



  1. 该网站包括file页面、transfer页面和settings页面。其中,file页面用于显示指定目录下的所有文件,可根据文件类型、名称或者大小进行排序筛选;transfer页面主要的使用场景是实现提交HTTP地址后下载到服务器上,这个服务器可以作为NAS或者云盘使用;settings页面用于设置下载路径、限速大小、最大并行任务数。
  2. transfer页面能够查看每个任务的下载进度、下载速度和下载剩余时间,用户可自行控制并发线程数。


技术栈:SpringBoot + Spring + Mybatis + Mysql + Redis + SSE

完整项目及代码见gitee:https://gitee.com/Liguangyu1017/HTTP-download-server.git (项目已上线)




HTTP下载本质是发起一个GET的HTTP请求,在发起的GET请求中设置Range字段,比如:Range:bytes = 0 - 499表示请求文件的前 500 个字节。

  1. 确定分片策略:
    // The shard size is determined by the file size     private int determineChunkSize(long fileSize) {         if (fileSize <= 10 * 1024 * 1024) {             return urlConfig.getMinChunkSize();         } else if (fileSize <= 100 * 1024 * 1024) {             return urlConfig.getMidChunkSize();         } else {             return urlConfig.getMaxChunkSize();         }     }
  2. 计算分片大小和数量,确定分片范围:
     获取分片大小后,计算出分片数量 = 文件大小 / 分片大小 (向上取整)
     确定分片范围: 每个分片的起始位置为片索引乘以分片大小,结束位置为当前分片的起始     位置+分片大小 - 1;但在最后一个分片时,结束位置是分片大小 - 1。
    // Calculate the size of each shard long chunkSize = determineChunkSize(fileSize); // Number of shards = File size/shard size (rounded up) long chunkNum = (long)Math.ceil((double) fileSize / (double) chunkSize);
  3. 提交分片给下载线程池执行下载:
    // Submit the download task to the thread pool        for (int i = 0; i < chunkNum; i++) {                 // Gets the number of bytes downloaded by the current shard                 long downloadedBytesOneChunk = chunkDownloadBytes[i];                 // sp indicates the start location of fragment download                 sp[i] = chunkSize * i;                 // ep indicates the end location of fragment download                 ep[i] = (i < chunkNum - 1) ? (sp[i] + chunkSize) - 1 : fileSize - 1;                 chunkDownloadBytesShould[i] = ep[i] - sp[i] + 1;     //                LOG.info("正在下载:" + sp[i] + " -> " + ep[i]);                 // Start the thread pool to perform the fragment download                 executor.submit(new Download(urlString, outputFile.getPath(), sp[i], ep[i],totalDownloadedBytesMap.get(taskDO.getId()),                  downloadedBytesOneChunk,i,rateLimiter,taskDO.getId(),redisService));         }




@Override     public void initializeScoreboard(String taskId,long chunkNum){         Map<String,Boolean> scoreboard=new HashMap<>();         for (long i = 0;i < chunkNum; i++){             scoreboard.put(String.valueOf(i),false);         }         redisTemplate.opsForHash().put(KEY_CHUNK_HASHMAP,taskId,scoreboard);     }


@Override     public void updateScoreboard(String taskId, long chunkId) {         Map<String,Boolean> scoreboard=(Map) redisTemplate.opsForHash().get(KEY_CHUNK_HASHMAP,taskId);         scoreboard.put(String.valueOf(chunkId),true);         redisTemplate.opsForHash().put(KEY_CHUNK_HASHMAP,taskId,scoreboard);     }



HttpURLConnection connection; // Establish a connection to the download address and set the download range connection = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(fileURL).openConnection(); // Configure the range String byteRange = sp + "-" + ep; connection.setRequestProperty("Range", "bytes=" + byteRange); // Create an input stream BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(connection.getInputStream()); RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(new File(outputFile), "rw"); synchronized (lock) {        try {             raf.seek(sp);            }catch (IOException e) {                    LOG.error("outputFile定位开始下载位置时出现错误");                    e.printStackTrace();            } }


package cn.ykd.actualproject.service.impl;  import cn.ykd.actualproject.config.UrlConfig; import cn.ykd.actualproject.dao.SettingsDAO; import cn.ykd.actualproject.dao.TaskDAO; import cn.ykd.actualproject.dataobject.TaskDO; import cn.ykd.actualproject.model.Settings; import cn.ykd.actualproject.service.RedisService; import cn.ykd.actualproject.service.TaskManagerService; import cn.ykd.actualproject.service.DownloadService;  import cn.ykd.actualproject.utils.SharedVariables; import com.google.common.util.concurrent.RateLimiter; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;  import java.io.*; import java.net.HttpURLConnection; import java.net.URL; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern;  @Service public class DownloadServiceImpl implements DownloadService {     @Autowired     private TaskManagerService taskManagerService;     @Autowired     private RedisService redisService;     @Autowired     private SettingsDAO settingsDAO;     @Autowired     private UrlConfig urlConfig;     @Autowired     private TaskDAO taskDAO;     private static final Logger LOG= LoggerFactory.getLogger(DownloadServiceImpl.class);     // Secure parallel downloads     private static final ConcurrentHashMap<String,AtomicLong> totalDownloadedBytesMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();     private static final Object lock = new Object(); // Synchronous lock     private static long[] chunkDownloadBytes; // Used to record the number of bytes downloaded per shard     private static long[] chunkDownloadBytesShould; // Used to record the number of bytes that each shard should download      @Override     public boolean download(TaskDO taskDO) {         // Obtain and process raw data         int threadNum = taskDO.getThreads();         String urlString = taskDO.getUrl(); // Get the download address         Settings settings = settingsDAO.get().convertToModel(); // Obtain the setting information         double maxDownloadSpeedMBps  = settings.getMaxDownloadSpeed(); // Get the maximum download speed         if (maxDownloadSpeedMBps<=0) maxDownloadSpeedMBps=100;                String savePath = settings.getDownloadPath(); // Obtain the download save path         String fileName = taskDO.getName(); // Extract the file name from the download address         RateLimiter rateLimiter = RateLimiter.create(maxDownloadSpeedMBps*1024*1024); // One token corresponds to one byte of data         AtomicLong totalDownloadedBytes = new AtomicLong(0); // Used to record the number of bytes downloaded by all threads         totalDownloadedBytesMap.put(taskDO.getId(),totalDownloadedBytes);         try {             // Establish a connection to the download address and get the file size             URL url = new URL(urlString);             HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();             // Get the binary data length of the file             long fileSize = connection.getContentLength();             // Calculate file size (Mb)             double size = (double)fileSize/1024/1024;             taskDO.setPath(settings.getDownloadPath());             taskDO.setSize(String.format("%.2f",size) + " MB");             taskDO.setStatus("Downloading");             taskDAO.update(taskDO);             // Create an output stream of the downloaded file             File outputFile = new File(savePath, fileName);             // Create a thread pool for multithreaded sharding downloads             ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threadNum);             // Calculate the size of each shard             long chunkSize = determineChunkSize(fileSize);             // Number of shards = File size/shard size (rounded up)             long chunkNum = (long)Math.ceil((double) fileSize / (double) chunkSize);             String msg = "fileSize = " + fileSize + ",chunkSize = " + chunkSize + ",chunkNum = " + chunkNum;             LOG.info(msg);             // Record the download start time             long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();             // Record the downloads of each shard             chunkDownloadBytes = new long[(int) chunkNum];             chunkDownloadBytesShould = new long[(int) chunkNum];             // Initialize the state of each shard (True: shards are downloaded False: shards are not downloaded)             redisService.initializeScoreboard(taskDO.getId(),chunkNum);             // Initializes the sp and ep             long[] sp = new long[(int) chunkNum];             long[] ep = new long[(int) chunkNum];             // Submit the download task to the thread pool             for (int i = 0; i < chunkNum; i++) {                 // Gets the number of bytes downloaded by the current shard                 long downloadedBytesOneChunk = chunkDownloadBytes[i];                 // sp indicates the start location of fragment download                 sp[i] = chunkSize * i;                 // ep indicates the end location of fragment download                 ep[i] = (i < chunkNum - 1) ? (sp[i] + chunkSize) - 1 : fileSize - 1;                 chunkDownloadBytesShould[i] = ep[i] - sp[i] + 1;     //                LOG.info("正在下载:" + sp[i] + " -> " + ep[i]);                 // Start the thread pool to perform the fragment download                 executor.submit(new Download(urlString, outputFile.getPath(), sp[i], ep[i],totalDownloadedBytesMap.get(taskDO.getId()),                  downloadedBytesOneChunk,i,rateLimiter,taskDO.getId(),redisService));             }             // Call task management module to synchronize database and sse in real time             taskManagerService.updateDownloadStatus(executor,totalDownloadedBytesMap.get(taskDO.getId()),fileSize,                     taskDO,startTime,outputFile,             chunkNum,chunkSize,chunkDownloadBytes,chunkDownloadBytesShould,rateLimiter,sp,ep);             return true;         }catch (Exception e){             e.printStackTrace();             return false;         }       }      // Inner classes are used to implement the download function     static class Download implements Runnable {         private String fileURL; // File url         private String outputFile; // Output stream file         private long sp; // Download start location         private long ep; // Download end location         private AtomicLong totalDownloadedBytes; // Records the number of bytes downloaded         private long downloadedBytes; // Records the number of bytes actually downloaded by the current fragment         private int chunkId; // Fragment id         private RateLimiter rateLimiter; // Governor         private String taskId; // Task Id         private RedisService redisService; // redis service          public Download(String fileURL, String outputFile, long sp,long ep, AtomicLong totalDownloadedBytes,                         long downloadedBytes,int chunkId,RateLimiter rateLimiter,String taskId,RedisService redisService) {             this.fileURL = fileURL;             this.outputFile = outputFile;             this.sp = sp;             this.ep = ep;             this.totalDownloadedBytes = totalDownloadedBytes;             this.downloadedBytes = downloadedBytes;             this.chunkId = chunkId;             this.rateLimiter = rateLimiter;             this.taskId= taskId;             this.redisService = redisService;         }          @Override         public void run() {             try {                 // Establish a connection to the download address and set the download range                 HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(fileURL).openConnection();                 // Configure the range                 String byteRange = sp + "-" + ep;                 connection.setRequestProperty("Range", "bytes=" + byteRange);                 // Create an input stream                 BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(connection.getInputStream());                 // Create an output stream                 RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(new File(outputFile), "rw");                 synchronized (lock) {                     try {                         raf.seek(sp);                     }catch (IOException e) {                         LOG.error("outputFile定位开始下载位置时出现错误");                         e.printStackTrace();                     }                 }                 // Number of bytes actually read                 int bytesRead;                 // Read 1024 bytes of cache                 byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];                 // Start writing to the file                 while ((bytesRead = in.read(buffer)) != -1) {                     synchronized (lock) {                         // Check whether the task is suspended                         if (SharedVariables.getIsPaused()) {                             raf.close();                             in.close();                             break;                         }                         rateLimiter.acquire(bytesRead);                         raf.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);                         downloadedBytes += bytesRead;                         chunkDownloadBytes[chunkId] = downloadedBytes;                         // Update the scoreboard if the current shard is downloaded                         if (chunkDownloadBytes[chunkId] == chunkDownloadBytesShould[chunkId]) {                             redisService.updateScoreboard(taskId, chunkId);                         }                         totalDownloadedBytes.addAndGet(bytesRead);// Updates the number of downloaded bytes stored in the atomic class                     }                 }                  raf.close();                 in.close();                 connection.disconnect();             } catch (IOException e) {                 e.printStackTrace();             }         }     }       // The shard size is determined by the file size     private int determineChunkSize(long fileSize) {         if (fileSize <= 10 * 1024 * 1024) {             return urlConfig.getMinChunkSize();         } else if (fileSize <= 100 * 1024 * 1024) {             return urlConfig.getMidChunkSize();         } else {             return urlConfig.getMaxChunkSize();         }     } } 





  • 节省带宽和时间:断点续传允许在传输中断或失败时恢复传输,避免重新下载整个文件,节省了带宽和时间。
  • 提高用户体验:用户无需重新开始下载,可以在中断的地方恢复下载,提高了用户体验和满意度。


  • 大文件下载:对于大文件下载,断点续传能够有效减少下载时间和带宽消耗。
  • 不稳定的网络环境:在网络连接不稳定的情况下,比如下载过程中网络中断,当恢复网络时不需要从头开始下载,直接从上次下载中断处开始,断点续传能够保证下载的可靠性和稳定性。





@Override     public List<Long> getScoreboard(String taskId){         List<Long> chunkIds=new ArrayList<>();         Map<String,Boolean> scoreboard=(Map) redisTemplate.opsForHash().get(KEY_CHUNK_HASHMAP,taskId);         scoreboard.forEach((key,value)->{             if (!value){                 chunkIds.add(Long.valueOf(key));             }         });         return chunkIds;     }


LOG.info("正在执行恢复下载操作"); // Obtain the id of the unfinished fragment List<Long> unDownloadedChunkId = redisService.getScoreboard(taskDO.getId()); // Submit the unfinished shard to the thread pool for (int i = 0;i < unDownloadedChunkId.size(); i++) {     // Get the index and ensure a one-to-one correspondence     int index = Math.toIntExact(unDownloadedChunkId.get(i));     long downloadedBytesOneChunk = chunkDownloadBytes[index];     // Obtain the sp and ep of the remaining fragments     long resumeSp = sp[index] + chunkDownloadBytes[index];     long resumeEp = ep[index]; // LOG.info("剩余的第" + index + "个分片正在下载" + resumeSp + "->" + resumeEp);      newExecutor.submit(new DownloadServiceImpl.Download(urlString,outputFile.getPath(),resumeSp,                                     resumeEp,totalDownloadedBytes,                                     downloadedBytesOneChunk,index,rateLimiter,taskDO.getId(),redisService));




RateLimiter基于令牌桶算法(Token Bucket)实现。它维护了一个稳定的速率(rate),以及一个令牌桶,令牌桶中的令牌数量代表了当前可用的请求次数。当有请求到来时,RateLimiter会根据当前的令牌桶状态来决定是否立即执行请求,或者需要等待一段时间后再执行。

<!-- Guava限流 --> <dependency>    <groupId>com.google.guava</groupId>    <artifactId>guava</artifactId>    <version>18.0</version> </dependency>


  • 创建RateLimiter对象:通过RateLimiter类的静态工厂方法来创建RateLimiter对象,传入一个速率参数(这里限速的单位是MB/s)。
RateLimiter rateLimiter = RateLimiter.create(maxDownloadSpeedMBps*1024*1024); // One token corresponds to one byte of data
  • 请求令牌:调用RateLimiter的acquire(bytesRead)方法来请求bytesRead个令牌,该方法会阻塞当前线程直到获取到令牌为止。
// Number of bytes actually read int bytesRead; // Read 1024 bytes of cache byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; // Start writing to the file while ((bytesRead = in.read(buffer)) != -1) {       synchronized (lock) {                // Check whether the task is suspended                   if (SharedVariables.getIsPaused()) {                       raf.close();                       in.close();                       break;                    }                    rateLimiter.acquire(bytesRead);                    raf.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);                    downloadedBytes += bytesRead;                    chunkDownloadBytes[chunkId] = downloadedBytes;                    // Update the scoreboard if the current shard is downloaded                    if (chunkDownloadBytes[chunkId] == chunkDownloadBytesShould[chunkId]) {                             redisService.updateScoreboard(taskId, chunkId);                         }                    totalDownloadedBytes.addAndGet(bytesRead);// Updates the number of downloaded bytes stored in the atomic class                     } }





if (SharedVariables.getIsPaused()) {      raf.close();      in.close();      break; }


// Pause download     private void pauseDownload(ExecutorService executor) {         SharedVariables.setIsPaused(true);         // If downloading for the first time         executor.shutdownNow();         // Until the download thread closes         while (!executor.isTerminated()) {             try {                 Thread.sleep(200);             } catch (InterruptedException e) {                 throw new RuntimeException(e);             }         }         LOG.info("任务已暂停");         // Reset is Pause         SharedVariables.setIsPaused(false);     }


while (status == null) {     try {            Thread.sleep(500);            status = redisSubscribersTaskOptions.getOptionsForId(taskDO.getId());          } catch (InterruptedException | NullPointerException e) {                   throw new RuntimeException(e);          }                         LOG.info("暂停下载任务,线程阻塞中"); }


package cn.ykd.actualproject.service.impl;  import cn.ykd.actualproject.dao.TaskDAO; import cn.ykd.actualproject.dataobject.TaskDO; import cn.ykd.actualproject.service.DownloadService; import cn.ykd.actualproject.service.RedisService; import cn.ykd.actualproject.service.TaskManagerService; import cn.ykd.actualproject.utils.SharedVariables; import com.google.common.util.concurrent.RateLimiter; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.data.redis.core.RedisTemplate; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;  import java.io.File; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;  @Service public class TaskManagerServiceImpl implements TaskManagerService {     @Autowired     private TaskDAO taskDAO;     @Autowired     private RedisSubscribersTaskOptions redisSubscribersTaskOptions;     @Autowired     private DownloadService downloadService;     @Autowired     private RedisService redisService;     @Autowired     private RedisTemplate redisTemplate;     @Autowired     private RedisSubscribersThreads redisSubscribersThreads;     private static final String KEY_MESSAGE_PARALLEL_DOWNLOAD = "DOWNLOAD_THREAD_QUEUE";     private static final String KEY_CHUNK_HASHMAP = "CHUNK_HASHMAP";     private static final Logger LOG= LoggerFactory.getLogger(TaskManagerServiceImpl.class);     @Override     public void updateDownloadStatus(ExecutorService executor, AtomicLong totalDownloadedBytes, long fileSize,                                      TaskDO taskDO, long startTime, File outputFile,long chunkNum,long chunkSize,                                      long[] chunkDownloadBytes,long[] chunkDownloadBytesShould,RateLimiter rateLimiter,                                      long[] sp,long[] ep) {          ExecutorService statusUpdater = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();         ExecutorService newExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(taskDO.getThreads());         String urlString = taskDO.getUrl();         statusUpdater.submit(() -> {             while (true) {                 long downloadedBytes = totalDownloadedBytes.get();                 long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();                 long elapsedTime = currentTime - startTime;                 double downloadSpeedMBps = (downloadedBytes / 1024.0 / 1024.0) / (elapsedTime / 1000.0);                 int remainingTimeSeconds = (int) (((fileSize - downloadedBytes) / 1024.0 / 1024.0) / downloadSpeedMBps);                 int progressPercent = (int) ((downloadedBytes / (fileSize * 1.0)) * 100);                 ThreadPoolExecutor threadPoolExecutor = (ThreadPoolExecutor) executor;                 threadPoolExecutor.setMaximumPoolSize(10);                 Integer threadNum =  redisSubscribersThreads.getThreadsForId(taskDO.getId());                 if (threadNum != null) {                     threadPoolExecutor.setCorePoolSize(threadNum); // Dynamically resize thread pools                 }                  String msg = "id = " + taskDO.getId() + ",剩余时间 = " + remainingTimeSeconds + "s," +                         "下载速度 = " + String.format("%.2f",downloadSpeedMBps) + "MB/s,下载进度 = " + progressPercent;                 LOG.info(msg);                 // Download speed is converted to a string                 String downloadSpeedStr = String.format("%.2f MB/s", downloadSpeedMBps);                 // Update database and synchronize sse                 int isUpdate = taskDAO.updateDownloadProgress(taskDO.getId(), downloadSpeedStr, remainingTimeSeconds,                         progressPercent);                 /*                     Delete: The update fails, that is, isUpdate == 0 is triggered                     step1: Close all download threads                     step2: Delete the local file                  */                 if (isUpdate == 0) {                     LOG.info("正在执行删除任务操作");                     pauseDownload(executor);                     deleteFile(outputFile);                     deleteRedisInfo(taskDO);                     statusUpdater.shutdown();                     break;                 }                 // Get task status                 String status = redisSubscribersTaskOptions.getOptionsForId(taskDO.getId());                  /**                  * PAUSE download: Triggered when the task obtained from redis is in Pause state                  * step1: Close all download threads                  * step2: Update the scoreboard                  */                 if (status != null && status.equals("Pause")) {                     LOG.info("正在执行暂停下载操作");                     pauseDownload(executor);                     status = null;                     // Do not exit the loop until the task state changes                     while (status == null) {                         try {                             Thread.sleep(500);                             status = redisSubscribersTaskOptions.getOptionsForId(taskDO.getId());                         } catch (InterruptedException | NullPointerException e) {                             throw new RuntimeException(e);                         }                         LOG.info("暂停下载任务,线程阻塞中");                     }                      // After a task is suspended, you can delete it, resume downloading it, and download it again                     if (status.equals("Delete")) {                         LOG.info("正在执行删除任务操作");                         deleteFile(outputFile);                         deleteRedisInfo(taskDO);                         statusUpdater.shutdown();                         break;                     }else if (status.equals("Resume")) {                         /*                         RESUME download: triggered when the status of the task obtained from redis is Resume                         Step p1: Obtain the undownloaded fragment Id from redis                         step2: Enumerate all ids in step1, and recalculate sp and ep.(sp = original sp + number of                                bytes downloaded before the current fragment is paused, ep remains unchanged)                         step3: Submit to the download thread pool and recurse the updateDownloadStatus method                      */                         LOG.info("正在执行恢复下载操作");                         // Obtain the id of the unfinished fragment                         List<Long> unDownloadedChunkId = redisService.getScoreboard(taskDO.getId());                         // Submit the unfinished shard to the thread pool                         for (int i = 0;i < unDownloadedChunkId.size(); i++) {                             // Get the index and ensure a one-to-one correspondence                             int index = Math.toIntExact(unDownloadedChunkId.get(i));                             long downloadedBytesOneChunk = chunkDownloadBytes[index];                             // Obtain the sp and ep of the remaining fragments                             long resumeSp = sp[index] + chunkDownloadBytes[index];                             long resumeEp = ep[index];                         // LOG.info("剩余的第" + index + "个分片正在下载" + resumeSp + "->" + resumeEp);                             newExecutor.submit(new DownloadServiceImpl.Download(urlString,outputFile.getPath(),resumeSp,                                     resumeEp,totalDownloadedBytes,                                     downloadedBytesOneChunk,index,rateLimiter,taskDO.getId(),redisService));                         }                         // Get the real-time status of the task                         updateDownloadStatus(newExecutor,totalDownloadedBytes,fileSize,taskDO,startTime,outputFile,                                 chunkNum,chunkSize,chunkDownloadBytes,chunkDownloadBytesShould,rateLimiter,sp,ep);                         statusUpdater.shutdown();                         break;                     }else {                         refreshDownload(taskDO,executor,statusUpdater,outputFile);                         break;                     }                 }                   /**                  * Re-download: triggered when the task status obtained from redis is REFRESH                  * step1: Close all download threads                  * step2: Delete the local file                  * step3: Recursive download method                  */                 if (status != null && status.equals("Refresh")) {                     // Pause download                     SharedVariables.setIsPaused(true);                     executor.shutdownNow();                     while (!executor.isTerminated()) {                         try {                             Thread.sleep(200);                         } catch (InterruptedException e) {                             throw new RuntimeException(e);                         }                     }                     // reDownload                     refreshDownload(taskDO,executor,statusUpdater,outputFile);                     break;                 }                  // File download complete                 if (downloadedBytes == fileSize) {                     deleteRedisInfo(taskDO);                     LOG.info("文件下载完成. 文件保存为: " + outputFile.getAbsolutePath());                     totalDownloadedBytes.set(0);                     // Close the fragment download thread pool                     executor.shutdown();                     // Close the update status thread pool                     statusUpdater.shutdown();                     LOG.info("所有线程关闭");                     break;                 }                 try {                     Thread.sleep(500); // Update every 1 second                 } catch (InterruptedException e) {                     LOG.info(Thread.currentThread().getName()+"被中断了");                 }              }         });      }        // Delete redis information     private void deleteRedisInfo(TaskDO taskDO) {         // Delete task status         if (redisTemplate.opsForHash().delete(RedisProducer.OPTIONS_KEY,taskDO.getId())!=0L){             LOG.info(taskDO.getId()+"任务状态已删除");         }         // Delete thread instance         if(redisTemplate.opsForHash().delete(KEY_MESSAGE_PARALLEL_DOWNLOAD, taskDO.getId())!=0L){             LOG.info(taskDO.getId()+"并行线程已删除");         }         // Delete the task scoreboard         if(redisTemplate.opsForHash().delete(KEY_CHUNK_HASHMAP,taskDO.getId())!=0L){             LOG.info(taskDO.getId()+"任务记分牌已删除");         }     }     // Pause download     private void pauseDownload(ExecutorService executor) {         SharedVariables.setIsPaused(true);         // If downloading for the first time         executor.shutdownNow();         // Until the download thread closes         while (!executor.isTerminated()) {             try {                 Thread.sleep(200);             } catch (InterruptedException e) {                 throw new RuntimeException(e);             }         }         LOG.info("任务已暂停");         // Reset is Pause         SharedVariables.setIsPaused(false);     }     // reDownload     private void refreshDownload(TaskDO taskDO,ExecutorService executor,ExecutorService statusUpdater,File outputFile) {         LOG.info("正在执行重新下载操作");         LOG.info("线程关闭中");         if (executor.isTerminated()) {             LOG.info("所有线程已关闭");             deleteFile(outputFile);             SharedVariables.setIsPaused(false);         }         downloadService.download(taskDO);         statusUpdater.shutdown();     }     // Delete temporary files     private void deleteFile(File outputFile) {         if (outputFile.delete()) {             LOG.info("文件已删除");         }else {             LOG.info("文件删除失败,请手动删除");         }     } } 


