HarmonyOS NEXT应用开发之MVVM模式


应用通过状态去渲染更新UI是程序设计中相对复杂,但又十分重要的,往往决定了应用程序的性能。程序的状态数据通常包含了数组、对象,或者是嵌套对象组合而成。在这些情况下,ArkUI采取MVVM = Model + View + ViewModel模式,其中状态管理模块起到的就是ViewModel的作用,将数据与视图绑定在一起,更新数据的时候直接更新视图。

  • Model层:存储数据和相关逻辑的模型。它表示组件或其他相关业务逻辑之间传输的数据。Model是对原始数据的进一步处理。

  • View层:在ArkUI中通常是@Components修饰组件渲染的UI。

  • ViewModel层:在ArkUI中,ViewModel是存储在自定义组件的状态变量、LocalStorage和AppStorage中的数据。

    • 自定义组件通过执行其build()方法或者@Builder装饰的方法来渲染UI,即ViewModel可以渲染View。
    • View可以通过相应event handler来改变ViewModel,即事件驱动ViewModel的改变,另外ViewModel提供了@Watch回调方法用于监听状态数据的改变。
    • 在ViewModel被改变时,需要同步回Model层,这样才能保证ViewModel和Model的一致性,即应用自身数据的一致性。
    • ViewModel结构设计应始终为了适配自定义组件的构建和更新,这也是将Model和ViewModel分开的原因。



  • Model:针对数据库高效操作的数据模型。

  • ViewModel:针对ArkUI状态管理功能进行高效的UI更新的视图模型。

  • 部署 converters/adapters: converters/adapters作用于Model和ViewModel的相互转换。

    • converters/adapters可以转换最初从数据库读取的Model,来创建并初始化ViewModel。
    • 在应用的使用场景中,UI会通过event handler改变ViewModel,此时converters/adapters需要将ViewModel的更新数据同步回Model。




  • @State:组件级别的共享,通过命名参数机制传递,例如:CompA: ({ aProp: this.aProp }),表示传递层级(共享范围)是父子之间的传递。

  • @Provide:组件级别的共享,可以通过key和@Consume绑定,因此不用参数传递,实现多层级的数据共享,共享范围大于@State。

  • LocalStorage:页面级别的共享,可以通过@Entry在当前组件树上共享LocalStorage实例。

  • AppStorage:应用全局的UI状态存储,和应用进程绑定,在整个应用内的状态数据的共享。



  1. 使用Parent根节点中@State装饰的testNum作为ViewModel数据项。将testNum传递给其子组件LinkChild和Sibling。

    // xxx.ets @Entry @Component struct Parent {   @State @Watch("testNumChange1") testNum: number = 1;    testNumChange1(propName: string): void {     console.log(`Parent: testNumChange value ${this.testNum}`)   }    build() {     Column() {       LinkChild({ testNum: $testNum })       Sibling({ testNum: $testNum })     }   } } 
  2. LinkChild和Sibling中用@Link和父组件的数据源建立双向同步。其中LinkChild中创建了LinkLinkChild和PropLinkChild。

    @Component struct Sibling {   @Link @Watch("testNumChange") testNum: number;    testNumChange(propName: string): void {     console.log(`Sibling: testNumChange value ${this.testNum}`);   }    build() {     Text(`Sibling: ${this.testNum}`)   } }  @Component struct LinkChild {   @Link @Watch("testNumChange") testNum: number;    testNumChange(propName: string): void {     console.log(`LinkChild: testNumChange value ${this.testNum}`);   }    build() {     Column() {       Button('incr testNum')         .onClick(() => {           console.log(`LinkChild: before value change value ${this.testNum}`);           this.testNum = this.testNum + 1           console.log(`LinkChild: after value change value ${this.testNum}`);         })       Text(`LinkChild: ${this.testNum}`)       LinkLinkChild({ testNumGrand: $testNum })       PropLinkChild({ testNumGrand: this.testNum })     }     .height(200).width(200)   } } 
  3. LinkLinkChild和PropLinkChild声明如下,PropLinkChild中的@Prop和其父组件建立单向同步关系。

    @Component struct LinkLinkChild {   @Link @Watch("testNumChange") testNumGrand: number;    testNumChange(propName: string): void {     console.log(`LinkLinkChild: testNumGrand value ${this.testNumGrand}`);   }    build() {     Text(`LinkLinkChild: ${this.testNumGrand}`)   } }   @Component struct PropLinkChild {   @Prop @Watch("testNumChange") testNumGrand: number = 0;    testNumChange(propName: string): void {     console.log(`PropLinkChild: testNumGrand value ${this.testNumGrand}`);   }    build() {     Text(`PropLinkChild: ${this.testNumGrand}`)       .height(70)       .backgroundColor(Color.Red)       .onClick(() => {         this.testNumGrand += 1;       })   } } 

当LinkChild中的@Link testNum更改时。

  1. 更改首先同步到其父组件Parent,然后更改从Parent同步到Sibling。

  2. LinkChild中的@Link testNum更改也同步给子组件LinkLinkChild和PropLinkChild。


  • @State如果想要将更改传递给孙子节点,需要先将更改传递给子组件,再从子节点传递给孙子节点。
  • 共享只能通过构造函数的参数传递,即命名参数机制CompA: ({ aProp: this.aProp })。


@Component struct LinkLinkChild {   @Link @Watch("testNumChange") testNumGrand: number;    testNumChange(propName: string): void {     console.log(`LinkLinkChild: testNumGrand value ${this.testNumGrand}`);   }    build() {     Text(`LinkLinkChild: ${this.testNumGrand}`)   } }   @Component struct PropLinkChild {   @Prop @Watch("testNumChange") testNumGrand: number = 0;    testNumChange(propName: string): void {     console.log(`PropLinkChild: testNumGrand value ${this.testNumGrand}`);   }    build() {     Text(`PropLinkChild: ${this.testNumGrand}`)       .height(70)       .backgroundColor(Color.Red)       .onClick(() => {         this.testNumGrand += 1;       })   } }   @Component struct Sibling {   @Link @Watch("testNumChange") testNum: number;    testNumChange(propName: string): void {     console.log(`Sibling: testNumChange value ${this.testNum}`);   }    build() {     Text(`Sibling: ${this.testNum}`)   } }  @Component struct LinkChild {   @Link @Watch("testNumChange") testNum: number;    testNumChange(propName: string): void {     console.log(`LinkChild: testNumChange value ${this.testNum}`);   }    build() {     Column() {       Button('incr testNum')         .onClick(() => {           console.log(`LinkChild: before value change value ${this.testNum}`);           this.testNum = this.testNum + 1           console.log(`LinkChild: after value change value ${this.testNum}`);         })       Text(`LinkChild: ${this.testNum}`)       LinkLinkChild({ testNumGrand: $testNum })       PropLinkChild({ testNumGrand: this.testNum })     }     .height(200).width(200)   } }   @Entry @Component struct Parent {   @State @Watch("testNumChange1") testNum: number = 1;    testNumChange1(propName: string): void {     console.log(`Parent: testNumChange value ${this.testNum}`)   }    build() {     Column() {       LinkChild({ testNum: $testNum })       Sibling({ testNum: $testNum })     }   } } 






@Component struct LinkLinkChild {   @Consume @Watch("testNumChange") testNum: number;    testNumChange(propName: string): void {     console.log(`LinkLinkChild: testNum value ${this.testNum}`);   }    build() {     Text(`LinkLinkChild: ${this.testNum}`)   } }  @Component struct PropLinkChild {   @Prop @Watch("testNumChange") testNumGrand: number = 0;    testNumChange(propName: string): void {     console.log(`PropLinkChild: testNumGrand value ${this.testNumGrand}`);   }    build() {     Text(`PropLinkChild: ${this.testNumGrand}`)       .height(70)       .backgroundColor(Color.Red)       .onClick(() => {         this.testNumGrand += 1;       })   } }  @Component struct Sibling {   @Consume @Watch("testNumChange") testNum: number;    testNumChange(propName: string): void {     console.log(`Sibling: testNumChange value ${this.testNum}`);   }    build() {     Text(`Sibling: ${this.testNum}`)   } }  @Component struct LinkChild {   @Consume @Watch("testNumChange") testNum: number;    testNumChange(propName: string): void {     console.log(`LinkChild: testNumChange value ${this.testNum}`);   }    build() {     Column() {       Button('incr testNum')         .onClick(() => {           console.log(`LinkChild: before value change value ${this.testNum}`);           this.testNum = this.testNum + 1           console.log(`LinkChild: after value change value ${this.testNum}`);         })       Text(`LinkChild: ${this.testNum}`)       LinkLinkChild({ /* empty */ })       PropLinkChild({ testNumGrand: this.testNum })     }     .height(200).width(200)   } }  @Entry @Component struct Parent {   @Provide @Watch("testNumChange1") testNum: number = 1;    testNumChange1(propName: string): void {     console.log(`Parent: testNumChange value ${this.testNum}`)   }    build() {     Column() {       LinkChild({ /* empty */ })       Sibling({ /* empty */ })     }   } } 





  1. 创建一个LocalStorage实例,并通过@Entry(storage)将其注入根节点。

  2. 在Parent组件中初始化@LocalStorageLink(“testNum”)变量时,将在LocalStorage实例中创建testNum属性,并设置指定的初始值为1,即@LocalStorageLink(“testNum”) testNum: number = 1。

  3. 在其子组件中,都使用@LocalStorageLink或@LocalStorageProp绑定同一个属性名key来传递数据。




@Component struct LinkLinkChild {   @LocalStorageLink("testNum") @Watch("testNumChange") testNum: number = 1;    testNumChange(propName: string): void {     console.log(`LinkLinkChild: testNum value ${this.testNum}`);   }    build() {     Text(`LinkLinkChild: ${this.testNum}`)   } }  @Component struct PropLinkChild {   @LocalStorageProp("testNum") @Watch("testNumChange") testNumGrand: number = 1;    testNumChange(propName: string): void {     console.log(`PropLinkChild: testNumGrand value ${this.testNumGrand}`);   }    build() {     Text(`PropLinkChild: ${this.testNumGrand}`)       .height(70)       .backgroundColor(Color.Red)       .onClick(() => {         this.testNumGrand += 1;       })   } }  @Component struct Sibling {   @LocalStorageLink("testNum") @Watch("testNumChange") testNum: number = 1;    testNumChange(propName: string): void {     console.log(`Sibling: testNumChange value ${this.testNum}`);   }    build() {     Text(`Sibling: ${this.testNum}`)   } }  @Component struct LinkChild {   @LocalStorageLink("testNum") @Watch("testNumChange") testNum: number = 1;    testNumChange(propName: string): void {     console.log(`LinkChild: testNumChange value ${this.testNum}`);   }    build() {     Column() {       Button('incr testNum')         .onClick(() => {           console.log(`LinkChild: before value change value ${this.testNum}`);           this.testNum = this.testNum + 1           console.log(`LinkChild: after value change value ${this.testNum}`);         })       Text(`LinkChild: ${this.testNum}`)       LinkLinkChild({ /* empty */ })       PropLinkChild({ /* empty */ })     }     .height(200).width(200)   } }  // create LocalStorage object to hold the data const storage = new LocalStorage(); @Entry(storage) @Component struct Parent {   @LocalStorageLink("testNum") @Watch("testNumChange1") testNum: number = 1;    testNumChange1(propName: string): void {     console.log(`Parent: testNumChange value ${this.testNum}`)   }    build() {     Column() {       LinkChild({ /* empty */ })       Sibling({ /* empty */ })     }   } } 





@Component struct LinkLinkChild {   @StorageLink("testNum") @Watch("testNumChange") testNum: number = 1;    testNumChange(propName: string): void {     console.log(`LinkLinkChild: testNum value ${this.testNum}`);   }    build() {     Text(`LinkLinkChild: ${this.testNum}`)   } }  @Component struct PropLinkChild {   @StorageProp("testNum") @Watch("testNumChange") testNumGrand: number = 1;    testNumChange(propName: string): void {     console.log(`PropLinkChild: testNumGrand value ${this.testNumGrand}`);   }    build() {     Text(`PropLinkChild: ${this.testNumGrand}`)       .height(70)       .backgroundColor(Color.Red)       .onClick(() => {         this.testNumGrand += 1;       })   } }  @Component struct Sibling {   @StorageLink("testNum") @Watch("testNumChange") testNum: number = 1;    testNumChange(propName: string): void {     console.log(`Sibling: testNumChange value ${this.testNum}`);   }    build() {     Text(`Sibling: ${this.testNum}`)   } }  @Component struct LinkChild {   @StorageLink("testNum") @Watch("testNumChange") testNum: number = 1;    testNumChange(propName: string): void {     console.log(`LinkChild: testNumChange value ${this.testNum}`);   }    build() {     Column() {       Button('incr testNum')         .onClick(() => {           console.log(`LinkChild: before value change value ${this.testNum}`);           this.testNum = this.testNum + 1           console.log(`LinkChild: after value change value ${this.testNum}`);         })       Text(`LinkChild: ${this.testNum}`)       LinkLinkChild({ /* empty */       })       PropLinkChild({ /* empty */       })     }     .height(200).width(200)   } }   @Entry @Component struct Parent {   @StorageLink("testNum") @Watch("testNumChange1") testNum: number = 1;    testNumChange1(propName: string): void {     console.log(`Parent: testNumChange value ${this.testNum}`)   }    build() {     Column() {       LinkChild({ /* empty */       })       Sibling({ /* empty */       })     }   } } 




推荐设计单独的@Component来渲染每一个数组或对象。此时,对象数组或嵌套对象(属性是对象的对象称为嵌套对象)需要两个@Component,一个@Component呈现外部数组/对象,另一个@Component呈现嵌套在数组/对象内的类对象。 @Prop、@Link、@ObjectLink修饰的变量只能观察到第一层的变化。

  • 对于类:

    • 可以观察到赋值的变化:this.obj=new ClassObj(…)
    • 可以观察到对象属性的更改:this.obj.a=new ClassA(…)
    • 不能观察更深层级的属性更改:this.obj.a.b = 47
  • 对于数组:

    • 可以观察到数组的整体赋值:this.arr=[…]
    • 可以观察到数据项的删除、插入和替换:this.arr[1] = new ClassA()、this.arr.pop()、 this.arr.push(new ClassA(…))、this.arr.sort(…)
    • 不能观察更深层级的数组变化:this.arr[1].b = 47




  • 如果嵌套数据内部是class,直接被@Observed装饰。

  • 如果嵌套数据内部是数组,可以通过以下方式来观察数组变化。

    @Observed class ObservedArray<T> extends Array<T> {     constructor(args: T[]) {         if (args instanceof Array) {           super(...args);         } else {           super(args)         }     }     /* otherwise empty */ } 


    class Outer {   innerArrayProp : ObservedArray<string> = [];   ... } 



  • 父组件ViewB渲染@State arrA:Array<ClassA>。@State可以观察新数组的分配、数组项插入、删除和替换。

  • 子组件ViewA渲染每一个ClassA的对象。

  • 类装饰器@Observed ClassA与@ObjectLink a: ClassA。

    • 可以观察嵌套在Array内的ClassA对象的变化。

    • 不使用@Observed时:

      对于数组中的第一个和第二个数组项,每个数组项都初始化了两个ViewA的对象,渲染了同一个ViewA实例。在一个ViewA中的属性赋值this.a.c += 1;时不会引发另外一个使用同一个ClassA初始化的ViewA的渲染更新。

let NextID: number = 1;  // 类装饰器@Observed装饰ClassA @Observed class ClassA {   public id: number;   public c: number;    constructor(c: number) {     this.id = NextID++;     this.c = c;   } }  @Component struct ViewA {   @ObjectLink a: ClassA;   label: string = "ViewA1";    build() {     Row() {       Button(`ViewA [${this.label}] this.a.c= ${this.a.c} +1`)         .onClick(() => {           // 改变对象属性           this.a.c += 1;         })     }   } }  @Entry @Component struct ViewB {   @State arrA: ClassA[] = [new ClassA(0), new ClassA(0)];    build() {     Column() {       ForEach(this.arrA,         (item: ClassA) => {           ViewA({ label: `#${item.id}`, a: item })         },         (item: ClassA): string => { return item.id.toString(); }       )        Divider().height(10)        if (this.arrA.length) {         ViewA({ label: `ViewA this.arrA[first]`, a: this.arrA[0] })         ViewA({ label: `ViewA this.arrA[last]`, a: this.arrA[this.arrA.length-1] })       }        Divider().height(10)        Button(`ViewB: reset array`)         .onClick(() => {           // 替换整个数组,会被@State this.arrA观察到           this.arrA = [new ClassA(0), new ClassA(0)];         })       Button(`array push`)         .onClick(() => {           // 数组中插入数据,会被@State this.arrA观察到           this.arrA.push(new ClassA(0))         })       Button(`array shift`)         .onClick(() => {           // 数组中移除数据,会被@State this.arrA观察到           this.arrA.shift()         })       Button(`ViewB: chg item property in middle`)         .onClick(() => {           // 替换数组中的某个元素,会被@State this.arrA观察到           this.arrA[Math.floor(this.arrA.length / 2)] = new ClassA(11);         })       Button(`ViewB: chg item property in middle`)         .onClick(() => {           // 改变数组中某个元素的属性c,会被ViewA中的@ObjectLink观察到           this.arrA[Math.floor(this.arrA.length / 2)].c = 10;         })     }   } } 


@Component struct ViewA {    @Prop a: ClassA = new ClassA(0);   label : string = "ViewA1";    build() {      Row() {         Button(`ViewA [${this.label}] this.a.c= ${this.a.c} +1`)         .onClick(() => {             // change object property             this.a.c += 1;         })      }   } } 


@Prop是单向数据同步,ViewA内的Button只会触发Button自身的刷新,不会传播到其他的ViewA实例中。在ViewA中的ClassA只是一个副本,并不是其父组件中@State arrA : Array<ClassA>中的对象,也不是其他ViewA的ClassA,这使得数组的元素和ViewA中的元素表面是传入的同一个对象,实际上在UI上渲染使用的是两个互不相干的对象。


  • @ObjectLink实现双向同步,因为它是通过数据源的引用初始化的。

  • @Prop是单向同步,需要深拷贝数据源。

  • 对于@Prop赋值新的对象,就是简单地将本地的值覆写,但是对于实现双向数据同步的@ObjectLink,覆写新的对象相当于要更新数据源中的数组项或者class的属性,这个对于 TypeScript/JavaScript是不能实现的。




  • 显示联系人和设备(“Me”)电话号码 。

  • 选中联系人时,进入可编辑态“Edit”,可以更新该联系人详细信息,包括电话号码,住址。

  • 在更新联系人信息时,只有在单击保存“Save Changes”之后,才会保存更改。

  • 可以点击删除联系人“Delete Contact”,可以在联系人列表删除该联系人。


  • AddressBook(class)
    • me(设备): 存储一个Person类。
    • contacts(设备联系人):存储一个Person类数组。


export class AddressBook {   me: Person;   contacts: ObservedArray<Person>;      constructor(me: Person, contacts: Person[]) {     this.me = me;     this.contacts = new ObservedArray<Person>(contacts);   } } 
  • Person (class)
    • name : string
    • address : Address
    • phones: ObservedArray<string>
    • Address (class)
      • street : string
      • zip : number
      • city : string


@Observed export class Address {   street: string;   zip: number;   city: string;    constructor(street: string,               zip: number,               city: string) {     this.street = street;     this.zip = zip;     this.city = city;   } } 


let nextId = 0;  @Observed export class Person {   id_: string;   name: string;   address: Address;   phones: ObservedArray<string>;    constructor(name: string,               street: string,               zip: number,               city: string,               phones: string[]) {     this.id_ = `${nextId}`;     nextId++;     this.name = name;     this.address = new Address(street, zip, city);     this.phones = new ObservedArray<string>(phones);   } } 

需要注意的是,因为phones是嵌套属性,如果要观察到phones的变化,需要extends array,并用@Observed修饰它。ObservedArray类的声明如下。

@Observed export class ObservedArray<T> extends Array<T> {   constructor(args: T[]) {     console.log(`ObservedArray: ${JSON.stringify(args)} `)     if (args instanceof Array) {       super(...args);     } else {       super(args)     }   } } 
  • selected : 对Person的引用。


  1. 在根节点PageEntry中初始化所有的数据,将me和contacts和其子组件AddressBookView建立双向数据同步,selectedPerson默认为me,需要注意,selectedPerson并不是PageEntry数据源中的数据,而是数据源中,对某一个Person的引用。


@Component struct AddressBookView {      @ObjectLink me : Person;     @ObjectLink contacts : ObservedArray<Person>;     @State selectedPerson: Person = new Person("", "", 0, "", []);      aboutToAppear() {         this.selectedPerson = this.me;     }      build() {         Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Column, justifyContent: FlexAlign.Start}) {             Text("Me:")             PersonView({              person: this.me,              phones: this.me.phones,              selectedPerson: this.selectedPerson            })              Divider().height(8)             ForEach(this.contacts, (contact: Person) => {              PersonView({                person: contact,                phones: contact.phones as ObservedArray<string>,                selectedPerson: this.selectedPerson              })            },              (contact: Person): string => { return contact.id_; }            )              Divider().height(8)              Text("Edit:")             PersonEditView({               selectedPerson: this.selectedPerson,               name: this.selectedPerson.name,               address: this.selectedPerson.address,               phones: this.selectedPerson.phones             })         }             .borderStyle(BorderStyle.Solid).borderWidth(5).borderColor(0xAFEEEE).borderRadius(5)     } }  @Entry @Component struct PageEntry {   @Provide addrBook: AddressBook = new AddressBook(     new Person("Gigi", "Itamerenkatu 9", 180, "Helsinki", ["18*********", "18*********", "18*********"]),     [       new Person("Oly", "Itamerenkatu 9", 180, "Helsinki", ["18*********", "18*********"]),       new Person("Sam", "Itamerenkatu 9", 180, "Helsinki", ["18*********", "18*********"]),       new Person("Vivi", "Itamerenkatu 9", 180, "Helsinki", ["18*********", "18*********"]),     ]);    build() {     Column() {       AddressBookView({         me: this.addrBook.me,         contacts: this.addrBook.contacts,         selectedPerson: this.addrBook.me       })     }   } } 
  1. PersonView,即电话簿中联系人姓名和首选电话的View,当用户选中,即高亮当前Person,需要同步回其父组件AddressBookView的selectedPerson,所以需要通过@Link建立双向同步。

    // 显示联系人姓名和首选电话 // 为了更新电话号码,这里需要@ObjectLink person和@ObjectLink phones, // 显示首选号码不能使用this.person.phones[0],因为@ObjectLink person只代理了Person的属性,数组内部的变化观察不到 // 触发onClick事件更新selectedPerson @Component struct PersonView {      @ObjectLink person : Person;     @ObjectLink phones :  ObservedArray<string>;      @Link selectedPerson : Person;      build() {         Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Row, justifyContent: FlexAlign.SpaceBetween }) {           Text(this.person.name)           if (this.phones.length > 0) {             Text(this.phones[0])           }         }         .height(55)         .backgroundColor(this.selectedPerson.name == this.person.name ? "#ffa0a0" : "#ffffff")         .onClick(() => {             this.selectedPerson = this.person;         })     } } 
  2. 选中的Person会在PersonEditView中显示详细信息,对于PersonEditView的数据同步分为以下三种方式:

    • 在Edit状态通过Input.onChange回调事件接受用户的键盘输入时,在点击“Save Changes”之前,这个修改是不希望同步回数据源的,但又希望刷新在当前的PersonEditView中,所以@Prop深拷贝当前Person的详细信息;

    • PersonEditView通过@Link seletedPerson: Person和AddressBookView的``selectedPerson建立双向同步,当用户点击“Save Changes”的时候,@Prop的修改将被赋值给@Link seletedPerson: Person,这就意味这,数据将被同步回数据源。

    • PersonEditView中通过@Consume addrBook: AddressBook和根节点PageEntry建立跨组件层级的直接的双向同步关系,当用户在PersonEditView界面删除某一个联系人时,会直接同步回PageEntry,PageEntry的更新会通知AddressBookView刷新contracts的列表页。 PersonEditView声明如下:

     // 渲染Person的详细信息      // @Prop装饰的变量从父组件AddressBookView深拷贝数据,将变化保留在本地, TextInput的变化只会在本地副本上进行修改。      // 点击 "Save Changes" 会将所有数据的复制通过@Prop到@Link, 同步到其他组件      @Component      struct PersonEditView {                @Consume addrBook : AddressBook;                /* 指向父组件selectedPerson的引用 */          @Link selectedPerson: Person;                /*在本地副本上编辑,直到点击保存*/          @Prop name: string = "";          @Prop address : Address = new Address("", 0, "");          @Prop phones : ObservedArray<string> = [];                selectedPersonIndex() : number {              return this.addrBook.contacts.findIndex((person: Person) => person.id_ == this.selectedPerson.id_);          }                build() {              Column() {                  TextInput({ text: this.name})                      .onChange((value) => {                          this.name = value;                        })                  TextInput({text: this.address.street})                      .onChange((value) => {                          this.address.street = value;                      })                        TextInput({text: this.address.city})                      .onChange((value) => {                          this.address.city = value;                      })                        TextInput({text: this.address.zip.toString()})                      .onChange((value) => {                          const result = Number.parseInt(value);                          this.address.zip= Number.isNaN(result) ? 0 : result;                      })                        if (this.phones.length > 0) {                    ForEach(this.phones,                      (phone: ResourceStr, index?:number) => {                        TextInput({ text: phone })                          .width(150)                          .onChange((value) => {                            console.log(`${index}. ${value} value has changed`)                            this.phones[index!] = value;                          })                      },                      (phone: ResourceStr, index?:number) => `${index}`                    )                  }                   Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Row, justifyContent: FlexAlign.SpaceBetween }) {                      Text("Save Changes")                          .onClick(() => {                              // 将本地副本更新的值赋值给指向父组件selectedPerson的引用                              // 避免创建新对象,在现有属性上进行修改                              this.selectedPerson.name = this.name;                              this.selectedPerson.address = new Address(this.address.street, this.address.zip, this.address.city)                              this.phones.forEach((phone : string, index : number) => { this.selectedPerson.phones[index] = phone } );                          })                      if (this.selectedPersonIndex()!=-1) {                          Text("Delete Contact")                              .onClick(() => {                                  let index = this.selectedPersonIndex();                                  console.log(`delete contact at index ${index}`);                                        // 删除当前联系人                                  this.addrBook.contacts.splice(index, 1);                                        // 删除当前selectedPerson,选中态前移一位                                  index = (index < this.addrBook.contacts.length) ? index : index-1;                                        // 如果contract被删除完,则设置me为选中态                                  this.selectedPerson = (index>=0) ? this.addrBook.contacts[index] : this.addrBook.me;                              })                      }                  }                    }          }      } 


  1. 在AddressBookView中实现和父组件PageView的双向同步,需要用@ObjectLink me : Person和@ObjectLink contacts : ObservedArray<Person>,而不能用@Link,原因如下:
    - @Link需要和其数据源类型完全相同,且仅能观察到第一层的变化;
    - @ObjectLink可以被数据源的属性初始化,且代理了@Observed装饰类的属性,可以观察到被装饰类属性的变化。
  2. 当 联系人姓名 (Person.name) 或者首选电话号码 (Person.phones[0]) 发生更新时,PersonView也需要同步刷新,其中Person.phones[0]属于第二层的更新,如果使用@Link将无法观察到,而且@Link需要和其数据源类型完全相同。所以在PersonView中也需要使用@ObjectLink,即@ObjectLink person : Person和@ObjectLink phones : ObservedArray<string>。




// ViewModel classes let nextId = 0;  @Observed export class ObservedArray<T> extends Array<T> {   constructor(args: T[]) {     console.log(`ObservedArray: ${JSON.stringify(args)} `)     if (args instanceof Array) {       super(...args);     } else {       super(args)     }   } }  @Observed export class Address {   street: string;   zip: number;   city: string;    constructor(street: string,               zip: number,               city: string) {     this.street = street;     this.zip = zip;     this.city = city;   } }  @Observed export class Person {   id_: string;   name: string;   address: Address;   phones: ObservedArray<string>;    constructor(name: string,               street: string,               zip: number,               city: string,               phones: string[]) {     this.id_ = `${nextId}`;     nextId++;     this.name = name;     this.address = new Address(street, zip, city);     this.phones = new ObservedArray<string>(phones);   } }  export class AddressBook {   me: Person;   contacts: ObservedArray<Person>;    constructor(me: Person, contacts: Person[]) {     this.me = me;     this.contacts = new ObservedArray<Person>(contacts);   } }  // 渲染出Person对象的名称和Observed数组<string>中的第一个号码 // 为了更新电话号码,这里需要@ObjectLink person和@ObjectLink phones, // 不能使用this.person.phones,内部数组的更改不会被观察到。 // 在AddressBookView、PersonEditView中的onClick更新selectedPerson @Component struct PersonView {   @ObjectLink person: Person;   @ObjectLink phones: ObservedArray<string>;   @Link selectedPerson: Person;    build() {      Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Row, justifyContent: FlexAlign.SpaceBetween }) {       Text(this.person.name)       if (this.phones.length) {         Text(this.phones[0])       }     }     .height(55)     .backgroundColor(this.selectedPerson.name == this.person.name ? "#ffa0a0" : "#ffffff")     .onClick(() => {       this.selectedPerson = this.person;     })   } }  @Component struct phonesNumber {   @ObjectLink phoneNumber: ObservedArray<string>    build() {     Column() {        ForEach(this.phoneNumber,         (phone: ResourceStr, index?: number) => {           TextInput({ text: phone })             .width(150)             .onChange((value) => {               console.log(`${index}. ${value} value has changed`)               this.phoneNumber[index!] = value;             })         },         (phone: ResourceStr, index: number) => `${this.phoneNumber[index] + index}`       )     }   } }   // 渲染Person的详细信息 // @Prop装饰的变量从父组件AddressBookView深拷贝数据,将变化保留在本地, TextInput的变化只会在本地副本上进行修改。 // 点击 "Save Changes" 会将所有数据的复制通过@Prop到@Link, 同步到其他组件 @Component struct PersonEditView {   @Consume addrBook: AddressBook;   /* 指向父组件selectedPerson的引用 */   @Link selectedPerson: Person;   /*在本地副本上编辑,直到点击保存*/   @Prop name: string = "";   @Prop address: Address = new Address("", 0, "");   @Prop phones: ObservedArray<string> = [];    selectedPersonIndex(): number {     return this.addrBook.contacts.findIndex((person: Person) => person.id_ == this.selectedPerson.id_);   }    build() {     Column() {       TextInput({ text: this.name })         .onChange((value) => {           this.name = value;         })       TextInput({ text: this.address.street })         .onChange((value) => {           this.address.street = value;         })        TextInput({ text: this.address.city })         .onChange((value) => {           this.address.city = value;         })        TextInput({ text: this.address.zip.toString() })         .onChange((value) => {           const result = Number.parseInt(value);           this.address.zip = Number.isNaN(result) ? 0 : result;         })        if (this.phones.length > 0) {         phonesNumber({ phoneNumber: this.phones })       }        Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Row, justifyContent: FlexAlign.SpaceBetween }) {         Text("Save Changes")           .onClick(() => {             // 将本地副本更新的值赋值给指向父组件selectedPerson的引用             // 避免创建新对象,在现有属性上进行修改             this.selectedPerson.name = this.name;             this.selectedPerson.address = new Address(this.address.street, this.address.zip, this.address.city)             this.phones.forEach((phone: string, index: number) => {               this.selectedPerson.phones[index] = phone             });           })         if (this.selectedPersonIndex() != -1) {           Text("Delete Contact")             .onClick(() => {               let index = this.selectedPersonIndex();               console.log(`delete contact at index ${index}`);                // 删除当前联系人               this.addrBook.contacts.splice(index, 1);                // 删除当前selectedPerson,选中态前移一位               index = (index < this.addrBook.contacts.length) ? index : index - 1;                // 如果contract被删除完,则设置me为选中态               this.selectedPerson = (index >= 0) ? this.addrBook.contacts[index] : this.addrBook.me;             })         }       }      }   } }  @Component struct AddressBookView {   @ObjectLink me: Person;   @ObjectLink contacts: ObservedArray<Person>;   @State selectedPerson: Person = new Person("", "", 0, "", []);    aboutToAppear() {     this.selectedPerson = this.me;   }    build() {     Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Column, justifyContent: FlexAlign.Start }) {       Text("Me:")       PersonView({         person: this.me,         phones: this.me.phones,         selectedPerson: this.selectedPerson       })        Divider().height(8)        ForEach(this.contacts, (contact: Person) => {         PersonView({           person: contact,           phones: contact.phones as ObservedArray<string>,           selectedPerson: this.selectedPerson         })       },         (contact: Person): string => {           return contact.id_;         }       )        Divider().height(8)        Text("Edit:")       PersonEditView({         selectedPerson: this.selectedPerson,         name: this.selectedPerson.name,         address: this.selectedPerson.address,         phones: this.selectedPerson.phones       })     }     .borderStyle(BorderStyle.Solid).borderWidth(5).borderColor(0xAFEEEE).borderRadius(5)   } }  @Entry @Component struct PageEntry {   @Provide addrBook: AddressBook = new AddressBook(     new Person("Gigi", "Itamerenkatu 9", 180, "Helsinki", ["18*********", "18*********", "18*********"]),     [       new Person("Oly", "Itamerenkatu 9", 180, "Helsinki", ["11*********", "12*********"]),       new Person("Sam", "Itamerenkatu 9", 180, "Helsinki", ["13*********", "14*********"]),       new Person("Vivi", "Itamerenkatu 9", 180, "Helsinki", ["15*********", "168*********"]),     ]);    build() {     Column() {       AddressBookView({         me: this.addrBook.me,         contacts: this.addrBook.contacts,         selectedPerson: this.addrBook.me       })     }   } } 

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