Archive: insightone.zip warning [insightone.zip]: 7093235758 extra bytes at beginning or within zipfile (attempting to process anyway) error [insightone.zip]: start of central directory not found; zipfile corrupt. (please check that you have transferred or created the zipfile in the appropriate BINARY mode and that you have compiled UnZip properly)
wget /zb_users/upload/2024/csdn/,执行:7za a 001.7z 001.jpg;将001目录 打包执行:7za a 001.7z 001;) d 从压缩里删除文件 (如将001.7z里的001.jpg删除,执行:7za d 001.7z 001.jpg) l 列出压缩包里的文件 (如列出001.7z里的文件,执行:7za l 001.7z) e 解压到当前目录,目录结构会被破坏 (如001.rar内有如下目录及文件123/456/789.html,执行: 7za e 001.rar,目录123和456及文件789.html都会存放在当前目录下。 x 以完整路径解压