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数据库:学员表(study_student) 字段:学生姓名(sts_student_name)、手机号(sts_phone)
课程管理(teach_course_manage)字段 :课程名称(course_name)
班级管理-关联课程教师(teach_class_manage_course) 字段:class_id、course_id、teacher_id
班级管理-关联学员(teach_class_manage_student) 字段:class_id、student_id
package com.todod.education.module.study.dal.dataobject.cancleclass; import lombok.*; import java.util.*; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.*; import com.todod.education.framework.mybatis.core.dataobject.BaseDO; /** * 消课记录 DO * * @author 平台管理员 */ @TableName("study_cancle_class") @KeySequence("study_cancle_class_seq") // 用于 Oracle、PostgreSQL、Kingbase、DB2、H2 数据库的主键自增。如果是 MySQL 等数据库,可不写。 @Data @EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = true) @ToString(callSuper = true) @Builder @NoArgsConstructor @AllArgsConstructor public class CancleClassDO extends BaseDO { /** * 主键id */ @TableId private Long id; /** * 学员id */ private Long studentId; /** * 班级id */ private Long classId; /** * 课程id */ private Long courseId; /** * 学员姓名 */ @TableField(exist = false) private String stsStudentName; /** * 手机号 */ @TableField(exist = false) private String stsPhone; /** * 班级名称 */ @TableField(exist = false) private String className; /** * 班级类型 */ @TableField(exist = false) private String classType; /** * 所报课程 */ @TableField(exist = false) private String courseName; /** * 授课教师 */ @TableField(exist = false) private String teacherName; /** * 上课时间 */ private LocalDateTime classTime; /** * 消课人 */ private String cancelClassPerson; /** * 消课时间 */ private LocalDateTime cancelClassTime; /** * 实到人数 */ private Integer arrivedNum; /** * 应到人数 */ private Integer arrivingNum; /** * 点名操作人员 */ private String rollCallPerson; /** * 点名时间 */ private LocalDateTime rollCallTime; /** * 操作人 */ private String operaName; /** * 操作时间 */ private LocalDateTime operaTime; /** * 操作类型 */ private String operaType; /** * 操作说明 */ private String operaExplain; }
package com.todod.education.module.study.controller.admin.cancleclass.vo; import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.media.Schema; import lombok.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.*; import org.springframework.format.annotation.DateTimeFormat; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import com.alibaba.excel.annotation.*; @Schema(description = "管理后台 - 消课记录 Response VO") @Data @ExcelIgnoreUnannotated public class CancleClassRespVO { @Schema(description = "主键id", requiredMode = Schema.RequiredMode.REQUIRED, example = "18505") private Long id; @Schema(description = "学员id", requiredMode = Schema.RequiredMode.REQUIRED, example = "18505") private Long studentId; @Schema(description = "班级id", requiredMode = Schema.RequiredMode.REQUIRED, example = "18505") private Long classId; @Schema(description = "课程id", requiredMode = Schema.RequiredMode.REQUIRED, example = "18505") private Long courseId; @Schema(description = "学员姓名", example = "芋艿") private String stsStudentName; @Schema(description = "手机号") private String stsPhone; @Schema(description = "班级名称", example = "李四") @ExcelProperty("班级名称") private String className; @Schema(description = "班级类型", example = "1") @ExcelProperty("班级类型") private String classType; @Schema(description = "所报课程") @ExcelProperty("所报课程") private String courseName; @Schema(description = "上课时间") @ExcelProperty("上课时间") private LocalDateTime classTime; @Schema(description = "授课教师") @ExcelProperty("授课教师") private String teacherName; @Schema(description = "消课人") @ExcelProperty("消课人") private String cancelClassPerson; @Schema(description = "消课时间") @ExcelProperty("消课时间") private LocalDateTime cancelClassTime; @Schema(description = "创建时间") @ExcelProperty("创建时间") private LocalDateTime createTime; @Schema(description = "操作人", example = "王五") private String operaName; @Schema(description = "操作时间") private LocalDateTime operaTime; @Schema(description = "操作类型", example = "2") private String operaType; @Schema(description = "操作说明") private String operaExplain; @Schema(description = "实到人数") private Integer arrivedNum; @Schema(description = "应到人数") private Integer arrivingNum; @Schema(description = "点名操作人员") private String rollCallPerson; @Schema(description = "点名时间") private LocalDateTime rollCallTime; }
@Tag(name = "管理后台 - 消课记录") @RestController @RequestMapping("/study/cancle-class") @Validated public class CancleClassController { @Resource private CancleClassService cancleClassService; @GetMapping("/get") @Operation(summary = "获得消课记录") @Parameter(name = "id", description = "编号", required = true, example = "1024") @PreAuthorize("@ss.hasPermission('study:cancle-class:query')") public CommonResult<CancleClassRespVO> getCancleClass(@RequestParam("id") Long id) { CancleClassDO cancleClass = cancleClassService.getCancleClass(id); return success(BeanUtils.toBean(cancleClass, CancleClassRespVO.class)); } @GetMapping("/findByIds") public List<CancleClassDO> findUsersByIds(@RequestParam Long id) { return cancleClassService.selectCheck(id); } @GetMapping("/get2") @Operation(summary = "获得消课记录2") @Parameter(name = "id", description = "编号", required = true, example = "1024") @PreAuthorize("@ss.hasPermission('study:cancle-class:query')") public CommonResult<CancleClassRespVO> getCancleClass2(@RequestParam("id") Long id) { CancleClassDO cancleClass = cancleClassService.getCancleClass2(id); return success(BeanUtils.toBean(cancleClass, CancleClassRespVO.class)); } @GetMapping("/page") @Operation(summary = "获得消课记录分页") @PreAuthorize("@ss.hasPermission('study:cancle-class:query')") public CommonResult<PageResult<CancleClassRespVO>> getCancleClassPage(@Valid CancleClassPageReqVO pageReqVO) { PageResult<CancleClassDO> pageResult = cancleClassService.getCancleClassPage(pageReqVO); return success(BeanUtils.toBean(pageResult, CancleClassRespVO.class)); } @GetMapping("/page2") @Operation(summary = "获得消课记录分页2") @PreAuthorize("@ss.hasPermission('study:cancle-class:query')") public CommonResult<PageResult<CancleClassRespVO>> getCancleClassPage2(@Valid CancleClassPageReqVO pageReqVO) { PageResult<CancleClassDO> pageResult = cancleClassService.getCancleClassPage2(pageReqVO); return success(BeanUtils.toBean(pageResult, CancleClassRespVO.class)); } }
package com.todod.education.module.study.dal.mysql.cancleclass; import java.util.*; import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.metadata.IPage; import com.todod.education.framework.common.pojo.PageResult; import com.todod.education.framework.mybatis.core.query.LambdaQueryWrapperX; import com.todod.education.framework.mybatis.core.mapper.BaseMapperX; import com.todod.education.module.study.controller.admin.entranceexam.vo.EntranceExamPageReqVO; import com.todod.education.module.study.dal.dataobject.cancleclass.CancleClassDO; import com.todod.education.module.study.dal.dataobject.entranceexam.EntranceExamDO; import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper; import com.todod.education.module.study.controller.admin.cancleclass.vo.*; import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param; /** * 消课记录 Mapper * * @author 平台管理员 */ @Mapper public interface CancleClassMapper extends BaseMapperX<CancleClassDO> { default PageResult<CancleClassDO> selectPage(CancleClassPageReqVO reqVO) { return selectPage(reqVO, new LambdaQueryWrapperX<CancleClassDO>() .likeIfPresent(CancleClassDO::getClassName, reqVO.getClassName()) .betweenIfPresent(CancleClassDO::getClassTime, reqVO.getClassTime()) .betweenIfPresent(CancleClassDO::getCancelClassTime, reqVO.getCancelClassTime()) .betweenIfPresent(CancleClassDO::getCreateTime, reqVO.getCreateTime()) .orderByDesc(CancleClassDO::getId)); } IPage<CancleClassDO> fetchPageResults(IPage<CancleClassDO> page, @Param("queryEntry") CancleClassPageReqVO pageReqVO); List<CancleClassDO> selectCheck(@Param("id") Long id); }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd"> <mapper namespace="com.todod.education.module.study.dal.mysql.cancleclass.CancleClassMapper"> <select id="fetchPageResults" resultType="com.todod.education.module.study.dal.dataobject.cancleclass.CancleClassDO"> SELECT tcm.class_name,tcm.id AS class_id,tcm.class_type,tcmc.teacherNames,tcmc.courseNames,tcms.students FROM teach_class_manage tcm INNER JOIN ( SELECT tcmc.class_id,string_agg(htm.teacher_name, ',') AS teacherNames,string_agg(tcm.course_name, ',') AS courseNames FROM teach_class_manage_course tcmc INNER JOIN hr_teacher_manage htm ON htm."id" = tcmc.teacher_id INNER JOIN teach_course_manage tcm ON tcm."id" = tcmc.course_id GROUP BY tcmc.class_id ) tcmc ON tcm."id" = tcmc.class_id LEFT JOIN ( SELECT tcms.class_id,COALESCE(COUNT(*), 0) AS students FROM teach_class_manage_student tcms GROUP BY tcms.class_id ) tcms ON tcm."id" = tcms.class_id WHERE 1 = 1 AND tcm.deleted = 0 <if test=" queryEntry.stsStudentName != null and queryEntry.stsStudentName != '' and queryEntry.stsStudentName != 'null' "> AND ss.sts_student_name like '%${queryEntry.stsStudentName}' </if> ORDER BY tcm.create_time desc </select> <select id="selectCheck" resultType="com.todod.education.module.study.dal.dataobject.cancleclass.CancleClassDO"> SELECT tcm.class_name, ss.sts_student_name, ss.sts_phone, tcs.student_id, tcmc.course_id, tcm2.course_name, htm.teacher_name FROM teach_class_manage tcm JOIN teach_class_manage_student tcs ON tcm.id = tcs.class_id JOIN study_student ss ON tcs.student_id = ss.id -- 这里假设study_student的id字段对应于student_id JOIN teach_class_manage_course tcmc ON tcm.id = tcmc.class_id JOIN teach_course_manage tcm2 ON tcmc.course_id = tcm2.id JOIN hr_teacher_manage htm ON tcmc.teacher_id = htm.id WHERE tcm.id = #{id} ORDER BY tcs.student_id, tcmc.course_id; </select> </mapper>
package com.todod.education.module.study.service.cancleclass; import java.util.*; import jakarta.validation.*; import com.todod.education.module.study.controller.admin.cancleclass.vo.*; import com.todod.education.module.study.dal.dataobject.cancleclass.CancleClassDO; import com.todod.education.framework.common.pojo.PageResult; import com.todod.education.framework.common.pojo.PageParam; /** * 消课记录 Service 接口 * * @author 平台管理员 */ public interface CancleClassService { /** * 获得消课记录 * * @param id 编号 * @return 消课记录 */ CancleClassDO getCancleClass(Long id); /** * 获得消课记录 * * @param id 编号 * @return 消课记录 */ CancleClassDO getCancleClass2(Long id); /** * 获得消课记录分页 * * @param pageReqVO 分页查询 * @return 消课记录分页 */ PageResult<CancleClassDO> getCancleClassPage(CancleClassPageReqVO pageReqVO); /** * 获得消课记录分页2 * * @param pageReqVO 分页查询 * @return 消课记录分页 */ PageResult<CancleClassDO> getCancleClassPage2(CancleClassPageReqVO pageReqVO); List<CancleClassDO> selectCheck(Long id); }
package com.todod.education.module.study.service.cancleclass; import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.metadata.IPage; import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.plugins.pagination.Page; import com.mzt.logapi.context.LogRecordContext; import com.mzt.logapi.service.impl.DiffParseFunction; import com.mzt.logapi.starter.annotation.LogRecord; import com.todod.education.module.study.controller.admin.monthexam.vo.MonthExamPageReqVO; import com.todod.education.module.study.controller.admin.plan.vo.PlanSaveReqVO; import com.todod.education.module.study.dal.dataobject.monthexam.MonthExamDO; import com.todod.education.module.study.dal.dataobject.plan.PlanDO; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import jakarta.annotation.Resource; import org.springframework.validation.annotation.Validated; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import java.util.*; import com.todod.education.module.study.controller.admin.cancleclass.vo.*; import com.todod.education.module.study.dal.dataobject.cancleclass.CancleClassDO; import com.todod.education.framework.common.pojo.PageResult; import com.todod.education.framework.common.pojo.PageParam; import com.todod.education.framework.common.util.object.BeanUtils; import com.todod.education.module.study.dal.mysql.cancleclass.CancleClassMapper; import static com.todod.education.framework.common.exception.util.ServiceExceptionUtil.exception; import static com.todod.education.module.study.enums.ErrorCodeConstants.*; import static com.todod.education.module.system.enums.LogRecordConstants.*; /** * 消课记录 Service 实现类 * * @author 平台管理员 */ @Service @Validated public class CancleClassServiceImpl implements CancleClassService { @Resource private CancleClassMapper cancleClassMapper; @Override public CancleClassDO getCancleClass(Long id) { return cancleClassMapper.selectById(id); } @Override public CancleClassDO getCancleClass2(Long id) { return cancleClassMapper.selectById(id); } @Override public PageResult<CancleClassDO> getCancleClassPage(CancleClassPageReqVO pageReqVO) { return cancleClassMapper.selectPage(pageReqVO); } @Override public PageResult<CancleClassDO> getCancleClassPage2(CancleClassPageReqVO pageReqVO) { IPage<CancleClassDO> page = new Page<>(pageReqVO.getPageNo(), pageReqVO.getPageSize()); cancleClassMapper.fetchPageResults(page, pageReqVO); return new PageResult<>(page.getRecords(), page.getTotal()); } @Override public List<CancleClassDO> selectCheck(Long id) { return cancleClassMapper.selectCheck(id); } }
<template> <div > <ContentWrap> <!-- 搜索工作栏 --> <el-form class="-mb-15px" :model="queryParams" ref="queryFormRef" :inline="true" label-width="68px" > <el-form-item label="班级名称" prop="className" style="width: 21.8%;"> <el-input v-model="queryParams.className" placeholder="请输入班级名称" clearable @keyup.enter="handleQuery" class="!w-240px" /> </el-form-item> <el-form-item label="上课时间" prop="classTime" style="width: 21.8%;"> <el-date-picker v-model="queryParams.classTime" value-format="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss" type="daterange" start-placeholder="开始日期" end-placeholder="结束日期" :default-time="[new Date('1 00:00:00'), new Date('1 23:59:59')]" class="!w-240px" /> </el-form-item> <el-form-item label="消课时间" prop="cancelClassTime" style="width: 21.8%;"> <el-date-picker v-model="queryParams.cancelClassTime" value-format="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss" type="daterange" start-placeholder="开始日期" end-placeholder="结束日期" :default-time="[new Date('1 00:00:00'), new Date('1 23:59:59')]" class="!w-240px" /> </el-form-item> <el-form-item label="所报课程" prop="reportCourse" style="width: 21.8%;"> <el-select v-model="queryParams.reportCourse" placeholder="请选择所报课程" clearable class="!w-240px" > <el-option v-for="dict in getIntDictOptions(DICT_TYPE.REPORT_COURSE)" :key="dict.value" :label="dict.label" :value="dict.value" /> </el-select> </el-form-item> <el-form-item> <el-button @click="handleQuery"><Icon icon="ep:search" class="mr-5px" /> 搜索</el-button> <el-button @click="resetQuery"><Icon icon="ep:refresh" class="mr-5px" /> 重置</el-button> <!-- <el-button type="success" plain @click="handleExport" :loading="exportLoading" v-hasPermi="['study:cancle-class:export']" > <Icon icon="ep:download" class="mr-5px" /> 导出 </el-button> --> <!-- <el-button @click="classCheck" type="primary">发送课时核对</el-button> --> <el-button plain @click="outerVisible = true"> 发送课时核对 </el-button> <el-dialog v-model="outerVisible" title="发送课时核对" width="800" ref="courseCheck" :studentIds="studentId"> <span>要为所选中的学员发送课时记录么</span> <el-dialog v-model="innerVisible" width="500" title="发送成功" append-to-body > <span>发送成功</span> </el-dialog> <template #footer> <div class="dialog-footer"> <el-button @click="outerVisible = false">取消</el-button> <el-button type="primary" @click="innerVisible = true"> 确认 </el-button> </div> </template> </el-dialog> </el-form-item> </el-form> </ContentWrap> <!-- 列表 --> <ContentWrap> <el-table v-loading="loading" :data="list" :stripe="true" :show-overflow-tooltip="true"> <el-table-column label="序号" type="index" header-align="center" align="center" width="60px" fixed /> <el-table-column type="selection" width="55" /> <el-table-column label="班级名称" align="center" prop="className" /> <el-table-column label="班级类型" align="center" prop="classType"> <template #default="scope"> <dict-tag :type="DICT_TYPE.COURSE_TYPE" :value="scope.row.classType" /> </template> </el-table-column> <el-table-column label="所报课程" align="center" prop="courseName"> <template #default="scope"> <dict-tag :type="DICT_TYPE.REPORT_COURSE" :value="scope.row.courseName" /> </template> </el-table-column> <el-table-column label="上课时间" align="center" prop="classTime" :formatter="dateFormatter3" width="180px" /> <el-table-column label="授课教师" align="center" prop="teacherName" /> <el-table-column label="消课人" align="center" prop="cancelClassPerson" /> <el-table-column label="消课时间" align="center" prop="cancelClassTime" :formatter="dateFormatter3" width="180px" /> <el-table-column label="操作" align="center"> <template #default="scope"> <el-button link type="primary" @click="cancleCourse('update', scope.row.classId)" > 消课 </el-button> <el-button link type="primary" @click="details('update', scope.row.classId)" v-hasPermi="['study:add-course-record:query']" > 详情 </el-button> <el-button link type="primary" @click="operate('update', scope.row.classId)" v-hasPermi="['study:add-course-record:query']" > 日志 </el-button> </template> </el-table-column> </el-table> <!-- 分页 --> <Pagination :total="total" v-model:page="queryParams.pageNo" v-model:limit="queryParams.pageSize" @pagination="getList" /> </ContentWrap> </div> <!-- 表单弹窗:添加/修改 --> <CancleClassForm ref="formRef" @success="getList" /> <!-- 表单弹窗:详情 --> <el-drawer v-model="drawer" title="详情" :direction="direction" v-if="drawer" size ="71%" class="drawer" destory-on-close > <DetailForm ref="detailRef" :detailId="detailId"/> </el-drawer> <!-- 表单弹窗:详情 --> <el-drawer v-model="drawer2" title="日志" :direction="direction" v-if="drawer2" size ="71%" class="drawer" destory-on-close > <Operate ref="operateRef" :detailId="detailId"/> </el-drawer> <ClassCkeck ref="detailRef2" @success="getList" /> </template> <script setup lang="ts"> import { dateFormatter,dateFormatter2,dateFormatter3 } from '@/utils/formatTime' import download from '@/utils/download' import { getIntDictOptions, DICT_TYPE } from '@/utils/dict' import { CancleClassApi, CancleClassVO } from '@/api/study/cancleclass' import DetailForm from '@/views/study/cancleclassPlus/Index.vue' import Operate from '@/views/study/cancleclassPlus+/Index.vue' import CancleClassForm from './CancleClassForm.vue' import ClassCkeck from './ClassCkeck.vue' import type { DrawerProps } from 'element-plus' import type { Action } from 'element-plus' import { ref } from 'vue'; import { ElMessageBox } from 'element-plus' const outerVisible = ref(false) const innerVisible = ref(false) /** 消课记录 列表 */ defineOptions({ name: 'CancleClass' }) const message = useMessage() // 消息弹窗 const { t } = useI18n() // 国际化 const direction = ref<DrawerProps['direction']>('rtl') const loading = ref(true) // 列表的加载中 const list = ref<CancleClassVO[]>([]) // 列表的数据 const total = ref(0) // 列表的总页数 const queryParams = reactive({ pageNo: 1, pageSize: 10, classId: undefined, }) const queryFormRef = ref() // 搜索的表单 const exportLoading = ref(false) // 导出的加载中 /** 查询列表 */ const getList = async () => { loading.value = true try { const data = await CancleClassApi.getCancleClassPage2(queryParams) list.value = data.list total.value = data.total } finally { loading.value = false } } const classref = ref() /** 搜索按钮操作 */ const handleQuery = () => { queryParams.pageNo = 1 getList() } // 课时核对 const courseCkeck = ref() const courseCkeck1 = () => { if(studentId.value.length == 0){ message.warning('请选择要消课的学员') }else{ courseCkeck.value.open() } } /** 查看详情 */ const detailRef = ref() const drawer = ref(false) const detailId = ref() const details = (type: string, classId?: number) => { drawer.value=true detailId.value=classId } const detailRef2 = ref() const cancleCourse = (type: string, classId?: number) => { detailRef2.value.open(type, classId) } /** 查看详情 */ const operateRef = ref() const drawer2 = ref(false) const operate = (type: string, id?: number) => { drawer2.value=true detailId.value=id } /** 重置按钮操作 */ const resetQuery = () => { queryFormRef.value.resetFields() handleQuery() } /** 添加/修改操作 */ const formRef = ref() const openForm = (type: string, id?: number) => { formRef.value.open(type, id) } /** 删除按钮操作 */ const handleDelete = async (id: number) => { try { // 删除的二次确认 await message.delConfirm() // 发起删除 await CancleClassApi.deleteCancleClass(id) message.success(t('common.delSuccess')) // 刷新列表 await getList() } catch {} } // /** 导出按钮操作 */ // const handleExport = async () => { // try { // // 导出的二次确认 // await message.exportConfirm() // // 发起导出 // exportLoading.value = true // const data = await CancleClassApi.exportCancleClass(queryParams) // download.excel(data, '消课记录.xls') // } catch { // } finally { // exportLoading.value = false // } // } /** 初始化 **/ onMounted(() => { getList() }) </script>
<template> <Dialog :title="dialogTitle" v-model="dialogVisible"> <!-- 列表 --> <ContentWrap> <el-button type="primary" plain > 消课 </el-button> <el-table v-loading="loading" :data="list" :stripe="true" :show-overflow-tooltip="true"> <el-table-column label="序号" type="index" header-align="center" align="center" width="60px" fixed /> <el-table-column label="班级名称" align="center" prop="className" /> <el-table-column label="班级类型" align="center" prop="classType"> <template #default="scope"> <dict-tag :type="DICT_TYPE.COURSE_TYPE" :value="scope.row.classType" /> </template> </el-table-column> <el-table-column label="学生姓名" align="center" prop="stsStudentName" /> <el-table-column label="手机号" align="center" prop="stsPhone" /> <el-table-column label="所报课程" align="center" prop="courseName" /> <el-table-column label="上课时间" align="center" prop="classTime" :formatter="dateFormatter" width="180px" /> <el-table-column label="授课教师" align="center" prop="teacherName" /> </el-table> <!-- 分页 --> <Pagination :total="total" v-model:page="queryParams.pageNo" v-model:limit="queryParams.pageSize" @pagination="getList" /> </ContentWrap> </Dialog> </template> <script setup lang="ts"> import { dateFormatter } from '@/utils/formatTime' import { getIntDictOptions, DICT_TYPE } from '@/utils/dict' import { CancleClassApi, CancleClassVO } from '@/api/study/cancleclass' import { ref } from 'vue'; /** 消课记录 列表 */ defineOptions({ name: 'CancleClass' }) const dialogVisible = ref(false) // 弹窗的是否展示 const dialogTitle = ref('') // 弹窗的标题 const loading = ref(true) // 列表的加载中 const list = ref([]) // 列表的数据 const queryParams = reactive({ pageNo: 1, pageSize: 10, }) const open = async (type: string, classId?: number) => { dialogVisible.value = true loading.value = true try { console.log(await CancleClassApi.getCancleClassDetail(7)) const data = await CancleClassApi.getCancleClassDetail(classId) console.log(data,'sadsads') list.value = data } finally { loading.value = false } } defineExpose({ open }) // 提供 open 方法,用于打开弹窗 /** 查询列表 */ // const getList = async () => { // } // onMounted(() => { // getList() // }) </script> <style scoped lang="scss"> :deep(.el-dialog__body){ width: 1000px !important; height: 1000px !important; } </style>
import request from '@/config/axios' // 消课记录 VO export interface CancleClassVO { id: number // 主键id className: string // 班级名称 classType: string // 班级类型 reportCourse: string // 所报课程 classTime: Date // 上课时间 classTeacher: string // 授课教师 cancelClassPerson: string // 消课人 cancelClassTime: Date // 消课时间 studentName: string // 学员姓名 phone: string // 手机号 arrivedNum: number // 实到人数 arrivingNum: number // 应到人数 rollCallPerson: string // 点名操作人员 rollCallTime: Date // 店面时间 operaName: string // 操作人 operaTime: Date // 操作时间 operaType: string // 操作类型 operaExplain: string // 操作说明 } // 消课记录 API export const CancleClassApi = { // 查询消课记录分页 getCancleClassPage: async (params: any) => { return await request.get({ url: `/study/cancle-class/page`, params }) }, // 查询消课记录分页 getCancleClassPage2: async (params: any) => { return await request.get({ url: `/study/cancle-class/page2`, params }) }, // 查询消课记录详情 getCancleClass: async (id: number) => { return await request.get({ url: `/study/cancle-class/get?id=` + id }) }, // 查询消课记录详情 getCancleClass2: async (id: number) => { return await request.get({ url: `/study/cancle-class/get2?id=` + id }) }, // 查询消课记录详情 getCancleClassDetail: async (id: number) => { return await request.gets({ url: `/study/cancle-class/findByIds?id=` + id }) }, // 新增消课记录 createCancleClass: async (data: CancleClassVO) => { return await request.post({ url: `/study/cancle-class/create`, data }) }, // 修改消课记录 updateCancleClass: async (data: CancleClassVO) => { return await request.put({ url: `/study/cancle-class/update`, data }) }, // 删除消课记录 deleteCancleClass: async (id: number) => { return await request.delete({ url: `/study/cancle-class/delete?id=` + id }) }, // 导出消课记录 Excel exportCancleClass: async (params) => { return await request.download({ url: `/study/cancle-class/export-excel`, params }) }, }
import { service } from './service' import { config } from './config' const { default_headers } = config const request = (option: any) => { const { url, method, params, data, headersType, responseType, ...config } = option return service({ url: url, method, params, data, ...config, responseType: responseType, headers: { 'Content-Type': headersType || default_headers } }) } export default { get: async <T = any>(option: any) => { const res = await request({ method: 'GET', ...option }) return res.data as unknown as T }, gets: async <T = any>(option: any) => { const res = await request({ method: 'GET', ...option }) return res as unknown as T }, post: async <T = any>(option: any) => { const res = await request({ method: 'POST', ...option }) return res.data as unknown as T }, postOriginal: async (option: any) => { const res = await request({ method: 'POST', ...option }) return res }, delete: async <T = any>(option: any) => { const res = await request({ method: 'DELETE', ...option }) return res.data as unknown as T }, put: async <T = any>(option: any) => { const res = await request({ method: 'PUT', ...option }) return res.data as unknown as T }, download: async <T = any>(option: any) => { const res = await request({ method: 'GET', responseType: 'blob', ...option }) return res as unknown as Promise<T> }, upload: async <T = any>(option: any) => { option.headersType = 'multipart/form-data' const res = await request({ method: 'POST', ...option }) return res as unknown as Promise<T> }, download1: async <T = any>(option: any) => { const res = await request({ method: 'POST', responseType: 'blob', ...option }) return res as unknown as Promise<T> } }