


When we travel or shop in China, we often use Yuan as the currency. It is a good idea to know how to write a specific amount of Yuan in English so that we can easily communicate with people from other countries. In this guide, we will focus on how to write 29 Yuan in English.

Understanding the Currency System in China

Before we proceed, it is essential to understand how the currency system works in China. The official currency is called Renminbi (RMB), and Yuan is the basic unit of Renminbi. One Yuan is divided into 10 Jiao and 100 Fen. Hence, 1 Jiao is equal to 0.1 Yuan, and 1 Fen is equal to 0.01 Yuan.

Writing 29 Yuan in English

Now that we know the basics, let's move on to write 29 Yuan in English. To do this, we need to start with the amount in numerals, followed by the currency name (Yuan). Here are a few ways to write 29 Yuan in English:

Twenty-nine Yuan


CNY 29

29 RMB

Using the Right Currency Symbols

In English, we use different currency symbols based on the country. For China, the currency symbol is the Chinese character for Yuan (¥). Hence, when we write 29 Yuan in English, we use the symbol ¥ before the amount.

In some cases, we may also use the International Standard Organization (ISO) currency code, which is CNY for Renminbi. This code is used globally to refer to the Chinese currency in financial and banking transactions.


Knowing how to write a specific amount in the local currency is essential when we travel or shop in foreign countries. In this guide, we have seen how to write 29 Yuan in English using the correct currency symbol and ISO code. By following these guidelines, we can ensure accurate communication and avoid confusion.

