
PPT常用的英文格式包括:.pptx(PowerPoint Presentation),.ppt(PowerPoint 97-2003 Presentation),.pptm(PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Presentation),.ppsx(PowerPoint Show)等。

Common English Formats for PowerPoint Presentations


I. Slide Layouts

A. Title Slide

Use a catchy title that summarizes the presentation's theme.

Include the presenter's name and date of presentation.

B. Content Slides

Use headings, bullet points, and short paragraphs for clarity.

Incorporate images, graphs, and charts to enhance understanding.

C. Conclusion Slide

Summarize key points and restate the presentation's purpose.

Provide contact information for further inquiries.

II. Font and Text Styles

A. Headings

Use bold and larger font sizes (e.g., 2436pt) for titles.

Stick to one or two font styles for consistency.

B. Body Text

Use smaller font sizes (e.g., 1824pt) for readability.

Use a simple font style (e.g., Arial or Calibri) for clarity.

III. Color Schemes

A. Background Colors

Choose light colors (e.g., white or light gray) for slide backgrounds.

Use dark colors sparingly for emphasis.

B. Text Colors

Use highcontrast colors (e.g., black text on a white background).

Avoid using red or green text, as they can be difficult to read for some people.

IV. Images and Visuals

A. Photos and Illustrations

Use highquality images that are relevant to the content.

Crop or resize images to fit the slide layout.

B. Charts and Graphs

Use simple and clear chart types (e.g., pie charts, bar graphs).

Include data labels and explanations for easy understanding.

V. Animations and Transitions

A. Animation Effects

Use animations sparingly to avoid distractions.

Use them to highlight important points or to guide the viewer's attention.

B. Slide Transitions

Stick to simple transitions (e.g., fade or slide) for elegance.

Avoid using too many different transitions within a single presentation.

