Ubuntu merge disks by Logical Volume Management (LVM)


To merge two disks in Ubuntu, you typically use Logical Volume Management (LVM) or file system tools. Here’s how to do it using LVM:

Using LVM

  1. Install LVM (if not already installed):

    sudo apt update sudo apt install lvm2 
  2. Create Physical Volumes:

    sudo pvcreate /dev/sdX /dev/sdY 

    Replace /dev/sdX and /dev/sdY with your actual disk identifiers.

  3. Create a Volume Group:

    sudo vgcreate my_volume_group /dev/sdX /dev/sdY 
  4. Create a Logical Volume:

    sudo lvcreate -l 100%FREE -n my_logical_volume my_volume_group 
  5. Format the Logical Volume:

    sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/my_volume_group/my_logical_volume 
  6. Mount the Logical Volume:

    sudo mkdir /mnt/my_mount_point sudo mount /dev/my_volume_group/my_logical_volume /mnt/my_mount_point 
  7. Update /etc/fstab (optional for persistent mounting):

    echo '/dev/my_volume_group/my_logical_volume /mnt/my_mount_point ext4 defaults 0 2' | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab 

Using GParted (Graphical Tool)

  1. Install GParted:

    sudo apt update sudo apt install gparted 
  2. Run GParted:

    sudo gparted 
  3. Select the Disks:

    • Identify the disks you want to merge.
    • Resize and move partitions as necessary to create unallocated space.
  4. Create a New Partition:

    • Use the unallocated space to create a new partition.
  5. Apply Changes:

    • Click the green checkmark to apply changes.

Important Notes

  • Backup Important Data: Always back up data before modifying disk partitions.
  • Data Loss Risk: Merging disks can lead to data loss if not done correctly. Proceed with caution.

If you need further assistance or a specific use case, let me know!

