// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.9;
// SimpleRequireContract demonstrates the use of require statement and basic logic
contract SimpleRequireContract {
// Function to perform a division and return a status based on the result
// Accepts a uint256 as an input and requires a positive number
// Returns a boolean status and the result of the division
function SimpleRequireFunction(uint256 myNumber) public payable returns (bool status, uint256) {
// Ensure that the input number is greater than 0 to avoid division by zero
require(myNumber > 0, "myNumber must be greater than 0");
// Perform the division and store the result in tempNumber
uint256 tempNumber = 200 / myNumber;
// Set the status based on the value of tempNumber
if (tempNumber > 10)
status = true;
status = false;
// Return the status and the result of the division
return (status, tempNumber);