

C10M问题涉及到经典的C10K Internet可扩展性问题,它最初发生在Web服务器的背景下。C10K问题包括在一台机器上成功支持10,000个并发连接。虽然C10K问题目前由特定的Web服务器解决,但C10M问题,即在一台机器上支持1000万个并发连接,仍然是一个具有挑战性的问题,不仅对Web服务器,而且对一般任何互联网服务器都是如此。

MigratoryData服务器是一个实时Web服务器,它使用WebSocket协议和HTTP协议与客户端通信。与传统的Web服务器不同,MigratoryData Server不使用请求-响应交互模型(采用短连接)。相反,它沿着持久连接使用发布/订阅模型。当客户端永久连接时,MigratoryData Server使数据能够及时、低延迟地交付给它的客户端。

除了作为实时Web服务器的角色,MigratoryData server还实现了传统上由企业消息系统提供的功能,如发布/订阅交互、主动/主动集群、保证消息传递、授权以及最流行环境的API库。







基准测试中使用的发布工具MigratoryData Benchpub能够以可配置的频率发布可配置大小的消息。订阅工具MigratoryData Benchsub能够打开可配置数量的并发连接,订阅可配置数量的主题,并计算为已订阅主题接收到的消息的延迟。Benchpub和Benchsub都使用MigratoryData的协议,因此它们模拟真实的应用程序。



  • One Dell R610 machine was utilized to run one instance of the MigratoryData server. The specifications of this 1U machine are as follows:
    • 2 x Intel Xeon X5650 CPU at 2.66 GHz (6 cores per CPU, totaling 12 cores)
    • 96 GB RAM (DDR3 at 1333 MHz)
    • Network adapter Intel X520-DA2 (10 Gbps)
    • CentOS / RHEL 7.1 with the default kernel 3.10.0-229 (without kernel recompilation)
  • Four Dell R610 machines were utilized to run four instances of Benchsub. Each Benchsub instance simulated 2.5 million concurrent users each, totaling 10 million concurrent users. Each user subscribed to a distinct subject. Therefore, the total number of concurrent subjects was also 10 million.
  • Four Dell SC1435 machines were utilized to run eight instances of Benchpub (four pairs of instances). Each of the eight Benchpub instances published at a frequency of 21,000 messages per second, with each message containing a sequence of 512 random bytes. The total message throughput was therefore 168,000 messages/second (i.e. 10,080,000 messages/minute). In this way, each user received one message per minute.
  • Finally, an additional Benchsub instance was used to simulate 100 concurrent users, representing samples of the population of 10 million concurrent users. This Benchsub instance was used to compute supplemental latency statistics – in addition to the latency statistics computed by the other four Benchsub instances. These other four Benchsub instances used the latencies of all messages received by all 10 million users to compute their statistics, instead of sampling the data.



MigratoryData Server通过JMX和其他协议提供高级监控。我们使用jconsole工具(包含在Java开发包中)通过JMX监控MigratoryData服务器。在下面的结果中,我们展示了JMX监控期间获得的屏幕截图。



从下面的JMX截图可以看出,MigratoryData Server处理了10,000,108个并发连接(参见JMX指标ConnectedSessions)。相同数目的并发套接字连接由netstat和slabtop工具确认(参见下面网络利用率小节中的屏幕截图)。










正如你在下面的截图中看到的,向1000万个并发客户端推送16.8万条消息/秒(即1008万条消息/分钟)的流量是每秒103兆字节,即0.8 Gbps。

每条消息的负载为512字节,吞吐量为16.8万条消息/秒(即1008万条消息/分钟),总吞吐量为82兆字节/秒。MigratoryData协议和TCP/IP协议增加的开销导致了21 MB/秒的差异,实际带宽利用率为103 MB/秒,这导致每个消息多了131字节。






  • Latency Mean is 61 milliseconds
  • Latency Standard Deviation is 140 milliseconds
  • Latency Maximum is 1.7 second







  • Median Latency: 18.71 ms ± 1.29 ms
  • Mean Latency: 58.52 ms ± 2.83 ms
  • 95th Percentile Latency: 374.90 ms ± 21.51 ms
  • 99th Percentile Latency: 585.06 ms ± 17.16 ms

我们可以看到,前一小节中为所有用户(超过15亿延迟)计算的平均值(61毫秒)属于平均值的置信区间:[55.69 ms, 61.35 ms](即58.52 - 2.83 ms和58.52 + 2.83 ms)。


Number of concurrent client connections10,000,100
Number of concurrent subscribed subjects10,000,000
Number of messages per client1 message per minute
Payload of each message512 random bytes
Total messages throughput10,080,000 messages per minute
Median latency18 milliseconds
Average latency61 milliseconds
Standard deviation for latency140 milliseconds
95th percentile latency374 milliseconds
99th percentile latency585 milliseconds
Maximum latency1.7 seconds
HardwareOne Dell PowerEdge R610 with 2 x Intel Xeon X5650 CPU at 2.66 GHz and 96 GB RAM
Operating systemCentOS / RHEL 7.1 with the default kernel 3.10.0-229 (without kernel recompilation)
CPU utilizationunder 50%
Network utilization0.8 Gigabit per second


我们的客户有大规模部署(数百万最终用户),其中配置的Java虚拟机不会发生major的JVM垃圾收集。但是,在这些情况下,MigratoryData server每天都会重新启动。




MigratoryData Server运行在一台开箱即用的CentOS / RHEL 7.1机器上。为了证明MigratoryData Server能够解决数据中心常见的商用硬件和操作系统上的C10M问题,我们没有重新编译内核,而是使用默认的3.10.0-229内核。


  1. Increased the number of socket descriptors, in order to allow the system to handle 10 million sockets:
  • used the sysctl configuration fs.file-max=12000500
  • echo 20000500 > /proc/sys/fs/nr_open
  • ulimit -n 20000000
  1. Increased the maximum number of memory pages for TCP using the sysctl configuration:
  • net.ipv4.tcp_mem=10000000 10000000 10000000
  1. Adjusted the buffers of TCP connections with sysctl for better memory usage, as follows:
  • _net.ipv4.tcp_rmem=1024 4096 16384 _
  • _net.ipv4.tcp_wmem=1024 4096 16384 _
  • _net.core.rmem_max=16384 _
  • net.core.wmem_max=16384
  1. Statically balanced the hardware interrupts of the network adapter across the logical CPUs using smp_affinity. The Intel X520-DA2 network adapter has 24 tx/rx queues, each having a hardware interrupt (in the /proc/interrupts there are 24 entries for the p1p1 network interface). Coincidentally, the server also has 24 logical processors corresponding to its two six-core CPUs. We used smp_affinity to statically map each interrupt of the 24 tx/rx queues of the network adapter to each of the 24 logical processors.使用smp_affinity静态均衡跨逻辑cpu的网络适配器硬件中断。Intel X520-DA2网络适配器有24个tx/rx队列,每个队列有一个硬件中断(在/proc/interrupts中,有24项用于p1p1网络接口)。巧合的是,服务器也有24个逻辑处理器,对应于它的两个六核cpu。我们使用smp_affinity静态地将网络适配器的24个tx/rx队列的每个中断映射到24个逻辑处理器中的每一个。

  2. Better use of Translation-Lookaside Buffer (TLB) caches by the processor. These caches contain virtual-to-physical address translations and have a small number of entries with the most-recently used pages. Using huge pages of 2 MB instead of the normal 4 KB pages, a TLB entry can handle much more memory, thus making the CPU caching more efficient. Because we allocated 54 GB to the Java Virtual Machine which ran the MigratoryData server, we reserved 60 GB huge pages (30720 huge pages x 2 MB / huge page) using the sysctl configuration:处理器更好地利用翻译后备缓冲器(Translation-Lookaside Buffer, TLB)高速缓存。这些缓存包含虚拟到物理的地址转换,并有少量项,其中包含最近使用的页。使用2 MB的巨型页而不是普通的4 KB页,TLB项可以处理更多的内存,从而使CPU缓存更高效。因为我们为运行MigratoryData服务器的Java虚拟机分配了54 GB,所以我们使用sysctl配置分配了60 GB的巨型页(30720个巨型页x 2 MB /巨型页):

  • vm.nr_hugepages=30720


我们使用Oracle Java 1.8 update 45。下面是我们使用的主要Java虚拟机(JVM)参数(所有的JVM参数都可以在下面的截图中看到):

  1. Allocated 54 GB for the JVM

  2. Used Concurrent Mark Sweep (CMS) Garbage Collector

  3. Enabled huge pages as discussed in the Linux Kernel subsection above by using:

  • +UseLargePages
  1. Used compressed pointers, extended beyond the usual 32 GB limit, in order to optimize the memory footprint (with about 10 GB) by using:
  • -XX:ObjectAlignmentInBytes=16  -XX:+UseCompressedOops

MigratoryData Server

我们使用MigratoryData Server 5.0.14。对于其默认配置,我们做了以下更改:

  1. Enabled the JMX monitoring through the port 3000 (without authentication, and via an unencrypted connection):
  • Monitor = JMX
  • MonitorJMX.Authentication = false
  • MonitorJMX.Listen =
  1. Configured parallelism. In order to better scale on multiprocessor servers incoming users are separated in workgroups based on their IP address. Workgroups run in parallel, using almost independent threads. Thus, we used the following parameters related to parallelism:
  • Worgroups = 10
  • IoThreads = 20
  1. Distributed users across workgroups. Because all 10 million users came from only four IP addresses, originating from the four Benchsub instances, we used a parameter called BenchmarkMode in order to distribute users across workgroups as would happen in real life when they would all come from different IP addresses. To achieve this, we used the configuration:
  • BenchmarkMode = true
  1. Reduced the default initial size of the buffers. When handling a message, a buffer of 8192 bytes is created. If the message is higher than 8192 bytes, the buffer automatically expands in order to hold the entire message. On the other hand, if the messages is smaller than 8192 some memory space remains unused. Because we know the payload of our messages is 512 bytes, we reduced the default initial size of the buffers from 8192 to 768 using the following parameters (note that the name of the parameters is quite misleading; it’s not a hard coded limit but a default initial size):
  • BufferLimit.Send = 768
  • BufferLimit.Receive = 768
  1. Reduced memory footprint and allowed better performance by using a native C implementation with JNI for socket handling:
  • X.Native.Io = true


在HighScalability.com上引用的一次演讲中,Robert Graham讨论了C10M问题。他解释了为什么内核可能是一个问题,而不是实现高可伸缩性的解决方案,并提出了一些构建可伸缩性系统的原则。

在上面网络利用率小节的屏幕截图中,我们观察到Linux内核使用了大约32 GB来保持打开1000万个并发套接字连接。对于通常的系统,每个套接字连接3.2 KB似乎相当合理。然而,随着互联网设备(移动设备和物联网)的爆炸式增长,我们看到系统越来越频繁地需要数百万并发连接。因此,我们呼应Robert对内核的关注,认为Linux可能提供更好的内存使用来处理套接字连接。



要了解有关MigratoryData Server的更多信息,以及它如何帮助您的业务实现有效的高可扩展性,请访问migratorydata.com