.h264 .h265 压缩率的直观感受




上面是.264 .265和原始的YUV420文件,各自的大小。


2.1 .h264 .h265互转

可以使用ffmpeg工具:Builds - CODEX FFMPEG @ gyan.dev


ffmpeg -i Tennis1080p.h264 -c:v libx265 -preset medium -crf 28 Tennis1080p.h265 

2.2 .h264 转 yuv


mpp-test: Rockchip MPP的简单案例

2.3 yuv file reader


import cv2 import numpy as np   yuv_frame_pack_file = "Tennis1080p.yuv"  def yuv420sp_to_rgb(nv12, width, height):         print('lenOfframe = ', len(nv12))         nv12_array = np.frombuffer(nv12, dtype=np.uint8)         #if len(nv12_array) > (width * height * 3 // 2):         #    height += ((len(nv12_array) - (width * height * 3 // 2)) // width * 2) // 3         y_plane_size = height * width         uv_plane_size = (height // 2) * (width // 2) * 2         # Split the NV12 data into Y plane and UV plane         y_plane = nv12_array[0:y_plane_size].reshape(height, width)                  uv_plane = nv12_array[y_plane_size:y_plane_size+uv_plane_size].reshape(height // 2, width)  # UV plane is half the height of Y plane              # Create a new NumPy array for the YUV image, with the same data as Y plane         # but with a shape that OpenCV expects for YUV420sp (NV12)         yuv420sp = np.zeros((height + height // 2, width), dtype=np.uint8)         yuv420sp[:height, :] = y_plane  # Copy Y plane data         yuv420sp[height:, ::2] = uv_plane[:, 1::2]  # Copy U plane data         yuv420sp[height:, 1::2] = uv_plane[:, ::2]  # Copy V plane data          '''         # 文件路径         file_path = 'yuv420sp.bin'         # 打开文件并写入数据         with open(file_path, 'wb') as file:             file.write(nv12)         sys.exit(0)         '''              # Use OpenCV to convert YUV420sp (NV12) to RGB         rgb_image = cv2.cvtColor(yuv420sp, cv2.COLOR_YUV2RGB_NV12)              return rgb_image   # 设置图像的宽度和高度 width, height = 1920, 1080  # 读取一帧YUV420数据 cnt = 23 with open(yuv_frame_pack_file , 'rb') as file:     while(cnt>0):         cnt -=1         yuv420_frame = file.read(width * height * 3 // 2)  # YUV420格式,每帧大小为width * height * 3 / 2         continue     yuv420_frame = file.read(width * height * 3 // 2)  # YUV420格式,每帧大小为width * height * 3 / 2     yuv420_frame = np.frombuffer(yuv420_frame, dtype=np.uint8)     rgb_frame = yuv420sp_to_rgb(yuv420_frame, width, height)     cv2.imshow('RGB Image', rgb_frame)     cv2.waitKey(0)     cv2.destroyAllWindows() 


附录A h.265=>yuv frames file转换工具 

实际测试过程中,您可能需要对.h264, .h265的转换速度做比对,这里给出.h265转储为yuv frames file的C代码,相较2.2的原始c代码修改很少:


/**  * 1. make  * 2. ./mpp-dec-h264-to-yuv-file  * 3. gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=Tennis1080p.yuv ! videoparse width=1920 height=1080 format=nv12 ! videoconvert ! xvimagesink  * 4. gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=Tennis1080p.h264 ! h264parse ! mppvideodec ! xvimagesink  */ #include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <rockchip/rk_mpi.h>  #define __IN_FILE__ ("Tennis1080p.h265") #define __OUT_FILE__ ("Tennis1080p.yuv")  void dump_frame(MppFrame frame, FILE *out_fp) {     printf("dump_frame_to_file\n");      RK_U32 width    = 0;     RK_U32 height   = 0;     RK_U32 h_stride = 0;     RK_U32 v_stride = 0;     MppFrameFormat fmt  = MPP_FMT_YUV420SP;     MppBuffer buffer    = NULL;     RK_U8 *base = NULL;      width    = mpp_frame_get_width(frame);     height   = mpp_frame_get_height(frame);     h_stride = mpp_frame_get_hor_stride(frame);     v_stride = mpp_frame_get_ver_stride(frame);     fmt      = mpp_frame_get_fmt(frame);     buffer   = mpp_frame_get_buffer(frame);      RK_U32 buf_size = mpp_frame_get_buf_size(frame);     printf("w x h: %dx%d hor_stride:%d ver_stride:%d buf_size:%d\n",            width, height, h_stride, v_stride, buf_size);                 if (NULL == buffer) {         printf("buffer is null\n");         return ;     }      base = (RK_U8 *)mpp_buffer_get_ptr(buffer);      // MPP_FMT_YUV420SP     if (fmt != MPP_FMT_YUV420SP) {         printf("fmt %d not supported\n", fmt);         return;     }      RK_U32 i;     RK_U8 *base_y = base;     RK_U8 *base_c = base + h_stride * v_stride;      for (i = 0; i < height; i++, base_y += h_stride) {         fwrite(base_y, 1, width, out_fp);     }     for (i = 0; i < height / 2; i++, base_c += h_stride) {         fwrite(base_c, 1, width, out_fp);     } }  void dump_frame_to_file(MppCtx ctx, MppApi *mpi, MppFrame frame, FILE *out_fp) {     printf("decode_and_dump_to_file\n");      MPP_RET ret;      if (mpp_frame_get_info_change(frame)) {         printf("mpp_frame_get_info_change\n");         /**          * 第一次解码会到这个分支,需要为解码器设置缓冲区.          * 解码器缓冲区支持3种模式。参考【图像内存分配以及交互模式】Rockchip_Developer_Guide_MPP_CN.pdf          * 这里使用纯内部模式。          */         ret = mpi->control(ctx, MPP_DEC_SET_INFO_CHANGE_READY, NULL);         if (ret) {             printf("mpp_frame_get_info_change mpi->control error"                     "MPP_DEC_SET_INFO_CHANGE_READY %d\n", ret);         }         return;     }      RK_U32 err_info = mpp_frame_get_errinfo(frame);     RK_U32 discard = mpp_frame_get_discard(frame);         printf("err_info: %u discard: %u\n", err_info, discard);      if (err_info) {         return;     }              // save     dump_frame(frame, out_fp);     return; }  int main(void) {     printf("---------- mpp start ----------\n");      // 1. 打开输入文件     FILE *in_fp = fopen(__IN_FILE__, "rb");     if (!in_fp) {         printf("fopen error\n");         return -1;     }      // 2. 打开输出文件     FILE *out_fp = fopen(__OUT_FILE__, "wb+");     if (!out_fp) {         printf("fopen error\n");         return -1;     }      // 3. 初始化解码器上下文,MppCtx MppApi     MppCtx ctx = NULL;     MppApi *mpi = NULL;     MPP_RET ret = mpp_create(&ctx, &mpi);     if (MPP_OK != ret) {         printf("mpp_create error\n");         return -1;     }      /**      * 4. 配置解器      *      - 解码文件需要 split 模式      *      - 设置非阻塞模式,0非阻塞(默认),-1阻塞,+val 超时(ms)      */     RK_U32 need_split = -1;     ret = mpi->control(ctx, MPP_DEC_SET_PARSER_SPLIT_MODE, (MppParam*)&need_split);     if (MPP_OK != ret) {         printf("mpi->control error MPP_DEC_SET_PARSER_SPLIT_MODE\n");         return -1;     }          ret = mpp_init(ctx, MPP_CTX_DEC, MPP_VIDEO_CodingHEVC);  // 固定为H265 https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_38807927/article/details/135760601     if (MPP_OK != ret) {         printf("mpp_init error\n");         return -1;     }      // 5. 初始化包,MppPacket     int buf_size = 5 * 1024 * 1024;     char *buf = (char*)malloc(buf_size);     if (!buf) {         printf("malloc error\n");         return -1;     }     MppPacket pkt = NULL;     ret = mpp_packet_init(&pkt, buf, buf_size);     if (MPP_OK != ret) {         printf("mpp_packet_init error\n");         return -1;     }      // 6. 循环读取文件,输入解码器,解码,保存结果     int over = 0;     while (!over) {         printf("decode...\n");         int len = fread(buf, 1, buf_size, in_fp);         printf("read file length:%d\n", len);          if (0 < len) {             mpp_packet_write(pkt, 0, buf, len);             mpp_packet_set_pos(pkt, buf);             mpp_packet_set_length(pkt, len);             if (feof(in_fp) || len < buf_size) {  // 文件读完,设置结束标志位                 mpp_packet_set_eos(pkt);                 printf("mpp_packet_set_eos\n");             }         }          /**          * decode_put_packet返回失败,意味着内部缓冲区已满。          * 非阻塞模式,使用pkt_is_send判断当前读取的数据包(buf)是否成功发送。          */         int pkt_is_send = 0;         while (!pkt_is_send && !over) {             if (0 < len) {                 printf("pkt remain:%d\n", mpp_packet_get_length(pkt));                 ret = mpi->decode_put_packet(ctx, pkt);                 if (MPP_OK == ret) {                     printf("pkt send success remain:%d\n", mpp_packet_get_length(pkt));                     pkt_is_send = 1;                 }             }              MppFrame frame;             MPP_RET ret;             ret = mpi->decode_get_frame(ctx, &frame);             if (MPP_OK != ret || !frame) {                 printf("decode_get_frame falied ret:%d\n", ret);                 usleep(2000);  // 等待一下2ms,通常1080p解码时间2ms                 continue;             }              printf("decode_get_frame success\n");             dump_frame_to_file(ctx, mpi, frame, out_fp);              if (mpp_frame_get_eos(frame)) {                 printf("mpp_frame_get_eos\n");                 mpp_frame_deinit(&frame);                 over = 1;                 continue;             }             mpp_frame_deinit(&frame);         }     }      // 7. 释放资源     fclose(in_fp);     fclose(out_fp);     mpi->reset(ctx);     mpp_packet_deinit(&pkt);     mpp_destroy(ctx);     free(buf);          printf("---------- mpp over ----------\n");     return 0; } 

A.1相应的make file :


app: mpp-dec-h264-to-yuv-file.c mpp-multi-thread-demo.c mpp-dec-h265-to-yuv-file.c 	gcc mpp-dec-h264-to-yuv-file.c -o mpp-dec-h264-to-yuv-file -lrockchip_mpp 	gcc mpp-dec-h265-to-yuv-file.c -o mpp-dec-h265-to-yuv-file -lrockchip_mpp 	gcc mpp-multi-thread-demo.c -o mpp-multi-thread-demo -lrockchip_mpp -lpthread -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/glib-2.0/include -lglib-2.0




