
























        第二天早上,我就在用A4白纸去贴一个60cm * 60cm的屏幕,A4纸太小了,贴起来一定要严丝合缝,不然出现褶皱,识别黑框就会有问题(虽然经过我的代码优化后,没有多大问题,但是做事还是要做细致点😃),因此我做一块新的白色屏幕花了好久。





















import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time import numpy as np import math   # 规定GPIO引脚 IN1 = 18      # 接PUL- IN2 = 16      # 接PUL+ IN3 = 15      # 接DIR- IN4 = 13      # 接DIR+  # 云台上面的电机驱动器,物理引脚 IN12 = 38      # 接PUL- IN22 = 40      # 接PUL+ IN32 = 36      # 接DIR- IN42 = 32      # 接DIR+   delay = 0.0001  def setup():     GPIO.setwarnings(False)     GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD)       # Numbers GPIOs by physical location     GPIO.setup(IN1, GPIO.OUT)      # Set pin's mode is output     GPIO.setup(IN2, GPIO.OUT)     GPIO.setup(IN3, GPIO.OUT)     GPIO.setup(IN4, GPIO.OUT)  def setup2():     GPIO.setwarnings(False)     GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD)       # Numbers GPIOs by physical location     GPIO.setup(IN12, GPIO.OUT)      # Set pin's mode is output     GPIO.setup(IN22, GPIO.OUT)     GPIO.setup(IN32, GPIO.OUT)     GPIO.setup(IN42, GPIO.OUT)      def setStep(w1, w2, w3, w4):     GPIO.output(IN1, w1)     GPIO.output(IN2, w2)     GPIO.output(IN3, w3)     GPIO.output(IN4, w4)  def setStep2(w1, w2, w3, w4):     GPIO.output(IN12, w1)     GPIO.output(IN22, w2)     GPIO.output(IN32, w3)     GPIO.output(IN42, w4)      def stop():     setStep(0, 0, 0, 0)      def stop2():     setStep2(0, 0, 0, 0)      def rightward(steps):     global delay     for i in range(0, steps):         setStep(1, 0, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)         setStep(0, 1, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)         setStep(0, 1, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)         setStep(1, 0, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)     stop()      def rightward2(steps):     global delay     for i in range(0, steps):         setStep2(1, 0, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)         setStep2(0, 1, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)         setStep2(0, 1, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)         setStep2(1, 0, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)     stop2()          def leftward(steps):     global delay     for i in range(0, steps):         setStep(1, 0, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)         setStep(0, 1, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)         setStep(0, 1, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)         setStep(1, 0, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)     stop()  def leftward2(steps):     global delay     for i in range(0, steps):         setStep2(1, 0, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)         setStep2(0, 1, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)         setStep2(0, 1, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)         setStep2(1, 0, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)     stop2()  def downward(steps):     global delay     for i in range(0, steps):         setStep(1, 0, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)         setStep(0, 1, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)         setStep(0, 1, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)         setStep(1, 0, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)     stop()          def downward2(steps):     global delay     for i in range(0, steps):         setStep2(1, 0, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)         setStep2(0, 1, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)         setStep2(0, 1, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)         setStep2(1, 0, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)     stop2()          def upward(steps):     global delay     for i in range(0, steps):         setStep(1, 0, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)         setStep(0, 1, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)         setStep(0, 1, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)         setStep(1, 0, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)     stop()  def upward2(steps):     global delay     for i in range(0, steps):         setStep2(1, 0, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)         setStep2(0, 1, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)         setStep2(0, 1, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)         setStep2(1, 0, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)     stop2()      # 测试函数 # angle单位:度  0.036= 360/10000 def loop(angle):     print ("rightward--->leftward:")     rightward(int(angle/360*6400))   # 发射脉冲时间间隔0.0001(单位秒)   脉冲个数angle/0.036     leftward(int(angle/360*6400))     print ("stop...")     time.sleep(1)          # sleep 1s  def loop2(angle):     print ("upward--->downward:")     upward2(int(angle/360*6400))   # 发射脉冲时间间隔0.0001(单位秒)   脉冲个数angle/0.036     stop2()     downward2(int(angle/360*6400))          print ("stop...")     stop2()                 # stop     time.sleep(1)          # sleep 3s      def destroy():     GPIO.cleanup()             # 释放数据          if __name__ == '__main__':     # Program start from here     setup()     setup2()     while True:         try:             # 测试1:loop是下面的电机测试,loop2是上面的电机测试,若两者同时测试,要注意电机被线绕住。             # 左转是leftward()函数,右转是rightward()函数             # 上转是upward()函数,下转是downward()函数             a = input("please input angle:")               t0 = time.time()             # loop(float(a))    # 下面的电机可0~360度测试,             loop2(float(a))  # 由于位置限制,上面电机的角度不能大,可输入0~30度测试                          print(time.time() - t0)                except KeyboardInterrupt:  # When 'Ctrl+C' is pressed, the child function destroy() will be  executed.             destroy()


import cv2 import numpy as np  def findLaser(img):     """     找到图片中点绿色激光点与红色激光点并定位中心     :param img: 需要处理点图片     :return: 绿色激光点中心(x1, y1);红色激光点中心(x2, y2)     """     cX1, cY1, cX2, cY2 = None, None, None, None     greenLaser = 'green'     redLaser = 'red'     # 色系下限上限表     color_dist = {'red': {'Lower': np.array([0, 60, 60]), 'Upper': np.array([6, 255, 255])},                   'green': {'Lower': np.array([35, 43, 35]), 'Upper': np.array([90, 255, 255])},                   }     # 灰度图像处理     # gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)#灰度图     # cv2.imshow('gray', gray)      # 高斯滤波     blurred = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (11, 11), 0)     # cv2.imshow('blurred', blurred)     # 创建运算核     kernel = np.ones((1, 1), np.uint8)     # 腐蚀     # erode = cv2.erode(img, kernel, iterations=1)     # 膨胀     # img_dilate = cv2.dilate(blurred, kernel, iterations = 5)     # 开运算     opening = cv2.morphologyEx(blurred, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel)     # 二值化处理     thresh = cv2.threshold(opening, 230, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1]     cv2.imshow('thresh', thresh)      hsv = cv2.cvtColor(thresh, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)  # 转化成HSV图像     # 颜色二值化筛选处理     inRange_hsv_green = cv2.inRange(hsv, color_dist[greenLaser]['Lower'], color_dist[greenLaser]['Upper'])     inRange_hsv_red = cv2.inRange(hsv, color_dist[redLaser]['Lower'], color_dist[redLaser]['Upper'])     cv2.imshow('inrange_hsv_green', inRange_hsv_green)     cv2.imshow('inrange_hsv_red', inRange_hsv_red)     # 找绿色激光点     try:         cnts1 = cv2.findContours(inRange_hsv_green.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)[-2]         c1 = max(cnts1, key=cv2.contourArea)         M = cv2.moments(c1)         cX1 = int(M["m10"] / M["m00"])         cY1 = int(M["m01"] / M["m00"])         cv2.circle(img, (cX1, cY1), 3, (0, 255, 0), -1)         rect = cv2.minAreaRect(c1)         box = cv2.boxPoints(rect)         cv2.drawContours(img, [np.int0(box)], -1, (0, 255, 0), 2)     except:         print('没有找到绿色的激光')      # 找红色激光点     try:         cnts2 = cv2.findContours(inRange_hsv_red.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)[-2]         c2 = max(cnts2, key=cv2.contourArea)         M = cv2.moments(c2)         cX2 = int(M["m10"] / M["m00"])         cY2 = int(M["m01"] / M["m00"])         cv2.circle(img, (cX2, cY2), 3, (0, 0, 255), -1)         rect = cv2.minAreaRect(c2)         box = cv2.boxPoints(rect)         cv2.drawContours(img, [np.int0(box)], -1, (0, 0, 255), 2)     except:         print('没有找到红色的激光')     return cX1, cY1, cX2, cY2   if __name__ == '__main__':     img = cv2.imread('/Users/duanhao/Desktop/Electronic Design Competion/2023电子设计大赛/laser/15.jpg')     x1, y1, x2, y2 = findLaser(img)     print(f'绿色激光点坐标点({x1}, {y1})')     print(f'红色激光点坐标点({x2}, {y2})')      cv2.imshow('camera', img)     cv2.waitKey()     cv2.destroyAllWindows()


import cv2 import numpy as np  #定义形状检测函数 def ShapeDetection(img):     contours,hierarchy = cv2.findContours(img,cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)  #寻找轮廓点     for obj in contours:         area = cv2.contourArea(obj)  #计算轮廓内区域的面积         cv2.drawContours(imgContour, obj, -1, (255, 0, 0), 4)  #绘制轮廓线         perimeter = cv2.arcLength(obj,True)  #计算轮廓周长         approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(obj,0.02*perimeter,True)  #获取轮廓角点坐标         CornerNum = len(approx)   #轮廓角点的数量         x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(approx)  #获取坐标值和宽度、高度          #轮廓对象分类         if CornerNum ==3: objType ="triangle"         elif CornerNum == 4:              for i in range(0,4):                 print("矩形角坐标%d:"%(i+1),approx[i][0][0], approx[i][0][1])                 cv2.circle(imgContour, (approx[i][0][0], approx[i][0][1]), 5, (0,255,255), 3)             if w==h: objType= "Square"             else:objType="Rectangle "         elif CornerNum>4: objType= " red"         else:objType="N"          cv2.rectangle(imgContour,(x,y),(x+w,y+h),(0,0,255),2)  #绘制边界框         cv2.putText(imgContour,objType,(x+(w//2),y+(h//2)),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX,0.6,(0,0,0),1)  #绘制文字  path = '/Users/duanhao/Desktop/black/2.jpg' img = cv2.imread(path) imgContour = img.copy()  imgGray = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)  #转灰度图 imgBlur = cv2.GaussianBlur(imgGray,(5,5),1)  #高斯模糊 imgCanny = cv2.Canny(imgBlur,60,60)  #Canny算子边缘检测 ShapeDetection(imgCanny)  #形状检测  cv2.imshow("Original img", img) cv2.imshow("imgGray", imgGray) cv2.imshow("imgBlur", imgBlur) cv2.imshow("imgCanny", imgCanny) cv2.imshow("shape Detection", imgContour)  cv2.waitKey(0)


import cv2 import numpy as np  #定义形状检测函数 def ShapeDetection(img):     contours,hierarchy = cv2.findContours(img,cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)  #寻找轮廓点     for obj in contours:         area = cv2.contourArea(obj)  #计算轮廓内区域的面积         # cv2.drawContours(imgContour, obj, -1, (255, 0, 0), 4)  #绘制轮廓线         perimeter = cv2.arcLength(obj,True)  #计算轮廓周长         approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(obj,0.02*perimeter,True)  #获取轮廓角点坐标         CornerNum = len(approx)   #轮廓角点的数量         x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(approx)  #获取坐标值和宽度、高度         if CornerNum == 4:             for i in range(0,4):                 cv2.circle(imgContour, (approx[i][0][0], approx[i][0][1]), 2, (0,0,255), 3)                 axis.append([approx[i][0][0], approx[i][0][1]])          # cv2.rectangle(imgContour,(x, y),(x+w, y+h),(0,0,255),2)  #绘制边界框  if __name__ == '__main__':     axis = []      # 导入图片img     img = cv2.imread('/Users/duanhao/Desktop/Electronic Design Competion/2023电子设计大赛/black/5.jpg')     # 需要裁剪的区域###################################     hStart, hEnd, wStart, wEnd = 250, 650, 320, 700     ################################################     cropImg = img[hStart:hEnd, wStart:wEnd]     cv2.imshow('cropImg', cropImg)      # 灰度图像处理     gray = cv2.cvtColor(cropImg, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)#灰度图     cv2.imshow('gray', gray)      imgContour = cropImg.copy()      # 图像inRange二值化处理     hsv = cv2.cvtColor(cropImg, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)     l_g = np.array([0, 0, 0])  # 阈值下限     u_g = np.array([255, 113, 46])  # 阈值上限     mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, l_g, u_g)     cv2.imshow('mask', mask)      ShapeDetection(mask)      # 从逆时针改为顺时针     axis[0], axis[2] = axis[2], axis[0]     print(axis)      cv2.imshow("crop", imgContour)       cv2.waitKey(0)     cv2.destroyAllWindows()


import cv2 import math import numpy as np import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time  # 规定GPIO引脚 IN1 = 18  # 接PUL- IN2 = 16  # 接PUL+ IN3 = 15  # 接DIR- IN4 = 13  # 接DIR+  # 云台上面的电机驱动器,物理引脚 IN12 = 38  # 接PUL- IN22 = 40  # 接PUL+ IN32 = 36  # 接DIR- IN42 = 32  # 接DIR+  delay = 0.0001   def downsetup():     GPIO.setwarnings(False)     GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD)  # Numbers GPIOs by physical location     GPIO.setup(IN1, GPIO.OUT)  # Set pin's mode is output     GPIO.setup(IN2, GPIO.OUT)     GPIO.setup(IN3, GPIO.OUT)     GPIO.setup(IN4, GPIO.OUT)   def upsetup():     GPIO.setwarnings(False)     GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD)  # Numbers GPIOs by physical location     GPIO.setup(IN12, GPIO.OUT)  # Set pin's mode is output     GPIO.setup(IN22, GPIO.OUT)     GPIO.setup(IN32, GPIO.OUT)     GPIO.setup(IN42, GPIO.OUT)   def downsetStep(w1, w2, w3, w4):     GPIO.output(IN1, w1)     GPIO.output(IN2, w2)     GPIO.output(IN3, w3)     GPIO.output(IN4, w4)   def upsetStep(w1, w2, w3, w4):     GPIO.output(IN12, w1)     GPIO.output(IN22, w2)     GPIO.output(IN32, w3)     GPIO.output(IN42, w4)   def downstop():     # 下面的电机停止     downsetStep(0, 0, 0, 0)   def upstop():     # 上面的电机停止     upsetStep(0, 0, 0, 0)   def rightward(steps):     # 下面的电机向右转动     global delay     for i in range(0, steps):         downsetStep(1, 0, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)         downsetStep(0, 1, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)         downsetStep(0, 1, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)         downsetStep(1, 0, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)     downstop()   # def rightward2(steps): #     global delay #     for i in range(0, steps): #         upsetStep(1, 0, 1, 0) #         time.sleep(delay) #         upsetStep(0, 1, 1, 0) #         time.sleep(delay) #         upsetStep(0, 1, 0, 1) #         time.sleep(delay) #         upsetStep(1, 0, 0, 1) #         time.sleep(delay) #     upstop()  def leftward(steps):     # 下面的电机向左转动     global delay     for i in range(0, steps):         downsetStep(1, 0, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)         downsetStep(0, 1, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)         downsetStep(0, 1, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)         downsetStep(1, 0, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)     downstop()   # def leftward2(steps): #     global delay #     for i in range(0, steps): #         upsetStep(1, 0, 0, 1) #         time.sleep(delay) #         upsetStep(0, 1, 0, 1) #         time.sleep(delay) #         upsetStep(0, 1, 1, 0) #         time.sleep(delay) #         upsetStep(1, 0, 1, 0) #         time.sleep(delay) #     upstop()  # def downward(steps): #     global delay #     for i in range(0, steps): #         downsetStep(1, 0, 0, 1) #         time.sleep(delay) #         downsetStep(0, 1, 0, 1) #         time.sleep(delay) #         downsetStep(0, 1, 1, 0) #         time.sleep(delay) #         downsetStep(1, 0, 1, 0) #         time.sleep(delay) #     downstop()  def downward2(steps):     # 上面的电机向下转动     global delay     for i in range(0, steps):         upsetStep(1, 0, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)         upsetStep(0, 1, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)         upsetStep(0, 1, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)         upsetStep(1, 0, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)     upstop()   # def upward(steps): #     global delay #     for i in range(0, steps): #         downsetStep(1, 0, 1, 0) #         time.sleep(delay) #         downsetStep(0, 1, 1, 0) #         time.sleep(delay) #         downsetStep(0, 1, 0, 1) #         time.sleep(delay) #         downsetStep(1, 0, 0, 1) #         time.sleep(delay) #     downstop()  def upward2(steps):     # 上面的电机向上转动     global delay     for i in range(0, steps):         upsetStep(1, 0, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)         upsetStep(0, 1, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)         upsetStep(0, 1, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)         upsetStep(1, 0, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)     upstop()   # 测试函数 # angle单位:度  0.036= 360/10000 # def loop(angle): #     print ("rightward--->leftward:") #     rightward(int(angle/360*6400))   # 发射脉冲时间间隔0.0001(单位秒)   脉冲个数angle/0.036 #     leftward(int(angle/360*6400)) #     print ("downstop...") #     time.sleep(1)          # sleep 1s  # def loop2(angle): #     print ("upward--->downward:") #     upward2(int(angle/360*6400))   # 发射脉冲时间间隔0.0001(单位秒)   脉冲个数angle/0.036 #     upstop() #     downward2(int(angle/360*6400))  #     print ("downstop...") #     upstop()                 # downstop #     time.sleep(1)          # sleep 3s  def destroy():     GPIO.cleanup()  # 释放数据   curpos = np.array([-1000, 1000])  # mm,mm  pi = 3.14159   # 坐标原点在左上角,向左为x轴,向下为y轴。坐标单位像素个数 # x轴移动距离:dx:移动的距离 # 转换:1像素=1.75mm  #################测试程序 def xrunpixel(dxpixel):     # 下面的电机转动多少像素的位置     xangle = math.atan(dxpixel / 1000 / 1.75) * 180 / pi  # 单位:度,1000mm需转换为像素个数单位     if xangle > 0:         rightward(int(xangle / 360 * 6400))     else:         xangle = -xangle         leftward(int(xangle / 360 * 6400))   # y轴移动距离:dy:移动的距离(像素=mm/1.75) def yrunpixel(dypixel):     # 上面的电机转动多少像素的位置     yangle = math.atan(dypixel / 1000 / 1.75) * 180 / pi     if yangle > 0:         upward(int(yangle / 360 * 6400))     else:         yangle = -yangle         downward(int(yangle / 360 * 6400))   #####################   # dxstep:x移动的距离(step,int,步进电机步数) def xrunstep(dxstep):     # 下面的电机转动的步数     if dxstep > 0:         rightward(dxstep)     else:         dxstep = -dxstep         leftward(dxstep)   # dystep:x移动的距离(步长数,int) def yrunstep(dystep):     # 上面的电机转动的步数     if dystep > 0:         downward2(dystep)     else:         dystep = -dystep         upward2(dystep)      # linepos = np.array([[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]])  # 像素单位   # def runline(linepos): #     points = linepos.shape[0]  # 总点数 #     xcumsum = np.cumsum(linepos[:,0]) #     ycumsum = np.cumsum(linepos[:,1]) #     xcumsum = int(math.atan(ycumsum/1374)*1018.591636)     # 1374=1000*1.374,1018.591636 = 1/math.pi*180/360*6400 #     ycumsum = int(math.atan(ycumsum/1374)*1018.591636)  #     for i in range(1,points): #         xrunstep(xcumsum[i] - xcumsum[i-1]) #         yrunstep(ycumsum[i] - ycumsum[i-1])  # points[0,:] 起点位置,points[1,:] 目标位置,# 像素单位 points = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])   def runtwopoints(points):     # 从第一个点的位置移动到第二点的位置     temp = points[1, 0] - points[0, 0]     xstep = int(math.atan(temp / 738) * 1018.591636)  # int((points[1,0]-points[0,0])*0.57142857)     temp = points[1, 1] - points[0, 1]     ystep = int(math.atan(temp / 738) * 1018.591636)     print('xstep = ', xstep)     print('ystep = ', ystep)     xrunstep(xstep)     yrunstep(ystep)   #########测试程序 # x坐标max: 570,1个像素0.738mm,对应距离1000mm zeropos = np.array([100, 100])  # 像素 curpos = np.array([500, 350])  # 像素   def returnZero():     # 从当前位置curpos回到原点zeropos     global curpos     global zeropos     global points     points[0, :] = curpos     points[1, :] = zeropos     runtwopoints(points)   # boundary =  np.array([[300, 300], [295, 295], [290, 290], [285, 285], [280, 280], [275, 275], [270, 271], [265, 266], [260, 261], [255, 256], [250, 251], [245, 246], [240, 242], [235, 237], [230, 232], [225, 227], [220, 222], [215, 218], [210, 213], [205, 208], [200, 203], [195, 198], [190, 193], [185, 189], [180, 184], [175, 179], [170, 174], [165, 169], [160, 165], [155, 160], #                      [150, 155], [145, 150], [140, 145], [135, 140], [130, 136], [125, 131], [120, 126], [115, 121], [110, 116], [105, 111], [100, 107], [95, 102], [90, 97], [85, 92], [80, 87], [75, 83], [70, 78], [65, 73], [60, 68], [55, 63], [50, 58], [45, 54], [40, 49], [35, 44], [30, 39], [25, 34], [20, 30], [25, 29], [30, 29], [35, 29], [40, 29], [45, 29], #                      [50, 29], [55, 29], [60, 29], [65, 29], [70, 28], [75, 28], [80, 28], [85, 28], [90, 28], [95, 28], [100, 28], [105, 28], [110, 28], [115, 28], [120, 27], [125, 27], [130, 27], [135, 27], [140, 27], [145, 27], [150, 27], [155, 27], [160, 27], [165, 26], [170, 26], [175, 26], [180, 26], [185, 26], [190, 26], [195, 26], [200, 26], [205, 26], [210, 26], #                      [215, 25], [220, 25], [225, 25], [230, 25], [235, 25], [240, 25], [245, 25], [250, 25], [255, 25], [260, 25], [265, 24], [270, 24], [275, 24], [280, 24], [285, 24], [290, 24], [295, 24], [300, 24], [305, 24], [310, 23], [315, 23], [320, 23], [325, 23], [330, 23], [335, 23], [340, 23], [345, 23], [350, 23], [355, 23], [360, 22], [365, 22], [370, 22], [375, 22], #                      [380, 22], [385, 22], [390, 22], [395, 22], [400, 22], [405, 21], [410, 21], [415, 21], [420, 21], [425, 21], [430, 21], [435, 21], [440, 21], [445, 21], [450, 21], [455, 20], [460, 20], [465, 20], [470, 20], [475, 20], [480, 20], [485, 20], [490, 20], [495, 20], [500, 20], [500, 20], [499, 24], [498, 29], [497, 34], [496, 39], [495, 44], #                      [494, 48], [493, 53], [492, 58], [491, 63], [490, 68], [489, 72], [488, 77], [487, 82], [486, 87], [485, 92], [484, 96], [483, 101], [482, 106], [481, 111], [480, 116], [479, 120], [478, 125], [477, 130], [476, 135], [475, 140], [474, 144], [473, 149], [472, 154], [471, 159], [470, 164], [469, 168], [468, 173], [467, 178], [466, 183], [465, 188], [464, 192], #                      [463, 197], [462, 202], [461, 207], [460, 212], [459, 216], [458, 221], [457, 226], [456, 231], [455, 236], [454, 240], [453, 245], [452, 250], [451, 255], [450, 260], [449, 264], [448, 269], [447, 274], [446, 279], [445, 284], [444, 288], [443, 293], [442, 298], [441, 303], [440, 308], [439, 312], [438, 317], [437, 322], [436, 327], [435, 332], #                      [434, 336], [433, 341], [432, 346], [431, 351], [430, 356], [429, 360], [428, 365], [427, 370], [426, 375], [425, 380], [424, 384], [423, 389], [422, 394], [421, 399], [420, 404], [419, 408], [418, 413], [417, 418], [416, 423], [415, 428], [414, 432], [413, 437], [412, 442], [411, 447], [410, 452], [409, 456], [408, 461], [407, 466], [406, 471], [405, 476], #                      [404, 480], [403, 485], [402, 490], [400, 500], [395, 497], [390, 494], [385, 491], [380, 489], [375, 486], [370, 483], [365, 481], [360, 478], [355, 475], [350, 472], [345, 470], [340, 467], [335, 464], [330, 462], [325, 459], [320, 456], [315, 454], [310, 451], [305, 448], [300, 445], [295, 443], [290, 440], [285, 437], [280, 435], [275, 432], #                      [270, 429], [265, 427], [260, 424], [255, 421], [250, 418], [245, 416], [240, 413], [235, 410], [230, 408], [225, 405], [220, 402], [215, 400], [210, 397], [205, 394], [200, 391], [195, 389], [190, 386], [185, 383], [180, 381], [175, 378], [170, 375], [165, 372], [160, 370], [155, 367], [150, 364], [145, 362], [140, 359], [135, 356], [130, 354], [125, 351], #                      [120, 348], [115, 345], [110, 343], [105, 340], [100, 337], [95, 335], [90, 332], [85, 329], [80, 327], [75, 324], [70, 321], [65, 318], [60, 316], [55, 313], [50, 310], [45, 308], [40, 305], [35, 302], [30, 300], [29, 273], [28, 246], [27, 219], [26, 192], [25, 165], [24, 138], [23, 111], [22, 84]]) # def runboundary(): #     global boundary #     num = boundary.shape[0] #     #print('num = ',num) #     for i in range(0,num-1): #         #print('i = ',i) #         temp = boundary[i:i+2,:] #         #print('temp = ',temp) #         runtwopoints(temp)   def runMotor(x1, y1, x2, y2):     x1, y1, x2, y2 = int(x1), int(y1), int(x2), int(y2)     # 从(x1, y1) -> (x2, y2)     points = np.array([[x1, y1], [x2, y2]])     print(points)     runtwopoints(points)


import cv2 import numpy as np  def findLaser(crop):     """     找到图片中点绿色激光点与红色激光点并定位中心     :param crop: 需要处理点图片     :return: 绿色激光点中心(x1, y1);红色激光点中心(x2, y2)     """     cX1, cY1, cX2, cY2 = None, None, None, None     greenLaser = 'green'     redLaser = 'red'     # 色系下限上限表     color_dist = {'red': {'Lower': np.array([0, 60, 60]), 'Upper': np.array([6, 255, 255])},                   'green': {'Lower': np.array([35, 43, 35]), 'Upper': np.array([90, 255, 255])},                   }     # 灰度图像处理     # gray = cv2.cvtColor(crop, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)#灰度图     # cv2.imshow('gray', gray)      # 高斯滤波     blurred = cv2.GaussianBlur(crop, (11, 11), 0)     # cv2.imshow('blurred', blurred)     # 创建运算核     kernel = np.ones((1, 1), np.uint8)     # 腐蚀     # erode = cv2.erode(crop, kernel, iterations=1)     # 膨胀     # crop_dilate = cv2.dilate(blurred, kernel, iterations = 5)     # 开运算     opening = cv2.morphologyEx(blurred, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel)     # 二值化处理     thresh = cv2.threshold(opening, 230, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1]     # cv2.imshow('thresh', thresh)      hsv = cv2.cvtColor(thresh, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)  # 转化成HSV图像     # 颜色二值化筛选处理     inRange_hsv_green = cv2.inRange(hsv, color_dist[greenLaser]['Lower'], color_dist[greenLaser]['Upper'])     inRange_hsv_red = cv2.inRange(hsv, color_dist[redLaser]['Lower'], color_dist[redLaser]['Upper'])     # cv2.imshow('inrange_hsv_green', inRange_hsv_green)     # cv2.imshow('inrange_hsv_red', inRange_hsv_red)     # 找绿色激光点     try:         cnts1 = cv2.findContours(inRange_hsv_green.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)[-2]         c1 = max(cnts1, key=cv2.contourArea)         M = cv2.moments(c1)         cX1 = int(M["m10"] / M["m00"])         cY1 = int(M["m01"] / M["m00"])         cv2.circle(crop, (cX1, cY1), 3, (0, 255, 0), -1)         rect = cv2.minAreaRect(c1)         box = cv2.boxPoints(rect)         cv2.drawContours(crop, [np.int0(box)], -1, (0, 255, 0), 2)     except:         print('没有找到绿色的激光')      # 找红色激光点     try:         cnts2 = cv2.findContours(inRange_hsv_red.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)[-2]         c2 = max(cnts2, key=cv2.contourArea)         M = cv2.moments(c2)         cX2 = int(M["m10"] / M["m00"])         cY2 = int(M["m01"] / M["m00"])         cv2.circle(crop, (cX2, cY2), 3, (0, 0, 255), -1)         rect = cv2.minAreaRect(c2)         box = cv2.boxPoints(rect)         cv2.drawContours(crop, [np.int0(box)], -1, (0, 0, 255), 2)     except:         print('没有找到红色的激光')     return cX1, cY1, cX2, cY2  def draw_fit_line(dire, type):     """     :param dire: 传入需要拟合的含有白色直线的图像     :return: 传出直线一般式参数a,b,c     """     dic = {'up': (hStart, wStart + leftRight_distance), 'down': (hEnd - upDown_distance, wStart + leftRight_distance),            'left': (hStart + upDown_distance, wStart), 'right': (hStart + upDown_distance, wEnd - leftRight_distance)}      # 存放直线的像素点坐标     axis = []     for i in range(len(dire)):         for j in range(len(dire[i])):             if dire[i][j] == 255: # 判断为白色像素                 # 对应在原图中的高宽坐标                 h = i + dic[type][0]                 w = j + dic[type][1]                 axis.append([w, h])      data_np = np.array(axis) # 坐标矩阵化     output = cv2.fitLine(data_np, cv2.DIST_L2, 0, 0.01, 0.01)  # 直线拟合     k = output[1] / output[0]     b = output[3] - k * output[2]     return k, b  def crop(h, w, cnt):     '''     将图形裁剪出上下左右四个部分的中间位置     :param cnt: 需要裁剪的图片     :return:     '''     global upDown_distance, leftRight_distance     # 上下部分裁剪的宽度     upDown_distance = h     # 左右部分裁剪的宽度     leftRight_distance = w     up = cnt[0:upDown_distance, leftRight_distance:wEnd - wStart - leftRight_distance]     down = cnt[hEnd - hStart - upDown_distance:hEnd - hStart, leftRight_distance:wEnd - wStart - leftRight_distance]     left = cnt[upDown_distance:hEnd - hStart - upDown_distance, 0:leftRight_distance]     right = cnt[upDown_distance:hEnd - hStart - upDown_distance, wEnd -wStart - leftRight_distance:wEnd - wStart]      # 显示四个边长裁剪过后的图片     cv2.imshow('up', up)     cv2.imshow('down', down)     cv2.imshow('left', left)     cv2.imshow('right', right)     return up, down, left, right  def getCoordinate(k1, b1, k2, b2):     x = (b2 - b1) / (k1 - k2)     y = k1 * x + b1     return int(x), int(y)  def drawCenter(a, b, c, d):     # 显示边长交点     cv2.circle(img, (a[0], a[1]), 3, (0, 0, 255), -1)     cv2.circle(img, (b[0], b[1]), 3, (0, 0, 255), -1)     cv2.circle(img, (c[0], c[1]), 3, (0, 0, 255), -1)     cv2.circle(img, (d[0], d[1]), 3, (0, 0, 255), -1)     # 画边界线     cv2.line(img, (a[0], a[1]), (b[0], b[1]), (0, 255, 0), 1)     cv2.line(img, (b[0], b[1]), (c[0], c[1]), (0, 255, 0), 1)     cv2.line(img, (a[0], a[1]), (d[0], d[1]), (0, 255, 0), 1)     cv2.line(img, (c[0], c[1]), (d[0], d[1]), (0, 255, 0), 1)      xCenter = (a[0] + b[0] + c[0] + d[0])//4     yCenter = (a[1] + b[1] + c[1] + d[1])//4     cv2.circle(img, (xCenter, yCenter), 4, (0, 0, 255), -1)      return xCenter, yCenter  if __name__ == "__main__":     # 导入图片img     img = cv2.imread('/Users/duanhao/Desktop/Electronic Design Competion/2023电子设计大赛/laser/2.jpg')     # 需要裁剪的区域###################################     hStart, hEnd, wStart, wEnd = 50, 650, 450, 1100     ################################################     cropImg = img[hStart:hEnd, wStart:wEnd]     cv2.imshow('cropImg', cropImg)      # 找激光点 ->     xc1, yc1, xc2, yc2 = findLaser(cropImg)     # 对应到原点中的激光坐标     try:         xc2, yc2 = xc2 + wStart, yc2 + hStart         print('红色激光点坐标:', xc2, yc2)     except:         print('无法返回对应原图中激光笔坐标')      # 图像inRange二值化处理     hsv = cv2.cvtColor(cropImg, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)     l_g = np.array([0, 0, 0])  # 阈值下限     u_g = np.array([255, 255, 116])  # 阈值上限     mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, l_g, u_g)     cv2.imshow('mask', mask)      # 传入二值化后的图片返回裁剪出来的四个边长举行     # 上下部分裁剪的宽度     upDown_distance = 150     # 左右部分裁剪的宽度     leftRight_distance = 150     try:         # 传入参数1:上下部分裁剪宽度; 参数2:左右部分裁剪宽度         up, down, left, right = crop(upDown_distance, leftRight_distance, mask)         # 在img原图中拟合四条直线 -> 得到拟合直线的k,b         up_k, up_b = draw_fit_line(up, 'up')         down_k, down_b = draw_fit_line(down, 'down')         left_k, left_b = draw_fit_line(left, 'left')         right_k, right_b = draw_fit_line(right, 'right')         # 求出A,B, C, D四个边长交点坐标 -> 顺时针方向定义ABCD点         A = getCoordinate(up_k, up_b, left_k, left_b)         B = getCoordinate(up_k, up_b, right_k, right_b)         C = getCoordinate(down_k, down_b, right_k, right_b)         D = getCoordinate(down_k, down_b, left_k, left_b)          # 画出边界线以及中心点         xCenter, yCenter = drawCenter(A, B, C, D)         print('中心点坐标:', xCenter, yCenter)     except:         print('没有裁剪好图片,识别不到黑色方框!')         print(f'原来图形尺寸为{img.shape[0:1]}')      cv2.imshow('img', img)     cv2.waitKey(0)     cv2.destroyAllWindows()



import cv2 import math import numpy as np import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time  # 坐标方向:水平向右为x正向, left-----right,垂直向下为y正方向,向下为up,向上为down # 像素间隔:0.738mm/每像素  # 规定GPIO引脚 IN1 = 18      # 接PUL- IN2 = 16      # 接PUL+ IN3 = 15      # 接DIR- IN4 = 13      # 接DIR+  # 云台上面的电机驱动器,物理引脚 IN12 = 38      # 接PUL- IN22 = 40      # 接PUL+ IN32 = 36      # 接DIR- IN42 = 32      # 接DIR+  delay = 0.0001  def downsetup():     GPIO.setwarnings(False)     GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD)       # Numbers GPIOs by physical location     GPIO.setup(IN1, GPIO.OUT)      # Set pin's mode is output     GPIO.setup(IN2, GPIO.OUT)     GPIO.setup(IN3, GPIO.OUT)     GPIO.setup(IN4, GPIO.OUT)  def upsetup():     GPIO.setwarnings(False)     GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD)       # Numbers GPIOs by physical location     GPIO.setup(IN12, GPIO.OUT)      # Set pin's mode is output     GPIO.setup(IN22, GPIO.OUT)     GPIO.setup(IN32, GPIO.OUT)     GPIO.setup(IN42, GPIO.OUT)      def downsetStep(w1, w2, w3, w4):     GPIO.output(IN1, w1)     GPIO.output(IN2, w2)     GPIO.output(IN3, w3)     GPIO.output(IN4, w4)  def upsetStep(w1, w2, w3, w4):     GPIO.output(IN12, w1)     GPIO.output(IN22, w2)     GPIO.output(IN32, w3)     GPIO.output(IN42, w4)      def downstop():     # 下面的电机停止     downsetStep(0, 0, 0, 0)      def upstop():     # 上面的电机停止     upsetStep(0, 0, 0, 0)      def rightward(steps):     # 下面的电机向右转动     global delay     for i in range(0, steps):         downsetStep(1, 0, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)         downsetStep(0, 1, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)         downsetStep(0, 1, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)         downsetStep(1, 0, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)     downstop()               def leftward(steps):     # 下面的电机向左转动     global delay     for i in range(0, steps):         downsetStep(1, 0, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)         downsetStep(0, 1, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)         downsetStep(0, 1, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)         downsetStep(1, 0, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)     downstop()      def upward2(steps):     # 上面的电机向下转动     global delay     for i in range(0, steps):         upsetStep(1, 0, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)         upsetStep(0, 1, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)         upsetStep(0, 1, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)         upsetStep(1, 0, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)     upstop()   def downward2(steps):     # 上面的电机向上转动     global delay     for i in range(0, steps):         upsetStep(1, 0, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)         upsetStep(0, 1, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)         upsetStep(0, 1, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)         upsetStep(1, 0, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)     upstop()           def destroy():     GPIO.cleanup()             # 释放数据    curpos = np.array([-1000,1000])  # mm,mm  pi = 3.14159 # 坐标原点在左上角,向左为x轴,向下为y轴。坐标单位像素个数 # x轴移动距离:dx:移动的距离 # 转换:1像素=1.75mm  def xrunpixel(dxpixel):     # 下面的电机转动多少像素的位置     xangle = math.atan(dxpixel/1000/1.75)*180/pi   # 单位:度,1000mm需转换为像素个数单位     if xangle > 0:         rightward(int(xangle/360*6400))     else:         xangle = -xangle         leftward(int(xangle/360*6400))   # y轴移动距离:dy:移动的距离(像素=mm/1.75) def yrunpixel(dypixel):     # 上面的电机转动多少像素的位置     yangle = math.atan(dypixel/1000/1.75)*180/pi     if yangle > 0:         upward(int(yangle/360*6400))     else:         yangle = -yangle         downward(int(yangle/360*6400))  # dxstep:x移动的距离(step,int,步进电机步数) def xrunstep(dxstep):     # 下面的电机转动的步数     if dxstep > 0:         rightward(dxstep)     else:         dxstep = -dxstep         leftward(dxstep) # dystep:x移动的距离(步长数,int) def yrunstep(dystep):     # 上面的电机转动的步数     if dystep > 0:         upward2(dystep)     else:         dystep = -dystep         downward2(dystep)           #points[0,:] 起点位置,points[1,:] 目标位置,# 像素单位 points = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]])   def runtwopoints(points):     points = np.array(points)         steps = []     dstep = 2      temp = points[1,0]-points[0,0]     xstep = int(math.atan(temp/732)*1018.591636)  #int((points[1,0]-points[0,0])*0.57142857) #     xstep = int(math.atan(temp/890)*1018.591636)  #int((points[1,0]-points[0,0])*0.57142857)     temp = points[1,1]-points[0,1]     ystep = int(math.atan(temp/740)*1018.591636) #     ystep = int(math.atan(temp/974)*1018.591636)      if xstep >= 0:        absxstep = xstep        xdir = 1     else:        absxstep = -xstep        xdir = 0      if ystep >= 0:        absystep = ystep        ydir = 1     else:        absystep = -ystep        ydir = 0                    # 得到xstep和ystep的最大值     if absxstep >= absystep:   # 说明较长边在x轴         maxdir = 'x'          absmaxstep = absxstep         maxstep = xstep         minstep = ystep              else:         maxdir = 'y'         absmaxstep = absystep         maxstep = ystep         minstep = xstep       # 分段运行节数     sections = int(absmaxstep/dstep)+1     dstepmin = minstep/sections     dstepmax = maxstep/sections       for i in range(1,sections+1):         if maxdir == 'x': # 沿x边走,先算累计步长             steps.append([round(i * dstepmax),round(i * dstepmin)])         else:  # 沿y边走,先算累计步长             steps.append([round(i * dstepmin),round(i * dstepmax)])      if  steps[sections-1][0] != xstep:         steps[sections-1][0] == xstep     if  steps[sections-1][1] != ystep:         steps[sections-1][1] == ystep      #print('steps=', steps)     #print()      for i in range(sections-1,0,-1):         steps[i][0] -= steps[i-1][0]         steps[i][1] -= steps[i-1][1]       #print('steps=', steps)                 points = len(steps)  # 总点数     for i in range(points):            xrunstep(steps[i][0])         yrunstep(steps[i][1])     upstop()     downstop()      # x坐标max: 570,1个像素0.738mm,对应距离1000mm zeropos = np.array([100,100]) # 像素 curpos = np.array([500,350])  # 像素 def returnZero():     # 从当前位置curpos回到原点zeropos     global curpos     global zeropos     global points     points[0,:] = curpos     points[1,:] = zeropos     runtwopoints(points)   def findLaser(crop):     """     找到图片中点绿色激光点与红色激光点并定位中心     :param crop: 需要处理点图片     :return: 绿色激光点中心(x1, y1);红色激光点中心(x2, y2)     """     cX1, cY1, cX2, cY2 = None, None, None, None     greenLaser = 'green'     redLaser = 'red'     # 色系下限上限表     color_dist = {'red': {'Lower': np.array([0, 60, 60]), 'Upper': np.array([6, 255, 255])},                   'green': {'Lower': np.array([35, 43, 35]), 'Upper': np.array([90, 255, 255])},                   }      # 高斯滤波     blurred = cv2.GaussianBlur(crop, (11, 11), 0)     # cv2.imshow('blurred', blurred)     # 创建运算核     kernel = np.ones((1, 1), np.uint8)     # 开运算     opening = cv2.morphologyEx(blurred, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel)     # 二值化处理     thresh = cv2.threshold(opening, 230, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1]     # cv2.imshow('thresh', thresh)      hsv = cv2.cvtColor(thresh, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)  # 转化成HSV图像     # 颜色二值化筛选处理     inRange_hsv_green = cv2.inRange(hsv, color_dist[greenLaser]['Lower'], color_dist[greenLaser]['Upper'])     inRange_hsv_red = cv2.inRange(hsv, color_dist[redLaser]['Lower'], color_dist[redLaser]['Upper'])  #     # 找绿色激光点 #     try: #         cnts1 = cv2.findContours(inRange_hsv_green.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)[-2] #         c1 = max(cnts1, key=cv2.contourArea) #         M = cv2.moments(c1) #         cX1 = int(M["m10"] / M["m00"]) #         cY1 = int(M["m01"] / M["m00"]) #         cv2.circle(crop, (cX1, cY1), 3, (0, 255, 0), -1) #         rect = cv2.minAreaRect(c1) #         box = cv2.boxPoints(rect) # #         cv2.drawContours(crop, [np.int0(box)], -1, (0, 255, 0), 2) #     except: #         print('没有找到绿色的激光')      # 找红色激光点     try:         cnts2 = cv2.findContours(inRange_hsv_red.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)[-2]         c2 = max(cnts2, key=cv2.contourArea)         M = cv2.moments(c2)         cX2 = int(M["m10"] / M["m00"])         cY2 = int(M["m01"] / M["m00"])         cv2.circle(crop, (cX2, cY2), 3, (0, 0, 255), -1)         rect = cv2.minAreaRect(c2)         box = cv2.boxPoints(rect) #         cv2.drawContours(crop, [np.int0(box)], -1, (0, 0, 255), 2)     except:         print('没有找到红色的激光')     return cX1, cY1, cX2, cY2  def draw_fit_line(dire, type):     """     :param dire: 传入需要拟合的含有白色直线的图像     :return: 传出直线一般式参数a,b,c     """     dic = {'up': (hStart, wStart + leftRight_distance), 'down': (hEnd - upDown_distance, wStart + leftRight_distance),            'left': (hStart + upDown_distance, wStart), 'right': (hStart + upDown_distance, wEnd - leftRight_distance)}      # 存放直线的像素点坐标     axis = []     for i in range(len(dire)):         for j in range(len(dire[i])):             if dire[i][j] == 255: # 判断为白色像素                 # 对应在原图中的高宽坐标                 h = i + dic[type][0]                 w = j + dic[type][1]                 axis.append([w, h])      data_np = np.array(axis) # 坐标矩阵化     output = cv2.fitLine(data_np, cv2.DIST_L2, 0, 0.01, 0.01)  # 直线拟合 #     print(output)     k = output[1] / output[0]     b = output[3] - k * output[2]     return k, b  def crop(h, w, cnt):     '''     将图形裁剪出上下左右四个部分的中间位置     :param cnt: 需要裁剪的图片     :return:     '''     global upDown_distance, leftRight_distance     # 上下部分裁剪的宽度     upDown_distance = h     # 左右部分裁剪的宽度     leftRight_distance = w     up = cnt[0:upDown_distance, leftRight_distance:wEnd - wStart - leftRight_distance]     down = cnt[hEnd - hStart - upDown_distance:hEnd - hStart, leftRight_distance:wEnd - wStart - leftRight_distance]     left = cnt[upDown_distance:hEnd - hStart - upDown_distance, 0:leftRight_distance]     right = cnt[upDown_distance:hEnd - hStart - upDown_distance, wEnd -wStart - leftRight_distance:wEnd - wStart]      # 显示四个边长裁剪过后的图片 #     cv2.imshow('up', up) #     cv2.imshow('down', down) #     cv2.imshow('left', left) #     cv2.imshow('right', right)     return up, down, left, right  def getCoordinate(k1, b1, k2, b2):     x = (b2 - b1) / (k1 - k2)     y = k1 * x + b1     return int(x), int(y)  def drawCenter(a, b, c, d):     # 显示边长交点     cv2.circle(img, (a[0], a[1]), 3, (0, 0, 255), -1)     cv2.circle(img, (b[0], b[1]), 3, (0, 0, 255), -1)     cv2.circle(img, (c[0], c[1]), 3, (0, 0, 255), -1)     cv2.circle(img, (d[0], d[1]), 3, (0, 0, 255), -1)     # 画边界线     cv2.line(img, (a[0], a[1]), (b[0], b[1]), (0, 255, 0), 1)     cv2.line(img, (b[0], b[1]), (c[0], c[1]), (0, 255, 0), 1)     cv2.line(img, (a[0], a[1]), (d[0], d[1]), (0, 255, 0), 1)     cv2.line(img, (c[0], c[1]), (d[0], d[1]), (0, 255, 0), 1)      xCenter = (a[0] + b[0] + c[0] + d[0])//4     yCenter = (a[1] + b[1] + c[1] + d[1])//4     cv2.circle(img, (xCenter, yCenter), 4, (0, 0, 255), -1)      return xCenter, yCenter  if __name__ == "__main__":          downsetup()     upsetup()     upstop()     downstop()          cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)     cap.set(3,1280)     cap.set(4,720)  #设置窗口的大小      for i in range(4):         for j in range(6):             ret, img = cap.read()                 # 需要裁剪的区域###################################         hStart, hEnd, wStart, wEnd = 200, 640, 320, 760         ################################################         cropImg = img[hStart:hEnd, wStart:wEnd]           # 找激光点 ->         xc1, yc1, xc2, yc2 = findLaser(cropImg)         # 对应到原点中的激光坐标         xc2, yc2 = xc2 + wStart, yc2 + hStart         print('红色激光点坐标:', xc2, yc2)          # 图像inRange二值化处理         hsv = cv2.cvtColor(cropImg, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)         l_g = np.array([0, 0, 0])  # 阈值下限         u_g = np.array([255, 255, 110])  # 阈值上限   90-120         mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, l_g, u_g)          #         cv2.imshow('cropImg', cropImg)         #         cv2.imshow('mask', mask)         #         cv2.waitKey(0) #         cv2.destroyAllWindows()          # 传入二值化后的图片返回裁剪出来的四个边长举行         # 上下部分裁剪的宽度         upDown_distance = 80         # 左右部分裁剪的宽度         leftRight_distance = 80         try:             # 传入参数1:上下部分裁剪宽度; 参数2:左右部分裁剪宽度             up, down, left, right = crop(upDown_distance, leftRight_distance, mask)             # 在img原图中拟合四条直线 -> 得到拟合直线的k,b             up_k, up_b = draw_fit_line(up, 'up')             down_k, down_b = draw_fit_line(down, 'down')             left_k, left_b = draw_fit_line(left, 'left')             right_k, right_b = draw_fit_line(right, 'right')              # 求出A,B, C, D四个边长交点坐标 -> 顺时针方向定义ABCD点             A = getCoordinate(up_k, up_b, left_k, left_b)             B = getCoordinate(up_k, up_b, right_k, right_b)             C = getCoordinate(down_k, down_b, right_k, right_b)             D = getCoordinate(down_k, down_b, left_k, left_b)              # 画出边界线以及中心点             xCenter, yCenter = drawCenter(A, B, C, D)             print('四个顶点坐标', A, B, C, D)             print('中心点坐标:', xCenter, yCenter)         except:             print('没有裁剪好图片,识别不到黑色方框!')             print(f'原来图形尺寸为{img.shape[0:1]}')             xCenter, yCenter = 545, 420           points = np.array([[xc2, yc2],[xCenter,yCenter]])           print('points', points)         runtwopoints(points)


import cv2 import math import numpy as np import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time  # 坐标方向:水平向右为x正向, left-----right,垂直向下为y正方向,向下为up,向上为down # 像素间隔:0.738mm/每像素  # 规定GPIO引脚 IN1 = 18      # 接PUL- IN2 = 16      # 接PUL+ IN3 = 15      # 接DIR- IN4 = 13      # 接DIR+  # 云台上面的电机驱动器,物理引脚 IN12 = 38      # 接PUL- IN22 = 40      # 接PUL+ IN32 = 36      # 接DIR- IN42 = 32      # 接DIR+  delay = 0.0001  def downsetup():     GPIO.setwarnings(False)     GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD)       # Numbers GPIOs by physical location     GPIO.setup(IN1, GPIO.OUT)      # Set pin's mode is output     GPIO.setup(IN2, GPIO.OUT)     GPIO.setup(IN3, GPIO.OUT)     GPIO.setup(IN4, GPIO.OUT)  def upsetup():     GPIO.setwarnings(False)     GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD)       # Numbers GPIOs by physical location     GPIO.setup(IN12, GPIO.OUT)      # Set pin's mode is output     GPIO.setup(IN22, GPIO.OUT)     GPIO.setup(IN32, GPIO.OUT)     GPIO.setup(IN42, GPIO.OUT)      def downsetStep(w1, w2, w3, w4):     GPIO.output(IN1, w1)     GPIO.output(IN2, w2)     GPIO.output(IN3, w3)     GPIO.output(IN4, w4)  def upsetStep(w1, w2, w3, w4):     GPIO.output(IN12, w1)     GPIO.output(IN22, w2)     GPIO.output(IN32, w3)     GPIO.output(IN42, w4)      def downstop():     # 下面的电机停止     downsetStep(0, 0, 0, 0)      def upstop():     # 上面的电机停止     upsetStep(0, 0, 0, 0)      def rightward(steps):     # 下面的电机向右转动     global delay     for i in range(0, steps):         downsetStep(1, 0, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)         downsetStep(0, 1, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)         downsetStep(0, 1, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)         downsetStep(1, 0, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)     downstop()               def leftward(steps):     # 下面的电机向左转动     global delay     for i in range(0, steps):         downsetStep(1, 0, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)         downsetStep(0, 1, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)         downsetStep(0, 1, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)         downsetStep(1, 0, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)     downstop()      def upward2(steps):     # 上面的电机向下转动     global delay     for i in range(0, steps):         upsetStep(1, 0, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)         upsetStep(0, 1, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)         upsetStep(0, 1, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)         upsetStep(1, 0, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)     upstop()   def downward2(steps):     # 上面的电机向上转动     global delay     for i in range(0, steps):         upsetStep(1, 0, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)         upsetStep(0, 1, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)         upsetStep(0, 1, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)         upsetStep(1, 0, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)     upstop()           def destroy():     GPIO.cleanup()             # 释放数据    curpos = np.array([-1000,1000])  # mm,mm  pi = 3.14159 # 坐标原点在左上角,向左为x轴,向下为y轴。坐标单位像素个数 # x轴移动距离:dx:移动的距离 # 转换:1像素=1.75mm  def xrunpixel(dxpixel):     # 下面的电机转动多少像素的位置     xangle = math.atan(dxpixel/1000/1.75)*180/pi   # 单位:度,1000mm需转换为像素个数单位     if xangle > 0:         rightward(int(xangle/360*6400))     else:         xangle = -xangle         leftward(int(xangle/360*6400))   # y轴移动距离:dy:移动的距离(像素=mm/1.75) def yrunpixel(dypixel):     # 上面的电机转动多少像素的位置     yangle = math.atan(dypixel/1000/1.75)*180/pi     if yangle > 0:         upward(int(yangle/360*6400))     else:         yangle = -yangle         downward(int(yangle/360*6400))  # dxstep:x移动的距离(step,int,步进电机步数) def xrunstep(dxstep):     # 下面的电机转动的步数     if dxstep > 0:         rightward(dxstep)     else:         dxstep = -dxstep         leftward(dxstep) # dystep:x移动的距离(步长数,int) def yrunstep(dystep):     # 上面的电机转动的步数     if dystep > 0:         upward2(dystep)     else:         dystep = -dystep         downward2(dystep)           #points[0,:] 起点位置,points[1,:] 目标位置,# 像素单位 points = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]])   def runtwopoints(points):     points = np.array(points)         steps = []     dstep = 2      temp = points[1,0]-points[0,0]     xstep = int(math.atan(temp/732)*1018.591636)  #int((points[1,0]-points[0,0])*0.57142857) #     xstep = int(math.atan(temp/890)*1018.591636)  #int((points[1,0]-points[0,0])*0.57142857)     temp = points[1,1]-points[0,1]     ystep = int(math.atan(temp/740)*1018.591636) #     ystep = int(math.atan(temp/974)*1018.591636)      if xstep >= 0:        absxstep = xstep        xdir = 1     else:        absxstep = -xstep        xdir = 0      if ystep >= 0:        absystep = ystep        ydir = 1     else:        absystep = -ystep        ydir = 0                    # 得到xstep和ystep的最大值     if absxstep >= absystep:   # 说明较长边在x轴         maxdir = 'x'          absmaxstep = absxstep         maxstep = xstep         minstep = ystep              else:         maxdir = 'y'         absmaxstep = absystep         maxstep = ystep         minstep = xstep       # 分段运行节数     sections = int(absmaxstep/dstep)+1     dstepmin = minstep/sections     dstepmax = maxstep/sections       for i in range(1,sections+1):         if maxdir == 'x': # 沿x边走,先算累计步长             steps.append([round(i * dstepmax),round(i * dstepmin)])         else:  # 沿y边走,先算累计步长             steps.append([round(i * dstepmin),round(i * dstepmax)])      if  steps[sections-1][0] != xstep:         steps[sections-1][0] == xstep     if  steps[sections-1][1] != ystep:         steps[sections-1][1] == ystep      #print('steps=', steps)     #print()      for i in range(sections-1,0,-1):         steps[i][0] -= steps[i-1][0]         steps[i][1] -= steps[i-1][1]       #print('steps=', steps)                 points = len(steps)  # 总点数     for i in range(points):            xrunstep(steps[i][0])         yrunstep(steps[i][1])     upstop()     downstop()      # x坐标max: 570,1个像素0.738mm,对应距离1000mm zeropos = np.array([100,100]) # 像素 curpos = np.array([500,350])  # 像素 def returnZero():     # 从当前位置curpos回到原点zeropos     global curpos     global zeropos     global points     points[0,:] = curpos     points[1,:] = zeropos     runtwopoints(points)   def findLaser(crop):     """     找到图片中点绿色激光点与红色激光点并定位中心     :param crop: 需要处理点图片     :return: 绿色激光点中心(x1, y1);红色激光点中心(x2, y2)     """     cX1, cY1, cX2, cY2 = None, None, None, None     greenLaser = 'green'     redLaser = 'red'     # 色系下限上限表     color_dist = {'red': {'Lower': np.array([0, 60, 60]), 'Upper': np.array([6, 255, 255])},                   'green': {'Lower': np.array([35, 43, 35]), 'Upper': np.array([90, 255, 255])},                   }     # 灰度图像处理     # gray = cv2.cvtColor(crop, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)#灰度图     # cv2.imshow('gray', gray)      # 高斯滤波     blurred = cv2.GaussianBlur(crop, (11, 11), 0)     # cv2.imshow('blurred', blurred)     # 创建运算核     kernel = np.ones((1, 1), np.uint8)     # 腐蚀     # erode = cv2.erode(crop, kernel, iterations=1)     # 膨胀     # crop_dilate = cv2.dilate(blurred, kernel, iterations = 5)     # 开运算     opening = cv2.morphologyEx(blurred, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel)     # 二值化处理     thresh = cv2.threshold(opening, 230, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1]     # cv2.imshow('thresh', thresh)      hsv = cv2.cvtColor(thresh, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)  # 转化成HSV图像     # 颜色二值化筛选处理     inRange_hsv_green = cv2.inRange(hsv, color_dist[greenLaser]['Lower'], color_dist[greenLaser]['Upper'])     inRange_hsv_red = cv2.inRange(hsv, color_dist[redLaser]['Lower'], color_dist[redLaser]['Upper'])     # cv2.imshow('inrange_hsv_green', inRange_hsv_green)     # cv2.imshow('inrange_hsv_red', inRange_hsv_red)      #     # 找绿色激光点 #     try: #         cnts1 = cv2.findContours(inRange_hsv_green.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)[-2] #         c1 = max(cnts1, key=cv2.contourArea) #         M = cv2.moments(c1) #         cX1 = int(M["m10"] / M["m00"]) #         cY1 = int(M["m01"] / M["m00"]) #         cv2.circle(crop, (cX1, cY1), 3, (0, 255, 0), -1) #         rect = cv2.minAreaRect(c1) #         box = cv2.boxPoints(rect) # #         cv2.drawContours(crop, [np.int0(box)], -1, (0, 255, 0), 2) #     except: #         print('没有找到绿色的激光')      # 找红色激光点     try:         cnts2 = cv2.findContours(inRange_hsv_red.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)[-2]         c2 = max(cnts2, key=cv2.contourArea)         M = cv2.moments(c2)         cX2 = int(M["m10"] / M["m00"])         cY2 = int(M["m01"] / M["m00"])         cv2.circle(crop, (cX2, cY2), 3, (0, 0, 255), -1)         rect = cv2.minAreaRect(c2)         box = cv2.boxPoints(rect) #         cv2.drawContours(crop, [np.int0(box)], -1, (0, 0, 255), 2)     except:         print('没有找到红色的激光')     return cX1, cY1, cX2, cY2  def draw_fit_line(dire, type):     """     :param dire: 传入需要拟合的含有白色直线的图像     :return: 传出直线一般式参数a,b,c     """     dic = {'up': (hStart, wStart + leftRight_distance), 'down': (hEnd - upDown_distance, wStart + leftRight_distance),            'left': (hStart + upDown_distance, wStart), 'right': (hStart + upDown_distance, wEnd - leftRight_distance)}      # 存放直线的像素点坐标     axis = []     for i in range(len(dire)):         for j in range(len(dire[i])):             if dire[i][j] == 255: # 判断为白色像素                 # 对应在原图中的高宽坐标                 h = i + dic[type][0]                 w = j + dic[type][1]                 axis.append([w, h])      data_np = np.array(axis) # 坐标矩阵化     output = cv2.fitLine(data_np, cv2.DIST_L2, 0, 0.01, 0.01)  # 直线拟合     k = output[1] / output[0]     b = output[3] - k * output[2]     return k, b  def crop(h, w, cnt):     '''     将图形裁剪出上下左右四个部分的中间位置     :param cnt: 需要裁剪的图片     :return:     '''     global upDown_distance, leftRight_distance     # 上下部分裁剪的宽度     upDown_distance = h     # 左右部分裁剪的宽度     leftRight_distance = w     up = cnt[0:upDown_distance, leftRight_distance:wEnd - wStart - leftRight_distance]     down = cnt[hEnd - hStart - upDown_distance:hEnd - hStart, leftRight_distance:wEnd - wStart - leftRight_distance]     left = cnt[upDown_distance:hEnd - hStart - upDown_distance, 0:leftRight_distance]     right = cnt[upDown_distance:hEnd - hStart - upDown_distance, wEnd -wStart - leftRight_distance:wEnd - wStart]      # 显示四个边长裁剪过后的图片 #     cv2.imshow('up', up) #     cv2.imshow('down', down) #     cv2.imshow('left', left) #     cv2.imshow('right', right)     return up, down, left, right  def getCoordinate(k1, b1, k2, b2):     x = (b2 - b1) / (k1 - k2)     y = k1 * x + b1     return [int(x), int(y)]  def drawCenter(a, b, c, d):     # 显示边长交点     cv2.circle(img, (a[0], a[1]), 3, (0, 0, 255), -1)     cv2.circle(img, (b[0], b[1]), 3, (0, 0, 255), -1)     cv2.circle(img, (c[0], c[1]), 3, (0, 0, 255), -1)     cv2.circle(img, (d[0], d[1]), 3, (0, 0, 255), -1)     # 画边界线     cv2.line(img, (a[0], a[1]), (b[0], b[1]), (0, 255, 0), 1)     cv2.line(img, (b[0], b[1]), (c[0], c[1]), (0, 255, 0), 1)     cv2.line(img, (a[0], a[1]), (d[0], d[1]), (0, 255, 0), 1)     cv2.line(img, (c[0], c[1]), (d[0], d[1]), (0, 255, 0), 1)      xCenter = (a[0] + b[0] + c[0] + d[0])//4     yCenter = (a[1] + b[1] + c[1] + d[1])//4     cv2.circle(img, (xCenter, yCenter), 4, (0, 0, 255), -1)      return xCenter, yCenter  if __name__ == "__main__":          downsetup()     upsetup()     upstop()     downstop()          cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)     cap.set(3,1280)     cap.set(4,720)  #设置窗口的大小      ret, img = cap.read()             # 需要裁剪的区域###################################     hStart, hEnd, wStart, wEnd = 200, 640, 320, 760     ################################################     cropImg = img[hStart:hEnd, wStart:wEnd]       # 找激光点 ->     xc1, yc1, xc2, yc2 = findLaser(cropImg)     # 对应到原点中的激光坐标     xc2, yc2 = xc2 + wStart, yc2 + hStart     print('红色激光点坐标:', xc2, yc2)      # 图像inRange二值化处理     hsv = cv2.cvtColor(cropImg, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)     l_g = np.array([0, 0, 0])  # 阈值下限     u_g = np.array([255, 255, 100])  # 阈值上限   90-120     mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, l_g, u_g)      #     cv2.imshow('cropImg', cropImg)         #     cv2.imshow('mask', mask)         #     cv2.waitKey(0) #     cv2.destroyAllWindows()      # 传入二值化后的图片返回裁剪出来的四个边长举行     # 上下部分裁剪的宽度     upDown_distance = 80     # 左右部分裁剪的宽度     leftRight_distance = 80     try:         # 传入参数1:上下部分裁剪宽度; 参数2:左右部分裁剪宽度         up, down, left, right = crop(upDown_distance, leftRight_distance, mask)         # 在img原图中拟合四条直线 -> 得到拟合直线的k,b         up_k, up_b = draw_fit_line(up, 'up')         down_k, down_b = draw_fit_line(down, 'down')         left_k, left_b = draw_fit_line(left, 'left')         right_k, right_b = draw_fit_line(right, 'right')          # 求出A,B, C, D四个边长交点坐标 -> 顺时针方向定义ABCD点         A = getCoordinate(up_k, up_b, left_k, left_b)         B = getCoordinate(up_k, up_b, right_k, right_b)         C = getCoordinate(down_k, down_b, right_k, right_b)         D = getCoordinate(down_k, down_b, left_k, left_b)          # 画出边界线以及中心点         xCenter, yCenter = drawCenter(A, B, C, D)         print('四个顶点坐标', A, B, C, D)         print('中心点坐标:', xCenter, yCenter)     except:         print('没有裁剪好图片,识别不到黑色方框!')         print(f'原来图形尺寸为{img.shape[0:1]}')         xCenter, yCenter = 545, 420           allpoint = np.array([A,B,C,D,A])     print(allpoint)      for i in range(len(allpoint)):         for kk in range(3):                         for j in range(6):                 ret, img = cap.read()                          # 需要裁剪的区域###################################             hStart, hEnd, wStart, wEnd = 200, 630, 320, 750             ################################################             cropImg = img[hStart:hEnd, wStart:wEnd]              # 找激光点 ->             xc1, yc1, xc2, yc2 = findLaser(cropImg)             # 对应到原点中的激光坐标             xc2, yc2 = xc2 + wStart, yc2 + hStart             print('红色激光点坐标:', xc2, yc2)                          points = np.array([[xc2, yc2],allpoint[i,:]])             print('points', points)             runtwopoints(points)


import cv2 import math import numpy as np import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time  # 坐标方向:水平向右为x正向, left-----right,垂直向下为y正方向,向下为up,向上为down # 像素间隔:0.738mm/每像素  # 规定GPIO引脚 IN1 = 18      # 接PUL- IN2 = 16      # 接PUL+ IN3 = 15      # 接DIR- IN4 = 13      # 接DIR+  # 云台上面的电机驱动器,物理引脚 IN12 = 38      # 接PUL- IN22 = 40      # 接PUL+ IN32 = 36      # 接DIR- IN42 = 32      # 接DIR+  delay = 0.0001  def downsetup():     GPIO.setwarnings(False)     GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD)       # Numbers GPIOs by physical location     GPIO.setup(IN1, GPIO.OUT)      # Set pin's mode is output     GPIO.setup(IN2, GPIO.OUT)     GPIO.setup(IN3, GPIO.OUT)     GPIO.setup(IN4, GPIO.OUT)  def upsetup():     GPIO.setwarnings(False)     GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD)       # Numbers GPIOs by physical location     GPIO.setup(IN12, GPIO.OUT)      # Set pin's mode is output     GPIO.setup(IN22, GPIO.OUT)     GPIO.setup(IN32, GPIO.OUT)     GPIO.setup(IN42, GPIO.OUT)      def downsetStep(w1, w2, w3, w4):     GPIO.output(IN1, w1)     GPIO.output(IN2, w2)     GPIO.output(IN3, w3)     GPIO.output(IN4, w4)  def upsetStep(w1, w2, w3, w4):     GPIO.output(IN12, w1)     GPIO.output(IN22, w2)     GPIO.output(IN32, w3)     GPIO.output(IN42, w4)      def downstop():     # 下面的电机停止     downsetStep(0, 0, 0, 0)      def upstop():     # 上面的电机停止     upsetStep(0, 0, 0, 0)      def rightward(steps):     # 下面的电机向右转动     global delay     for i in range(0, steps):         downsetStep(1, 0, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)         downsetStep(0, 1, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)         downsetStep(0, 1, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)         downsetStep(1, 0, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)     downstop()               def leftward(steps):     # 下面的电机向左转动     global delay     for i in range(0, steps):         downsetStep(1, 0, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)         downsetStep(0, 1, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)         downsetStep(0, 1, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)         downsetStep(1, 0, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)     downstop()      def upward2(steps):     # 上面的电机向下转动     global delay     for i in range(0, steps):         upsetStep(1, 0, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)         upsetStep(0, 1, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)         upsetStep(0, 1, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)         upsetStep(1, 0, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)     upstop()   def downward2(steps):     # 上面的电机向上转动     global delay     for i in range(0, steps):         upsetStep(1, 0, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)         upsetStep(0, 1, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)         upsetStep(0, 1, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)         upsetStep(1, 0, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)     upstop()           def destroy():     GPIO.cleanup()             # 释放数据    curpos = np.array([-1000,1000])  # mm,mm  pi = 3.14159 # 坐标原点在左上角,向左为x轴,向下为y轴。坐标单位像素个数 # x轴移动距离:dx:移动的距离 # 转换:1像素=1.75mm  def xrunpixel(dxpixel):     # 下面的电机转动多少像素的位置     xangle = math.atan(dxpixel/1000/1.75)*180/pi   # 单位:度,1000mm需转换为像素个数单位     if xangle > 0:         rightward(int(xangle/360*6400))     else:         xangle = -xangle         leftward(int(xangle/360*6400))   # y轴移动距离:dy:移动的距离(像素=mm/1.75) def yrunpixel(dypixel):     # 上面的电机转动多少像素的位置     yangle = math.atan(dypixel/1000/1.75)*180/pi     if yangle > 0:         upward(int(yangle/360*6400))     else:         yangle = -yangle         downward(int(yangle/360*6400))  # dxstep:x移动的距离(step,int,步进电机步数) def xrunstep(dxstep):     # 下面的电机转动的步数     if dxstep > 0:         rightward(dxstep)     else:         dxstep = -dxstep         leftward(dxstep) # dystep:x移动的距离(步长数,int) def yrunstep(dystep):     # 上面的电机转动的步数     if dystep > 0:         upward2(dystep)     else:         dystep = -dystep         downward2(dystep)           #points[0,:] 起点位置,points[1,:] 目标位置,# 像素单位 # points = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]])   def runtwopoints(points):     points = np.array(points)         steps = []     dstep = 2      temp = points[1,0]-points[0,0]     xstep = int(math.atan(temp/732)*1018.591636)  #int((points[1,0]-points[0,0])*0.57142857) #     xstep = int(math.atan(temp/890)*1018.591636)  #int((points[1,0]-points[0,0])*0.57142857)     temp = points[1,1]-points[0,1]     ystep = int(math.atan(temp/740)*1018.591636) #     ystep = int(math.atan(temp/974)*1018.591636)     #print('xstep =',xstep,'ystep =',ystep)     #print()      if xstep >= 0:        absxstep = xstep        xdir = 1     else:        absxstep = -xstep        xdir = 0      if ystep >= 0:        absystep = ystep        ydir = 1     else:        absystep = -ystep        ydir = 0                    # 得到xstep和ystep的最大值     if absxstep >= absystep:   # 说明较长边在x轴         maxdir = 'x'          absmaxstep = absxstep         maxstep = xstep         minstep = ystep              else:         maxdir = 'y'         absmaxstep = absystep         maxstep = ystep         minstep = xstep       # 分段运行节数     sections = int(absmaxstep/dstep)+1     dstepmin = minstep/sections     dstepmax = maxstep/sections       for i in range(1,sections+1):         if maxdir == 'x': # 沿x边走,先算累计步长             steps.append([round(i * dstepmax),round(i * dstepmin)])         else:  # 沿y边走,先算累计步长             steps.append([round(i * dstepmin),round(i * dstepmax)])      if  steps[sections-1][0] != xstep:         steps[sections-1][0] == xstep     if  steps[sections-1][1] != ystep:         steps[sections-1][1] == ystep      #print('steps=', steps)     #print()      for i in range(sections-1,0,-1):         steps[i][0] -= steps[i-1][0]         steps[i][1] -= steps[i-1][1]       #print('steps=', steps)                 points = len(steps)  # 总点数     for i in range(points):            xrunstep(steps[i][0])         yrunstep(steps[i][1])     upstop()     downstop()  def findRedBlackLaser(crop):     """     找到图片中点绿色激光点与红色激光点并定位中心     :param crop: 需要处理点图片     :return: 绿色激光点中心(x1, y1);红色激光点中心(x2, y2)     """     cX1, cY1, cX2, cY2 = None, None, None, None         # Get HSV values from the GUI sliders. #     lowHue = 170 #     lowSat = 81 #     lowVal = 0 #     highHue = 255 #     highSat = 255 #     highVal = 67          lowHue = 173     lowSat = 36     lowVal = 175     highHue = 200     highSat = 79     highVal = 175     frame = crop          # Show the original image. #     cv2.imshow('frame', frame)      # Blur methods available, comment or uncomment to try different blur methods. #     frameBGR = cv2.GaussianBlur(frame, (7, 7), 0)     #frameBGR = cv2.medianBlur(frameBGR, 7)     #frameBGR = cv2.bilateralFilter(frameBGR, 15 ,75, 75)     frameBGR = frame     # Show blurRed image.      # HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value).     # Convert the frame to HSV colour model.     hsv = cv2.cvtColor(frameBGR, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)     # HSV values to define a colour range.     colorLow = np.array([lowHue, lowSat, lowVal])     colorHigh = np.array([highHue, highSat, highVal])     mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, colorLow, colorHigh)     # Show the first mask #     cv2.imshow('mask-plain', mask)      kernal = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (7, 7))     mask = cv2.morphologyEx(mask, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernal)     mask = cv2.morphologyEx(mask, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernal)          # Show morphological transformation mask #     cv2.imshow('mask', mask)           # 找红色激光点     try:         cnts2 = cv2.findContours(mask.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)[-2]         c2 = max(cnts2, key=cv2.contourArea)         M = cv2.moments(c2)         cX2 = int(M["m10"] / M["m00"])         cY2 = int(M["m01"] / M["m00"])         cv2.circle(frame, (cX2, cY2), 3, (0, 0, 255), -1)         rect = cv2.minAreaRect(c2)         box = cv2.boxPoints(rect) #         cv2.drawContours(crop, [np.int0(box)], -1, (0, 0, 255), 2)     except:         print('Blackline没有找到红色的激光')     return cX1, cY1, cX2, cY2  def findLaser(crop):     """     找到图片中点绿色激光点与红色激光点并定位中心     :param crop: 需要处理点图片     :return: 绿色激光点中心(x1, y1);红色激光点中心(x2, y2)     """     cX1, cY1, cX2, cY2 = None, None, None, None     greenLaser = 'green'     redLaser = 'red'     # 色系下限上限表     color_dist = {'red': {'Lower': np.array([0, 60, 60]), 'Upper': np.array([6, 255, 255])},                   'green': {'Lower': np.array([35, 43, 35]), 'Upper': np.array([90, 255, 255])},                   }     # 灰度图像处理     # gray = cv2.cvtColor(crop, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)#灰度图     # cv2.imshow('gray', gray)      # 高斯滤波     blurred = cv2.GaussianBlur(crop, (11, 11), 0)     # cv2.imshow('blurred', blurred)     # 创建运算核     kernel = np.ones((1, 1), np.uint8)     # 腐蚀     # erode = cv2.erode(crop, kernel, iterations=1)     # 膨胀     # crop_dilate = cv2.dilate(blurred, kernel, iterations = 5)     # 开运算     opening = cv2.morphologyEx(blurred, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel)     # 二值化处理     thresh = cv2.threshold(opening, 230, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1]     # cv2.imshow('thresh', thresh)      hsv = cv2.cvtColor(thresh, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)  # 转化成HSV图像     # 颜色二值化筛选处理     inRange_hsv_green = cv2.inRange(hsv, color_dist[greenLaser]['Lower'], color_dist[greenLaser]['Upper'])     inRange_hsv_red = cv2.inRange(hsv, color_dist[redLaser]['Lower'], color_dist[redLaser]['Upper'])     # cv2.imshow('inrange_hsv_green', inRange_hsv_green)     # cv2.imshow('inrange_hsv_red', inRange_hsv_red) #     # 找绿色激光点 #     try: #         cnts1 = cv2.findContours(inRange_hsv_green.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)[-2] #         c1 = max(cnts1, key=cv2.contourArea) #         M = cv2.moments(c1) #         cX1 = int(M["m10"] / M["m00"]) #         cY1 = int(M["m01"] / M["m00"]) #         cv2.circle(crop, (cX1, cY1), 3, (0, 255, 0), -1) #         rect = cv2.minAreaRect(c1) #         box = cv2.boxPoints(rect) # #         cv2.drawContours(crop, [np.int0(box)], -1, (0, 255, 0), 2) #     except: #         print('没有找到绿色的激光')      # 找红色激光点     try:         cnts2 = cv2.findContours(inRange_hsv_red.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)[-2]         c2 = max(cnts2, key=cv2.contourArea)         M = cv2.moments(c2)         cX2 = int(M["m10"] / M["m00"])         cY2 = int(M["m01"] / M["m00"])         cv2.circle(crop, (cX2, cY2), 3, (0, 0, 255), -1)         rect = cv2.minAreaRect(c2)         box = cv2.boxPoints(rect) #         cv2.drawContours(crop, [np.int0(box)], -1, (0, 0, 255), 2)     except:         print('没有找到红色的激光')     return cX1, cY1, cX2, cY2  def draw_fit_line(dire, type):     """     :param dire: 传入需要拟合的含有白色直线的图像     :return: 传出直线一般式参数a,b,c     """     dic = {'up': (hStart, wStart + leftRight_distance), 'down': (hEnd - upDown_distance, wStart + leftRight_distance),            'left': (hStart + upDown_distance, wStart), 'right': (hStart + upDown_distance, wEnd - leftRight_distance)}      # 存放直线的像素点坐标     axis = []     for i in range(len(dire)):         for j in range(len(dire[i])):             if dire[i][j] == 255: # 判断为白色像素                 # 对应在原图中的高宽坐标                 h = i + dic[type][0]                 w = j + dic[type][1]                 axis.append([w, h])      data_np = np.array(axis) # 坐标矩阵化     output = cv2.fitLine(data_np, cv2.DIST_L2, 0, 0.01, 0.01)  # 直线拟合 #     print(output)     k = output[1] / output[0]     b = output[3] - k * output[2]     return k, b  def crop(h, w, cnt):     '''     将图形裁剪出上下左右四个部分的中间位置     :param cnt: 需要裁剪的图片     :return:     '''     global upDown_distance, leftRight_distance     # 上下部分裁剪的宽度     upDown_distance = h     # 左右部分裁剪的宽度     leftRight_distance = w     up = cnt[0:upDown_distance, leftRight_distance:wEnd - wStart - leftRight_distance]     down = cnt[hEnd - hStart - upDown_distance:hEnd - hStart, leftRight_distance:wEnd - wStart - leftRight_distance]     left = cnt[upDown_distance:hEnd - hStart - upDown_distance, 0:leftRight_distance]     right = cnt[upDown_distance:hEnd - hStart - upDown_distance, wEnd -wStart - leftRight_distance:wEnd - wStart]      # 显示四个边长裁剪过后的图片 #     cv2.imshow('up', up) #     cv2.imshow('down', down) #     cv2.imshow('left', left) #     cv2.imshow('right', right)     return up, down, left, right  def getCoordinate(k1, b1, k2, b2):     x = (b2 - b1) / (k1 - k2)     y = k1 * x + b1     return [int(x), int(y)]  def drawCenter(a, b, c, d):     # 显示边长交点     cv2.circle(img, (a[0], a[1]), 3, (0, 0, 255), -1)     cv2.circle(img, (b[0], b[1]), 3, (0, 0, 255), -1)     cv2.circle(img, (c[0], c[1]), 3, (0, 0, 255), -1)     cv2.circle(img, (d[0], d[1]), 3, (0, 0, 255), -1)     # 画边界线     cv2.line(img, (a[0], a[1]), (b[0], b[1]), (0, 255, 0), 1)     cv2.line(img, (b[0], b[1]), (c[0], c[1]), (0, 255, 0), 1)     cv2.line(img, (a[0], a[1]), (d[0], d[1]), (0, 255, 0), 1)     cv2.line(img, (c[0], c[1]), (d[0], d[1]), (0, 255, 0), 1)      xCenter = (a[0] + b[0] + c[0] + d[0])//4     yCenter = (a[1] + b[1] + c[1] + d[1])//4     cv2.circle(img, (xCenter, yCenter), 4, (0, 0, 255), -1)      return xCenter, yCenter  #定义形状检测函数 def ShapeDetection(img):     axis = []     contours,hierarchy = cv2.findContours(img,cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)  #寻找轮廓点     contour = max(contours, key = cv2.contourArea)               area = cv2.contourArea(contour)  #计算轮廓内区域的面积     # cv2.drawContours(imgContour, obj, -1, (255, 0, 0), 4)  #绘制轮廓线     perimeter = cv2.arcLength(contour,True)  #计算轮廓周长     approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(contour,0.02*perimeter,True)  #获取轮廓角点坐标          CornerNum = len(approx)   #轮廓角点的数量     x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(approx)  #获取坐标值和宽度、高度     print(x, y, w, h)     print(CornerNum)     if CornerNum >= 4:         for i in range(0,4):             cv2.circle(imgContour, (approx[i][0][0], approx[i][0][1]), 2, (0,0,255), 3)             approx[i][0][0] += wStart             approx[i][0][1] += hStart             axis.append([approx[i][0][0], approx[i][0][1]])      # 从逆时针改为顺时针     if axis != []:         axis[0], axis[2] = axis[2], axis[0]              axis.append(axis[0])       return axis       if __name__ == "__main__":               downsetup()     upsetup()     upstop()     downstop()          cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)     cap.set(3,1280)     cap.set(4,720)  #设置窗口的大小      ret, img = cap.read()             # 需要裁剪的区域###################################     hStart, hEnd, wStart, wEnd = 200, 640, 320, 760     ################################################     cropImg = img[hStart:hEnd, wStart:wEnd]           xc1, yc1, xc2, yc2 = 427, 432, 427, 432     xc1b, yc1b, xc2b, yc2b = xc1, yc1, xc2, yc2     # 找激光点 ->     xc1, yc1, xc2, yc2 = findLaser(cropImg)     if xc2 == None:         xc1, yc1, xc2, yc2 = findRedBlackLaser(cropImg)     if xc2 == None:         xc1, yc1, xc2, yc2 = xc1b, yc1b, xc2b, yc2b     # 对应到原点中的激光坐标     xc2, yc2 = xc2 + wStart, yc2 + hStart     print('红色激光点坐标:', xc2, yc2)             # 灰度图像处理     gray = cv2.cvtColor(cropImg, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)#灰度图     imgContour = cropImg.copy()      # 图像inRange二值化处理     hsv = cv2.cvtColor(cropImg, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)     l_g = np.array([0, 0, 0])  # 阈值下限     u_g = np.array([255, 255, 46])  # 阈值上限     mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, l_g, u_g)      axis = ShapeDetection(mask)     print('axis=', axis) #     cv2.imshow('img', img)     cv2.imshow('cropImg', cropImg)     cv2.imshow('mask', mask)     cv2.imshow("crop", imgContour)     cv2.waitKey(0)     cv2.destroyAllWindows()          runpoint = np.zeros((6,2))     allpoint = np.array(axis)     runpoint[0,:] = np.array([xc2, yc2])     runpoint[1:6,:] = allpoint          print(runpoint)          for i in range(len(runpoint)-1):         points = np.array([runpoint[i,:],runpoint[i+1,:]])         print('points', points)         runtwopoints(points)  #     for i in range(len(allpoint)): #         for kk in range(3):             #             for j in range(6): #                 ret, img = cap.read() #              #             # 需要裁剪的区域################################### #             hStart, hEnd, wStart, wEnd = 200, 640, 320, 760 #             ################################################ #             cropImg = img[hStart:hEnd, wStart:wEnd] #  #             # 找激光点 -> #             xc1, yc1, xc2, yc2 = findLaser(cropImg) #             if xc2 == None: #                 xc1, yc1, xc2, yc2 = findRedBlackLaser(cropImg) #             if xc2 == None: #                 xc1, yc1, xc2, yc2 = xc1b, yc1b, xc2b, yc2b           #             # 对应到原点中的激光坐标 #             xc2, yc2 = xc2 + wStart, yc2 + hStart #             print('Now红色激光点坐标:', xc2, yc2) #              #             points = np.array([[xc2, yc2],allpoint[i,:]]) #             print('points', points) #             runtwopoints(points)


import cv2 import math import numpy as np import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time  # 坐标方向:水平向右为x正向, left-----right,垂直向下为y正方向,向下为up,向上为down # 像素间隔:0.738mm/每像素  # 规定GPIO引脚 IN1 = 18      # 接PUL- IN2 = 16      # 接PUL+ IN3 = 15      # 接DIR- IN4 = 13      # 接DIR+  # 云台上面的电机驱动器,物理引脚 IN12 = 38      # 接PUL- IN22 = 40      # 接PUL+ IN32 = 36      # 接DIR- IN42 = 32      # 接DIR+  delay = 0.0001   Buzzer = 12    # pin22 Light = 11     # pin12  def lightBuzerSetup():     GPIO.setwarnings(False)     GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD)  # Numbers GPIOs by physical location     GPIO.setup(Buzzer, GPIO.OUT)     GPIO.setup(Light, GPIO.OUT)     #GPIO.PWM(Buzzer, 440)  def on():     GPIO.output(Buzzer, GPIO.HIGH)  # 低电平是响     GPIO.output(Light, GPIO.LOW)     # 高电平是亮  def off():     GPIO.output(Buzzer, GPIO.LOW)  # 高电平停止     GPIO.output(Light, GPIO.HIGH)  #低电平是暗      def beep(x):    #响1秒后停止1秒     for i in range(5):         on()         time.sleep(x)         off()         time.sleep(x)          #  关闭程序,释放接口 def beepdestroy():     GPIO.output(Buzzer, GPIO.HIGH)     GPIO.output(Light, GPIO.LOW)     GPIO.cleanup() # Release resource  def downsetup():     GPIO.setwarnings(False)     GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD)       # Numbers GPIOs by physical location     GPIO.setup(IN1, GPIO.OUT)      # Set pin's mode is output     GPIO.setup(IN2, GPIO.OUT)     GPIO.setup(IN3, GPIO.OUT)     GPIO.setup(IN4, GPIO.OUT)  def upsetup():     GPIO.setwarnings(False)     GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD)       # Numbers GPIOs by physical location     GPIO.setup(IN12, GPIO.OUT)      # Set pin's mode is output     GPIO.setup(IN22, GPIO.OUT)     GPIO.setup(IN32, GPIO.OUT)     GPIO.setup(IN42, GPIO.OUT)      def downsetStep(w1, w2, w3, w4):     GPIO.output(IN1, w1)     GPIO.output(IN2, w2)     GPIO.output(IN3, w3)     GPIO.output(IN4, w4)  def upsetStep(w1, w2, w3, w4):     GPIO.output(IN12, w1)     GPIO.output(IN22, w2)     GPIO.output(IN32, w3)     GPIO.output(IN42, w4)      def downstop():     # 下面的电机停止     downsetStep(0, 0, 0, 0)      def upstop():     # 上面的电机停止     upsetStep(0, 0, 0, 0)      def rightward(steps):     # 下面的电机向右转动     global delay     for i in range(0, steps):         downsetStep(1, 0, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)         downsetStep(0, 1, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)         downsetStep(0, 1, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)         downsetStep(1, 0, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)     downstop()               def leftward(steps):     # 下面的电机向左转动     global delay     for i in range(0, steps):         downsetStep(1, 0, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)         downsetStep(0, 1, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)         downsetStep(0, 1, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)         downsetStep(1, 0, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)     downstop()      def upward2(steps):     # 上面的电机向下转动     global delay     for i in range(0, steps):         upsetStep(1, 0, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)         upsetStep(0, 1, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)         upsetStep(0, 1, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)         upsetStep(1, 0, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)     upstop()   def downward2(steps):     # 上面的电机向上转动     global delay     for i in range(0, steps):         upsetStep(1, 0, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)         upsetStep(0, 1, 1, 0)         time.sleep(delay)         upsetStep(0, 1, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)         upsetStep(1, 0, 0, 1)         time.sleep(delay)     upstop()           def destroy():     GPIO.cleanup()             # 释放数据    curpos = np.array([-1000,1000])  # mm,mm  pi = 3.14159 # 坐标原点在左上角,向左为x轴,向下为y轴。坐标单位像素个数 # x轴移动距离:dx:移动的距离 # 转换:1像素=1.75mm  def xrunpixel(dxpixel):     # 下面的电机转动多少像素的位置     xangle = math.atan(dxpixel/1000/1.75)*180/pi   # 单位:度,1000mm需转换为像素个数单位     if xangle > 0:         rightward(int(xangle/360*6400))     else:         xangle = -xangle         leftward(int(xangle/360*6400))   # y轴移动距离:dy:移动的距离(像素=mm/1.75) def yrunpixel(dypixel):     # 上面的电机转动多少像素的位置     yangle = math.atan(dypixel/1000/1.75)*180/pi     if yangle > 0:         upward(int(yangle/360*6400))     else:         yangle = -yangle         downward(int(yangle/360*6400))  # dxstep:x移动的距离(step,int,步进电机步数) def xrunstep(dxstep):     # 下面的电机转动的步数     if dxstep > 0:         rightward(dxstep)     else:         dxstep = -dxstep         leftward(dxstep) # dystep:x移动的距离(步长数,int) def yrunstep(dystep):     # 上面的电机转动的步数     if dystep > 0:         upward2(dystep)     else:         dystep = -dystep         downward2(dystep)           #points[0,:] 起点位置,points[1,:] 目标位置,# 像素单位 points = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]])   def runtwopoints(points):     points = np.array(points)         steps = []     dstep = 2      temp = points[1,0]-points[0,0]     xstep = int(math.atan(temp/732)*1018.591636)  #int((points[1,0]-points[0,0])*0.57142857) #     xstep = int(math.atan(temp/890)*1018.591636)  #int((points[1,0]-points[0,0])*0.57142857)     temp = points[1,1]-points[0,1]     ystep = int(math.atan(temp/740)*1018.591636) #     ystep = int(math.atan(temp/974)*1018.591636)     #print('xstep =',xstep,'ystep =',ystep)     #print()      if xstep >= 0:        absxstep = xstep        xdir = 1     else:        absxstep = -xstep        xdir = 0      if ystep >= 0:        absystep = ystep        ydir = 1     else:        absystep = -ystep        ydir = 0                    # 得到xstep和ystep的最大值     if absxstep >= absystep:   # 说明较长边在x轴         maxdir = 'x'          absmaxstep = absxstep         maxstep = xstep         minstep = ystep              else:         maxdir = 'y'         absmaxstep = absystep         maxstep = ystep         minstep = xstep       # 分段运行节数     sections = int(absmaxstep/dstep)+1     dstepmin = minstep/sections     dstepmax = maxstep/sections       for i in range(1,sections+1):         if maxdir == 'x': # 沿x边走,先算累计步长             steps.append([round(i * dstepmax),round(i * dstepmin)])         else:  # 沿y边走,先算累计步长             steps.append([round(i * dstepmin),round(i * dstepmax)])      if  steps[sections-1][0] != xstep:         steps[sections-1][0] == xstep     if  steps[sections-1][1] != ystep:         steps[sections-1][1] == ystep      #print('steps=', steps)     #print()      for i in range(sections-1,0,-1):         steps[i][0] -= steps[i-1][0]         steps[i][1] -= steps[i-1][1]       #print('steps=', steps)                 points = len(steps)  # 总点数     for i in range(points):            xrunstep(steps[i][0])         yrunstep(steps[i][1])     upstop()     downstop()      def findLaser(crop):     """     找到图片中点绿色激光点与红色激光点并定位中心     :param crop: 需要处理点图片     :return: 绿色激光点中心(x1, y1);红色激光点中心(x2, y2)     """     cX1, cY1, cX2, cY2 = None, None, None, None     greenLaser = 'green'     redLaser = 'red'     # 色系下限上限表     color_dist = {'red': {'Lower': np.array([0, 60, 60]), 'Upper': np.array([6, 255, 255])},                   'green': {'Lower': np.array([35, 43, 35]), 'Upper': np.array([90, 255, 255])},                   }     # 灰度图像处理     # gray = cv2.cvtColor(crop, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)#灰度图     # cv2.imshow('gray', gray)      # 高斯滤波     blurred = cv2.GaussianBlur(crop, (11, 11), 0)     # cv2.imshow('blurred', blurred)     # 创建运算核     kernel = np.ones((1, 1), np.uint8)     # 腐蚀     # erode = cv2.erode(crop, kernel, iterations=1)     # 膨胀     # crop_dilate = cv2.dilate(blurred, kernel, iterations = 5)     # 开运算     opening = cv2.morphologyEx(blurred, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel)     # 二值化处理     thresh = cv2.threshold(opening, 230, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1]     # cv2.imshow('thresh', thresh)      hsv = cv2.cvtColor(thresh, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)  # 转化成HSV图像     # 颜色二值化筛选处理     inRange_hsv_green = cv2.inRange(hsv, color_dist[greenLaser]['Lower'], color_dist[greenLaser]['Upper'])     inRange_hsv_red = cv2.inRange(hsv, color_dist[redLaser]['Lower'], color_dist[redLaser]['Upper'])     # cv2.imshow('inrange_hsv_green', inRange_hsv_green)     # cv2.imshow('inrange_hsv_red', inRange_hsv_red)     # 找绿色激光点     try:         cnts1 = cv2.findContours(inRange_hsv_green.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)[-2]         c1 = max(cnts1, key=cv2.contourArea)         M = cv2.moments(c1)         cX1 = int(M["m10"] / M["m00"])         cY1 = int(M["m01"] / M["m00"])         cv2.circle(crop, (cX1, cY1), 3, (0, 255, 0), -1)         rect = cv2.minAreaRect(c1)         box = cv2.boxPoints(rect) #         cv2.drawContours(crop, [np.int0(box)], -1, (0, 255, 0), 2)     except:         print('没有找到绿色的激光')      # 找红色激光点     try:         cnts2 = cv2.findContours(inRange_hsv_red.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)[-2]         c2 = max(cnts2, key=cv2.contourArea)         M = cv2.moments(c2)         cX2 = int(M["m10"] / M["m00"])         cY2 = int(M["m01"] / M["m00"])         cv2.circle(crop, (cX2, cY2), 3, (0, 0, 255), -1)         rect = cv2.minAreaRect(c2)         box = cv2.boxPoints(rect) #         cv2.drawContours(crop, [np.int0(box)], -1, (0, 0, 255), 2)     except:         print('没有找到红色的激光')     return cX1, cY1, cX2, cY2  def draw_fit_line(dire, type):     """     :param dire: 传入需要拟合的含有白色直线的图像     :return: 传出直线一般式参数a,b,c     """     dic = {'up': (hStart, wStart + leftRight_distance), 'down': (hEnd - upDown_distance, wStart + leftRight_distance),            'left': (hStart + upDown_distance, wStart), 'right': (hStart + upDown_distance, wEnd - leftRight_distance)}      # 存放直线的像素点坐标     axis = []     for i in range(len(dire)):         for j in range(len(dire[i])):             if dire[i][j] == 255: # 判断为白色像素                 # 对应在原图中的高宽坐标                 h = i + dic[type][0]                 w = j + dic[type][1]                 axis.append([w, h])      data_np = np.array(axis) # 坐标矩阵化     output = cv2.fitLine(data_np, cv2.DIST_L2, 0, 0.01, 0.01)  # 直线拟合 #     print(output)     k = output[1] / output[0]     b = output[3] - k * output[2]     return k, b  def crop(h, w, cnt):     '''     将图形裁剪出上下左右四个部分的中间位置     :param cnt: 需要裁剪的图片     :return:     '''     global upDown_distance, leftRight_distance     # 上下部分裁剪的宽度     upDown_distance = h     # 左右部分裁剪的宽度     leftRight_distance = w     up = cnt[0:upDown_distance, leftRight_distance:wEnd - wStart - leftRight_distance]     down = cnt[hEnd - hStart - upDown_distance:hEnd - hStart, leftRight_distance:wEnd - wStart - leftRight_distance]     left = cnt[upDown_distance:hEnd - hStart - upDown_distance, 0:leftRight_distance]     right = cnt[upDown_distance:hEnd - hStart - upDown_distance, wEnd -wStart - leftRight_distance:wEnd - wStart]      # 显示四个边长裁剪过后的图片 #     cv2.imshow('up', up) #     cv2.imshow('down', down) #     cv2.imshow('left', left) #     cv2.imshow('right', right)     return up, down, left, right  def getCoordinate(k1, b1, k2, b2):     x = (b2 - b1) / (k1 - k2)     y = k1 * x + b1     return int(x), int(y)  def drawCenter(a, b, c, d):     # 显示边长交点     cv2.circle(img, (a[0], a[1]), 3, (0, 0, 255), -1)     cv2.circle(img, (b[0], b[1]), 3, (0, 0, 255), -1)     cv2.circle(img, (c[0], c[1]), 3, (0, 0, 255), -1)     cv2.circle(img, (d[0], d[1]), 3, (0, 0, 255), -1)     # 画边界线     cv2.line(img, (a[0], a[1]), (b[0], b[1]), (0, 255, 0), 1)     cv2.line(img, (b[0], b[1]), (c[0], c[1]), (0, 255, 0), 1)     cv2.line(img, (a[0], a[1]), (d[0], d[1]), (0, 255, 0), 1)     cv2.line(img, (c[0], c[1]), (d[0], d[1]), (0, 255, 0), 1)      xCenter = (a[0] + b[0] + c[0] + d[0])//4     yCenter = (a[1] + b[1] + c[1] + d[1])//4     cv2.circle(img, (xCenter, yCenter), 4, (0, 0, 255), -1)      return xCenter, yCenter  def dengfen(point, k):     dfpoint = np.zeros((k+1,2))     dfpoint[0,:] = point[0,:]     for i in range(k):         dfpoint[i+1,0] = point[0,0] + int((i+1)*(point[1,0]-point[0,0])/k)         dfpoint[i+1,1] = point[0,1] + int((i+1)*(point[1,1]-point[0,1])/k)      return dfpoint  if __name__ == "__main__":          downsetup()     upsetup()     upstop()     downstop()     lightBuzerSetup()     off()          cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)     cap.set(3,1280)     cap.set(4,720)  #设置窗口的大小      for i in range(6):         for j in range(6):             ret, img = cap.read()                 # 需要裁剪的区域###################################         hStart, hEnd, wStart, wEnd = 180, 630, 300, 900         ################################################         cropImg = img[hStart:hEnd, wStart:wEnd]          # 找激光点 ->         xc1, yc1, xc2, yc2 = findLaser(cropImg)         xc1b, yc1b, xc2b, yc2b = xc1, yc1, xc2, yc2          if xc1 != None or xc2 != None:             # 对应到原点中的激光坐标             xc1, yc1 = xc1 + wStart, yc1 + hStart             print('绿色激光点坐标:', xc1, yc1)             xc2, yc2 = xc2 + wStart, yc2 + hStart             print('红色激光点坐标:', xc2, yc2)                  #         cv2.imshow('cropImg', cropImg)            #         cv2.waitKey(0) #         cv2.destroyAllWindows()              points = np.array([[xc1, yc1],[xc2, yc2]])               print('points', points)             runtwopoints(points)              beep(0.2)     beepdestroy()





