数据结构第30节 空间划分树




  1. 四叉树(Quadtree)

    • 用于二维空间。
    • 每个内部节点有四个子节点,对应其空间区域的四个象限。
    • 当一个区域内的数据点数超过阈值或达到一定深度时,该区域被分割成四个子区域。
  2. 八叉树(Octree)

    • 用于三维空间。
    • 每个内部节点有八个子节点,对应其空间区域的八个子立方体。
    • 分割规则与四叉树类似,但应用于三维空间。
  3. k-d树(k-dimensional tree)

    • 可用于任意维度的空间。
    • 每个节点在其中一个维度上进行划分,交替地在不同维度上进行切割。
    • 子节点表示沿该维度切割后的两个子空间。
  4. R树(R-tree)

    • 专为多维空间设计的索引结构,用于解决矩形范围查询。
    • 使用最小外接矩形(MBR)来包围一组点或另一个R树的节点。
    • 支持动态插入和删除操作。
  5. R*树(R-star tree)

    • R树的改进版,优化了节点的重分布和合并策略,以减少重叠和提高查询效率。
  6. BSP树(Binary Space Partitioning Tree)

    • 通过一系列超平面(在二维中是线,在三维中是平面)将空间分割成两半。
    • 通常用于计算机图形学中的可见性测试和光线追踪。
  7. BVH树(Bounding Volume Hierarchy)

    • 与BSP树类似,但使用简单的边界体(如球体或轴对齐的包围盒)来包围空间区域。
    • 用于加速碰撞检测和光线追踪算法。



  1. 初始化:创建一个根节点,代表整个空间区域。
  2. 插入元素:对于每个要插入的元素,确定其所属的子区域,并递归地插入到相应的子节点中。
  3. 节点分割:当一个节点包含的元素数量超过预定义的阈值或达到特定深度时,该节点被分割成多个子节点。
  4. 平衡:在某些情况下,如R树和R*树,需要保持树的平衡,避免某些节点过于拥挤而其他节点几乎为空。



  • 范围查询:找出落在给定区域内的所有元素。
  • 最近邻查询:找出离给定点最近的元素。
  • k最近邻查询:找出离给定点最近的k个元素。
  • 碰撞检测:检测空间中两个或多个人或物体之间的潜在碰撞。




public class QuadTree {     private static final int MAX_OBJECTS = 4; // 最大对象数     private static final int MAX_LEVELS = 5; // 最大深度      private Node root;     private int levels;      public QuadTree() {         this.root = new Node(null, 0, 0, 100, 100);         this.levels = 0;     }      private class Node {         Rectangle bounds;         List<Object> objects;         Node[] nodes;          public Node(Node parent, int x, int y, int w, int h) {             bounds = new Rectangle(x, y, w, h);             objects = new ArrayList<>();             nodes = new Node[4];         }          private void subdivide() {             int subWidth = bounds.width / 2;             int subHeight = bounds.height / 2;             int x = bounds.x;             int y = bounds.y;              nodes[0] = new Node(this, x, y, subWidth, subHeight);             nodes[1] = new Node(this, x + subWidth, y, subWidth, subHeight);             nodes[2] = new Node(this, x, y + subHeight, subWidth, subHeight);             nodes[3] = new Node(this, x + subWidth, y + subHeight, subWidth, subHeight);         }          public boolean insert(Object obj) {             // 省略具体的插入逻辑...         }     }      public void insert(Object obj) {         if (root.objects.size() < MAX_OBJECTS && levels < MAX_LEVELS) {             root.insert(obj);         } else {             // 处理超出容量的情况...         }     } } 


public class Octree {     private static final int MAX_OBJECTS = 8;     private static final int MAX_LEVELS = 5;      private Node root;     private int levels;      public Octree() {         this.root = new Node(null, new Vector3f(0, 0, 0), 100);         this.levels = 0;     }      private class Node {         Box bounds;         List<Object> objects;         Node[] nodes;          public Node(Node parent, Vector3f center, float size) {             bounds = new Box(center, size);             objects = new ArrayList<>();             nodes = new Node[8];         }          private void subdivide() {             // 省略具体细分逻辑...         }          public boolean insert(Object obj) {             // 省略具体的插入逻辑...         }     }      public void insert(Object obj) {         if (root.objects.size() < MAX_OBJECTS && levels < MAX_LEVELS) {             root.insert(obj);         } else {             // 处理超出容量的情况...         }     } } 





public class QuadTree {     private static final int MAX_OBJECTS = 4; // 最大对象数     private static final int MAX_LEVELS = 5; // 最大深度      private Node root;     private int levels;      public QuadTree() {         this.root = new Node(null, 0, 0, 100, 100);         this.levels = 0;     }      private class Node {         Rectangle bounds;         List<Object> objects;         Node[] nodes;          public Node(Node parent, int x, int y, int w, int h) {             bounds = new Rectangle(x, y, w, h);             objects = new ArrayList<>();             nodes = new Node[4];         }          private void subdivide() {             int subWidth = bounds.width / 2;             int subHeight = bounds.height / 2;             int x = bounds.x;             int y = bounds.y;              nodes[0] = new Node(this, x, y, subWidth, subHeight);             nodes[1] = new Node(this, x + subWidth, y, subWidth, subHeight);             nodes[2] = new Node(this, x, y + subHeight, subWidth, subHeight);             nodes[3] = new Node(this, x + subWidth, y + subHeight, subWidth, subHeight);         }          public boolean insert(Object obj) {             // 省略具体的插入逻辑...         }     }      public void insert(Object obj) {         if (root.objects.size() < MAX_OBJECTS && levels < MAX_LEVELS) {             root.insert(obj);         } else {             // 处理超出容量的情况...         }     } } 


public class Octree {     private static final int MAX_OBJECTS = 8;     private static final int MAX_LEVELS = 5;      private Node root;     private int levels;      public Octree() {         this.root = new Node(null, new Vector3f(0, 0, 0), 100);         this.levels = 0;     }      private class Node {         Box bounds;         List<Object> objects;         Node[] nodes;          public Node(Node parent, Vector3f center, float size) {             bounds = new Box(center, size);             objects = new ArrayList<>();             nodes = new Node[8];         }          private void subdivide() {             // 省略具体细分逻辑...         }          public boolean insert(Object obj) {             // 省略具体的插入逻辑...         }     }      public void insert(Object obj) {         if (root.objects.size() < MAX_OBJECTS && levels < MAX_LEVELS) {             root.insert(obj);         } else {             // 处理超出容量的情况...         }     } } 





import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List;  public class QuadTree {     private static final int MAX_OBJECTS = 4;     private static final int MAX_LEVELS = 5;      private Node root;     private int levels;      public QuadTree(int x, int y, int width, int height) {         root = new Node(null, x, y, width, height);         levels = 0;     }      private class Node {         Rectangle bounds;         List<Object> objects;         Node[] nodes;          public Node(Node parent, int x, int y, int width, int height) {             bounds = new Rectangle(x, y, width, height);             objects = new ArrayList<>();             nodes = new Node[4];         }          public boolean insert(Object obj) {             if (nodes[0] != null) {                 // 如果有子节点,尝试将对象插入子节点                 for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {                     if (nodes[i].bounds.contains(obj.getPosition())) {                         return nodes[i].insert(obj);                     }                 }             }              // 如果没有子节点或者对象不在任何子节点中,就插入当前节点             objects.add(obj);              // 如果当前节点的对象数量超过最大值,且深度未达到最大值,则细分             if (objects.size() > MAX_OBJECTS && levels < MAX_LEVELS) {                 subdivide();                 // 将所有对象重新分配到子节点                 for (Object o : objects) {                     insert(o);                 }                 objects.clear();             }              return true;         }          private void subdivide() {             int subWidth = bounds.width / 2;             int subHeight = bounds.height / 2;             int x = bounds.x;             int y = bounds.y;              for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {                 nodes[i] = new Node(this, x, y, subWidth, subHeight);                 if (i == 1) x += subWidth;                 if (i == 2 || i == 3) {                     y += subHeight;                     x = bounds.x;                     if (i == 3) x += subWidth;                 }             }             levels++;         }     }      public boolean insert(Object obj) {         return root.insert(obj);     } } 


import org.joml.Vector3f;  // 假设Box是一个三维矩形类 class Box {     public Vector3f center;     public float size;      public Box(Vector3f center, float size) {         this.center = center;         this.size = size;     } }  public class Octree {     private static final int MAX_OBJECTS = 8;     private static final int MAX_LEVELS = 5;      private Node root;     private int levels;      public Octree(Vector3f center, float size) {         root = new Node(null, center, size);         levels = 0;     }      private class Node {         Box bounds;         List<Object> objects;         Node[] nodes;          public Node(Node parent, Vector3f center, float size) {             bounds = new Box(center, size);             objects = new ArrayList<>();             nodes = new Node[8];         }          public boolean insert(Object obj) {             // 插入逻辑与四叉树类似,但需要考虑三维空间             if (nodes[0] != null) {                 for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {                     if (nodes[i].bounds.contains(obj.getPosition())) {                         return nodes[i].insert(obj);                     }                 }             }             objects.add(obj);             if (objects.size() > MAX_OBJECTS && levels < MAX_LEVELS) {                 subdivide();                 for (Object o : objects) {                     insert(o);                 }                 objects.clear();             }             return true;         }          private void subdivide() {             // 三维空间细分逻辑             // 略...         }     }      public boolean insert(Object obj) {         return root.insert(obj);     } } 


由于之前的代码片段中省略了一些关键部分,比如 subdivide 方法的具体实现和如何检查一个对象是否在节点的边界内,我们现在将补充这部分代码。下面是更完整的四叉树和八叉树的实现。


import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List;  public class QuadTree {     private static final int MAX_OBJECTS = 4;     private static final int MAX_LEVELS = 5;      private Node root;     private int levels;      public QuadTree(int x, int y, int width, int height) {         root = new Node(null, x, y, width, height);         levels = 0;     }      private class Node {         Rectangle bounds;         List<Object> objects;         Node[] nodes;          public Node(Node parent, int x, int y, int width, int height) {             bounds = new Rectangle(x, y, width, height);             objects = new ArrayList<>();             nodes = new Node[4];         }          public boolean insert(Object obj) {             if (nodes[0] != null) {                 // Try to insert the object into one of the children.                 for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {                     if (nodes[i].bounds.contains(obj.getPosition())) {                         return nodes[i].insert(obj);                     }                 }             }              // If no child node could be found, insert the object into this node.             objects.add(obj);              // If we've reached the max number of objects and the depth is less than the max level,             // subdivide this node and move all objects to their appropriate child nodes.             if (objects.size() > MAX_OBJECTS && levels < MAX_LEVELS) {                 subdivide();                 List<Object> tempObjects = new ArrayList<>(objects);                 objects.clear();                  for (Object o : tempObjects) {                     insert(o);                 }             }              return true;         }          private void subdivide() {             int subWidth = bounds.width / 2;             int subHeight = bounds.height / 2;             int x = bounds.x;             int y = bounds.y;              for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {                 nodes[i] = new Node(this, x, y, subWidth, subHeight);                 if (i == 1) x += subWidth;                 if (i == 2 || i == 3) {                     y += subHeight;                     x = bounds.x;                     if (i == 3) x += subWidth;                 }             }             levels++;         }     }      public boolean insert(Point2D obj) {         return root.insert(obj);     } } 


import org.joml.Vector3f;  public class Octree {     private static final int MAX_OBJECTS = 8;     private static final int MAX_LEVELS = 5;      private Node root;     private int levels;      public Octree(Vector3f center, float size) {         root = new Node(null, center, size);         levels = 0;     }      private class Node {         Box bounds;         List<Object> objects;         Node[] nodes;          public Node(Node parent, Vector3f center, float size) {             bounds = new Box(center, size);             objects = new ArrayList<>();             nodes = new Node[8];         }          public boolean insert(Object obj) {             if (nodes[0] != null) {                 for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {                     if (nodes[i].bounds.contains(obj.getPosition())) {                         return nodes[i].insert(obj);                     }                 }             }              objects.add(obj);              if (objects.size() > MAX_OBJECTS && levels < MAX_LEVELS) {                 subdivide();                 List<Object> tempObjects = new ArrayList<>(objects);                 objects.clear();                  for (Object o : tempObjects) {                     insert(o);                 }             }              return true;         }          private void subdivide() {             float subSize = bounds.size / 2.0f;             Vector3f subCenter = new Vector3f();             for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {                 subCenter.set(bounds.center).add((i & 1) * subSize, ((i >> 1) & 1) * subSize, ((i >> 2) & 1) * subSize);                 nodes[i] = new Node(this, subCenter, subSize);             }             levels++;         }     }      public boolean insert(Point3D obj) {         return root.insert(obj);     } } 

在这个实现中,我们假设 Point2DPoint3D 类已经被定义,它们具有 getPosition() 方法返回位置信息,以便我们可以检查点是否位于节点的边界内。对于 Box 类,你需要自己实现它,包含必要的属性和方法,如 contains 方法,用来判断一个点是否在该三维盒子内。同样,Rectangle 类的 contains 方法将用于四叉树中的边界检查。


