Vue结合Element UI的el-table打造加工工序甘特图可视化解决方案



在玻璃加工行业,高效管理切割、磨边、洗、钢化、丝印等复杂工序对于提升生产效率至关重要。本文将介绍如何利用Vue.js框架结合Element UI组件库,自定义实现一个工序甘特图,以可视化展示各道工序的时间线与进度,为生产调度带来便利。



Vue结合Element UI的el-table打造加工工序甘特图可视化解决方案




Vue结合Element UI的el-table打造加工工序甘特图可视化解决方案




<template>   <div class="home group">     <el-card       :span="24"       :xs="24"       class="box-card"       id="boxCard"       ref="tableBox"       append-to-body     >       <el-row>         <el-col :span="1.5" style="margin-right: 10px">           <el-button             type="primary"             plain             icon="el-icon-view"             size="mini"             @click.native="switchView"             >切换视图</el-button           >         </el-col>         <el-col :span="1.5" style="margin-right: 10px">           <el-button             type="primary"             plain             icon="el-icon-s-tools"             size="mini"             @click.native="startSchedulingProductionFun"             >开始排产</el-button           >         </el-col>         <el-col :span="1.5" style="margin-right: 10px">           <el-button             type="primary"             plain             icon="el-icon-s-tools"             size="mini"             @click.native="proposalFun"             >负荷调整建议</el-button           >         </el-col>         <el-col :span="1.5" style="margin-right: 10px">           <el-button type="primary" plain size="mini" icon="el-icon-document"             >查看物料到货计划</el-button           >         </el-col>         <el-col :span="1.5" style="margin-right: 10px">           <el-button type="primary" plain size="mini" icon="el-icon-upload2"             >导出</el-button           >         </el-col>         <el-col :span="1.5" style="margin-right: 10px">           <el-button type="primary" plain icon="el-icon-printer" size="mini"             >打印</el-button           >         </el-col>         <el-col :span="1.5" style="margin-right: 10px">           <el-button type="primary" plain icon="el-icon-lock" size="mini"             >锁定排产</el-button           >         </el-col>         <el-col :span="1.5" style="margin-right: 10px">           <el-button type="primary" plain icon="el-icon-unlock" size="mini"             >解锁排产</el-button           ></el-col         >         <!-- <el-col :span="1.5" style="margin-right: 10px">           <el-button type="primary" plain icon="el-icon-rank" size="mini"             >拖拽排产</el-button           ></el-col         > -->       </el-row>       <el-table         @mousedown.native="startDrag"         @mousemove.native="handleDrag"         @mouseup.native="endDrag"         @mouseleave.native="endDrag"         v-loading="loading"         element-loading-text="正在加载处理数据...."         v-if="isView"         :virtual-scroll="true"         class="ganteTable"         :class="isFillScreen ? 'fullscreen-table ganteTable' : 'ganteTable'"         ref="ganTeTable"         :height="tableHeight"         :style="           timeArr.length > 0             ? 'width:' + tableWidth + 'px;'             : 'width:239px;height:100%'         "         :key="tableKey"         :cell-style="iCellStyle"         :fit="false"         :data="tableData"         border         align="center"         size="mini"         :span-method="tableSpanMethod"       >         <el-table-column           fixed           align="center"           prop="index1"           label="工作中心"           class="index1"         >           <template slot-scope="scope">             <el-popover               placement="top-start"               title="工作中心"               trigger="hover"               :content="scope.row.index1.label"             >               <div                 slot="reference"                 :class="rowHeight < 36 ? 'oneLineCls' : 'twoLineCls'"               >                 {{ scope.row.index1.label }}               </div>             </el-popover>           </template>         </el-table-column>         <el-table-column           fixed           align="center"           prop="index2"           label="产线名称"           class="index1"         >           <template slot-scope="scope">             <!-- {{ scope.row.index2.label }} -->             <el-popover               placement="top-start"               title="产线名称"               width="200"               trigger="hover"               :content="scope.row.index3.label"             >               <div                 slot="reference"                 :class="rowHeight < 36 ? 'oneLineCls' : 'twoLineCls'"               >                 {{ scope.row.index2.label }}               </div>             </el-popover>           </template>         </el-table-column>         <el-table-column           fixed           height="47px"           align="center"           prop="index3"           label="设备名称"           class="index1"         >           <template slot-scope="scope">             <!-- {{ scope.row.index3.label }} -->             <el-popover               placement="top-start"               title="设备名称"               width="200"               trigger="hover"               :content="scope.row.index3.label"             >               <div                 slot="reference"                 :class="rowHeight < 36 ? 'oneLineCls' : 'twoLineCls'"               >                 {{ scope.row.index3.label }}               </div>             </el-popover>           </template>         </el-table-column>         <!-- 表头遍历日期 -->         <div           v-for="(timeArrItem, index1) in timeArr"           :key="timeArrItem + index1 + ''"         >           <el-table-column             height="47px"             align="center"             :label="timeArrItem.substr(0, 10)"           >             <!-- 表头遍历时间 -->             <template v-for="(hourArrItem, index2) in hourArr">               <el-table-column                 height="47px"                 align="center"                 class="pc-box"                 :label="hourArrItem + ''"                 :key="index1 + '-' + index2 + 5 + timeArrItem + hourArrItem"                 :width="latticeWidth + 'px;'"               >                 <template slot="header">                   <div class="hour-item" @mousemove="updateXY">                     <span>{{ hourArrItem }}</span>                      <div class="hour-ten-scale-box">                       <div class="hour-ten-scale" v-for="x in 5" :key="x"></div>                     </div>                     <div class="hour-ten-side-box">                       <div class="hour-ten-side-box-left"></div>                       <div class="hour-ten-side-box-right"></div>                     </div>                   </div>                   <div                     class="minute-scale"                     v-if="index2 === 0 && index1 === 0"                     :style="{ width: tableWidth + 'px' }"                   ></div>                   <div                     ref="pointBox"                     id="pointBox"                     v-if="index2 === 0 && index1 === 0"                   ></div>                 </template>                 <template                   slot-scope="scope"                   v-if="index2 === 0 && index1 === 0"                 >                   <div                     id="content-box"                     @mousemove="updateXY"                     class="content-box"                     :ref="index1 + '-' + index2 + 5"                     :style="                       'width:' +                       timeArr.length * 24 * latticeWidth +                       'px;overflow:hidden;'                     "                   >                     <el-tooltip                       :draggable="true"                       v-for="workItem in"                       :key="workItem.onlyId"                       class="item"                       style="z-index: 99999"                       effect="dark"                       content="Bottom Right 提示文字"                       placement="bottom-end"                     >                       <div slot="content">                         <p>信息</p>                         <p                           v-if="                             workItem.lineChangeFlag === null &&                             workItem.restFlag === null                           "                         >                           工序:{{ workItem.workOrder }}                         </p>                         <p                           v-if="                             workItem.lineChangeFlag === null &&                             workItem.restFlag === null                           "                         >                           产品名称:{{ workItem.materialName }}                         </p>                         <p                           v-if="                             workItem.lineChangeFlag === null &&                             workItem.restFlag === null                           "                         >                           产品编码:{{ workItem.materialNo }}                         </p>                         <p                           v-if="                             workItem.lineChangeFlag === null &&                             workItem.restFlag === null                           "                         >                           产线名称:{{ workItem.productLineName }}                         </p>                         <p                           v-if="                             workItem.lineChangeFlag === null &&                             workItem.restFlag === null                           "                         >                           产线编码:{{ workItem.productLineSn }}                         </p>                         <p                           v-if="                             workItem.lineChangeFlag === null &&                             workItem.restFlag === null                           "                         >                           设备名称:{{ scope.row.index3.label }}                         </p>                         <p                           v-if="                             workItem.lineChangeFlag === null &&                             workItem.restFlag === null                           "                         >                           开始时间:{{ workItem.startTime }}                         </p>                         <p                           v-if="                             workItem.lineChangeFlag === null &&                             workItem.restFlag === null                           "                         >                           结束时间:{{ workItem.endTime }}                         </p>                         <p                           v-if="                             workItem.lineChangeFlag === null &&                             workItem.restFlag === null                           "                         >                           交期时间:{{ workItem.deliverTime }}                         </p>                         <p                           v-if="                             workItem.lineChangeFlag === null &&                             workItem.restFlag === null                           "                         >                           工作中心描述:{{ workItem.workCenterDesc }}                         </p>                         <p                           v-if="                             workItem.lineChangeFlag === null &&                             workItem.restFlag === null                           "                         >                           工作中心编码:{{ workItem.workCenterSn }}                         </p>                         <p v-if="workItem.lineChangeFlag === true">                           状态:换线                         </p>                         <p v-if="workItem.restFlag === true">状态:休息</p>                       </div>                       <div                         v-if="                           workItem.lineChangeFlag === null &&                           workItem.restFlag === null                         "                         @click="                           highlightSimilarElements(                             'A' + workItem.materialNo + workItem.deliverTime                           )                         "                         :draggable="true"                         :class="                           'AAA A' +                           workItem.materialNo +                           workItem.deliverTime +                           ''                         "                         :style="                           'background-color:' +                           workItem.color +                           ';' +                           ' position: absolute;' +                           timeInterval(                             workItem.startTime,                             workItem.endTime,                             workItem.onlyId                           )                         "                       ></div>                       <div                         v-if="workItem.lineChangeFlag === true"                         @click="                           highlightSimilarElements(                             'A' + workItem.materialNo + workItem.deliverTime                           )                         "                         :draggable="true"                         :class="                           'AAA A' +                           workItem.materialNo +                           workItem.deliverTime +                           ''                         "                         :style="                           ' position: relative;  top: 50%;  bottom: 50%;height: 3px' +                           ';' +                           'background-color:' +                           '#FF0000' +                           ';' +                           ' position: absolute;' +                           timeInterval(                             workItem.startTime,                             workItem.endTime,                             workItem.onlyId                           )                         "                       ></div>                       <div                         v-if="workItem.restFlag === true"                         @click="                           highlightSimilarElements(                             'A' + workItem.materialNo + workItem.deliverTime                           )                         "                         :draggable="true"                         :class="                           'AAA A' +                           workItem.materialNo +                           workItem.deliverTime +                           ''                         "                         :style="                           'background-color:' +                           '#cedcf0;' +                           ' position: absolute;' +                           timeInterval(                             workItem.startTime,                             workItem.endTime,                             workItem.onlyId                           )                         "                       ></div>                     </el-tooltip>                   </div>                 </template>               </el-table-column>             </template>           </el-table-column>         </div>       </el-table>       <day-table-view v-if="!isView"></day-table-view>       <scheduling-window         ref="schedulingWindow"         @openSchedulingResultsWindow="openSchedulingResultsWindow"       ></scheduling-window>       <scheduling-results-window         ref="schedulingResultsWindow"         @switchView="switchView"       ></scheduling-results-window>       <suggestions-load-adjustment         ref="suggestionsLoadAdjustment"         @reScheduleProduction="getGanttChartData"       ></suggestions-load-adjustment>       <div class="slider-block" v-if="isView">         <div class="slider-block-text">小时高度:</div>         <el-slider           @change="sliderHeightChange"           style="width: 200px"           v-model="rowHeight"           :min="24"           :max="72"           :step="12"           show-stops         >         </el-slider>       </div>       <div class="slider-block1" v-if="isView">         <div v-if="isSlider" class="slider-block-text">小时宽度:</div>         <el-slider           v-if="isSlider"           @change="sliderWidthChange"           style="width: 200px"           v-model="latticeWidth"           :min="minWidth"           :max="maxWidth"           :step="12"           show-stops         >         </el-slider>       </div>       <!-- <div class="slider-block1-btn" v-show="isView">         <el-button @click="fullScreenFunc" size="mini">           {{ isFillScreen ? "退出全屏" : "全屏" }}         </el-button>       </div> -->     </el-card>   </div> </template> <script> import { getGanttChart } from "@/api/ganttChart/ganttChart"; import dayTableView from "./gentterTable.vue"; import schedulingWindow from "./startSchedulingWindow.vue"; import schedulingResultsWindow from "./schedulingResultsWindow.vue"; import suggestionsLoadAdjustment from "./suggestionsLoadAdjustment.vue"; export default {   name: "dailyScheduling",   components: {     dayTableView,     schedulingWindow,     schedulingResultsWindow,     suggestionsLoadAdjustment,   },   data() {     return {       styleCache: {}, //存放缓存结果       highlightedClass: null,       dragging: false,       startX: 0,       startY: 0,       scrollLeft: 0,       scrollTop: 0,       ganTeTable: null, // 初始化表格引用       isFillScreen: false, // 是否全屏       loading: false, //表格数据处理       isView: true,       content: "内容",       isSlider: true, //是否显示缩放和拉长       minWidth: 24, //最小缩放       maxWidth: 72, //最大缩放       rowHeight: 24, //每一行的高度       tableWidth: 0,       pointObj: {         pointX: 340,         pointBoxLeft: 0, //指针盒子距离左侧的偏移量       },       eleData: {         dayList: [],         startTime: "", // 开始时间         endTime: "", // 结束时间         workcenterList: [],       },       tableHeight: 0, //table的高度       oneHourPx: 24, //一小时间隔15px 一分钟间隔0.25px       oneMinutePx: 0.4, //一分钟0.4px       tableData: null, //表格数据       latticeWidth: 30, //一个单元格的宽度最小24px       timeArr: [], //天数集合       hourArr: [         "00",         "01",         "02",         "03",         "04",         "05",         "06",         "07",         "08",         "09",         "10",         "11",         "12",         "13",         "14",         "15",         "16",         "17",         "18",         "19",         "20",         "21",         "22",         "23",       ],       tableKey: 0, //值改变更新table       earliestTime: "", //最早时间       latestTime: "", //最晚时间       conWidth: 0,       usedKeys: new Set(),     };   },   created() {     window.onload = function () {       document.addEventListener("touchstart", function (event) {         if (event.touches.length > 1) {           event.preventDefault();         }       });       document.addEventListener("gesturestart", function (event) {         event.preventDefault();       });     };     //初始化表格高度,和初始化指针数据     this.$set(this.pointObj, "pointX", 0);     this.$nextTick(() => {       this.tableHeight = this.$refs.tableBox.offsetHeight - 110;     });   },   mounted() {     this.getGanttChartData();     //禁止ctrl+滚轮缩放     let scrollFunc = function (e) {       e = e || window.event;       if (e.wheelDelta && event.ctrlKey) {         //IE/Opera/Chrome         event.returnValue = false;       } else if (e.detail) {         //Firefox         event.returnValue = false;       }     };     /*注册事件*/     if (document.addEventListener) {       document.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", scrollFunc, false);     } //W3C     window.onmousewheel = document.onmousewheel = scrollFunc; //IE/Opera/Chrome/Safari     //设置表格最大高度沾满全屏     this.$nextTick(() => {       this.tableHeight = document.getElementById("boxCard").offsetHeight - 110;       window.addEventListener("scroll", this.handleScroll, true);       //获取标针盒子距离浏览器左侧的距离       //   this.pointObj.pointBoxLeft = document.getElementById("pointBox").getBoundingClientRect().left       //监听浏览器窗口变化       const that = this;       window.onresize = () => {         return (() => {           //计算装有指针的盒子距离浏览器左侧的距离,指针减去这个盒子距离浏览器左侧的偏移量得到正确时间指针           this.pointObj.pointBoxLeft = 0;           console.log("窗口改变了");         })();       };       //如果日期小于2天 则官渡为39       if (this.timeArr.length <= 2) {         this.latticeWidth = 24;         this.minWidth = 24;         this.maxWidth = 72;       }       // console.log("我被执行了", this.timeArr.length);       if (this.timeArr.length >= 2) {         this.latticeWidth = 24;         this.minWidth = 24;         this.maxWidth = 72;       }       if (this.timeArr.length == 1) {         this.latticeWidth = 66;         this.isSlider = false;       }       this.widthAA = this.timeArr.length * 24 * this.latticeWidth;       this.tableWidth = this.widthAA + 240;     });     this.ganTeTable = this.$refs.ganTeTable.$el.querySelector(       ".el-table__body-wrapper"     );   },   computed: {     // timeInterval() {     //   return (startTime, endTime,id) => {     //     console.log("我被执行了", startTime, endTime,id);     //     let time = new Date(endTime) - new Date(startTime); // 获取任务开始时间和任务结束时间的相差时间戳     //     let minuteDiff = Math.floor(time / (60 * 1000)); // 相差时间间隔     //     let initialTime = new Date(startTime) - new Date(this.timeArr[0]); // 获取距离最开始的距离     //     let inittiDiff = Math.floor(initialTime / (60 * 1000));     //     let obj = {     //       widthPx: minuteDiff * (this.latticeWidth / 60),     //       startPx: inittiDiff * (this.latticeWidth / 60),     //     };     //     return "width:" + obj.widthPx + "px;left:" + obj.startPx + "px;";     //   };     // },   },   methods: {     timeInterval(startTime, endTime, id) {       // Check cache first       const cacheKey = `${startTime}_${endTime}_${id}`;       if (this.styleCache[cacheKey]) {         return this.styleCache[cacheKey];       }        console.log("我被执行了", startTime, endTime, id);       let time = new Date(endTime) - new Date(startTime); // 获取任务开始时间和任务结束时间的相差时间戳       let minuteDiff = Math.floor(time / (60 * 1000)); // 相差时间间隔       let initialTime = new Date(startTime) - new Date(this.timeArr[0]); // 获取距离最开始的距离       let inittiDiff = Math.floor(initialTime / (60 * 1000));       let obj = {         widthPx: minuteDiff * (this.latticeWidth / 60),         startPx: inittiDiff * (this.latticeWidth / 60),       };        const style = `width:${obj.widthPx}px;left:${obj.startPx}px;`;       // Store in cache       this.styleCache[cacheKey] = style;        return style;     },     generateRandomKey() {       let key;       do {         key = Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9); // Generate a random string key       } while (this.usedKeys.has(key)); // Ensure key is unique        this.usedKeys.add(key); // Add key to usedKeys set       return key;     },     // 负荷调整建议     proposalFun() {       this.$;     },     // 开始排产弹窗     openSchedulingResultsWindow() {       this.showDialogVisible = false;       this.$;     },     highlightSimilarElements(targetClass) {       // 先移除所有元素的高亮状态       if (this.highlightedClass) {         document.querySelectorAll(`.${this.highlightedClass}`).forEach((el) => {           el.classList.remove("highlighted");         });       }        // 更新当前要高亮的类名       this.highlightedClass = targetClass;        // 查找所有具有目标类名的元素并应用高亮       document.querySelectorAll(`.${targetClass}`).forEach((el) => {         el.classList.add("highlighted");       });     },     // 开始排程的英文     startSchedulingProductionFun() {       this.$refs.schedulingWindow.showDialogVisible = true;     },     // 当鼠标按下时触发,记录起始位置和滚动条位置。     startDrag(e) {       this.dragging = true;       this.startX = e.pageX;       this.startY = e.pageY;       this.scrollLeft = this.ganTeTable.scrollLeft;       this.scrollTop = this.ganTeTable.scrollTop;     },      // 当鼠标移动时触发,计算鼠标移动距离并更新滚动条位置。     handleDrag: _.throttle(function (e) {       if (this.dragging) {         const dx = e.pageX - this.startX;         const dy = e.pageY - this.startY;         this.ganTeTable.scrollLeft = this.scrollLeft - dx;         this.ganTeTable.scrollTop = this.scrollTop - dy;       }     }, 16), // 使用节流函数,16ms对应60fps的更新频率      // 鼠标松开,移出     endDrag() {       this.dragging = false;     },      //全屏退出全屏     fullScreenFunc() {       if (!document.fullscreenElement) {         this.enterFullScreen();         this.isFillScreen = true;         this.latticeWidth = 72;         this.sliderWidthChange();       } else {         this.exitFullScreen();         this.latticeWidth = 39;         this.sliderWidthChange();         this.isFillScreen = false;       }     },     //进入全屏     enterFullScreen() {       let element = document.documentElement;       if (element.requestFullscreen) {         element.requestFullscreen();       } else if (element.mozRequestFullScreen) {         /* Firefox */         element.mozRequestFullScreen();       } else if (element.webkitRequestFullscreen) {         /* Chrome, Safari & Opera */         element.webkitRequestFullscreen();       } else if (element.msRequestFullscreen) {         /* IE/Edge */         element.msRequestFullscreen();       }     },     //退出全屏     exitFullScreen() {       if (document.exitFullscreen) {         document.exitFullscreen();       } else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) {         /* Firefox */         document.mozCancelFullScreen();       } else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) {         /* Chrome, Safari and Opera */         document.webkitExitFullscreen();       } else if (document.msExitFullscreen) {         /* IE/Edge */         document.msExitFullscreen();       }       this.isFillScreen = false;     },     async getGanttChartData() {       this.loading = true;       console.log("开始");       //判断是否传递过来id       let id = null;       if (typeof this.$ !== "undefined") {         id = JSON.parse(this.$;       }       let repos = null;       await getGanttChart()         .then((res) => {           repos = res;           this.processGanttData(repos);           this.loading = false;         })         .catch((error) => {           // 请求失败的处理           console.error("请求数据失败:", error);           this.loading = false; // 可选:设置加载状态为false           // 可以进行错误处理或者用户提示         });     },     processGanttData(repos) {       // 在获取到数据后进行处理       this.timeArr = => element + " 00:00:00");       this.eleData.workcenterList =;       this.treeToTableData();       for (let i = 0; i < this.tableData.length; i++) {         for (let j = 0; j < this.tableData[i]; j++) {           this.tableData[i][j].onlyId =             this.generateRandomKey();           // this.tableData[i][j].pxObj={...this.timeInterval(this.tableData[i][j].startTime,this.tableData[i][j].endTime)}         }       }       // 根据时间长度设置 latticeWidth       if (this.timeArr.length <= 2) {         this.latticeWidth = 24;         this.minWidth = 24;         this.maxWidth = 72;       } else if (this.timeArr.length >= 3) {         this.latticeWidth = 21;         this.minWidth = 21;         this.maxWidth = 72;       } else if (this.timeArr.length == 1) {         this.latticeWidth = 66;         this.minWidth = 66;         this.maxWidth = 66;         this.isSlider = false;       }       // 计算表格宽度       this.widthAA = this.timeArr.length * 24 * this.latticeWidth;       this.tableWidth = this.widthAA + 240;       // 更新表格布局       this.$nextTick(() => {         if (this.$refs.ganTeTable) {           this.$refs.ganTeTable.doLayout();         }         this.$forceUpdate();       });     },     //切换视图     switchView() {       this.isView = !this.isView;       if (this.isView === true) {         this.getGanttChartData();       }     },     //物料信息展开     //行高回调     iCellStyle() {       return "height:" + this.rowHeight + "px";     },     //改变行高     sliderHeightChange() {       //重新布局表格       this.$nextTick(() => {         this.styleCache = {};         this.iCellStyle();         this.$refs.ganTeTable.doLayout();         // this.tableKey = Math.random();       });     },     //改变行宽     sliderWidthChange() {       //重新布局表格       this.$nextTick(() => {         this.styleCache = {};         this.widthAA = this.timeArr.length * 24 * this.latticeWidth;         this.tableWidth = this.widthAA + 240;         this.$refs.ganTeTable.doLayout();         // this.tableKey = Math.random();       });     },     // 当鼠标移动时触发     updateXY(e) {       let x = e.clientX;       //计算装有指针的盒子距离浏览器左侧的距离,指针减去这个盒子距离浏览器左侧的偏移量得到正确时间指针       this.pointObj.pointBoxLeft = document         .getElementById("pointBox")         .getBoundingClientRect().left;       this.$nextTick(() => {         this.boble = false;         document.querySelector(           "#pointBox"         ).innerHTML = `<div  style="width: 1px; height: 225px; position: absolute; background: red;top:-18px; left:${           x - this.pointObj.pointBoxLeft         }px;" id="head-pointer" class="head-pointer"> </div>`;       });       this.boble = false;     },     parentW(index1, index2) {       if (this.$refs[index1 + "-" + index2 + 5]) {         // console.log(this.$refs[index1 + "-" + index2 + 5][0].clientWidth);         return this.$refs[index1 + "-" + index2 + 5][0].clientWidth;       } else {         return 0;       }     },     parentH(index1, index2) {       if (this.$refs[index1 + "-" + index2 + 5]) {         // console.log(this.$refs[index1 + "-" + index2 + 5][0].clientHeight);         return this.$refs[index1 + "-" + index2 + 5][0].clientHeight;       } else {         return 0;       }     },     draggableStart() {       // console.log(this.tableData[0];     },     draggableEnd() {       // console.log(this.tableData[0];     },     /**      * 计算两个时间的间隔      * 入参 开始时间,结束时间      * 回参 返回一个任务距离最开始时间的分钟[距离],和一个任务开始时间和结束时间的分钟[距离],      */     // timeInterval(startTime, endTiem) {     //   console.log("我被执行了",startTime, endTiem)     //   let time = new Date(endTiem) - new Date(startTime); //获取任务开始时间和任务结束时间的相差时间戳     //   let minuteDiff = Math.floor(time / (60 * 1000)); //相差时间间隔     //   let initialTime = new Date(startTime) - new Date(this.timeArr[0]); //获取距离最开始的距离      //   // ,new Date(startTime),new Date(this.timeArr[0])     //   // console.log("~~~~~~~~~~~", this.timeArr[0])     //   let inittiDiff = Math.floor(initialTime / (60 * 1000));     //   // console.log("latticeWidth",inittiDiff)     //   return {     //     widthPx: minuteDiff * (this.latticeWidth / 60),     //     startPx: inittiDiff * (this.latticeWidth / 60),     //   };     // },     treeToTableData() {       // console.log("this.eleData.workcenterList", this.eleData.workcenterList);       //将树状结构格式转换成二维数组表格形式       let ewArr = this.parseTreeToRow(this.eleData.workcenterList);       let tableData = []; => {         let obj = {};, indexb) => {           obj["index" + (indexb + 1)] = {             id:,             label: itemc.label,           };           if (typeof itemc.workPlanList !== "undefined") {             // for(let i=0;i<itemc.workPlanList.length;i++){             //   itemc.workPlanList[i].pxObj = null;             //   itemc.workPlanList[i].pxObj = this.timeInterval(itemc.workPlanList[i].startTime,itemc.workPlanList[i].endTime)             // }             obj.workPlanList = { data: itemc.workPlanList };           }         });         tableData.push(obj);       });       this.tableData = tableData;     },     /**      * 递归-----将树结构数据格式,转化为,二维数组 表格形式      * @param node 树的源数据      * @param data 树转化为二维数组的数据      * @param row 临时存储数据      * @returns {*[]}      */     parseTreeToRow(node, data = [], row = []) {       console.log("parseTreeToRow执行中"); => {         let obj = {           id: item.workCenterId || item.lineId || item.machineId,           label: item.workCenterName || item.lineName || item.machineDescribe,         };         if (typeof item.workPlanList !== "undefined") {           obj.workPlanList =             item.workPlanList.length > 0 ? item.workPlanList : [];         }         if (item.children && item.children.length != 0) {           this.parseTreeToRow(item.children, data, [...row, obj]);         } else {           data.push([...row, obj]);         }       });       return data;     },     /**      * 合并行或列的计算方法      */     tableSpanMethod({ row, column, rowIndex, columnIndex }) {       // console.log("row, column, rowIndex, columnIndex");       // console.log(       //   "row, column, rowIndex, columnIndex",       //   columnIndex,       //   row,       //   column,       //   rowIndex,       //   columnIndex       // );       return {         rowspan:           columnIndex < 3             ? this.mergeRows(                 row[],                 this.tableData,                 rowIndex,                      )             : 1,         colspan: 1,       };     },     /**      * 表格单元格合并-----行      * @param {Object} value      当前单元格的值      * @param {Object} data       当前表格所有数据      * @param {Object} index      当前单元格的值所在 行 索引      * @param {Object} property   当前列的property      * @returns {number}          待合并单元格数量      */     mergeRows(value, data, index, property) {       // 判断 当前行的该列数据 与 上一行的该列数据 是否相等       if (index !== 0 && value.label === data[index - 1][property].label) {         // 返回 0 使表格被跨 行 的那个单元格不会渲染         return 0;       }       // 判断 当前行的该列数据 与 下一行的该列数据 是否相等       let rowSpan = 1;       for (let i = index + 1; i < data.length; i++) {         if (value.label !== data[i][property].label) {           break;         }         rowSpan++;       }       return rowSpan;     },   }, }; </script> <style> .highlighted {   box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 3px yellow !important; /* 内置阴影,用作边框 */ } </style> <style lang="less" scoped> .hour-item span {   position: relative;   bottom: -9px; } .hour-ten-side-box {   width: 100%;   height: 10px;   position: relative;   bottom: -6px;   .hour-ten-side-box-left {     width: 1px;     height: 14px;     background: #263c59;     position: relative;     left: -1px;     float: left;   }   .hour-ten-side-box-right {     width: 1px;     height: 14px;     background: #263c59;     position: relative;     right: -1px;     float: right;   } } .hour-ten-scale-box {   width: 100%;   display: flex;   justify-content: space-evenly;   position: relative;   bottom: -16px; } .hour-ten-scale {   height: 5px;   width: 1px;   background: #263c59; } #pointBox {   position: relative;   z-index: 2 !important; 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