编程的法则 迪米特法则(Law of Demeter)也称为“最少知识原则(Principle of Least Knowledge)包括如何实践


编程的法则 迪米特法则(Law of Demeter)也称为“最少知识原则(Principle of Least Knowledge)包括如何实践



迪米特法则(Law of Demeter)也称为“最少知识原则(Principle of Least Knowledge),是一种软件设计原则,其目的是通过减少模块之间的相互依赖性来提高代码的可维护性和可复用性。

迪米特法则(Law of Demeter更适合归类为一种“惯用法”而非设计模式。通过了解这个惯用法并理解如何应用它,则代码会更好、更少出错、也更易于维护。减少代码中对象间“耦合”的一种技术。该惯用法也是许多不同设计模式中的组成部分。这种技术概念简单,老外却起了一个难记的名字(老外认为这个名字好记):迪米特法则,叫最少知识原则(Principle of Least Knowledge)更好。



class Leg { public:     void move() {         // 移动腿的逻辑     } };  class Dog { public:     Leg frontLeft;     Leg frontRight;     Leg backLeft;     Leg backRight; };  // 使用示例 Dog myDog; myDog.frontLeft.move(); myDog.frontRight.move(); myDog.backLeft.move(); myDog.backRight.move(); 

在这个示例中,直接操作 Dog 对象的 Leg 属性,这违反了迪米特法则。


class Leg { public:     void move() {         // 移动腿的逻辑     } };  class Dog { public:     void run() {         frontLeft.move();         frontRight.move();         backLeft.move();         backRight.move();     }  private:     Leg frontLeft;     Leg frontRight;     Leg backLeft;     Leg backRight; };  // 使用示例 Dog myDog; myDog.run(); 

通过 Dog 对象的 run() 方法与其交互,而不是直接操作 Leg 属性。这符合迪米特法则。


#include <iostream> #include <string>  class Address { public:     std::string city;      Address(const std::string& city) : city(city) {} };  class Customer { public:     Address address;      Customer(const Address& address) : address(address) {} };  class Order { public:     Customer customer;      Order(const Customer& customer) : customer(customer) {} };  int main() {     Address address("JiNan");     Customer customer(address);     Order order(customer);      // 不遵循迪米特法则的代码     std::string city = order.customer.address.city;     std::cout << "City: " << city << std::endl;      return 0; } 
#include <iostream> #include <string>  class Address { public:     std::string city;      Address(const std::string& city) : city(city) {} };  class Customer { public:     Address address;      Customer(const Address& address) : address(address) {}      std::string get_city() const {         return address.city;     } };  class Order { public:     Customer customer;      Order(const Customer& customer) : customer(customer) {}      std::string get_customer_city() const {         return customer.get_city();     } };  int main() {     Address address("JiNan");     Customer customer(address);     Order order(customer);      // 遵循迪米特法则的代码     std::string city = order.get_customer_city();     std::cout << "City: " << city << std::endl;      return 0; } 


  1. 不遵循迪米特法则的代码 :在这个示例中,直接访问了 order 对象的 customer 成员,然后进一步访问了 customeraddress 成员,再进一步访问了 addresscity 成员。这种直接访问多个层级的成员变量的方法违反了迪米特法则,因为它增加了对象之间的耦合度。

  2. 遵循迪米特法则的代码 :在这个示例中,在 Customer 类中添加了一个 get_city 方法,然后在 Order 类中添加了一个 get_customer_city 方法。这两个方法分别返回了 city 的值。这样做的好处是,在访问 city 时,只调用了 Order 对象的方法,避免了直接访问多个层级的成员变量,从而遵循了迪米特法则,降低了对象之间的耦合度。

看上去使用了迪米特法则, 由于糟糕的设计,会让类接口变得臃肿

如果一个对象有大量的属性,为每个属性都提供 get 方法, set 方法会显得繁琐且冗余



class Address { public:     std::string getStreet() const { return street; }     std::string getCity() const { return city; }     std::string getZipCode() const { return zipCode; }          void setStreet(const std::string& str) { street = str; }     void setCity(const std::string& cty) { city = cty; }     void setZipCode(const std::string& zip) { zipCode = zip; }  private:     std::string street;     std::string city;     std::string zipCode; };  class Customer { public:     Address getAddress() const { return address; }     void setAddress(const Address& addr) { address = addr; }  private:     Address address; }; 


Customer customer; std::string street = customer.getAddress().getStreet(); // 直接访问对象的属性 


class Customer { public:     Address getAddress() const { return address; }     void setAddress(const Address& addr) { address = addr; }          std::string getStreet() const { return address.getStreet(); }     std::string getCity() const { return address.getCity(); }     std::string getZipCode() const { return address.getZipCode(); }  private:     Address address; };  // 使用示例 Customer customer; std::string street = customer.getStreet(); // 使用包装方法 


如果一个对象有大量的属性,为每个属性都提供 get 方法会显得繁琐且冗余,与简化代码和提高可维护性的初衷相悖。然而,迪米特法则并不是要求机械地为每个属性都提供 get 方法,而是提倡一种设计理念:尽量减少对象之间的耦合,保持模块的独立性和接口的简洁性。

0. 直接访问对象的属性,没有遵循迪米特法则

#include <iostream> #include <string>  class Address { public:     std::string street;     std::string city;     std::string state;     std::string zipcode; };  class Customer { public:     std::string first_name;     std::string last_name;     Address address; };  // 使用示例 int main() {     Customer customer;     customer.first_name = "John";     customer.last_name = "Doe";     customer.address.street = "123 Main St";     customer.address.city = "Anytown";     customer.address.state = "CA";     customer.address.zipcode = "12345";      std::cout << "Customer: " << customer.first_name << " " << customer.last_name << std::endl;     std::cout << "Address: " << customer.address.street << ", " << customer.address.city << ", "               << customer.address.state << " " << customer.address.zipcode << std::endl;      return 0; } 

代码直接依赖于 Customer 和 Address 类的内部结构。如果 Address 类的内部结构发生变化(例如,属性名称或类型改变),所有直接访问这些属性的代码都需要修改。

1. 提供有意义的接口 以下是开始遵循迪米特法则

#include <iostream> #include <string>  class Customer {     std::string first_name;     std::string last_name;  public:     Customer(const std::string& first_name, const std::string& last_name)         : first_name(first_name), last_name(last_name) {}      std::string get_full_name() const {         return first_name + " " + last_name;     } };  // 使用示例 int main() {     Customer customer("Fly", "Fish");     std::cout << "Full Name: " << customer.get_full_name() << std::endl;     return 0; } 

2. 封装相关属性

#include <iostream> #include <string>  class Address {     std::string street;     std::string city;     std::string zipcode;  public:     Address(const std::string& street, const std::string& city, const std::string& zipcode)         : street(street), city(city), zipcode(zipcode) {}      std::string get_address() const {         return street + ", " + city + ", " + zipcode;     } };  class Customer {     std::string name;     Address address;  public:     Customer(const std::string& name, const Address& address)         : name(name), address(address) {}      Address get_address() const {         return address;     } };  // 使用示例 int main() {     Address address("123 Main St", "JiNan", "12345");     Customer customer("Fly Fish", address);     std::cout << "Address: " << customer.get_address().get_address() << std::endl;     return 0; } 

3. 使用数据传输对象(DTO)

#include <iostream> #include <string>  class CustomerDTO { public:     std::string name;     std::string address;     std::string phone;     std::string email;      CustomerDTO(const std::string& name, const std::string& address, const std::string& phone, const std::string& email)         : name(name), address(address), phone(phone), email(email) {} };  class Customer {     std::string name;     std::string address;     std::string phone;     std::string email;  public:     Customer(const std::string& name, const std::string& address, const std::string& phone, const std::string& email)         : name(name), address(address), phone(phone), email(email) {}      CustomerDTO to_dto() const {         return CustomerDTO(name, address, phone, email);     } };  // 使用示例 int main() {     Customer customer("Fly Fish", "123 Main St, JiNan", "555-1234", "Fly.Fish@example.com");     CustomerDTO dto = customer.to_dto();     std::cout << "DTO Name: " << dto.name << std::endl;     std::cout << "DTO Address: " << dto.address << std::endl;     std::cout << "DTO Phone: " << dto.phone << std::endl;     std::cout << "DTO Email: " << dto.email << std::endl;     return 0; } 

4. 批量访问方法

#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <tuple>  class Customer {     std::string name;     std::string address;     std::string phone;     std::string email;  public:     Customer(const std::string& name, const std::string& address, const std::string& phone, const std::string& email)         : name(name), address(address), phone(phone), email(email) {}      std::tuple<std::string, std::string, std::string> get_contact_info() const {         return std::make_tuple(address, phone, email);     } };  // 使用示例 int main() {     Customer customer("Fly Fish", "123 Main St, JiNan", "555-1234", "Fly.Fish@example.com");     auto [address, phone, email] = customer.get_contact_info();     std::cout << "Address: " << address << std::endl;     std::cout << "Phone: " << phone << std::endl;     std::cout << "Email: " << email << std::endl;     return 0; } 


迪米特法则(Law of Demeter)规定方法只能与以下对象通信:


#include <iostream> #include <string>  class Address { private:     std::string street;     std::string city;     std::string state;     std::string zipcode;  public:     Address(const std::string& street, const std::string& city, const std::string& state, const std::string& zipcode)         : street(street), city(city), state(state), zipcode(zipcode) {}      std::string get_full_address() const {         return street + ", " + city + ", " + state + " " + zipcode;     }      // 自身对象的方法     std::string get_city() const {         return city;     } };  class Customer { private:     std::string first_name;     std::string last_name;     Address address;  public:     Customer(const std::string& first_name, const std::string& last_name, const Address& address)         : first_name(first_name), last_name(last_name), address(address) {}      // 自身对象的方法     std::string get_full_name() const {         return first_name + " " + last_name;     }      // 作为方法参数传递的对象的方法     void print_address(const Address& addr) const {         std::cout << addr.get_full_address() << std::endl;     }      // 对象的属性所引用的对象的方法     std::string get_customer_city() const {         return address.get_city();     }      // 方法创建的局部对象的方法     void print_greeting() const {         std::string greeting = "Hello, " + first_name + "!";         std::cout << greeting << std::endl;     } };  // 全局变量引用的对象 Address global_address("456 Another St", "Othertown", "TX", "67890");  int main() {     Address address("123 Main St", "Anytown", "CA", "12345");     Customer customer("John", "Doe", address);      // 该方法所属类的对象的方法     std::cout << "Customer: " << customer.get_full_name() << std::endl;      // 作为方法参数传递的对象的方法     customer.print_address(address);      // 对象的属性所引用的对象的方法     std::cout << "Customer's City: " << customer.get_customer_city() << std::endl;      // 方法创建的局部对象的方法     customer.print_greeting();      // 全局变量引用的对象     std::cout << "Global Address: " << global_address.get_full_address() << std::endl;      return 0; } 

Law of Demeter: Principle of Least Knowledge

