DX7 for VB6 游戏引擎加强版


DX7 for VB6 游戏引擎加强版

Option Explicit  '************************************************************** ' '                        《梦想之翼》 ' 'VB+DirectX7编写,包括图像、键盘、鼠标、声音处理。 ' '经过多次改进和完善,是一个比较易用的引擎。 ' '                                    ----作者:袁进峰 '                                      2004年9月13日 '                                    ----加强:liuhan  '                                      2010年7月30日  ' '************************************************************** '======================《加装JPG作准备》======================= Private Declare Function BitBlt Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDestDC As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal hSrcDC As Long, ByVal xSrc As Long, ByVal ySrc As Long, ByVal dwRop As Long) As Long Private Declare Function CreateCompatibleDC Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long) As Long Private Declare Function DeleteDC Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SelectObject Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal hObject As Long) As Long '========================《鼠标指针位置》====================== Private Declare Function GetCursorPos Lib "user32" (lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long                       '屏幕绝对坐标 Private Declare Function showCursor Lib "user32" Alias "ShowCursor" (ByVal bShow As Long) As Long      '显示或隐藏鼠标 Private Declare Function GetKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal nVirtKey As Long) As Integer Private Declare Function GetClientRect Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, lpRect As RECT) As Long Private Declare Function ScreenToClient Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long '转换屏幕绝对座标为对象相对坐标 Public Type POINTAPI     x As Long     y As Long End Type '=======================《显示或隐藏鼠标》===================== 'Public Declare Function showCursor Lib "user32" Alias "ShowCursor" (ByVal bShow As Long) As Long  '==================《用于显示、控制速度的函数》================ Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long Dim FPS_Count As Long '显示速度所用变量 Dim mTimer As Long Dim AddFPS As Integer Public FPS As Integer '============================================================== Public Type POS     x As Integer     y As Integer End Type '======================Sleep函数控制速度======================= 'Public Declare Sub Sleep Lib "Kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) '-----Sleep函数  '======================《窗口标题的高度,边宽度》====================== Public Declare Function GetSystemMetrics Lib "user32" (ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long      Const SM_CYCAPTION = 4       ' Height of caption or title      Const SM_CXFRAME = 32        ' Width of window frame      Const SM_CYFRAME = 33        ' Height of window frame '======================《窗口标题的高度,边宽度》======================  '设置窗体结构信息函数 Private Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias "SetWindowLongA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long '获取窗体结构信息函数 Private Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowLongA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long Private Const GWL_STYLE = (-16)               '窗口样式 Private Const WS_BORDER = &H800000            '创建一个有边框的窗体。 Private Const WS_MAXIMIZE = &H1000000         '窗口最大化 Private Const WS_CAPTION = &HC00000           '带标题栏的窗口 Private Const WS_SYSMENU = &H80000 Private Const WS_SIZEBOX = &H40000 Private Const WS_MAXIMIZEBOX = &H10000 Private Const WS_MINIMIZEBOX = &H20000  Private Declare Function SetWindowPos Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal cx As Long, ByVal cy As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long Const HWND_TOPMOST = -1 Const HWND_NOTOPMOST = -2 Const SWP_NOSIZE = &H1 Const SWP_NOMOVE = &H2 Const SWP_NOACTIVATE = &H10 Const SWP_SHOWWINDOW = &H40  Private Declare Function ShowWindow Lib "user32.dll " (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nCmdShow As Long) As Long Private Const SW_MAXIMIZE As Long = 3  Private Declare Function GetWindowRect Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, lpRect As RECT) As Long  Private Declare Function MoveWindow Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal bRepaint As Long) As Long  'liuhan Public goFull As Boolean Private Obj_STYLE As Long Private Obj_RECT As RECT Private Src_RECT As RECT  '============================================================== Dim ObjhWnd As Long Dim BlthWnd As Long  Dim Dx As New DirectX7 Dim DDraw As DirectDraw7  Public MainSurf As DirectDrawSurface7 Public BackSurf As DirectDrawSurface7  Dim Clipper As DirectDrawClipper  Dim Gamea As DirectDrawGammaControl  Public destRect As RECT Public srcRect As RECT  Dim DI As DirectInput  Public KeyDevice As DirectInputDevice Public KeyState As DIKEYBOARDSTATE  Public dimouse As DirectInputDevice Public MouseState As DIMOUSESTATE  Dim DSound As DirectSound  Dim objdmloader As DirectMusicLoader Dim objdmperf As DirectMusicPerformance Public objdmseg As DirectMusicSegment Public objdmsegst As DirectMusicSegmentState  Dim g_MapW As Integer Dim g_MapH As Integer  Dim StdFont As New StdFont Dim Font As IFont  Public Type DSurface     Image As DirectDrawSurface7     W As Integer     H As Integer End Type  Public Sub Window_Full()     Dim iHwnd As Long     iHwnd = GetWindowLong(ObjhWnd, GWL_STYLE)            '获取原风格     iHwnd = iHwnd And Not (WS_BORDER)                   '去除不用的风格     iHwnd = iHwnd And WS_MAXIMIZE     iHwnd = SetWindowLong(ObjhWnd, GWL_STYLE, iHwnd)     '设置新的风格 End Sub Public Sub Window_Mode()     Dim iHwnd As Long     'iHwnd = GetWindowLong(ObjhWnd, GWL_STYLE)            '获取原风格     'iHwnd = iHwnd Or WS_BORDER                         '加上自定义风格     iHwnd = SetWindowLong(ObjhWnd, GWL_STYLE, Obj_STYLE)     '设置新的风格     'iHwnd = SetWindowPos(ObjhWnd, HWND_NOTOPMOST, Obj_RECT.Left, Obj_RECT.Top, Obj_RECT.Right - Obj_RECT.Left, Obj_RECT.Bottom - Obj_RECT.Top, SWP_SHOWWINDOW Or SWP_NOACTIVATE)     iHwnd = MoveWindow(ObjhWnd, Obj_RECT.Left, Obj_RECT.Top, Obj_RECT.Right - Obj_RECT.Left, Obj_RECT.Bottom - Obj_RECT.Top, 1) End Sub '初始化DDraw Public Sub InitEngine(FormhWnd As Long, _ Optional Width As Long, Optional Height As Long, _ Optional FullScreen As Boolean = False, _ Optional FWidth As Integer = 640, Optional FHeight As Integer = 480, _ Optional Color As Byte = 16, Optional Switch As Boolean = False)     g_MapW = Width     g_MapH = Height     ObjhWnd = FormhWnd     'If FullScreen = True Then     '    Window_Full         'SetWindowLong ObjhWnd, GWL_STYLE, STYLE_NONE         'Dim iHwnd As Long         'iHwnd = SetWindowPos(ObjhWnd, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, Screen.Width, Screen.Height, SWP_SHOWWINDOW)         'ShowWindow ObjhWnd, SW_MAXIMIZE     'Else     '    Window_Mode     'End If     goFull = FullScreen     Set DDraw = Dx.DirectDrawCreate("")     '========================《设置显示模式》==============================     If FullScreen = True Then         Call DDraw.SetCooperativeLevel(FormhWnd, DDSCL_FULLSCREEN Or DDSCL_EXCLUSIVE)         Call DDraw.SetDisplayMode(FWidth, FHeight, Color, 0, DDSDM_DEFAULT)     Else         Call DDraw.SetCooperativeLevel(FormhWnd, DDSCL_NORMAL)         GetWindowRect ObjhWnd, Obj_RECT                        '获取位置高宽         Obj_STYLE = GetWindowLong(ObjhWnd, GWL_STYLE)          '获取样式风格     End If     '======================================================================     '定义变量     Dim ddsd As DDSURFACEDESC2     '========================《设置主表面》================================     ddsd.lFlags = DDSD_CAPS 'Or DDSD_BACKBUFFERCOUNT     ddsd.ddsCaps.lCaps = DDSCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACE     Set MainSurf = DDraw.CreateSurface(ddsd)     '========================《设置缓冲表面》==============================     ddsd.lFlags = DDSD_CAPS Or DDSD_WIDTH Or DDSD_HEIGHT     ddsd.lWidth = Width     ddsd.lHeight = Height     ddsd.ddsCaps.lCaps = DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN Or DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY     Set BackSurf = DDraw.CreateSurface(ddsd)     '==========================《初始化字体》==============================     Set Font = StdFont     Font.Name = "宋体"     '************************************************************     Call InitDI(FormhWnd)     Call InitWav(FormhWnd)     Call InitMid     If FullScreen = True Then Call initGamma                   '初始化Gamma End Sub  '=======================《剪切》======================================= '窗体调用成功后,调用,必写 Public Sub ClipperhWnd(hwnd As Long)     BlthWnd = hwnd     Set Clipper = DDraw.CreateClipper(0)     Clipper.SetHWnd hwnd     MainSurf.SetClipper Clipper     Call Dx.GetWindowRect(hwnd, destRect) End Sub  'LoadImge(DirectDrawSurface7变量,图像路径,透明色) Public Function LoadImage(FileName As String, Optional Color As Long = &HF81F) As DSurface     On Error GoTo LoadImageErr         Dim ddsd As DDSURFACEDESC2     ddsd.lFlags = DDSD_CAPS     ddsd.ddsCaps.lCaps = DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN Or DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY         '装载图像     Set LoadImage.Image = DDraw.CreateSurfaceFromFile(FileName, ddsd)     'Set image = DDraw.CreateSurfaceFromResource(, "PIC1", ddsd)     LoadImage.W = ddsd.lWidth     LoadImage.H = ddsd.lHeight     '设置透明色(liuhan2010-05-20自动取左上角为透明色)     Dim Tcolor As Long, key As DDCOLORKEY     LoadImage.Image.Lock srcRect, ddsd, DDLOCK_WAIT, BlthWnd    '锁住页面     Tcolor = LoadImage.Image.GetLockedPixel(0, 0) '获得 0,0 点的颜色     LoadImage.Image.Unlock srcRect '解锁页面     key.low = Tcolor     key.high = Tcolor     Call LoadImage.Image.SetColorKey(DDCKEY_SRCBLT, key)     '设置透明色     'Dim key As DDCOLORKEY     'key.low = Color     'key.high = Color     'Call LoadImage.Image.SetColorKey(DDCKEY_SRCBLT, key)     Exit Function LoadImageErr:     MsgBox "没有找到" + FileName + "图像文件。" End Function  '2010-06-12加入袁进峰的直接读出gif、jpg图像过程 'LoadImgeTDC(DirectDrawSurface7变量,图像路径,透明色) Public Function LoadImageTDC(FileName As String, Optional Color As Long = &HF81F) As DSurface     On Error GoTo LoadImageErr         Dim SDesc As DDSURFACEDESC2     Dim TPict As StdPicture     Set TPict = LoadPicture(FileName)         SDesc.lFlags = DDSD_CAPS Or DDSD_HEIGHT Or DDSD_WIDTH     SDesc.ddsCaps.lCaps = DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN Or DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY '加上DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY加快速度?     SDesc.lHeight = CLng((TPict.Height * 0.001) * 567 / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY)     SDesc.lWidth = CLng((TPict.Width * 0.001) * 567 / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX)         Set LoadImageTDC.Image = DDraw.CreateSurface(SDesc)     LoadImageTDC.W = SDesc.lWidth     LoadImageTDC.H = SDesc.lHeight         Dim SDC As Long, TDC As Long     SDC = LoadImageTDC.Image.GetDC     TDC = CreateCompatibleDC(0)     SelectObject TDC, TPict.Handle      BitBlt SDC, 0, 0, SDesc.lWidth, SDesc.lHeight, TDC, 0, 0, vbSrcCopy         LoadImageTDC.Image.ReleaseDC SDC     DeleteDC TDC     '设置透明色(liuhan2010-05-20自动取左上角为透明色)     Dim Tcolor As Long, key As DDCOLORKEY     LoadImageTDC.Image.Lock srcRect, SDesc, DDLOCK_WAIT, BlthWnd    '锁住页面     Tcolor = LoadImageTDC.Image.GetLockedPixel(0, 0) '获得 0,0 点的颜色     LoadImageTDC.Image.Unlock srcRect '解锁页面     key.low = Tcolor     key.high = Tcolor     Call LoadImageTDC.Image.SetColorKey(DDCKEY_SRCBLT, key)     '设置透明色     'Dim key As DDCOLORKEY     'key.low = Color     'key.high = Color     'Call LoadImageTDC.Image.SetColorKey(DDCKEY_SRCBLT, key)         Set TPict = Nothing     Exit Function LoadImageErr:     MsgBox "没有找到" + FileName + "图像文件。" End Function '********************************************************************* 'BltFxImage(DirectDrawSurface7变量,输出目标位置X、Y,W、H,择取源图X、Y,W、H,透明色作用开关)2010-06-28 Public Sub BltFxRDImage(Image As DSurface, xSrc As Integer, ySrc As Integer, Width As Integer, Height As Integer, _                     xImage As Integer, yImage As Integer, wImage As Integer, hImage As Integer, _                     Optional UseColorkey As Boolean = False)     Dim ImageRECT As RECT              '输入输出时图像的大小     Dim BX As Integer, BY As Integer   '输出图像的位置     BX = xSrc     BY = ySrc     Dim wZoom As Single, hZoom As Single   '目标、输出图像比例     wZoom = wImage / Width     hZoom = hImage / Height     '-----------------源图像的大小------------------     ImageRECT.Left = xImage     ImageRECT.Top = yImage     ImageRECT.Right = wImage     ImageRECT.Bottom = hImage     '-----------------目标图像的大小------------------     destRect.Left = xSrc     destRect.Top = ySrc     destRect.Right = xSrc + Width     destRect.Bottom = ySrc + Height         'DDBLTFX图方向结构     Dim FX As DDBLTFX     'FX.lDDFX = DDBLTFX_MIRRORLEFTRIGHT     'FX.lDDFX = DDBLTFX_MIRRORUPDOWN     FX.lDDFX = DDBLTFX_MIRRORLEFTRIGHT Or DDBLTFX_MIRRORUPDOWN     '自己做的自动剪切处理,比DirectX提供的快很多     '----------------若碰边自动剪切--------------------     If xSrc < 0 Then         destRect.Left = 0         ImageRECT.Right = (xSrc + Width) * wZoom     End If         If ySrc < 0 Then         destRect.Top = 0         ImageRECT.Bottom = destRect.Bottom * hZoom     End If       If Width + xSrc > g_MapW Then         destRect.Right = g_MapW         ImageRECT.Left = (Width + xSrc - g_MapW) * wZoom         If ImageRECT.Left >= wImage Then Exit Sub     End If         If Height + ySrc > g_MapH Then         destRect.Bottom = g_MapH         ImageRECT.Top = (ySrc + Height - g_MapH) * hZoom         If ImageRECT.Top >= hImage Then Exit Sub     End If         'If ImageRECT.Left >= ImageRECT.Right Then Exit Sub     'If ImageRECT.Top >= ImageRECT.Bottom Then Exit Sub     '一点也没出画出来     If ImageRECT.Right <= 0 Or ImageRECT.Bottom <= 0 Then Exit Sub     '-------------------------------------------------     'liuhan (2010-05-21)     If UseColorkey = True Then         '透明绘图(yes)         Call BackSurf.BltFx(destRect, Image.Image, ImageRECT, DDBLT_KEYSRC Or DDBLT_DDFX, FX)   'DDBLT_KEYSRC Or DDBLT_WAIT     Else         '透明绘图(no)         Call BackSurf.BltFx(destRect, Image.Image, ImageRECT, DDBLT_WAIT Or DDBLT_DDFX, FX) 'DDBLT_KEYSRC Or DDBLT_WAIT     End If End Sub  '********************************************************************* 'BltFxImage(DirectDrawSurface7变量,输出目标位置X、Y,W、H,择取源图X、Y,W、H,透明色作用开关)2010-06-28 Public Sub BltFxDImage(Image As DSurface, xSrc As Integer, ySrc As Integer, Width As Integer, Height As Integer, _                     xImage As Integer, yImage As Integer, wImage As Integer, hImage As Integer, _                     Optional UseColorkey As Boolean = False)     Dim ImageRECT As RECT              '输入输出时图像的大小     Dim BX As Integer, BY As Integer   '输出图像的位置     BX = xSrc     BY = ySrc     Dim wZoom As Single, hZoom As Single   '目标、输出图像比例     wZoom = wImage / Width     hZoom = hImage / Height     '-----------------源图像的大小------------------     ImageRECT.Left = xImage     ImageRECT.Top = yImage     ImageRECT.Right = wImage     ImageRECT.Bottom = hImage     '-----------------目标图像的大小------------------     destRect.Left = xSrc     destRect.Top = ySrc     destRect.Right = xSrc + Width     destRect.Bottom = ySrc + Height         'DDBLTFX图方向结构     Dim FX As DDBLTFX     'FX.lDDFX = DDBLTFX_MIRRORLEFTRIGHT     FX.lDDFX = DDBLTFX_MIRRORUPDOWN     '自己做的自动剪切处理,比DirectX提供的快很多     '----------------若碰边自动剪切--------------------     If xSrc < 0 Then         destRect.Left = 0         ImageRECT.Left = (Abs(xSrc) + xImage) * wZoom         If ImageRECT.Left >= wImage Then Exit Sub     End If         If ySrc < 0 Then         destRect.Top = 0         ImageRECT.Bottom = destRect.Bottom * hZoom     End If       If Width + xSrc > g_MapW Then         destRect.Right = g_MapW         ImageRECT.Right = (g_MapW - xSrc) * wZoom     End If         If Height + ySrc > g_MapH Then         destRect.Bottom = g_MapH         ImageRECT.Top = (ySrc + Height - g_MapH) * hZoom         If ImageRECT.Top >= hImage Then Exit Sub     End If         'If ImageRECT.Left >= ImageRECT.Right Then Exit Sub     'If ImageRECT.Top >= ImageRECT.Bottom Then Exit Sub     '一点也没出画出来     If ImageRECT.Right <= 0 Or ImageRECT.Bottom <= 0 Then Exit Sub     '-------------------------------------------------     'liuhan (2010-05-21)     If UseColorkey = True Then         '透明绘图(yes)         Call BackSurf.BltFx(destRect, Image.Image, ImageRECT, DDBLT_KEYSRC Or DDBLT_DDFX, FX)   'DDBLT_KEYSRC Or DDBLT_WAIT     Else         '透明绘图(no)         Call BackSurf.BltFx(destRect, Image.Image, ImageRECT, DDBLT_WAIT Or DDBLT_DDFX, FX) 'DDBLT_KEYSRC Or DDBLT_WAIT     End If End Sub  '********************************************************************* 'BltFxImage(DirectDrawSurface7变量,输出目标位置X、Y,W、H,择取源图X、Y,W、H,透明色作用开关)2010-06-28 Public Sub BltFxRImage(Image As DSurface, xSrc As Integer, ySrc As Integer, Width As Integer, Height As Integer, _                     xImage As Integer, yImage As Integer, wImage As Integer, hImage As Integer, _                     Optional UseColorkey As Boolean = False)     Dim ImageRECT As RECT              '输入输出时图像的大小     Dim BX As Integer, BY As Integer   '输出图像的位置     BX = xSrc     BY = ySrc     Dim wZoom As Single, hZoom As Single   '目标、输出图像比例     wZoom = wImage / Width     hZoom = hImage / Height     '-----------------源图像的大小------------------     ImageRECT.Left = xImage     ImageRECT.Top = yImage     ImageRECT.Right = wImage     ImageRECT.Bottom = hImage     '-----------------目标图像的大小------------------     destRect.Left = xSrc     destRect.Top = ySrc     destRect.Right = xSrc + Width     destRect.Bottom = ySrc + Height         'DDBLTFX图方向结构     Dim FX As DDBLTFX     FX.lDDFX = DDBLTFX_MIRRORLEFTRIGHT     'FX.lDDFX = DDBLTFX_MIRRORUPDOWN     '自己做的自动剪切处理,比DirectX提供的快很多     '----------------若碰边自动剪切--------------------     If xSrc < 0 Then         destRect.Left = 0         ImageRECT.Right = (xSrc + Width) * wZoom     End If         If ySrc < 0 Then         destRect.Top = 0         ImageRECT.Top = (Abs(ySrc) + yImage) * hZoom         If ImageRECT.Top >= hImage Then Exit Sub     End If       If Width + xSrc > g_MapW Then         destRect.Right = g_MapW         ImageRECT.Left = (Width + xSrc - g_MapW) * wZoom         If ImageRECT.Left >= wImage Then Exit Sub     End If         If Height + ySrc > g_MapH Then         destRect.Bottom = g_MapH         ImageRECT.Bottom = (g_MapH - ySrc) * hZoom     End If     '一点也没出画出来     If ImageRECT.Right <= 0 Or ImageRECT.Bottom <= 0 Then Exit Sub     '-------------------------------------------------     'liuhan (2010-05-21)     If UseColorkey = True Then         '透明绘图(yes)         Call BackSurf.BltFx(destRect, Image.Image, ImageRECT, DDBLT_KEYSRC Or DDBLT_DDFX, FX)   'DDBLT_KEYSRC Or DDBLT_WAIT     Else         '透明绘图(no)         Call BackSurf.BltFx(destRect, Image.Image, ImageRECT, DDBLT_WAIT Or DDBLT_DDFX, FX) 'DDBLT_KEYSRC Or DDBLT_WAIT     End If End Sub  '********************************************************************* 'BltImage(DirectDrawSurface7变量,输出目标位置X、Y,W、H,择取源图X、Y,W、H,透明色作用开关)2010-06-26 Public Sub BltImage(Image As DSurface, xSrc As Integer, ySrc As Integer, Width As Integer, Height As Integer, _                     xImage As Integer, yImage As Integer, wImage As Integer, hImage As Integer, _                     Optional UseColorkey As Boolean = False)     Dim ImageRECT As RECT              '输入输出时图像的大小     Dim BX As Integer, BY As Integer   '输出图像的位置     BX = xSrc     BY = ySrc     Dim wZoom As Single, hZoom As Single   '目标、输出图像比例     wZoom = wImage / Width     hZoom = hImage / Height     '-----------------源图像的大小------------------     ImageRECT.Left = xImage     ImageRECT.Top = yImage     ImageRECT.Right = wImage     ImageRECT.Bottom = hImage     '-----------------目标图像的大小------------------     destRect.Left = xSrc     destRect.Top = ySrc     destRect.Right = xSrc + Width     destRect.Bottom = ySrc + Height     '自己做的自动剪切处理,比DirectX提供的快很多     '----------------若碰边自动剪切--------------------     If xSrc < 0 Then         destRect.Left = 0         ImageRECT.Left = (Abs(xSrc) + xImage) * wZoom         If ImageRECT.Left >= wImage Then Exit Sub     End If         If ySrc < 0 Then         destRect.Top = 0         ImageRECT.Top = (Abs(ySrc) + yImage) * hZoom         If ImageRECT.Top >= hImage Then Exit Sub     End If       If Width + xSrc > g_MapW Then         destRect.Right = g_MapW         ImageRECT.Right = (g_MapW - xSrc) * wZoom     End If         If Height + ySrc > g_MapH Then         destRect.Bottom = g_MapH         ImageRECT.Bottom = (g_MapH - ySrc) * hZoom     End If     '一点也没出画出来     If ImageRECT.Right <= 0 Or ImageRECT.Bottom <= 0 Then Exit Sub     '-------------------------------------------------     'liuhan (2010-05-21)     If UseColorkey = True Then         '透明绘图(yes)         Call BackSurf.Blt(destRect, Image.Image, ImageRECT, DDBLT_KEYSRC)   'DDBLT_KEYSRC Or DDBLT_WAIT     Else         '透明绘图(no)         Call BackSurf.Blt(destRect, Image.Image, ImageRECT, DDBLT_WAIT) 'DDBLT_KEYSRC Or DDBLT_WAIT     End If End Sub '********************************************************************* 'BltImage(DirectDrawSurface7变量,输出目标位置X、Y,择取源图X、Y,W、H,透明色作用开关)2010-06-26 Public Sub BltFastImage(Image As DSurface, xSrc As Integer, ySrc As Integer, _                     xImage As Integer, yImage As Integer, Width As Integer, Height As Integer, _                     Optional UseColorkey As Boolean = False)     Dim ImageRECT As RECT              '输入输出时图像的大小     Dim BX As Integer, BY As Integer   '输出图像的位置     BX = xSrc     BY = ySrc     '-----------------输出图像的大小------------------     ImageRECT.Left = xImage     ImageRECT.Top = yImage     ImageRECT.Right = xImage + Width     ImageRECT.Bottom = yImage + Height         '自己做的自动剪切处理,比DirectX提供的快很多     '----------------若碰边自动剪切--------------------     If xSrc < 0 Then         BX = 0         ImageRECT.Left = Abs(xSrc) + xImage         If ImageRECT.Left >= ImageRECT.Right Then Exit Sub     End If         If ySrc < 0 Then         BY = 0         ImageRECT.Top = Abs(ySrc) + yImage         If ImageRECT.Top >= ImageRECT.Bottom Then Exit Sub     End If       If Width + xSrc > g_MapW Then         ImageRECT.Right = xImage - xSrc + g_MapW     End If         If Height + ySrc > g_MapH Then         ImageRECT.Bottom = yImage - ySrc + g_MapH     End If      '一点也没出画出来     If ImageRECT.Right <= 0 Or ImageRECT.Bottom <= 0 Then Exit Sub     '-------------------------------------------------     'liuhan(2010-5-21)     If UseColorkey = True Then         '透明绘图(yes)         Call BackSurf.BltFast(BX, BY, Image.Image, ImageRECT, DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY)  'DDBLTFAST_WAIT     Else         '透明绘图(no)         Call BackSurf.BltFast(BX, BY, Image.Image, ImageRECT, DDBLTFAST_WAIT)  'DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY     End If End Sub  '************************画出所有************************************** 'BltImageAll(图像,X,Y,透明色作用开关) Public Sub BltImageAll(Image As DSurface, xSrc As Integer, ySrc As Integer, Optional UseColorkey As Boolean = False)     Dim ImageRECT As RECT              '输入输出时图像的大小     Dim BX As Integer, BY As Integer   '输出图像的位置     BX = xSrc     BY = ySrc     '-----------------输出图像的大小------------------     ImageRECT.Left = 0     ImageRECT.Top = 0     ImageRECT.Right = Image.W     ImageRECT.Bottom = Image.H         '自己做的自动剪切处理,比DirectX提供的快很多     '----------------若碰边自动剪切--------------------     If xSrc < 0 Then         BX = 0         ImageRECT.Left = Abs(xSrc)         If ImageRECT.Left >= ImageRECT.Right Then Exit Sub     End If         If ySrc < 0 Then         BY = 0         ImageRECT.Top = Abs(ySrc)         If ImageRECT.Top >= ImageRECT.Bottom Then Exit Sub     End If       If Image.W + xSrc > g_MapW Then         ImageRECT.Right = g_MapW - xSrc     End If         If Image.H + ySrc > g_MapH Then         ImageRECT.Bottom = g_MapH - ySrc     End If      '一点也没出画出来     If ImageRECT.Right <= 0 Or ImageRECT.Bottom <= 0 Then Exit Sub     '-------------------------------------------------     'liuhan(2010-5-21)     If UseColorkey = True Then         '透明绘图(yes)         Call BackSurf.BltFast(BX, BY, Image.Image, ImageRECT, DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY)  'DDBLTFAST_WAIT     Else         '透明绘图(no)         Call BackSurf.BltFast(BX, BY, Image.Image, ImageRECT, DDBLTFAST_WAIT)  'DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY     End If End Sub  '1━━━━━━━━《字体输出》━━━━━━━ Public Sub PrintText(Text As String, x As Integer, y As Integer, _ Optional FontSize As Integer = 10, Optional Color As Long = 0)     Font.Size = FontSize     BackSurf.SetFont Font     BackSurf.SetForeColor Color     BackSurf.DrawText x, y, Text, False End Sub  '1━━━━━━━━《初始化Gamea色彩控制(只适用于全屏独占模式)》━━━━━━━ Private Sub initGamma()     Dim mmap As DDGAMMARAMP     Set Gamea = MainSurf.GetDirectDrawGammaControl     Call Gamea.GetGammaRamp(DDSGR_DEFAULT, mmap) End Sub  '2.1━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━全屏下淡入━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Public Sub FadeIn()     Dim NewGammamp As DDGAMMARAMP, i As Integer, j As Integer, K As Long         For i = 256 To 0 Step -8         For j = 0 To 255             K = CLng(j) * CLng(i)             If K > 32767 Then K = K - 65536             NewGammamp.red(j) = K             NewGammamp.green(j) = K             NewGammamp.blue(j) = K         Next j         Call Gamea.SetGammaRamp(DDSGR_DEFAULT, NewGammamp)     Next i End Sub  '2.2━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━全屏下淡出━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Public Sub FadeOut()     Dim NewGammamp As DDGAMMARAMP, i As Integer, j As Integer, K As Long         For i = 0 To 256 Step 8         For j = 0 To 255             K = CLng(j) * CLng(i)             If K > 32767 Then K = K - 65536             NewGammamp.red(j) = K             NewGammamp.green(j) = K             NewGammamp.blue(j) = K         Next j         Call Gamea.SetGammaRamp(DDSGR_DEFAULT, NewGammamp)     Next i End Sub  'end━━━━━━━━━━━━━━绘制画面显示到屏幕━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Public Sub BltScreen()     Call Dx.GetWindowRect(BlthWnd, destRect)      If goFull = False And BlthWnd = ObjhWnd Then         destRect.Top = destRect.Top + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION) + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFRAME)         'destRect.Bottom = destRect.Bottom + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION) + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFRAME)         destRect.Left = destRect.Left + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFRAME)         destRect.Right = destRect.Right + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFRAME)     End If         Call MainSurf.Blt(destRect, BackSurf, srcRect, DDBLT_WAIT)     Call BackSurf.BltColorFill(srcRect, 0) End Sub '1━━━━━━━回恢丢失页面(用于全屏模式,必须写在循环中)━━━━━━━━ Private Function ExclusiveMode() As Boolean      Dim lngTestExMode As Long         'This function tests if we're still in exclusive mode     lngTestExMode = DDraw.TestCooperativeLevel         If (lngTestExMode = DD_OK) Then         ExclusiveMode = True     Else         ExclusiveMode = False     End If     End Function '2━━━━━━━回恢丢失页面(用于全屏模式,必须写在循环中)━━━━━━━━ Public Function LostSurfaces() As Boolean      'This function will tell if we should reload our bitMapAZ or not     LostSurfaces = False     Do Until ExclusiveMode         DoEvents         LostSurfaces = True     Loop         'If we did lose our bitMapAZ, restore the surfaces and return 'true'     DoEvents     If LostSurfaces Then         DDraw.RestoreAllSurfaces     End If     End Function  '=========================初始化键盘和鼠标处理======================= Private Sub InitDI(hwnd As Long)     Set DI = Dx.DirectInputCreate() ' Create the DirectInput Device     Set KeyDevice = DI.CreateDevice("GUID_SysKeyboard") ' Set it to use the keyboard.     KeyDevice.SetCommonDataFormat DIFORMAT_KEYBOARD ' Set the data format to the keyboard format     KeyDevice.SetCooperativeLevel hwnd, DISCL_BACKGROUND Or DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE ' Set Cooperative level     KeyDevice.Acquire         Set dimouse = DI.CreateDevice("guid_sysmouse")     dimouse.SetCommonDataFormat DIFORMAT_MOUSE     dimouse.SetCooperativeLevel hwnd, DISCL_BACKGROUND Or DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE     dimouse.Acquire End Sub '功能:返回鼠标X坐标 Public Function MouseX() As Long     Dim t As POINTAPI     Dim client As RECT     GetCursorPos t     GetClientRect ObjhWnd, client     ScreenToClient ObjhWnd, t     MouseX = t.x * g_MapW / client.Right     If t.x < client.Left Then MouseX = 0     If t.x > client.Right Then MouseX = client.Right End Function '功能:返回鼠标Y坐标 Public Function MouseY() As Long     Dim t As POINTAPI     Dim client As RECT     GetCursorPos t     GetClientRect ObjhWnd, client     ScreenToClient ObjhWnd, t     MouseY = t.y * g_MapH / client.Bottom     If t.y < client.Top Then MouseY = 0     If t.y > client.Bottom Then MouseY = client.Bottom End Function  '1━━━━━━━━━━━━━初始化WAV(音效处理)━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Private Sub InitWav(hwnd As Long)     Set DSound = Dx.DirectSoundCreate("")     DSound.SetCooperativeLevel hwnd, DSSCL_PRIORITY End Sub '2━━━━━━━━━━━━━━装入Wav音效文件━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Public Function LoadWav(FileName As String) As DirectSoundBuffer     Dim BufferDesc As DSBUFFERDESC     Dim WaveFormat As WAVEFORMATEX         BufferDesc.lFlags = DSBCAPS_CTRLVOLUME Or DSBCAPS_CTRLPAN Or DSBCAPS_CTRLFREQUENCY Or DSBCAPS_CTRLPOSITIONNOTIFY     Set LoadWav = DSound.CreateSoundBufferFromFile(FileName, BufferDesc, WaveFormat)  End Function '3━━━━━━━━━━━━━━播放Wav音效文件━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Public Sub PlayWav(Sound As DirectSoundBuffer, nClose As Boolean, LoopSound As Boolean)     If nClose Then       Sound.Stop       Sound.SetCurrentPosition 0     End If       If LoopSound Then       Sound.Play 1     Else       Sound.Play 0     End If End Sub '4━━━━Wav音量(-10000-0)声道控制(左-10000至右10000调节)━━━━━ Public Sub SetWav(Sound As DirectSoundBuffer, Optional VolumeValue As Integer, Optional PanValue As Integer)     If PanValue > 10000 Then VolumeValue = 10000     If PanValue < -10000 Then VolumeValue = -10000     Sound.SetPan PanValue     If VolumeValue > 0 Then VolumeValue = 0     If VolumeValue < -10000 Then VolumeValue = -10000     Sound.SetVolume VolumeValue End Sub  '1━━━━━━━━━━━━━━初始化MID设置━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Private Sub InitMid()     '建立directmusicloader对象     Set objdmloader = Dx.DirectMusicLoaderCreate     '建立directmusicperformance对象     Set objdmperf = Dx.DirectMusicPerformanceCreate     '初始化directmusicperformance对象     objdmperf.Init Nothing, 0     objdmperf.SetPort -1, 80     objdmperf.SetMasterAutoDownload True     objdmperf.SetMasterVolume 0 End Sub '2━━━━━━━━━━━━━━装入midi文件━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Public Sub LoadMid(FileName As String)     Set objdmseg = Nothing     Set objdmseg = objdmloader.LoadSegment(FileName) End Sub '3━━━━━━━━━━━━━━播放midi文件━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Public Sub PlayMid(Optional Play As Boolean = True, Optional Start As Long)     If Play = True Then         If objdmperf.IsPlaying(objdmseg, objdmsegst) = True Then             '停止播放             Call objdmperf.Stop(objdmseg, objdmsegst, 0, 0)         End If         objdmseg.SetStartPoint (Start)         Set objdmsegst = objdmperf.PlaySegment(objdmseg, 0, 0)     Else         '停止播放midi文件         Call objdmperf.Stop(objdmseg, objdmsegst, 0, 0)     End If End Sub '4━━━━━━━━━━━━━━播放midi音量,节奏频率━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Public Sub SetMid(Optional VolumeValue As Integer, Optional TempoValue As Integer)     If VolumeValue > 0 Then VolumeValue = 0     If VolumeValue < -10000 Then VolumeValue = -10000     Call objdmperf.SetMasterVolume(VolumeValue)     Call objdmperf.SetMasterTempo(TempoValue) End Sub  '========================================================= '*****************《控帧》******************* Public Sub ControlFPS(Time As Integer)     Do While GetTickCount - FPS_Count < Time         DoEvents     Loop     FPS_Count = GetTickCount End Sub    '***************《获得速度》***************** Public Function GetFPSx() As Integer     If GetTickCount() - mTimer >= 1000 Then         mTimer = GetTickCount         GetFPSx = AddFPS + 1         AddFPS = 0     Else         AddFPS = AddFPS + 1     End If End Function  '***************《获得速度》***************** Public Sub GetFPS() '(FPS As Integer)     If GetTickCount() - mTimer >= 1000 Then         mTimer = GetTickCount         FPS = AddFPS + 1         AddFPS = 0     Else         AddFPS = AddFPS + 1     End If End Sub  '======================退出Engine========================= Public Sub ExitEngine()     'ExitDDraw     Call DDraw.RestoreDisplayMode     Call DDraw.SetCooperativeLevel(ObjhWnd, DDSCL_NORMAL)     Set BackSurf = Nothing     Set MainSurf = Nothing     Set Dx = Nothing     Set Gamea = Nothing     'ExitMid     Set objdmsegst = Nothing     Set objdmseg = Nothing     Set objdmperf = Nothing     Set objdmloader = Nothing     'ExitDI     Set DI = Nothing     Set KeyDevice = Nothing     Set dimouse = Nothing     'ExitWav     Set DSound = Nothing         Set StdFont = Nothing     Set Font = Nothing End Sub  

