


练习题主要就是 写代码,所以这篇文章大部分是代码哟~

No 1

  1. What are 3 areas in industry where computer vision is currently being used?

No 2


  1. Search “what is overfitting in machine learning” and write down a sentence about what you find.


No 3

  1. Search “ways to prevent overfitting in machine learning”, write down 3 of the things you find and a sentence about each. Note: there are lots of these, so don’t worry too much about all of them, just pick 3 and start with those.
  • 数据集扩充:通过增加训练数据集的样本数量来减少模型对训练数据的过度拟合,从而提高模型的泛化性能。eg:生成一些类似但不完全相同的样本来扩充训练集。这些类似但不完全相同的样本可以通过对原始数据集进行一些变换操作得到,比如图像数据可以进行翻转、旋转、缩放等操作。

  • 正则化:可以通过在模型的损失函数中加入一项正则化项,对模型进行约束,使其在学习过程中对训练数据的拟合程度受到一定程度的限制。正则化的思想是通过对模型的参数进行惩罚,使得模型的权重变得更小,从而降低模型的复杂度,提高泛化能力。

  • 数据降维:将高维数据映射到低维空间,可以减少特征之间的冗余信息,从而提高模型的泛化能力。有两种方法:特征选择和特征提取。特征选择是指从原始特征中选择最相关的特征,从而达到降低数据维度的目的。而特征提取则是通过某种算法将原始特征转化为新的特征,从而达到降低数据维度的目的。

No 4

  1. Spend 20-minutes reading and clicking through the CNN Explainer website.
    * Upload your own example image using the “upload” button and see what happens in each layer of a CNN as your image passes through it.

No 5

  1. Load the torchvision.datasets.MNIST() train and test datasets.
import torchvision import torchvision.datasets as datasets from torchvision.transforms import ToTensor  train_data = datasets.MNIST(root='data',                             train=True,                             download=True,                             transform=ToTensor(),                             target_transform=None) test_data = datasets.MNIST(root='data',                            train=False,                            download=True,                            transform=ToTensor(),                            target_transform=None) 

No 6

  1. Visualize at least 5 different samples of the MNIST training dataset.
image, label = train_data[0] image, label 

(tensor([[[0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000],
[0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0118, 0.0706, 0.0706, 0.0706,
0.4941, 0.5333, 0.6863, 0.1020, 0.6510, 1.0000, 0.9686, 0.4980,
0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000],
[0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,

[0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000]]]),
Output is truncated. View as a scrollable element or open in a text editor. Adjust cell output settings…

class_names = train_data.classes class_names 

[‘0 - zero’,
‘1 - one’,
‘2 - two’,
‘3 - three’,
‘4 - four’,
‘5 - five’,
‘6 - six’,
‘7 - seven’,
‘8 - eight’,
‘9 - nine’]


Dataset MNIST
Number of datapoints: 60000
Root location: data
Split: Train
Transform: ToTensor()

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt image, label = train_data[0] plt.imshow(image.squeeze(), cmap="gray") plt.title(class_names[label]) 


import random train_samples = [] train_labels = [] for sample, label in random.sample(list(train_data), k=5):     train_samples.append(sample)     train_labels.append(label)  train_samples[0].shape 

torch.Size([1, 28, 28])

import torch import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  torch.manual_seed(42) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) nrows = 1 ncols = 5 for i, sample in enumerate(train_samples):     plt.subplot(nrows, ncols, i+1)     plt.imshow(sample.squeeze(), cmap="gray")     plt.axis(False)     # plt.title(class_names[train_label]) 


No 7

  1. Turn the MNIST train and test datasets into dataloaders using torch.utils.data.DataLoader, set the batch_size=32.
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader  BATCH_SIZE=32  train_dataloader = DataLoader(dataset=train_data,                               shuffle=True,                               batch_size=BATCH_SIZE) test_dataloader = DataLoader(dataset=test_data,                              batch_size=BATCH_SIZE,                              shuffle=False) 
train_dataloader, test_dataloader 

(<torch.utils.data.dataloader.DataLoader at 0x1f4d79a95e0>,
<torch.utils.data.dataloader.DataLoader at 0x1f4df3b0e50>)

No 8

  1. Recreate model_2 used in this notebook (the same model from the CNN Explainer website, also known as TinyVGG) capable of fitting on the MNIST dataset.
# 设备无关代码 device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" device 



import torch.nn as nn # 创建 CNN 模型 class MNISTModelV0(nn.Module):     def __init__(self, input_shape:int, hidden_units:int, output_shape:int):         super().__init__()         self.conv_block_1 = nn.Sequential(             nn.Conv2d(in_channels=input_shape,                       out_channels=hidden_units,                       kernel_size=(3, 3),                       stride=1,                       padding=1),             nn.ReLU(),             nn.Conv2d(in_channels=hidden_units,                       out_channels=hidden_units,                       kernel_size=(3, 3),                       stride=1,                       padding=1),             nn.ReLU(),             nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=(2, 2))         )         self.conv_block_2 = nn.Sequential(             nn.Conv2d(in_channels=hidden_units,                       out_channels=hidden_units,                       kernel_size=(3, 3),                       stride=1,                       padding=1),             nn.ReLU(),             nn.Conv2d(in_channels=hidden_units,                       out_channels=hidden_units,                       kernel_size=(3, 3),                       stride=1,                       padding=1),             nn.ReLU(),             nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=(2, 2))         )         self.classifier = nn.Sequential(             nn.Flatten(),             nn.Linear(in_features=hidden_units*7*7,                       out_features=output_shape)         )                       def forward(self, x):         x = self.conv_block_1(x)         # print(f"Output shape of conv_block_1:{x.shape}")         x = self.conv_block_2(x)         # print(f"Output shape of conv_block_2:{x.shape}")         x = self.classifier(x)         # print(f"Output shape of classifier:{x.shape}")         return x      
# 实例化模型 model_0 = MNISTModelV0(input_shape=1,                        hidden_units=10,                        output_shape=len(class_names)) model_0.to(device) 

(conv_block_1): Sequential(
(0): Conv2d(1, 10, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1))
(1): ReLU()
(2): Conv2d(10, 10, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1))
(3): ReLU()
(4): MaxPool2d(kernel_size=(2, 2), stride=(2, 2), padding=0, dilation=1, ceil_mode=False)
(conv_block_2): Sequential(
(0): Conv2d(10, 10, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1))
(1): ReLU()
(2): Conv2d(10, 10, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1))
(3): ReLU()
(4): MaxPool2d(kernel_size=(2, 2), stride=(2, 2), padding=0, dilation=1, ceil_mode=False)
(classifier): Sequential(
(0): Flatten(start_dim=1, end_dim=-1)
(1): Linear(in_features=490, out_features=10, bias=True)


random_image_tensor = torch.randn(size=(1, 28, 28)) random_image_tensor.shape 

torch.Size([1, 28, 28])

# 把这个测试数据传递给模型看看会不会报错 model_0.to(device) model_0(random_image_tensor.unsqueeze(0).to(device)) 

tensor([[ 0.0366, -0.0940, 0.0686, -0.0485, 0.0068, 0.0290, 0.0132, 0.0084,
-0.0030, -0.0185]], device=‘cuda:0’, grad_fn=< AddmmBackward0>)


No 9

  1. Train the model you built in exercise 8. on CPU and GPU and see how long it takes on each.
image, label  = train_data[0] image.shape 

torch.Size([1, 28, 28])


# 损失函数和优化器 import torch.optim as optim loss_fn = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() optimizer = optim.SGD(params=model_0.parameters(),                       lr=0.1) 
# 训练函数 def train_step(model:nn.Module,                dataloader:DataLoader,                loss_fn:nn.Module,                optimizer:torch.optim.Optimizer,                accuracy_fn,                device:torch.device = device):     # 设置循环周期     train_loss, train_acc = 0, 0          model.train()          for batch, (X, y) in enumerate(dataloader):         # 将数据放到统一的设备上         X, y = X.to(device), y.to(device)                  y_pred = model(X)         loss = loss_fn(y_pred,                     y)         train_loss += loss         train_acc += accuracy_fn(y_true=y,                                 y_pred=y_pred.argmax(dim=1))         optimizer.zero_grad()         loss.backward()         optimizer.step()              train_loss /= len(dataloader)     train_acc /= len(dataloader)          print(f"Train Loss:{train_loss:.4f} | Train Acc:{train_acc:.2f}%") 
# 测试函数 def test_step(model:nn.Module,               dataloader:DataLoader,               loss_fn:nn.Module,               accuracy_fn,               device:torch.device=device):     """Peroforms a testing loop step on model going over data_loader"""     test_loss, test_acc = 0, 0          model.eval()          with torch.inference_mode():         for X, y in dataloader:             X, y = X.to(device), y.to(device)             y_pred = model(X)             test_loss += loss_fn(y_pred, y)             test_acc += accuracy_fn(y_true=y,                             y_pred=y_pred.argmax(dim=1))                      test_loss /= len(dataloader)         test_acc /= len(dataloader)     print(f"Test Loss:{test_loss:.4f} | Test Acc:{test_acc:.2f}%\n") 
# 评估函数 def eval_model(model:nn.Module,                dataloader:DataLoader,                loss_fn:nn.Module,                accuracy_fn,                device=device):     """Returns a dictionary containing the results of model predicting on data_loader..."""     loss, acc = 0, 0     model.eval()     with torch.inference_mode():         for X, y in dataloader:             X, y = X.to(device), y.to(device)             y_pred = model(X)             loss += loss_fn(y_pred,                             y)             acc += accuracy_fn(y_true=y,                               y_pred=y_pred.argmax(dim=1))         loss /= len(dataloader)         acc /= len(dataloader)          return {"model_name":model.__class__.__name__,             "model_loss":loss.item(),             "model_acc":acc} 
from timeit import default_timer as timer def print_train_time(start:float,                      end:float,                      device:torch.device=None):     """Prints difference between start and end time."""     total_time = end - start     print(f"Train time on {device}:{total_time:.3f} seconds")     return total_time 
# Calculate accuracy (a classification metric) def accuracy_fn(y_true, y_pred):     """Calculates accuracy between truth labels and predictions.      Args:         y_true (torch.Tensor): Truth labels for predictions.         y_pred (torch.Tensor): Predictions to be compared to predictions.      Returns:         [torch.float]: Accuracy value between y_true and y_pred, e.g. 78.45     """     correct = torch.eq(y_true, y_pred).sum().item()     acc = (correct / len(y_pred)) * 100     return acc 


from tqdm.auto import tqdm  from helper_functions import accuracy_fn # train and test on GPU train_start_time_on_gpu = timer()  epochs=3  for epoch in tqdm(range(epochs)):     print(f"Epoch:{epoch}\n")     train_step(model=model_0,                dataloader=train_dataloader,                loss_fn=loss_fn,                optimizer=optimizer,                accuracy_fn=accuracy_fn,                device=device)     test_step(model=model_0,               dataloader=test_dataloader,               loss_fn=loss_fn,               accuracy_fn=accuracy_fn,               device=device)  train_end_time_on_gpu = timer() total_time_on_gpu = print_train_time(start=train_start_time_on_gpu,                                      end=train_end_time_on_gpu,                                      device=device) 


model_0_result = eval_model(model=model_0,                             dataloader=test_dataloader,                             loss_fn=loss_fn,                             accuracy_fn=accuracy_fn,                             device=device) model_0_result 

{‘model_name’: ‘MNISTModelV0’,
‘model_loss’: 0.05393431708216667,
‘model_acc’: 98.10303514376997}

No 10

  1. Make predictions using your trained model and visualize at least 5 of them comparing the prediciton to the target label.
def make_prediction(model:nn.Module,                     data: list,                     device:torch.device=device):     pred_probs=[]     model.to(device)     model.eval()     with torch.inference_mode():         for sample in data:             sample = torch.unsqueeze(sample, dim=0).to(device)                          pred_logit = model(sample)             pred_prob = torch.softmax(pred_logit.squeeze(),dim=0)             pred_probs.append(pred_prob.cpu())                  # Stack the pred_probs to turn list into a tensor     return torch.stack(pred_probs) 
import random test_samples = [] test_labels = [] for sample, label in random.sample(list(test_data),k=9):     test_samples.append(sample)     test_labels.append(label) 
# make predictions pred_probs = make_prediction(model=model_0,                              data=test_samples,                              device=device) pred_probs 

tensor([[1.0177e-07, 9.6744e-08, 9.0552e-05, 4.1145e-07, 3.1134e-09, 9.2933e-08,
1.0455e-07, 8.3808e-07, 9.9990e-01, 1.0561e-05],
[7.0788e-10, 1.9963e-08, 1.1445e-07, 7.4835e-07, 1.0650e-04, 1.4251e-06,
2.5626e-12, 5.2849e-06, 8.3278e-06, 9.9988e-01],
[2.0574e-11, 2.7979e-05, 9.9959e-01, 3.6853e-04, 1.0323e-13, 1.5242e-13,
1.8023e-12, 9.5447e-06, 5.1182e-07, 4.4869e-12],
[2.2204e-10, 6.1201e-10, 4.8230e-05, 1.4246e-06, 3.8657e-12, 6.7251e-07,
9.1211e-10, 1.9719e-08, 9.9995e-01, 4.0643e-07],
[2.1181e-15, 8.9004e-13, 4.7079e-13, 3.2457e-08, 5.5606e-11, 1.0000e+00,
9.1563e-09, 4.4056e-17, 3.3977e-08, 3.1905e-08],
[1.4000e-05, 5.6517e-10, 1.0992e-05, 4.6077e-11, 9.9994e-01, 5.4655e-09,
4.8744e-06, 8.1010e-06, 7.0937e-08, 2.0188e-05],
[9.9992e-01, 6.8991e-11, 7.1014e-05, 6.2839e-11, 3.7751e-11, 2.0786e-07,
7.2334e-07, 9.5343e-10, 4.6806e-06, 7.3413e-08],
[7.6309e-13, 3.0353e-10, 7.0295e-10, 4.9777e-07, 2.5954e-14, 8.0768e-12,
9.5778e-17, 1.0000e+00, 1.0831e-10, 1.9796e-08],
[1.4944e-11, 7.4691e-13, 2.8261e-12, 6.1482e-08, 1.7732e-11, 1.0000e+00,
4.6807e-09, 2.5018e-11, 1.3533e-07, 2.7457e-06]])

pred_classes = pred_probs.argmax(dim=1) pred_classes 

tensor([8, 9, 2, 8, 5, 4, 0, 7, 5])

# plot predictions plt.figure(figsize=(9,9)) nrows = 3 ncols = 3 for i, sample in enumerate(test_samples):     plt.subplot(nrows, ncols, i+1)          plt.imshow(sample.squeeze(), cmap="gray")     pred_label = class_names[pred_classes[i]]     truth_label = class_names[test_labels[i]]          title_text = f"Pred:{pred_label} | Truth:{truth_label}"          # 预测正确是绿色的title, 预测错误是红色的title     if pred_label == truth_label:         plt.title(title_text, fontsize=10, c="g")     else:         plt.title(title_text, fontsize=10, c="r")              plt.axis(False); 


No 11

  1. Plot a confusion matrix comparing your model’s predictions to the truth labels.
from tqdm.auto import tqdm  # 1 在测试数据上使用我们训练好的模型 y_preds = [] model_0.eval() with torch.inference_mode():     for X, y in test_dataloader:         X, y = X.to(device), y.to(device)         y_logit = model_0(X)         y_pred = torch.softmax(y_logit.squeeze(), dim=0).argmax(dim=1)         y_preds.append(y_pred.cpu())  # Concatenate list of predictions into a tensor y_pred_tensor = torch.cat(y_preds) y_pred_tensor 

tensor([7, 2, 1, …, 4, 5, 6])

from torchmetrics import ConfusionMatrix from mlxtend.plotting import plot_confusion_matrix  # 2 制作confusion实例,将预测和标签进行比较 confmat = ConfusionMatrix(num_classes=len(class_names),                           task='multiclass') confmat_tensor = confmat(preds = y_pred_tensor,                          target = test_data.targets)  # 3 plot the confusion matrix fig, ax = plot_confusion_matrix(     conf_mat=confmat_tensor.numpy(), # matplotlib likes working with numpy     class_names = class_names,     figsize=(10, 7) ) 


No 12

  1. Create a random tensor of shape [1, 3, 64, 64] and pass it through a nn.Conv2d() layer with various hyperparameter settings (these can be any settings you choose), what do you notice if the kernel_size parameter goes up and down?
import random random_tensor = torch.randn(size=(1, 3, 64, 64)) random_tensor 

tensor([[[[-0.6684, 0.4637, -0.3516, …, -0.6252, 0.6887, 0.2075],
[-1.1143, -1.2353, 0.3464, …, -0.7403, 0.3211, 0.2074],
[-0.1284, -1.0946, 0.4482, …, 0.7574, -0.2992, -0.0710],
[ 1.5077, 0.2374, 0.2925, …, -0.2159, -0.6532, -1.2062],
[ 1.9584, 0.8458, 0.3636, …, 0.3946, 0.1667, -1.6578],
[ 1.1362, 1.9202, 1.0445, …, -0.4046, 0.9407, -0.3916]],
[-0.8766, -0.2172, 0.5522, …, -0.0553, -0.6218, 0.3710],
[ 1.8482, -0.2374, 1.4276, …, -0.2379, 0.7371, -1.8488],
[-0.6760, 1.0012, -0.3990, …, -1.4388, -2.0143, -0.9468],
[-0.7640, 0.7572, 0.8566, …, -0.8063, -1.2623, -0.0394]]]])

conv_layer = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=3,                        out_channels=2,                        kernel_size=(3, 3),                        stride=1,                        padding=1) 
# 将随机生成的数据放到 conv_layer 中 random_tensor_through_conv = conv_layer(random_tensor) random_tensor_through_conv.shape 

torch.Size([1, 2, 64, 64])

conv_layer = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=3,                        out_channels=2,                        kernel_size=(5,5),                        stride=1,                        padding=1)  # 将随机生成的数据放到 conv_layer 中 random_tensor_through_conv = conv_layer(random_tensor) random_tensor_through_conv.shape 

torch.Size([1, 2, 62, 62])

conv_layer = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=3,                        out_channels=2,                        kernel_size=(10, 10),                        stride=1,                        padding=1)  # 将随机生成的数据放到 conv_layer 中 random_tensor_through_conv = conv_layer(random_tensor) random_tensor_through_conv.shape 

torch.Size([1, 2, 57, 57])

conv_layer = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=3,                        out_channels=2,                        kernel_size=(30, 30),                        stride=1,                        padding=1)  # 将随机生成的数据放到 conv_layer 中 random_tensor_through_conv = conv_layer(random_tensor) random_tensor_through_conv.shape 

torch.Size([1, 2, 37, 37])

conv_layer = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=3,                        out_channels=2,                        kernel_size=(64, 64),                        stride=1,                        padding=1)  # 将随机生成的数据放到 conv_layer 中 random_tensor_through_conv = conv_layer(random_tensor) random_tensor_through_conv.shape 

torch.Size([1, 2, 3, 3])

conv_layer = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=3,                        out_channels=2,                        kernel_size=(65, 65),                        stride=1,                        padding=1)  # 将随机生成的数据放到 conv_layer 中 random_tensor_through_conv = conv_layer(random_tensor) random_tensor_through_conv.shape 

torch.Size([1, 2, 2, 2])

conv_layer = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=3,                        out_channels=2,                        kernel_size=(66, 66),                        stride=1,                        padding=1)  # 将随机生成的数据放到 conv_layer 中 random_tensor_through_conv = conv_layer(random_tensor) random_tensor_through_conv.shape 

torch.Size([1, 2, 1, 1])


No 13

  1. Use a model similar to the trained model_2 from this notebook to make predictions on the test torchvision.datasets.FashionMNIST dataset.
    * Then plot some predictions where the model was wrong alongside what the label of the image should’ve been.
    * After visualing these predictions do you think it’s more of a modelling error or a data error?
    * As in, could the model do better or are the labels of the data too close to each other (e.g. a “Shirt” label is too close to “T-shirt/top”)?
fashion_train_data = datasets.FashionMNIST(root='data',                                            train=True,                                            transform=ToTensor(),                                            download=True,                                            target_transform=None) fashion_test_data = datasets.FashionMNIST(root='data',                                           train=False,                                           download=True,                                           transform=ToTensor(),                                           target_transform=None) 

(Dataset FashionMNIST
Number of datapoints: 60000
Root location: data
Split: Train
Transform: ToTensor(),
Dataset FashionMNIST
Number of datapoints: 10000
Root location: data
Split: Test
Transform: ToTensor())

fashion_train_dataloader = DataLoader(dataset=fashion_train_data,                                       batch_size=BATCH_SIZE,                                       shuffle=True) fashion_test_dataloader = DataLoader(dataset=fashion_test_data,                                      batch_size=BATCH_SIZE,                                      shuffle=True) 



train_start_time_on_fashion = timer()  epochs = 3 for epoch in tqdm(range(epochs)):     print(f"Epoch:{epoch}\n======================")     train_step(model=model_0,                dataloader=fashion_train_dataloader,                loss_fn=loss_fn,                optimizer=optimizer,                device=device,                accuracy_fn=accuracy_fn)     test_step(model=model_0,               dataloader=fashion_test_dataloader,               loss_fn=loss_fn,               accuracy_fn=accuracy_fn,               device=device)      train_end_time_on_fashion = timer() total_time_on_fashion = print_train_time(start=train_start_time_on_fashion,                                          end=train_end_time_on_fashion,                                          device=device) 


model_0_result_fashion = eval_model(model=model_0,                                     dataloader=fashion_test_dataloader,                                     loss_fn=loss_fn,                                     accuracy_fn=accuracy_fn,                                     device=device) model_0_result_fashion 

{‘model_name’: ‘MNISTModelV0’,
‘model_loss’: 0.31344807147979736,
‘model_acc’: 89.12739616613419}


{‘model_name’: ‘MNISTModelV0’,
‘model_loss’: 0.05393431708216667,
‘model_acc’: 98.10303514376997}

import pandas as pd compare_results = pd.DataFrame([model_0_result,                                 model_0_result_fashion]) compare_results 


compare_results["training_time"] = [total_time_on_gpu,                                     total_time_on_fashion] compare_results 


compare_results["dataset"] = ["MNIST",                               "FashionMNIST"] compare_results 


compare_results.set_index("dataset")["model_acc"].plot(kind="barh") plt.ylabel("dataset") plt.xlabel("accuracy(%)"); 


import random test_samples = [] test_labels = [] for sample, label in random.sample(list(fashion_test_data), k=9):     test_samples.append(sample)     test_labels.append(label)      #查看第一个样本的形状 test_samples[0].shape 

torch.Size([1, 28, 28])

# make predictions pred_probs = make_prediction(model=model_0,                              data=test_samples,                              device=device) pred_classes = pred_probs.argmax(dim=1)  # plot predictions plt.figure(figsize=(9,9)) nrows = 3 ncols = 3 for i, sample in enumerate(test_samples):     plt.subplot(nrows, ncols, i+1)          plt.imshow(sample.squeeze(), cmap="gray")     pred_label = class_names[pred_classes[i]]     truth_label = class_names[test_labels[i]]          title_text = f"Pred:{pred_label} | Truth:{truth_label}"          # 预测正确是绿色的title, 预测错误是红色的title     if pred_label == truth_label:         plt.title(title_text, fontsize=10, c="g")     else:         plt.title(title_text, fontsize=10, c="r")              plt.axis(False); 


OK,BB,终于把习题搞完了,oh, yeah, 取得了今天的小小胜利。


