for the platform can give access to professionally designed layouts that can be imported with a few clicks, enhancing both functionality and aesthetics significantly.
Regular Updates and Patches: Keeping the platform updated ensures access to the latest features, security patches, and performance improvements, all of which contribute to a better functioning and more secure forum environment with minimal effort from the administrator's side.
Discuz 模板目录结构注释说明
Discuz! 是一款功能强大的社区论坛软件,其模板目录结构清晰,方便开发者进行定制和修改,以下是对Discuz! 模板目录结构的详细注释说明:
├── common # 公共模板文件,包含全局性的样式和脚本 │ ├── header.html # 页面头部模板 │ ├── footer.html # 页面底部模板 │ ├── sidebar.html # 侧边栏模板 │ └── style.css # 公共样式表 ├── forum # 论坛模板文件 │ ├── forumdisplay.html # 论坛列表页面模板 │ ├── forumdisplay_mobile.html # 移动端论坛列表页面模板 │ ├── forumlist.html # 论坛分类页面模板 │ ├── forumlist_mobile.html # 移动端论坛分类页面模板 │ ├── forumthread.html # 论坛帖子列表页面模板 │ ├── forumthread_mobile.html # 移动端论坛帖子列表页面模板 │ ├── post.html # 帖子内容页面模板 │ ├── post_mobile.html # 移动端帖子内容页面模板 │ └── search.html # 搜索页面模板 ├── member # 会员模板文件 │ ├── account.html # 会员账户页面模板 │ ├── profile.html # 会员资料页面模板 │ ├── profile_mobile.html # 移动端会员资料页面模板 │ ├── register.html # 注册页面模板 │ ├── register_mobile.html # 移动端注册页面模板 │ └── setting.html # 会员设置页面模板 ├── mobile # 移动端模板文件 │ ├── common # 移动端公共模板文件 │ │ ├── header.html # 移动端头部模板 │ │ ├── footer.html # 移动端底部模板 │ │ └── style.css # 移动端公共样式表 │ ├── forum # 移动端论坛模板文件 │ │ ├── ... # 论坛相关模板文件 │ ├── member # 移动端会员模板文件 │ │ ├── ... # 会员相关模板文件 │ └── ... # 其他移动端模板文件 ├── post # 发帖和回复模板文件 │ ├── post.html # 发帖页面模板 │ ├── post_mobile.html # 移动端发帖页面模板 │ └── reply.html # 回复页面模板 ├── search # 搜索模板文件 │ ├── search.html # 搜索结果页面模板 │ └── search_mobile.html # 移动端搜索结果页面模板 ├── uc # 用户中心模板文件 │ ├── index.html # 用户中心首页模板 │ ├── message.html # 消息模板 │ └── ... # 其他用户中心模板文件 ├── space # 会员空间模板文件 │ ├── index.html # 空间首页模板 │ ├── blog.html # 博客模板 │ └── ... # 其他空间模板文件 ├── template # 模板配置文件 │ ├── config.php # 模板配置文件 │ └── style.php # 模板样式配置文件 └── upgrade # 升级模板文件 └── ... # 升级相关模板文件
目录结构包含了Discuz! 中常用的模板文件,开发者可以根据需要进行修改和扩展,每个目录下的文件都有其特定的作用,以下是每个文件的简要说明: