cv::Mat undistort(const cv::Mat &frame) { double k1 = -0.340032906324299; double k2 = 0.101344757327394; double p1 = 0.0; double p2 = 0.0; double k3 = 0.0; cv::Mat K = (cv::Mat_<double>(3, 3) << 162.063205442089, 0.0, 154.707845362265, 0.0, 162.326264903804, 129.914361509615, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); cv::Mat D = (cv::Mat_<double>(1, 5) << k1, k2, p1, p2, k3); cv::Mat mapx, mapy; cv::Mat undistortedFrame; cv::initUndistortRectifyMap(K, D, cv::Mat(), K, frame.size(), CV_32FC1, mapx, mapy); cv::remap(frame, undistortedFrame, mapx, mapy, cv::INTER_LINEAR); return undistortedFrame; }
Mat ImagePreprocessing(const cv::Mat &frame_a) { int width = 320; int height = 240; binaryImage_1 = cv::Mat::zeros(height, width, CV_8U); //--------这一段代码中包含了canny算子和一些图像处理的方案------- // cv::Mat grayImage; // cv::cvtColor(frame, grayImage, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY); // cv::Mat edgeImage; // cv::Canny(grayImage, edgeImage, 50, 150); // vector<Vec4i> lines; // HoughLinesP(edgeImage, lines, 1, CV_PI / 180, 180, 100, 10); // for (size_t i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { // Vec4i l = lines[i]; // line(binaryImage, Point(l[0], l[1]), Point(l[2], l[3]), Scalar(255), 4); // } // // GaussianBlur(frame, img, cv::Size(7, 7), 0); // cvtColor(img, hsv_image, cv::COLOR_BGR2HSV); // // Scalar lower_white(10, 43, 46); // // Scalar upper_white(180, 255, 255); // // inRange(hsv_image, lower_white, upper_white, white_mask); // // bitwise_not(white_mask, final_img); // // cv::Mat kernel = cv::getStructuringElement(cv::MORPH_RECT, cv::Size(1, 1)); // // cv::morphologyEx(final_img, delite_frame, cv::MORPH_OPEN, kernel); // Mat img_edges; // Canny(frame, img_edges, 100, 150); // cv::Mat blurred; // cv::Mat edges; // cv::GaussianBlur(frame_a, blurred, cv::Size(5, 5), 0); // int roiYStart = 100; // int roiYEnd = 155; // // 创建感兴趣区域(ROI) // cv::Mat roiImage = blurred(cv::Range(roiYStart, roiYEnd), cv::Range(0, frame_a.cols)); // // Canny边缘检测 // cv::Canny(roiImage, edges, 100, 150); // // 创建全黑图像 // cv::Mat blackImage = cv::Mat::zeros(frame_a.size(), CV_8UC1); // // 将Canny边缘叠加到全黑图像的感兴趣区域中 // edges.copyTo(blackImage(cv::Range(roiYStart, roiYEnd), cv::Range(0, frame_a.cols))); // imshow("canny1",edges); // imshow("canny2",blackImage); //------------------------------------------------------ //-------------------赛道条件好的情况-------------------- // int kernelSize = 5; // double sigma = 1.0; // cv::Mat blurredImage; // cv::GaussianBlur(frame_a, blurredImage, cv::Size(kernelSize, kernelSize), sigma); // cv::Mat grad_x, grad_y; // cv::Mat sobel_x,sobel_y; // cv::Mat abs_grad_x, abs_grad_y; // int xWeight = 1; // int yWeight = 1; // cv::Sobel(blurredImage, grad_x, CV_16S, 1, 0, 3, xWeight); // cv::Sobel(blurredImage, grad_y, CV_16S, 0, 1, 3, yWeight); // cv::convertScaleAbs(grad_x, abs_grad_x); // cv::convertScaleAbs(grad_y, abs_grad_y); // cv::Mat edges; // cv::addWeighted(abs_grad_x, 0.5, abs_grad_y,0.5, 0, edges); // imshow("edges",edges); // cv::threshold(edges, binaryImage, 0, 255, cv::THRESH_BINARY + cv::THRESH_OTSU); // imshow("binaryImage",binaryImage); //---------------------赛道条件差的情况------------------ // Sobel边缘检测 Mat originalImage; cvtColor(frame, originalImage, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY); // float alpha = 0.2; // 调整这个值以控制对比度增强的强度 // Mat enhancedImage = customEqualizeHist(originalImage, alpha); Mat enhancedImage = originalImage; // Sobel边缘检测 Mat sobelx, sobely; Sobel(enhancedImage, sobelx, CV_64F, 1, 0, 3); Sobel(enhancedImage, sobely, CV_64F, 0, 1, 3); Mat gradientMagnitude = abs(sobelx) + abs(sobely); convertScaleAbs(gradientMagnitude, gradientMagnitude); // 调整阈值 Mat binaryImage12 = Mat::zeros(enhancedImage.size(), CV_8U); // threshold(gradientMagnitude, binaryImage12, 50, 255, THRESH_BINARY); cv::threshold(gradientMagnitude, binaryImage12, 0, 255, cv::THRESH_BINARY + cv::THRESH_OTSU); cv::Mat kernel1 = cv::getStructuringElement(cv::MORPH_RECT, cv::Size(3, 3)); cv::dilate(binaryImage12, binaryImage, kernel1, cv::Point(-1, -1), 1); // 这个地方也要修改 // cv::dilate(binaryImage, binaryImage, kernel1, cv::Point(-1, -1), 1); int x_roi = 1; int y_roi = 109; int width_roi = 318; int height_roi = 46; cv::Rect roi(x_roi, y_roi, width_roi, height_roi); cv::Mat croppedObject = binaryImage(roi); vector<Vec4i> lines; HoughLinesP(croppedObject, lines, 1, CV_PI / 180, 25, 15, 10); for (size_t i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { Vec4i l = lines[i]; double angle = atan2(l[3] - l[1], l[2] - l[0]) * 180.0 / CV_PI; double length = sqrt(pow(l[3] - l[1], 2) + pow(l[2] - l[0], 2)); double aspect_ratio = length / abs(l[3] - l[1]); if (abs(angle) > 15) { Vec4i l = lines[i]; l[0] += x_roi; l[1] += y_roi; l[2] += x_roi; l[3] += y_roi; line(binaryImage_1, Point(l[0], l[1]), Point(l[2], l[3]), Scalar(255), 2, LINE_AA); } } return binaryImage_1; }
int crossroad(Mat frame) { flag_cross = 0; int height = frame.rows; int width = frame.cols; Mat hsv; cvtColor(frame, hsv, COLOR_BGR2HSV); Scalar lower_white = Scalar(0, 0, 221); Scalar upper_white = Scalar(180, 30, 255); Mat mask1; inRange(hsv, lower_white, upper_white, mask1); Mat kernel = getStructuringElement(MORPH_RECT, Size(5, 5)); dilate(mask1, mask1, kernel); erode(mask1, mask1, kernel); Mat src(mask1, Rect(100, 85, 120, 60)); int cout1 = 0, cout2 = 0, flag = 0; for (int i = 0; i < src.rows; i++) { if (cout1 < 10) { flag = 0; } cout1 = 0; for (int j = 10; j < src.cols - 10; j++) { if (src.at<char>(i, j - 2) == 0 && src.at<uchar>(i, j) == 0 && src.at<uchar>(i, j - 1) == 0 && src.at<uchar>(i, j + 1) == 255 && src.at<uchar>(i, j + 2) == 255) { cout1++; } else if (src.at<uchar>(i, j - 2) == 255 && src.at<uchar>(i, j) == 255 && src.at<uchar>(i, j - 1) == 255 && src.at<uchar>(i, j + 1) == 0 && src.at<uchar>(i, j + 2) == 0) { cout1++; } if (cout1 >= 10) { cout2++; flag++; if (flag >= 3) { cout << "斑马线" << endl; flag_cross = 1; } break; } } } cout << "flag_cross" << flag_cross << endl; return flag_cross; }
int yellow_hsv(Mat img, bool visual_flag) { Mat cropped_image, canvas, image; Scalar lowerb = Scalar(3, 0, 0); Scalar upperb = Scalar(40, 100, 255); int yellow_num = 0; int height = img.rows; int width = img.cols; int half_height = int(height / 2); int per_height = int(height / 20); int area_1 = int(0.002775 * height * width); int area_2 = int(0.025 * height * width); image = img.clone(); cropped_image = image(Rect(0, half_height - per_height, width, per_height * 3)); if (visual_flag == true) { canvas = cropped_image.clone(); } cvtColor(cropped_image, cropped_image, COLOR_BGR2HSV); morphologyEx(cropped_image, cropped_image, MORPH_OPEN, getStructuringElement(MORPH_RECT, Size(3, 3))); inRange(cropped_image, lowerb, upperb, cropped_image); vector<vector<Point>> contours; vector<Vec4i> hierarchy; findContours(cropped_image, contours, hierarchy, RETR_EXTERNAL, CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE); for (size_t i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++) { double area = contourArea(contours[i]); if (area > area_1 && area < area_2) { Rect rect = boundingRect(contours[i]); double aspect_ratio = rect.width / rect.height; if (aspect_ratio > 10) { if (visual_flag == true) { rectangle(canvas, rect, Scalar(255, 0, 0), 2, LINE_AA); printf("x: %d, y: %d, width: %d, height: %d, aspect_ratio: %f\n", rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, aspect_ratio); } yellow_num += 1; } } } if (visual_flag == true) { imshow("Image_hsv", canvas); waitKey(0); } return yellow_num; }
int yellow_edge(Mat img, bool visual_flag) { Mat cropped_image, canvas, image; int yellow_num = 0; int height = img.rows; int width = img.cols; int half_height = int(height / 2); int per_height = int(height / 20); image = img.clone(); cropped_image = image(Rect(0, half_height - per_height, width, per_height * 3)); if (visual_flag == true) { canvas = cropped_image.clone(); } cvtColor(cropped_image, cropped_image, COLOR_BGR2GRAY); Canny(cropped_image, cropped_image, 50, 150, 3); vector<Vec4i> lines; HoughLinesP(cropped_image, lines, 1, CV_PI / 180, 150, 125, 10); if (lines.size() == 0) { printf("No yellow edge detected!\n"); return 0; } else { for (size_t i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { Vec4i l = lines[i]; double angle = atan2(l[3] - l[1], l[2] - l[0]) * 180.0 / CV_PI; double length = sqrt(pow(l[3] - l[1], 2) + pow(l[2] - l[0], 2)); double aspect_ratio = length / abs(l[3] - l[1]); if (abs(angle) < 5 && aspect_ratio > 5) { if (visual_flag == true) { line(canvas, Point(l[0], l[1]), Point(l[2], l[3]), Scalar(255, 0, 0), 2, LINE_AA); printf("x: %d, y: %d, x1: %d, y1: %d, angle: %f, length: %f, aspect_ratio: %f\n", l[0], l[1], l[2], l[3], angle, length, aspect_ratio); } yellow_num += 1; } } } if (visual_flag == true) { imshow("Image_edge", canvas); waitKey(0); } return yellow_num; }
void blue_card_find(void) { vector<vector<Point>> contours; vector<Vec4i> hierarcy; findContours(mask, contours, hierarcy, RETR_EXTERNAL, CHAIN_APPROX_NONE); if (contours.size() > 0) { sort(contours.begin(), contours.end(), Contour_Area); vector<vector<Point>> newContours; for (const vector<Point> &contour : contours) { Point2f center; float radius; minEnclosingCircle(contour, center, radius); if (center.y > 90 && center.y < 160) { newContours.push_back(contour); } } contours = newContours; if (contours.size() > 0) { if (contourArea(contours[0]) > 500) { cout << "find biggest blue" << endl; Point2f center; float radius; minEnclosingCircle(contours[0], center, radius); circle(frame, center, static_cast<int>(radius), Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2); find_first = 1; } else { cout << "not found blue" << endl; } } } else { cout << "not found blue" << endl; } }
void blue_card_remove(void) { cout << "entry move blue process" << endl; vector<vector<Point>> contours; vector<Vec4i> hierarcy; findContours(mask, contours, hierarcy, RETR_EXTERNAL, CHAIN_APPROX_NONE); if (contours.size() > 0) { sort(contours.begin(), contours.end(), Contour_Area); vector<vector<Point>> newContours; for (const vector<Point> &contour : contours) { Point2f center; float radius; minEnclosingCircle(contour, center, radius); if (center.y > 90 && center.y < 160) { newContours.push_back(contour); } } contours = newContours; if (contours.size() == 0) { begin_sign = 0; cout << "move" << endl; sleep(2); } } else { begin_sign = 0; cout << "蓝色挡板移开" << endl; sleep(2); } }
void blue_vertebral_model(void) { contours_all = blue_vertebral_barrel_find_all(mask); if (contours_all.size() != 0) { Point2f center; float radius; minEnclosingCircle(contours_all[0], center, radius); heighest = center.y; if (try_patching_line == 2) { bin_image2 = drawWhiteLine(bin_image2, Point(int(center.x), int(center.y)), Point(int((right_line[0].x + right_line[1].x + right_line[2].x) / 3), 155), 8); cout << "center.x:" << center.x << endl; cout << "center.y:" << center.y << endl; cout << "1" << endl; } else if (try_patching_line == 1) { if (count_change != 2) { bin_image2 = drawWhiteLine(bin_image2, Point(int(center.x), int(center.y)), Point(int((left_line[0].x + left_line[1].x + left_line[2].x) / 3), 155), 8); } else { bin_image2 = drawWhiteLine(bin_image2, Point(int(center.x - 20), int(center.y)), Point(int((left_line[0].x + left_line[1].x + left_line[2].x) / 3), 155), 8); } cout << "center.x:" << center.x << endl; cout << "center.y:" << center.y << endl; cout << "2" << endl; } } }
vector<vector<Point>> blue_vertebral_barrel_find_all(Mat mask) { vector<vector<Point>> contours; vector<Vec4i> hierarcy; Point2f center; float radius; findContours(mask, contours, hierarcy, RETR_EXTERNAL, CHAIN_APPROX_NONE); if (contours.size() > 0) { vector<vector<Point>> newContours; for (const vector<Point> &contour : contours) { Point2f center; float radius; minEnclosingCircle(contour, center, radius); if (center.y > 108 && center.y < 153) { newContours.push_back(contour); } } contours = newContours; } if (contours.size() > 0) { vector<vector<Point>> newContours2; for (const vector<Point> &contour : contours) { if (contourArea(contour) > 10) { newContours2.push_back(contour); } } contours = newContours2; } if (contours.size() > 0) { vector<vector<Point>> newContours5; for (const vector<Point> &contour : contours) { Point2f center; float radius; minEnclosingCircle(contour, center, radius); center.x = (int)center.x; center.y = (int)center.y; if (center.x > left_line[center.y - 108].x && center.x < right_line[center.y - 108].x) { cout << "过滤后的点:center.x" << center.x << endl; cout << "center.y " << center.y << endl; cout << "left_line " << left_line[center.y - 108].x << endl; cout << "right_line " << right_line[center.y - 108].x << endl; cv::circle(frame, Point(center.x, center.y), 10, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0), -1); newContours5.push_back(contour); } } contours = newContours5; } if (contours.size() > 0) { sort(contours.begin(), contours.end(), Contour_Area); now_blue_max = (int)contourArea(contours[0]); } else { now_blue_max = 0; } vector<vector<Point>> newContours4; newContours4 = contours; if (contours.size() > 0) { vector<vector<Point>> newContours3; for (const vector<Point> &contour : contours) { if (contourArea(contour) < 140) { newContours3.push_back(contour); } } contours = newContours3; } // cout << "now_blue_max" << now_blue_max <<endl; // cout << "contours.size()" << contours.size() <<endl; if (contours.size() == 0 && newContours4.size() != 0) { if (last_blue == 0) { if (try_patching_line == 1) { try_patching_line = 2; } else if (try_patching_line == 2) { try_patching_line = 1; } cout << "--------------------------------补线方式转换------------------------------" << endl; number1 = 0; count_change++; } } if (now_blue_max > 140) { last_blue = 1; } else { last_blue = 0; } return contours; }
double average(vector<int> vec) { if (vec.size() < 1) return -1; double sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) { sum += vec[i]; } return (double)sum / vec.size(); } double sigma(vector<int> vec) { if (vec.size() < 1) return 0; double aver = average(vec); double sigma = 0; for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) { sigma += (vec[i] - aver) * (vec[i] - aver); } sigma /= (double)vec.size(); return sigma; } void motor_servo_contral(int flag_yellow_cond, int cross) { if (flag_yellow_cond != 0 && flag_yellow_finish == 0 && flag_cross_finish == 1) { flag_yellow_finish = 1; gpioPWM(12, 730); gpioPWM(13, 10000); usleep(250000); gpioPWM(13, 9800); gpioPWM(13, 8800); usleep(250000); _exit(0); } else if (cross == 1 && flag_cross_finish == 0) { flag_cross_finish = 1; gpioPWM(13, 9800); gpioPWM(13, 8900); usleep(550000); gpioPWM(12, 730); gpioPWM(13, 10000); sleep(3); } else if (contours_all.size() != 0 && count_change < 3 && number1 >= 7 && flag_cross_finish == 1) { if (try_patching_line == 2 && count_change < 3 && count_change >= 1) { float servo_pwm_chayan = servo_pd_blue(160); servo_pwm_now = servo_pwm_chayan; } else if (try_patching_line == 1 && count_change >= 1 && count_change < 3) { float servo_pwm_chayan = servo_pd_blue(160); servo_pwm_now = servo_pwm_chayan; } else { servo_pwm_now = servo_pd_blue(160); } cout << "bin_imagepwm" << servo_pwm_now << endl; if (times4 == 0) { times4 = 1; // gpioPWM(13, 9800); // gpioPWM(13, 8700); gpioPWM(13, 10000); // usleep(50000); } // gpioPWM(13, 10000);//11000 // gpioPWM(13, 10500); gpioPWM(12, servo_pwm_now); } else { if (count_change < 1 || count_change > 2) { cout << 1 << endl; if (count_change > 2 && flag_cross_finish == 1) { servo_pwm_now = servo_pd(160); cout << "pwm" << servo_pwm_now << endl; gpioPWM(13, 13000); gpioPWM(12, servo_pwm_now); } else if (count_change < 1 && flag_cross_finish == 0) { servo_pwm_now = servo_pd(160); cout << "pwm" << servo_pwm_now << endl; gpioPWM(13, 12000); gpioPWM(12, servo_pwm_now); } else { cout << "after" << endl; servo_pwm_now = servo_pd_after(160); cout << "pwm" << servo_pwm_now << endl; gpioPWM(13, 11700); gpioPWM(12, servo_pwm_now); } } else { cout << 2 << endl; servo_pwm_now = servo_pd_left(160); cout << "pwm" << servo_pwm_now << endl; gpioPWM(13, 11400); gpioPWM(12, servo_pwm_now); } } // ----------------------------------变加速控制------------------------------- // uint8_t controlLow = 0; // 速度控制下限 // uint8_t controlMid = 5; // uint8_t controlHigh = 10; // 速度控制上限 // float servo_pwm_now = servo_pd(320); // if (mid.size() > 20) // { // vector<POINT> centerV; // int filt = mid.size() / 5; // for (int i = filt; i < mid.size() - filt; i++) // { // centerV.push_back(mid[i]); // } // sigmaCenter = sigma(centerV); // } // else // sigmaCenter = 1000; // if (abs(sigmaCenter) < 100.0) // { // counterShift++; // if (counterShift > controlHigh) // counterShift = controlHigh; // } // else // { // counterShift--; // if (counterShift < controlLow) // counterShift = controlLow; // } // if (counterShift > controlMid) // { // motorSpeed = speedhigh; // cout << "高" << endl; // } // else // { // motorSpeed = speedlow; // cout << "低" << endl; // } // gpioPWM(13, motorSpeed); // gpioPWM(12, servo_pwm_now); // ------------------------------------纯竞速--------------------------------- // if (flag_yellow_cond != 0 && flag_yellow_finish == 0 && flag_cross_finish == 1) // { // flag_yellow_finish = 1; // gpioPWM(12, 730); // gpioPWM(13, 10000); // usleep(250000); // gpioPWM(13, 9800); // gpioPWM(13, 8800); // usleep(250000); // cout << "停止" << endl; // _exit(0); // } // else if (cross == 1 && flag_cross_finish == 0) // { // flag_cross_finish = 1; // cout << "11" << endl; // gpioPWM(13, 9800); // gpioPWM(13, 8900); // usleep(550000); // // gpioPWM(12, 730); // gpioPWM(13, 10000); // sleep(3); // } // else if (contours_all.size() != 0 && count_change < 3 && number1 >= 7) // { // if (try_patching_line == 2 && count_change < 3 && count_change >= 1) // { // float servo_pwm_chayan = servo_pd_blue(160); // servo_pwm_now = servo_pwm_chayan; // } // else if (try_patching_line == 1 && count_change >= 1 && count_change < 3) // { // float servo_pwm_chayan = servo_pd_blue(160); // servo_pwm_now = servo_pwm_chayan; // } // else // { // servo_pwm_now = servo_pd_blue(160); // } // if (times4 == 0) // { // times4 = 1; // gpioPWM(13, 9800); // gpioPWM(13, 8700); // usleep(100000); // } // gpioPWM(13, 10000);//11000 // gpioPWM(12, servo_pwm_now); // } // else // { // if (flag_cross_finish == 0) // { // servo_pwm_now = servo_pd(160); // gpioPWM(13, 12000); // gpioPWM(12, servo_pwm_now); // } // else // { // servo_pwm_now = servo_pd(160); // gpioPWM(13, 12500); // gpioPWM(12, servo_pwm_now); // } // } }
float servo_pd(int target) { int size = int(mid.size()); int pidx = int((mid[23].x + mid[20].x + mid[25].x) / 3); error_first = target - pidx; servo_pwm_diff = kp * error_first + kd * (error_first - last_error); // cout << "servo_pwm_diff:" << servo_pwm_diff << endl; last_error = error_first; servo_pwm = 720 + servo_pwm_diff; if (servo_pwm > 900) { servo_pwm = 900; } else if (servo_pwm < 600) { servo_pwm = 600; } return servo_pwm; }
import cv2 import os import numpy as np def undistort(frame): k1, k2, p1, p2, k3 = -0.340032906324299, 0.101344757327394,0.0,0.0, 0.0 k = np.array([ [162.063205442089, 0, 154.707845362265], [0, 162.326264903804,129.914361509615], [0, 0, 1] ]) # 畸变系数 d = np.array([ k1, k2, p1, p2, k3 ]) height, weight = frame.shape[:2] mapx, mapy = cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap(k, d, None, k, (weight, height), 5) return cv2.remap(frame, mapx, mapy, cv2.INTER_LINEAR) cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 320) #设置宽度 cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 240) #设置长度 if not cap.isOpened(): print("无法打开摄像头") else: while True: ret, frame = cap.read() if not ret: print("无法捕捉") break frame = undistort(frame) cv2.imshow('Press "q" to Capture and Quit', frame) key = cv2.waitKey(1) # 如果用户按下 "q",拍照并保存,然后退出程序? if key & 0xFF == ord('q'): photo_path = os.path.join("test_photo", '40.jpg') cv2.imwrite(photo_path, frame) print(f"已保存照片为 {photo_path}") break cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
import cv2 import numpy as np # 使用比较函数对轮廓进行排序 def contour_area(contour): return cv2.contourArea(contour) def process_frame(frame): change_frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) lower_bound = np.array([100, 43, 46], dtype=np.uint8) upper_bound = np.array([124, 255, 255], dtype=np.uint8) mask = cv2.inRange(change_frame, lower_bound, upper_bound) kernel = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8) mask = cv2.dilate(mask, kernel, iterations=1) mask = cv2.erode(mask, kernel, iterations=1) return mask cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) find_first = 0 begin_sign = 0 while True: ret, frame = cap.read() processed_frame = process_frame(frame) contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(processed_frame, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) if begin_sign == 0: if find_first == 0: if len(contours) > 0: contours = sorted(contours, key=cv2.contourArea, reverse=True) new_contours = [] for contour in contours: (x, y), radius = cv2.minEnclosingCircle(contour) center = (int(x), int(y)) # 去除掉上面和下面的噪点 if center[1] > 180 and center[1] < 320: new_contours.append(contour) # 将新的列表赋值给 contours contours = new_contours if(len(contours) > 0): # 检查列表中第一个轮廓的面积是否大于 1300 if cv2.contourArea(contours[0]) > 1300: print("找到了最大的蓝色挡板") (x, y), radius = cv2.minEnclosingCircle(contours[0]) center = (int(x), int(y)) radius = int(radius) cv2.circle(frame, center, radius, (0, 255, 0), 2) find_first = 1 else: print("没找到蓝色挡板") else: print("进入移开挡板的程序") if len(contours) > 0: contours = sorted(contours, key=cv2.contourArea, reverse=True) new_contours = [] for contour in contours: (x, y), radius = cv2.minEnclosingCircle(contour) center = (int(x), int(y)) # 去除掉上面和下面的噪点 if center[1] > 180 and center[1] < 320: new_contours.append(contour) contours = new_contours if(len(contours) > 0): if cv2.contourArea(contours[0]) < 300: begin_sign = 1 print("挡板移开") else: begin_sign = 1 print("挡板移开") cv2.imshow('Original Frame', frame) cv2.imshow('Processed Frame', processed_frame) # 检测按键,如果按下Esc键则退出循环 if cv2.waitKey(1) == 27: break cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
import cv2 import numpy as np def find_blue_contours(image_path): # 读取图像 image = cv2.imread(image_path) # 将图像转换为HSV颜色空间 hsv = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) # 定义蓝色的HSV范围 lower_blue = np.array([100, 43, 46]) upper_blue = np.array([124, 255, 255]) # 创建一个蓝色掩码 mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_blue, upper_blue) # 执行形态学操作,可以根据实际情况调整参数 kernel = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8) mask = cv2.morphologyEx(mask, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel) mask = cv2.morphologyEx(mask, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel) # 寻找轮廓 contours, _ = cv2.findContours(mask, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) # 仅保留y轴在210-320范围内的轮廓 filtered_contours = [contour for contour in contours if 95 <= cv2.boundingRect(contour)[1] <= 165] # 在图像上画出轮廓,并写出大小 for i, contour in enumerate(filtered_contours): area = cv2.contourArea(contour) cv2.drawContours(image, [contour], 0, (0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.putText(image, f"Contour {i + 1}: {area:.2f}", (10, 30 * (i + 1)), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.8, (0, 255, 0), 2) # 显示图像 cv2.imshow("Blue Contours", image) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows() if __name__ == "__main__": image_path = "/home/pi/test_photo/blue_zhuitong8.jpg" # 替换为你的图像文件路径 find_blue_contours(image_path)
# 摄像头畸变矫正函数,输入待矫正的图形变量 import cv2 import os import numpy as np def undistort(frame): k1, k2, p1, p2, k3 = -0.287246515012261, 0.066176222325459, 0.005615032474715,0.003425003902561, 0.0 # 相机坐标系到像素坐标系的转换矩阵 k = np.array([ [3.111337497474041e+02, -2.333471935388314, 2.915941445374422e+02], [0, 3.109853062871910e+02, 2.473500696130221e+02], [0, 0, 1] ]) # 畸变系数 d = np.array([ k1, k2, p1, p2, k3 ]) height, weight = frame.shape[:2] mapx, mapy = cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap(k, d, None, k, (weight, height), 5) # 返回矫正好的图形变量 return cv2.remap(frame, mapx, mapy, cv2.INTER_LINEAR) # 打开摄像头 cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) # 0表示默认摄像头,如果有多个摄像头,可以尝试不同的数字来选择不同的摄像头 if not cap.isOpened(): print("无法打开摄像头.") else: while True: # 捕捉一帧 ret, frame = cap.read() if not ret: print("无法捕捉帧.") break frame = undistort(frame) # 显示当前帧 cv2.imshow('Press "q" to Capture and Quit', frame) # 等待用户按下键盘 key = cv2.waitKey(1) # # 如果用户按下 "q" 键,拍照并保存,然后退出程序 # if key & 0xFF == ord('q'): # # 构造完整的文件路径 # photo_path = os.path.join("test_photo", '30.jpg') # cv2.imwrite(photo_path, frame) # print(f"已保存照片为 {photo_path}") # break # 释放摄像头 cap.release() # 关闭所有窗口 cv2.destroyAllWindows()
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> using namespace cv; // 回调函数 void onTrackbarChange(int, void *) { // 什么也不做 } int main() { // 读取图片 Mat img_original = imread("/home/pi/test_photo/1.jpg"); // 创建窗口 namedWindow("Canny"); // 创建两个滑动条,分别控制threshold1和threshold2 int threshold1 = 50; int threshold2 = 100; createTrackbar("threshold1", "Canny", &threshold1, 400, onTrackbarChange); createTrackbar("threshold2", "Canny", &threshold2, 400, onTrackbarChange); while (true) { // Canny边缘检测 Mat img_edges; Canny(img_original, img_edges, threshold1, threshold2); // 显示图片 imshow("original", img_original); imshow("Canny", img_edges); // 检测键盘输入,如果按下 'q' 键,退出循环 if (waitKey(1) == 'q') { break; } } destroyAllWindows(); return 0; }
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> using namespace cv; using namespace std; Mat g_mask1Image, g_midImage, g_mask1GrayImage; cv::Mat sobelX8U; cv::Mat blurredImage; cv::Mat sobelX; cv::Mat binaryImage; cv::Mat croppedObject; int g_HoughLinesThreshold = 150; int g_minLineLength = 100; void on_HoughLines(int, void *); Mat customEqualizeHist(const Mat &inputImage, float alpha) { Mat enhancedImage; equalizeHist(inputImage, enhancedImage); // 减弱对比度增强的效果 return alpha * enhancedImage + (1 - alpha) * inputImage; } int main() { g_mask1Image = imread("/home/pi/test_photo/1.jpg", cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE); if (!g_mask1Image.data) { return -1; } imshow("g_mask1Image", g_mask1Image); // float alpha = 0.5; // 调整这个值以控制对比度增强的强度 // Mat enhancedImage = customEqualizeHist(g_mask1Image, alpha); Mat enhancedImage = g_mask1Image; // Sobel边缘检测 Mat sobelx, sobely; Sobel(enhancedImage, sobelx, CV_64F, 1, 0, 3); Sobel(enhancedImage, sobely, CV_64F, 0, 1, 3); Mat gradientMagnitude = abs(sobelx) + abs(sobely); convertScaleAbs(gradientMagnitude, gradientMagnitude); // 调整阈值 Mat binaryImage12 = Mat::zeros(enhancedImage.size(), CV_8U); // threshold(gradientMagnitude, binaryImage12, 50, 255, THRESH_BINARY); cv::threshold(gradientMagnitude, binaryImage12, 0, 255, cv::THRESH_BINARY + cv::THRESH_OTSU); imshow("binaryImage", binaryImage12); imshow("gradientMagnitude", gradientMagnitude); cv::Mat kernel1 = cv::getStructuringElement(cv::MORPH_RECT, cv::Size(3, 3)); cv::dilate(binaryImage12, binaryImage, kernel1, cv::Point(-1, -1), 1); // imshow("1",binaryImage); int x_roi = 1; int y_roi = 109; int width_roi = 318; int height_roi = 45; cv::Rect roi(x_roi, y_roi, width_roi, height_roi); croppedObject = binaryImage(roi); namedWindow("HoughLines", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); createTrackbar(" g_HoughLinesThreshold", "HoughLines", &g_HoughLinesThreshold, 150, on_HoughLines); createTrackbar("g_minLineLength", "HoughLines", &g_minLineLength, 100, on_HoughLines); on_HoughLines(0, 0); while (char(waitKey(1)) != 'q') { } waitKey(0); return 0; } void on_HoughLines(int, void *) { cvtColor(croppedObject, g_mask1GrayImage, COLOR_GRAY2BGR); vector<Vec4i> lines HoughLinesP(croppedObject, lines, 1, CV_PI / 180, g_HoughLinesThreshold, g_minLineLength, 10); for (size_t i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { Vec4i l = lines[i]; line(g_mask1GrayImage, Point(l[0], l[1]), Point(l[2], l[3]), Scalar(186, 88, 255), 1, LINE_AA); } imshow("HoughLines", g_mask1GrayImage); }