11_socket+epoll封装 服务器客户端举例


socket+epoll封装 服务器/客户端举例



高并发 是一种系统运行过程中遇到的一种 “短时间内遇到大量操作请求” 的情况,主要发生在web系统集中大量访问收到大量请求。举个例子:12306的抢票情况;天猫双十一活动【突然下单一万张票,上万人下单购物】该情况发生会导致系统在这段时间内执行大量操作,例如,对资源的请求,数据库的操作等。


  • 响应时间(Response Time)


  • 吞吐量(Throughput)


  • 每秒查询率QPS(Query Per Second)

含义 :每秒响应请求数,在互联网领域,这个指标和吞吐量区分的没有这么明显。

  • 并发用户数



“高并发和多线程” 总是被一起提起,给人感觉两者好像相等,实则 【高并发 ≠ 多线程】


  • 多线程是java的特性,因为现在CPU都是多核多线程的,可以同时执行几个任务,为了提高jvm的执行效率,java提供了这种多线程的机制,以增强数据处理效率
  • 多线程对应的是CPU,高并发对应的是访问请求,可以用单线程处理所有访问请求,也可以用多线程同时处理访问请求
  • 在过去单CPU时代,单任务在一个时间点只能执行单一程序。之后发展到多任务阶段,计算机能在同一时间点并行执行多任务或多进程
  • 虽然并不是真正意义上的 “同一时间点”,而是多个任务或进程共享一个CPU,并交由操作系统来完成多任务间对CPU的运行切换,以使得每个任务都有机会获得一定的时间片运行
  • 再后来发展到多线程技术,使得在一个程序内部能拥有多个线程并行执行。一个线程的执行可以被认为是一个CPU在执行该程序。当一个程序运行在多线程下,就好像有多个CPU在同时执行该程序


  • 高并发不是JAVA的专有的东西,是语言无关的广义的,为提供更好互联网服务而提出的概念
  • 典型的场景:例如,12306抢火车票,天猫双十一秒杀活动等。该情况的发生会导致系统在这段时间内执行大量操作,例如对资源的请求,数据库的操作等。
  • 如果高并发处理不好,不仅仅降低了用户的体验度(请求响应时间过长),同时可能导致系统宕机,严重的甚至导致OOM异常,系统停止工作等
  • 如果,要想系统能够适应高并发状态,则需要从各个方面进行系统优化,包括,硬件、网络、系统架构、开发语言的选取、数据结构的运用、算法优化、数据库优化等,而多线程只是其中解决方法之一



  • 地址类CHostAddress

  • socket基类CBaseSocket

  • TCP派生类CTcpServer

  • epoll类CEpollServer

  • CHostAddress.h

#pragma once #include <sys/types.h>           #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <string.h> #include <arpa/inet.h>  class CHostAddress;  class CHostAddress { public: 	CHostAddress(char* ip, unsigned short port); 	~CHostAddress();    public: 	char* getIp(); 	void setIp(char* ip); 	unsigned short getPort(); 	void setPort(unsigned short port);   public: 	struct sockaddr_in getAddr_in(); 	struct sockaddr* getAddr(); 	int getLength();   private: 	char ip[16];      unsigned short port;  	int length; //保存 sockaddr_in 结构体长度 	struct sockaddr_in s_addr; };  
  • CBaseSocket.h
#pragma once #include <sys/types.h>       #include <sys/socket.h>  #include <netinet/in.h> #include <stdio.h>  class CBaseSocket; class CBaseSocket { public: 	CBaseSocket(char* ip, unsigned short port); 	~CBaseSocket(); 	void Start(); 	int getSocketFd(); 	virtual bool Run() = 0; 	virtual void Stop() = 0;   protected: 	int socketFd;   }; 
  • CTcpServer.h
#pragma once #include<iostream> #include "CBaseSocket.h" #include "CHostAddress.h" #include <netinet/in.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h>         #include <sys/socket.h> using namespace std; class CTcpServer; //TCP服务器  #define LISTEN_MAX_NUM 10   //最大连接Socket数量 class CTcpServer;  class CTcpServer : public CBaseSocket { public:     CTcpServer(char* ip, unsigned short port);     ~CTcpServer();  public:     bool Run();     void Stop();  public:     CHostAddress* getAddress(); //服务器主机地址(IP+端口)     void setAddress(CHostAddress* address);   private:     CHostAddress* address;//地址类 }; 
  • CEpollServer.h
#pragma once #include <sys/epoll.h> #include <iostream> #include "CTcpServer.h"  #define EPOLL_SIZE 5 using namespace std;  class  CEpollServer;  class CEpollServer { public: 	CEpollServer(char* ip, unsigned short port); 	~CEpollServer(); 	void Start();   private: 	int epollfd; 	int epollwaitefd; 	int acceptFd; 	char buf[1024]; //存放客户端发来的消息 	struct epoll_event epollEvent; 	struct epoll_event epollEventArray[5]; 	CTcpServer* tcp; }; 


  • CHostAddress.cpp
#include "CHostAddress.h"   CHostAddress::CHostAddress(char* ip, unsigned short port) {     memset(this->ip, 0, sizeof(this->ip));     strcpy(this->ip, ip);     this->port = port;     this->s_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;      this->s_addr.sin_port = htons(this->port); //指定服务端端口     this->s_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(this->ip); //指定服务器指定网卡的IP 能用于通信。     this->length = sizeof(this->s_addr); } CHostAddress::~CHostAddress() {   } char* CHostAddress::getIp() {     return this->ip; } void CHostAddress::setIp(char* ip) {     strcpy(this->ip, ip);     this->s_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(this->ip); } unsigned short CHostAddress::getPort() {     return this->port; } void CHostAddress::setPort(unsigned short port) {     this->port = port;     this->s_addr.sin_port = htons(this->port); }   sockaddr_in CHostAddress::getAddr_in() {     return this->s_addr; }   sockaddr* CHostAddress::getAddr() {     // bind函数需要用到struct sockaddr *,直接对sockaddr_in* 做强转     return (struct sockaddr*)&(this->s_addr); }   int CHostAddress::getLength() {     return this->length; } 
  • CBaseSocket.cpp
#include "CBaseSocket.h"   CBaseSocket::CBaseSocket(char* ip, unsigned short port) { 	this->socketFd = 0; }   CBaseSocket::~CBaseSocket() { }   void CBaseSocket::Start() {      //创建服务端的Socket 	this->socketFd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); 	if (this->socketFd == -1) 	{ 		perror("socket error");//socket创建失败 	} 	this->Run(); }   int CBaseSocket::getSocketFd() { 	return this->socketFd; } 
  • CTcpServer.cpp
#include "CTcpServer.h"   CTcpServer::CTcpServer(char* ip, unsigned short port):CBaseSocket(ip, port) {     this->address = new CHostAddress(ip, port); }   CTcpServer::~CTcpServer() { }   bool CTcpServer::Run() {     int opt_val = 1;     int res = 0;       //端口复用 解决出现 adress already use的问题     res = setsockopt(this->socketFd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const void*)&opt_val, sizeof(opt_val));     if (res == -1)     {         perror("setsockopt error");         return false;     }     //绑定服务端的IP和端口     res = bind(this->socketFd, this->address->getAddr(), this->address->getLength());     if (res == -1)     {         perror("bind error");         Stop();         return false;     }      //将Socket设置为可连接(监听)的状态     if(listen(this->socketFd, LISTEN_MAX_NUM) != 0)     {         perror("listen error");         Stop();         return false;      }     cout << "Server start success socketFd = " << this->socketFd << endl; }   void CTcpServer::Stop() {     if (this->socketFd != 0)     {         close(this->socketFd);         this->socketFd = 0;     } }   CHostAddress* CTcpServer::getAddress() {     return this->address; }   void CTcpServer::setAddress(CHostAddress* address) {     this->address = address; } 
  • CEpollServer.cpp
#include "CEpollServer.h"   CEpollServer::CEpollServer(char* ip, unsigned short port) { 	//初始化 TcpServer类 	this->tcp = new CTcpServer(ip, port); 	this->tcp->Start(); 	cout << "socketFd = " << this->tcp->getSocketFd() << endl;   	//初始化数据成员 	this->epollfd = 0; 	this->epollwaitefd = 0; 	this->acceptFd = 0; 	bzero(this->buf, sizeof(this, buf));   	//事件结构体初始化 	bzero(&(this->epollEvent), sizeof(this->epollEvent));  	//绑定当前准备好的sockedfd(可用网络对象) 	this->epollEvent.data.fd = this->tcp->getSocketFd(); 	     //绑定事件为客户端接入事件 	this->epollEvent.events = EPOLLIN;  	//创建epoll 	this->epollfd = epoll_create(EPOLL_SIZE); 	     //将已经准备好的网络描述符添加到epoll事件队列中 	epoll_ctl(this->epollfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, this->tcp->getSocketFd(), &(this->epollEvent)); }   CEpollServer::~CEpollServer() { }   void CEpollServer::Start() { 	while (1) 	{ 		cout << "epoll wait client" << endl; 		this->epollwaitefd = epoll_wait(this->epollfd, epollEventArray, EPOLL_SIZE, -1); 		if (this->epollwaitefd < 0) 		{ 			perror("epoll wait error"); 		}  		for (int i = 0; i < this->epollwaitefd; i++) 		{ 			//判断是否有客户端上线 			if (epollEventArray[i].data.fd == this->tcp->getSocketFd()) 			{ 				cout << "网络_开始工作_等待客户端_上线" << endl; 				this->acceptFd = accept(this->tcp->getSocketFd(), NULL, NULL); 				cout << "acceptfd = " << this->acceptFd << endl;   				//上线的客户端描述符是acceptfd 绑定事件添加到epoll 				epollEvent.data.fd = this->acceptFd; 				epollEvent.events = EPOLLIN; //EPOLLIN表示对应的文件描述符可以读 				epoll_ctl(this->epollfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, this->acceptFd, &epollEvent); 			} 			else if (epollEventArray[i].events & EPOLLIN) 			{ 				bzero(this->buf, sizeof(this->buf)); 				int res = read(epollEventArray[i].data.fd, this->buf, sizeof(this->buf)); 				if (res > 0) 				{ 					cout << "服务器_收到 fd = " << epollEventArray[i].data.fd << "  送达数据: buf = " << this->buf << endl; 				} 				else if (res <= 0) 				{ 					cout << "客户端 fd = " << epollEventArray[i].data.fd << " _掉线_" << endl; 					close(epollEventArray[i].data.fd);  					//从epoll中删除客户端描述符 					epollEvent.data.fd = epollEvent.data.fd; 					epollEvent.events = EPOLLIN; 					epoll_ctl(this->epollfd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, epollEventArray[i].data.fd, &epollEvent); 				} 			} 		} 	} } 


  • demo9.cpp
//客户端代码 #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <cstdlib> #include <unistd.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <arpa/inet.h>   using namespace std;   int main(int argc,char *argv[]) {      if (argc!=3)     {         cout << "Using:./demo9 服务端的IP 服务端的端口\nExample:./demo9 12345\n\n";          return -1;     }  	int socketfd = 0; 	int acceptfd = 0; 	int len = 0; 	int res = 0; 	char buf[255] = { 0 };      struct hostent* h;   	struct sockaddr_in s_addr;       //获取客户端的Socket 	socketfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); 	if (socketfd == -1) 	{ 		perror("socket error");          return -1;  	}      if ( (h = gethostbyname(argv[1])) == 0 )      {          cout << "gethostbyname failed.\n" << endl;           close(socketfd);           return -1;     } 	memset(&s_addr,0,sizeof(s_addr)); 	s_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;     memcpy(&s_addr.sin_addr,h->h_addr,h->h_length);  //注入服务端IP 	s_addr.sin_port = htons(atoi(argv[2]));    //注入服务端端口        //向服务端发起连接请求     if(connect(socketfd, (struct sockaddr*)&s_addr, sizeof(s_addr)) !=0)     {          perror("connect");           close(socketfd);           return -1;       }       //不断向服务端发送控制台输入的内容 	while (1) 	{ 		cout << "请输入内容:" << endl; 		cin >> buf; 		write(socketfd, buf, sizeof(buf)); 		bzero(buf, sizeof(buf)); 			 	} 	 	return 0; } 
  • demo10.cpp
#include <iostream> #include "CEpollServer.h"   using namespace std;   int main() { 	CEpollServer* epoll = new CEpollServer("", 12345); 	epoll->Start(); 	return 0; } 


[root@localhost my_learn_test]# g++ -o demo10 demo10.cpp CEpollServer.cpp CHostAddress.cpp CBaseSocket.cpp CTcpServer.cpp demo10.cpp: In function ‘int main()’: demo10.cpp:8:64: warning: ISO C++ forbids converting a string constant to ‘char*’ [-Wwrite-strings]   CEpollServer* epoll = new CEpollServer("", 12345);                                                                 ^ CTcpServer.cpp: In member function ‘virtual bool CTcpServer::Run()’: CTcpServer.cpp:42:1: warning: control reaches end of non-void function [-Wreturn-type]  }  ^ [root@localhost my_learn_test]# ./demo10 Server start success socketFd = 3 socketFd = 3 epoll wait client 网络_开始工作_等待客户端_上线 acceptfd = 5 epoll wait client 网络_开始工作_等待客户端_上线 acceptfd = 6 epoll wait client 服务器_收到 fd = 6  送达数据: buf = zhangsan epoll wait client 服务器_收到 fd = 5  送达数据: buf = jackson epoll wait client   
[root@localhost my_learn_test]# g++ -o demo9 demo9.cpp [root@localhost my_learn_test]# ./demo9 Using:./demo9 服务端的IP 服务端的端口 Example:./demo9 12345  [root@localhost my_learn_test]# ./demo9 12345 请输入内容: jackson 
[root@localhost my_learn_test]# ./demo9 12345 请输入内容: zhangsan