








一般的深度学习项目,训练时为了加快速度,会使用多GPU分布式训练。但在部署推理时,为了降低成本,往往使用单个GPU机器甚至嵌入式平台(比如 NVIDIA Jetson)进行部署,部署端也要有与训练时相同的深度学习环境,如caffe,TensorFlow等。



而TensorRT 则是对训练好的模型进行优化,通过优化网络计算图提高模型效率。


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下载TensorRT 。


将 TensorRT-\include中头文件 copy 到C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v11.7\include
将TensorRT-\lib 中所有lib文件 copy 到C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v11.7\lib\x64
将TensorRT-\lib 中所有dll文件copy 到C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v11.7\bin


pip install tensorrt-8.6.1-cp310-none-win_amd64.whl



GitHub - triple-Mu/YOLOv8-TensorRT: YOLOv8 using TensorRT accelerate !



pip install onnx -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple  pip install onnxsim -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple  pip install onnxruntime -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple 


python export-det.py --weights yolov8n.pt --iou-thres 0.65 --conf-thres 0.25 --topk 100 --opset 11 --sim --input-shape 1 3 640 640 --device cuda:0



import onnxruntime as rt import numpy as np import cv2 import  matplotlib.pyplot as plt     def nms(pred, conf_thres, iou_thres):      conf = pred[..., 4] > conf_thres     box = pred[conf == True]      cls_conf = box[..., 5:]     cls = []     for i in range(len(cls_conf)):         cls.append(int(np.argmax(cls_conf[i])))     total_cls = list(set(cls))       output_box = []       for i in range(len(total_cls)):         clss = total_cls[i]          cls_box = []         for j in range(len(cls)):             if cls[j] == clss:                 box[j][5] = clss                 cls_box.append(box[j][:6])         cls_box = np.array(cls_box)         box_conf = cls_box[..., 4]           box_conf_sort = np.argsort(box_conf)          max_conf_box = cls_box[box_conf_sort[len(box_conf) - 1]]         output_box.append(max_conf_box)          cls_box = np.delete(cls_box, 0, 0)          while len(cls_box) > 0:             max_conf_box = output_box[len(output_box) - 1]               del_index = []             for j in range(len(cls_box)):                 current_box = cls_box[j]                   interArea = getInter(max_conf_box, current_box)                   iou = getIou(max_conf_box, current_box, interArea)                   if iou > iou_thres:                     del_index.append(j)               cls_box = np.delete(cls_box, del_index, 0)               if len(cls_box) > 0:                 output_box.append(cls_box[0])                 cls_box = np.delete(cls_box, 0, 0)     return output_box     def getIou(box1, box2, inter_area):     box1_area = box1[2] * box1[3]     box2_area = box2[2] * box2[3]     union = box1_area + box2_area - inter_area     iou = inter_area / union     return iou     def getInter(box1, box2):     box1_x1, box1_y1, box1_x2, box1_y2 = box1[0] - box1[2] / 2, box1[1] - box1[3] / 2, \                                          box1[0] + box1[2] / 2, box1[1] + box1[3] / 2     box2_x1, box2_y1, box2_x2, box2_y2 = box2[0] - box2[2] / 2, box2[1] - box1[3] / 2, \                                          box2[0] + box2[2] / 2, box2[1] + box2[3] / 2     if box1_x1 > box2_x2 or box1_x2 < box2_x1:         return 0     if box1_y1 > box2_y2 or box1_y2 < box2_y1:         return 0     x_list = [box1_x1, box1_x2, box2_x1, box2_x2]     x_list = np.sort(x_list)     x_inter = x_list[2] - x_list[1]     y_list = [box1_y1, box1_y2, box2_y1, box2_y2]     y_list = np.sort(y_list)     y_inter = y_list[2] - y_list[1]     inter = x_inter * y_inter     return inter     def draw(img, xscale, yscale, pred):     img_ = img.copy()     if len(pred):         for detect in pred:             detect = [int((detect[0] - detect[2] / 2) * xscale), int((detect[1] - detect[3] / 2) * yscale),                       int((detect[0]+detect[2] / 2) * xscale), int((detect[1]+detect[3] / 2) * yscale)]             img_ = cv2.rectangle(img, (detect[0], detect[1]), (detect[2], detect[3]), (0, 255, 0), 1)     return img_     if __name__ == '__main__':     height, width = 640, 640     img0 = cv2.imread('mouse-4-6-0004.jpg')     x_scale = img0.shape[1] / width     y_scale = img0.shape[0] / height     img = img0 / 255.     img = cv2.resize(img, (width, height))     img = np.transpose(img, (2, 0, 1))     data = np.expand_dims(img, axis=0)     sess = rt.InferenceSession('best.onnx')     input_name = sess.get_inputs()[0].name     label_name = sess.get_outputs()[0].name     pred = sess.run([label_name], {input_name: data.astype(np.float32)})[0]     pred = np.squeeze(pred)     pred = np.transpose(pred, (1, 0))     pred_class = pred[..., 4:]     pred_conf = np.max(pred_class, axis=-1)     pred = np.insert(pred, 4, pred_conf, axis=-1)     result = nms(pred, 0.3, 0.45)     ret_img = draw(img0, x_scale, y_scale, result)     ret_img = ret_img[:, :, ::-1]     plt.imshow(ret_img)     plt.show()



python build.py --weights yolov8n.onnx --iou-thres 0.65 --conf-thres 0.25 --topk 100 --fp16 --device cuda:0




python infer-det.py --engine yolov8n.engine --imgs data --show --out-dir outputs --out-dir outputs --device cuda:0


from models import TRTModule  # isort:skip import argparse from pathlib import Path  import cv2 import torch  from config import CLASSES, COLORS from models.torch_utils import det_postprocess from models.utils import blob, letterbox, path_to_list   def main(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None:     device = torch.device(args.device)     Engine = TRTModule(args.engine, device)     H, W = Engine.inp_info[0].shape[-2:]      # set desired output names order     Engine.set_desired(['num_dets', 'bboxes', 'scores', 'labels'])      images = path_to_list(args.imgs)     save_path = Path(args.out_dir)      if not args.show and not save_path.exists():         save_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)      for image in images:         save_image = save_path / image.name         bgr = cv2.imread(str(image))         draw = bgr.copy()         bgr, ratio, dwdh = letterbox(bgr, (W, H))         rgb = cv2.cvtColor(bgr, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)         tensor = blob(rgb, return_seg=False)         dwdh = torch.asarray(dwdh * 2, dtype=torch.float32, device=device)         tensor = torch.asarray(tensor, device=device)         # inference         data = Engine(tensor)          bboxes, scores, labels = det_postprocess(data)         if bboxes.numel() == 0:             # if no bounding box             print(f'{image}: no object!')             continue         bboxes -= dwdh         bboxes /= ratio          for (bbox, score, label) in zip(bboxes, scores, labels):             bbox = bbox.round().int().tolist()             cls_id = int(label)             cls = CLASSES[cls_id]             color = COLORS[cls]             cv2.rectangle(draw, bbox[:2], bbox[2:], color, 2)             cv2.putText(draw,                         f'{cls}:{score:.3f}', (bbox[0], bbox[1] - 2),                         cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX,                         0.75, [225, 255, 255],                         thickness=2)         if args.show:             cv2.imshow('result', draw)             cv2.waitKey(0)         else:             cv2.imwrite(str(save_image), draw)   def parse_args() -> argparse.Namespace:     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()     parser.add_argument('--engine', type=str, help='Engine file')     parser.add_argument('--imgs', type=str, help='Images file')     parser.add_argument('--show',                         action='store_true',                         help='Show the detection results')     parser.add_argument('--out-dir',                         type=str,                         default='./output',                         help='Path to output file')     parser.add_argument('--device',                         type=str,                         default='cuda:0',                         help='TensorRT infer device')     args = parser.parse_args()     return args   if __name__ == '__main__':     args = parse_args()     main(args) 

