【DataSophon】DataSophon1.2.1 ranger usersync整合





2.1 ranger-usersync包下载编译

2.2 构建压缩包

2.3 编辑元数据文件

2.4 修改源码



如下是DDP1.2.1默认有的rangerAdmin, 我们需要将rangerusersync整合进来 ,实现将Linux机器上的用户和组信息同步到RangerAdmin的数据库中进行管理。


2.1 ranger-usersync包下载编译



自己编译 或者网上下载


Apache Ranger - Download Apache Ranger?




权限管理Ranger详解_大数据权限管理利器 - ranger-CSDN博客

2.2 构建压缩包

将ranger-usersync安装包集成到ranger组件中重新打包,如下是ranger admin包和ranger-usersync包。

# 解压ranger组件原有包 tar -zxvf ranger-2.1.0.tar.gz cd ranger-2.1.0  # 将编译好的的sync安装包解压到当前目录 tar -zxvf ranger-2.1.0-usersync.tar.gz ./ cd ranger-2.1.0-usersync vim ranger_usersync.sh
#!/bin/bash  # 获取脚本当前目录 current_path=$(dirname "$0")  # 使用说明 usage="Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart}"  start(){     echo "ranger userSync start"     sh "$current_path/ranger-usersync" start     if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then         echo "ranger userSync start success"     else         echo "ranger userSync start failed"         exit 1     fi }  stop(){     echo "ranger userSync stop"     sh "$current_path/ranger-usersync" stop     if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then         echo "ranger userSync stop success"     else         echo "ranger userSync stop failed"         exit 1     fi }  status(){     process_name="UnixAuthenticationService"      # 使用 pgrep 命令检测进程是否存在     pgrep -f "$process_name" > /dev/null      if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then         echo "进程 $process_name 存在"         exit 0     else         echo "进程 $process_name 不存在"         exit 1     fi }  restart(){     echo "ranger userSync restart"     sh "$current_path/ranger-usersync" restart     if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then         echo "ranger userSync restart success"     else         echo "ranger userSync restart failed"         exit 1     fi }  # 处理参数 startStop=$1  case $startStop in     start)         start         ;;     stop)         stop         ;;     status)         status         ;;     restart)         restart         ;;     *)         echo "$usage"         exit 1         ;; esac  echo "End $startStop ranger userSync"


tar -zcvf ranger-2.1.0.tar.gz ranger-2.1.0 md5sum ranger-2.1.0.tar.gz echo '756fa828e02d8f890ca2165d237ef487' > ranger-2.1.0.tar.gz.md5 cp ranger-2.1.0.tar.gz ranger-2.1.0.tar.gz.md5 /opt/datasophon/DDP/packages/

2.3 编辑元数据文件


vim /opt/datasophon/DDP/packages/datasophon-manager-1.2.1/conf/meta/DDP-1.2.1/RANGER/service_ddl.json
{   "name": "RANGER",   "label": "Ranger",   "description": "权限控制框架",   "version": "2.1.0",   "sortNum": 10,   "dependencies":[],   "packageName": "ranger-2.1.0.tar.gz",   "decompressPackageName": "ranger-2.1.0",   "roles": [     {       "name": "RangerAdmin",       "label": "RangerAdmin",       "roleType": "master",       "cardinality": "1",       "logFile": "/var/log/ranger/admin/ranger-admin-${host}-root.log",       "jmxPort": 6081,       "sortNum": 1,       "startRunner": {         "timeout": "60",         "program": "bin/ranger_admin.sh",         "args": [           "start"         ]       },       "stopRunner": {         "timeout": "600",         "program": "bin/ranger_admin.sh",         "args": [           "stop"         ]       },       "statusRunner": {         "timeout": "60",         "program": "bin/ranger_admin.sh",         "args": [           "status"         ]       },       "externalLink": {         "name": "RangerAdmin Ui",         "label": "RangerAdmin Ui",         "url": "http://${host}:6080"       }     },     {       "name": "RangerUsersync",       "label": "RangerUsersync",       "roleType": "master",       "runAs": {         "user": "root",         "group": "root"       },       "cardinality": "1",       "logFile": "ranger-2.1.0-usersync/logs/usersync-${host}-ranger.log",       "jmxPort": "",       "sortNum": 2,       "startRunner": {         "timeout": "60",         "program": "ranger-2.1.0-usersync/ranger_usersync.sh",         "args": [           "start"         ]       },       "stopRunner": {         "timeout": "600",         "program": "ranger-2.1.0-usersync/ranger_usersync.sh",         "args": [           "stop"         ]       },       "statusRunner": {         "timeout": "60",         "program": "ranger-2.1.0-usersync/ranger_usersync.sh",         "args": [           "status"         ]       },       "restartRunner": {         "timeout": "60",         "program": "ranger-2.1.0-usersync/ranger_usersync.sh",         "args": [           "restart"         ]       }     }   ],   "configWriter": {     "generators": [       {         "filename": "install.properties",         "configFormat": "custom",         "templateName": "ranger-install.ftl",         "outputDirectory": "",         "includeParams": [           "rootPassword",           "dbHost",           "database",           "rangerUser",           "rangerPassword",           "rangerAdminUrl",           "enableHDFSPlugin",           "enableHIVEPlugin",           "enableHBASEPlugin",           "spnegoPrincipal",           "spnegoKeytab",           "adminPrincipal",           "adminKeytab",           "hadoopHome",           "rangerHome"         ]       },       {         "filename": "install.properties1",         "configFormat": "custom",         "templateName": "ranger-usersync-install.ftl",         "outputDirectory": "ranger-2.1.0-usersync",         "includeParams": [           "rangerAdminUrl",           "adminPrincipal",           "adminKeytab",           "hadoopHome",           "syncInterval"         ]       }     ]   },   "parameters": [     {       "name": "rootPassword",       "label": "数据库root用户密码",       "description": "",       "required": true,       "configType": "map",       "type": "input",       "value": "",       "configurableInWizard": true,       "hidden": false,       "defaultValue": "123456"     },     {       "name": "dbHost",       "label": "数据库地址",       "description": "",       "required": true,       "configType": "map",       "type": "input",       "value": "",       "configurableInWizard": true,       "hidden": false,       "defaultValue": "${apiHost}"     },{       "name": "database",       "label": "数据库名",       "description": "",       "required": true,       "configType": "map",       "type": "input",       "value": "",       "configurableInWizard": true,       "hidden": false,       "defaultValue": "ranger"     },     {       "name": "rangerUser",       "label": "Ranger数据库用户",       "description": "",       "required": true,       "configType": "map",       "type": "input",       "value": "",       "configurableInWizard": true,       "hidden": false,       "defaultValue": "ranger"     },{       "name": "rangerPassword",       "label": "Ranger数据库密码",       "description": "",       "required": true,       "configType": "map",       "type": "input",       "value": "",       "configurableInWizard": true,       "hidden": false,       "defaultValue": "ranger"     },     {       "name": "rangerAdminUrl",       "label": "Ranger访问地址",       "description": "",       "required": true,       "configType": "map",       "type": "input",       "value": "",       "configurableInWizard": true,       "hidden": false,       "defaultValue": "${rangerAdminUrl}"     },     {       "name": "enableHDFSPlugin",       "label": "启用HDFS Ranger插件",       "description": "",       "required": true,       "type": "switch",       "value": false,       "configurableInWizard": true,       "hidden": false,       "defaultValue": false     },     {       "name": "enableHIVEPlugin",       "label": "启用Hive Ranger插件",       "description": "",       "required": true,       "type": "switch",       "value": false,       "configurableInWizard": true,       "hidden": false,       "defaultValue": false     },     {       "name": "enableHBASEPlugin",       "label": "启用Hbase Ranger插件",       "description": "",       "required": true,       "type": "switch",       "value": false,       "configurableInWizard": true,       "hidden": false,       "defaultValue": false     },     {       "name": "enableKerberos",       "label": "开启Kerberos认证",       "description": "开启Kerberos认证",       "required": false,       "type": "switch",       "value": false,       "configurableInWizard": true,       "hidden": true,       "defaultValue": false     },     {       "name": "spnegoPrincipal",       "label": "Spnego Principal",       "description": "",       "configWithKerberos": true,       "required": false,       "configType": "map",       "type": "input",       "value": "HTTP/${host}@HADOOP.COM",       "configurableInWizard": true,       "hidden": true,       "defaultValue": "HTTP/${host}@HADOOP.COM"     },     {       "name": "spnegoKeytab",       "label": "Spnego Keytab",       "description": "",       "configWithKerberos": true,       "required": false,       "configType": "map",       "type": "input",       "value": "/etc/security/keytab/spnego.service.keytab",       "configurableInWizard": true,       "hidden": true,       "defaultValue": "/etc/security/keytab/spnego.service.keytab"     },     {       "name": "adminPrincipal",       "label": "Ranger Admin Principal",       "description": "",       "configWithKerberos": true,       "required": false,       "configType": "map",       "type": "input",       "value": "rangeradmin/${host}@HADOOP.COM",       "configurableInWizard": true,       "hidden": true,       "defaultValue": "rangeradmin/${host}@HADOOP.COM"     },     {       "name": "adminKeytab",       "label": "Ranger Admin Keytab",       "description": "",       "configWithKerberos": true,       "required": false,       "configType": "map",       "type": "input",       "value": "/etc/security/keytab/rangeradmin.keytab",       "configurableInWizard": true,       "hidden": true,       "defaultValue": "/etc/security/keytab/rangeradmin.keytab"     },     {       "name": "hadoopHome",       "label": "HADOOP_HOME",       "description": "",       "configWithKerberos": true,       "required": true,       "configType": "map",       "type": "input",       "value": "${HADOOP_HOME}",       "configurableInWizard": true,       "hidden": true,       "defaultValue": "${HADOOP_HOME}"     },     {       "name": "rangerHome",       "label": "RANGER_HOME",       "description": "",       "required": true,       "configType": "map",       "type": "input",       "value": "${RANGER_HOME}",       "configurableInWizard": true,       "hidden": false,       "defaultValue": "${RANGER_HOME}"     },     {       "name": "syncInterval",       "label": "SYNC_INTERVAL",       "description": "userSync同步间隔时间,单位(分钟)",       "required": true,       "configType": "map",       "type": "input",       "value": "1",       "configurableInWizard": true,       "hidden": false,       "defaultValue": "1"     }   ] } 


vim /opt/datasophon/datasophon-worker/conf/templates/ranger-usersync-install.ftl

ranger配置文件 install.properties ,使用了 SYNC_SOURCE = unix

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at # #     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License.  # The base path for the usersync process ranger_base_dir = /etc/ranger  # # The following URL should be the base URL for connecting to the policy manager web application # For example: # #  POLICY_MGR_URL = http://policymanager.xasecure.net:6080 # POLICY_MGR_URL = ${rangerAdminUrl}  # sync source,  only unix and ldap are supported at present # defaults to unix SYNC_SOURCE = unix  # # Minimum Unix User-id to start SYNC. # This should avoid creating UNIX system-level users in the Policy Manager # MIN_UNIX_USER_ID_TO_SYNC = 500  # Minimum Unix Group-id to start SYNC. # This should avoid creating UNIX system-level users in the Policy Manager # MIN_UNIX_GROUP_ID_TO_SYNC = 500  # sync interval in minutes # user, groups would be synced again at the end of each sync interval # defaults to 5   if SYNC_SOURCE is unix # defaults to 360 if SYNC_SOURCE is ldap SYNC_INTERVAL = ${syncInterval}  #User and group for the usersync process unix_user=ranger unix_group=ranger  #change password of rangerusersync user. Please note that this password should be as per rangerusersync user in ranger rangerUsersync_password=admin123  #Set to run in kerberos environment usersync_principal=<#if adminPrincipal??>${adminPrincipal}</#if> usersync_keytab=<#if adminKeytab??>${adminKeytab}</#if> hadoop_conf=${hadoopHome}/etc/hadoop/conf # # The file where all credential is kept in cryptic format # CRED_KEYSTORE_FILENAME=/etc/ranger/usersync/conf/rangerusersync.jceks  # SSL Authentication AUTH_SSL_ENABLED=false AUTH_SSL_KEYSTORE_FILE=/etc/ranger/usersync/conf/cert/unixauthservice.jks AUTH_SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD=UnIx529p AUTH_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_FILE= AUTH_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD=  # --------------------------------------------------------------- # The following properties are relevant only if SYNC_SOURCE = ldap # ---------------------------------------------------------------  # The below properties ROLE_ASSIGNMENT_LIST_DELIMITER, USERS_GROUPS_ASSIGNMENT_LIST_DELIMITER, USERNAME_GROUPNAME_ASSIGNMENT_LIST_DELIMITER, #and GROUP_BASED_ROLE_ASSIGNMENT_RULES can be used to assign role to LDAP synced users and groups #NOTE all the delimiters should have different values and the delimiters should not contain characters that are allowed in userName or GroupName  # default value ROLE_ASSIGNMENT_LIST_DELIMITER = & ROLE_ASSIGNMENT_LIST_DELIMITER = &  #default value USERS_GROUPS_ASSIGNMENT_LIST_DELIMITER = : USERS_GROUPS_ASSIGNMENT_LIST_DELIMITER = :  #default value USERNAME_GROUPNAME_ASSIGNMENT_LIST_DELIMITER = , USERNAME_GROUPNAME_ASSIGNMENT_LIST_DELIMITER = ,  # with above mentioned delimiters a sample value would be ROLE_SYS_ADMIN:u:userName1,userName2&ROLE_SYS_ADMIN:g:groupName1,groupName2&ROLE_KEY_ADMIN:u:userName&ROLE_KEY_ADMIN:g:groupName&ROLE_USER:u:userName3,userName4&ROLE_USER:g:groupName3 #&ROLE_ADMIN_AUDITOR:u:userName&ROLE_KEY_ADMIN_AUDITOR:u:userName&ROLE_KEY_ADMIN_AUDITOR:g:groupName&ROLE_ADMIN_AUDITOR:g:groupName GROUP_BASED_ROLE_ASSIGNMENT_RULES =  # URL of source ldap # a sample value would be:  ldap://ldap.example.com:389 # Must specify a value if SYNC_SOURCE is ldap SYNC_LDAP_URL =  # ldap bind dn used to connect to ldap and query for users and groups # a sample value would be cn=admin,ou=users,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org # Must specify a value if SYNC_SOURCE is ldap SYNC_LDAP_BIND_DN =  # ldap bind password for the bind dn specified above # please ensure read access to this file  is limited to root, to protect the password # Must specify a value if SYNC_SOURCE is ldap # unless anonymous search is allowed by the directory on users and group SYNC_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD =  # ldap delta sync flag used to periodically sync users and groups based on the updates in the server # please customize the value to suit your deployment # default value is set to true when is SYNC_SOURCE is ldap SYNC_LDAP_DELTASYNC =  # search base for users and groups # sample value would be dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org SYNC_LDAP_SEARCH_BASE =  # search base for users # sample value would be ou=users,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org # overrides value specified in SYNC_LDAP_SEARCH_BASE SYNC_LDAP_USER_SEARCH_BASE =   # search scope for the users, only base, one and sub are supported values # please customize the value to suit your deployment # default value: sub SYNC_LDAP_USER_SEARCH_SCOPE = sub  # objectclass to identify user entries # please customize the value to suit your deployment # default value: person SYNC_LDAP_USER_OBJECT_CLASS = person  # optional additional filter constraining the users selected for syncing # a sample value would be (dept=eng) # please customize the value to suit your deployment # default value is empty SYNC_LDAP_USER_SEARCH_FILTER =  # attribute from user entry that would be treated as user name # please customize the value to suit your deployment # default value: cn SYNC_LDAP_USER_NAME_ATTRIBUTE = cn  # attribute from user entry whose values would be treated as # group values to be pushed into Policy Manager database # You could provide multiple attribute names separated by comma # default value: memberof, ismemberof SYNC_LDAP_USER_GROUP_NAME_ATTRIBUTE = memberof,ismemberof # # UserSync - Case Conversion Flags # possible values:  none, lower, upper SYNC_LDAP_USERNAME_CASE_CONVERSION=lower SYNC_LDAP_GROUPNAME_CASE_CONVERSION=lower  #user sync log path logdir=logs #/var/log/ranger/usersync  # PID DIR PATH USERSYNC_PID_DIR_PATH=/var/run/ranger  # do we want to do ldapsearch to find groups instead of relying on user entry attributes # valid values: true, false # any value other than true would be treated as false # default value: false SYNC_GROUP_SEARCH_ENABLED=  # do we want to do ldapsearch to find groups instead of relying on user entry attributes and # sync memberships of those groups # valid values: true, false # any value other than true would be treated as false # default value: false SYNC_GROUP_USER_MAP_SYNC_ENABLED=  # search base for groups # sample value would be ou=groups,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org # overrides value specified in SYNC_LDAP_SEARCH_BASE,  SYNC_LDAP_USER_SEARCH_BASE # if a value is not specified, takes the value of  SYNC_LDAP_SEARCH_BASE # if  SYNC_LDAP_SEARCH_BASE is also not specified, takes the value of SYNC_LDAP_USER_SEARCH_BASE SYNC_GROUP_SEARCH_BASE=  # search scope for the groups, only base, one and sub are supported values # please customize the value to suit your deployment # default value: sub SYNC_GROUP_SEARCH_SCOPE=  # objectclass to identify group entries # please customize the value to suit your deployment # default value: groupofnames SYNC_GROUP_OBJECT_CLASS=  # optional additional filter constraining the groups selected for syncing # a sample value would be (dept=eng) # please customize the value to suit your deployment # default value is empty SYNC_LDAP_GROUP_SEARCH_FILTER=  # attribute from group entry that would be treated as group name # please customize the value to suit your deployment # default value: cn SYNC_GROUP_NAME_ATTRIBUTE=  # attribute from group entry that is list of members # please customize the value to suit your deployment # default value: member SYNC_GROUP_MEMBER_ATTRIBUTE_NAME=  # do we want to use paged results control during ldapsearch for user entries # valid values: true, false # any value other than true would be treated as false # default value: true # if the value is false, typical AD would not return more than 1000 entries SYNC_PAGED_RESULTS_ENABLED=  # page size for paged results control # search results would be returned page by page with the specified number of entries per page # default value: 500 SYNC_PAGED_RESULTS_SIZE= #LDAP context referral could be ignore or follow SYNC_LDAP_REFERRAL = ignore  # if you want to enable or disable jvm metrics for usersync process # valid values: true, false # any value other than true would be treated as false # default value: false # if the value is false, jvm metrics is not created JVM_METRICS_ENABLED=  # filename of jvm metrics created for usersync process # default value: ranger_usersync_metric.json JVM_METRICS_FILENAME=  #file directory for jvm metrics # default value : logdir JVM_METRICS_FILEPATH=  #frequency for jvm metrics to be updated # default value : 10000 milliseconds JVM_METRICS_FREQUENCY_TIME_IN_MILLIS= 

2.4 修改源码


/*  *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more  *  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with  *  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.  *  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0  *  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with  *  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at  *  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0  *  *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software  *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,  *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and  *  limitations under the License.  */  package com.datasophon.worker.strategy;  import cn.hutool.core.io.FileUtil; import com.datasophon.common.Constants; import com.datasophon.common.cache.CacheUtils; import com.datasophon.common.command.ServiceRoleOperateCommand; import com.datasophon.common.enums.CommandType; import com.datasophon.common.utils.ExecResult; import com.datasophon.common.utils.ShellUtils; import com.datasophon.worker.handler.ServiceHandler; import com.datasophon.worker.utils.KerberosUtils;  import java.util.ArrayList;  public class RangerAdminHandlerStrategy extends AbstractHandlerStrategy implements ServiceRoleStrategy {      public RangerAdminHandlerStrategy(String serviceName, String serviceRoleName) {         super(serviceName, serviceRoleName);     }      @Override     public ExecResult handler(ServiceRoleOperateCommand command) {         String workPath = Constants.INSTALL_PATH + Constants.SLASH + command.getDecompressPackageName();         ExecResult startResult = new ExecResult();         ServiceHandler serviceHandler = new ServiceHandler(command.getServiceName(), command.getServiceRoleName());          if (command.getEnableKerberos()) {             logger.info("start to get ranger keytab file");             String hostname = CacheUtils.getString(Constants.HOSTNAME);             KerberosUtils.createKeytabDir();             if (!FileUtil.exist("/etc/security/keytab/spnego.service.keytab")) {                 KerberosUtils.downloadKeytabFromMaster("HTTP/" + hostname, "spnego.service.keytab");             }             if (!FileUtil.exist("/etc/security/keytab/rangeradmin.keytab")) {                 KerberosUtils.downloadKeytabFromMaster("rangeradmin/" + hostname, "rangeradmin.keytab");             }         }          if (command.getCommandType().equals(CommandType.INSTALL_SERVICE) && command.getServiceRoleName().equals("RangerUsersync")) {             ShellUtils.exceShell("mv " + workPath + "/ranger-2.1.0-usersync/install.properties1 " + workPath + "/ranger-2.1.0-usersync/install.properties");             ShellUtils.exceShell("chmod 755 " + workPath + "/ranger-2.1.0-usersync/install.properties");              logger.info("setup ranger user sync");             ArrayList<String> commands = new ArrayList<>();             commands.add("sh");             commands.add("./setup.sh");             ExecResult execResult = ShellUtils.execWithStatus(workPath + "/ranger-2.1.0-usersync", commands, 300L, logger);             if (execResult.getExecResult()) {                 logger.info("setup ranger user sync success");             } else {                 logger.info("setup ranger user sync failed");                 return execResult;             }              ShellUtils.exceShell("sed -i '/<name>ranger\\.usersync\\.enabled<\\/name>/{n;s/<value>false<\\/value>/<value>true<\\/value>/}' "                     + workPath +                     "/ranger-2.1.0-usersync/conf/ranger-ugsync-site.xml");             startResult = serviceHandler.start(command.getStartRunner(), command.getStatusRunner(),                     command.getDecompressPackageName(), command.getRunAs());         } else {             startResult = serviceHandler.start(command.getStartRunner(), command.getStatusRunner(),                     command.getDecompressPackageName(), command.getRunAs());         }          return startResult;     }  } 


map.put("RangerUsersync", new RangerAdminHandlerStrategy("RANGER", "RangerUsersync"));

datasophon-worker jar包更新

mv datasophon-worker-1.2.1.jar      /opt/datasophon/datasophon-worker/lib/





选择"settings"我们可以看到linux 上的用户已同步成功。

