Python 一步一步教你用pyglet制作“彩色方块连连看”游戏(续)



上期讲到相同的色块连接,链接见:Python 一步一步教你用pyglet制作“彩色方块连连看”游戏-CSDN博客



首先来进一步扩展 行列的类:

class RC:
def __init__(self, r=0, c=0):
self.r, self.c = r, c
def __repr__(self):
return f'Rc({self.r}, {self.c})'
def __and__(self, other):
return self.r == other.r and self.c == other.c
def __or__(self, other):
return self.r == other.r or self.c == other.c
def __eq__(self, other):
return self & other
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.r == other.r and self.c != other.c
def __gt__(self, other):
return self.r != other.r and self.c == other.c
def __le__(self, other):
return self.r == other.r and self.c - other.c
def __ge__(self, other):
return self.c == other.c and self.r - other.r
def __xor__(self, other):
return self < other or self > other
def __mod__(self, other):
return [RC(self.r, other.c), RC(other.r, self.c)]
def __truediv__(self, other):
return 1 if self<other and (self<=other)<0 or self>other and (self>=other)<0 else -1
def __add__(self, other):
return abs(self<=other)==1 or abs(self>=other)==1
def __sub__(self, other):
if self<other: return [RC(self.r,_) for _ in range(self.c+(self/other),other.c,self/other)]
if self>other: return [RC(_,self.c) for _ in range(self.r+(self/other),other.r,self/other)]
return []
def __mul__(self, other):
if self<other: return not any(Array[self.r+1][_+1] for _ in range(self.c+(self/other),other.c,self/other))
if self>other: return not any(Array[_+1][self.c+1] for _ in range(self.r+(self/other),other.r,self/other))
return False


def update(self, event):
self.line.visible = False
if self.last.rect.color==self.last2.rect.color and self.rc*self.rc2:
self.last.hide(); self.last2.hide()
self.array[self.rc.r][self.rc.c] = self.array[self.rc2.r][self.rc2.c] = 0
else: = = Color('WHITE').rgba
self.last, self.last2 = None, None
if game.success():


from pyglet import * from colorlib import *  W, H = 800, 600 window = window.Window(W, H, caption='彩色色块连连看') gl.glClearColor(*Color('lightblue3').decimal) batch, group = graphics.Batch(),graphics.Group()  row, col, space = 6, 8, 5 w, h = W//(col+2), H//(row+2) x0, y0 = (W-(w+space)*col)//2, (H-(h+space)*row)//2  COLOR = [] while len(COLOR)<row*col//4:     if (c:=randcolorTuple()) not in COLOR:         COLOR.append(c) COLOR = sample(COLOR*4, row*col) Array, Boxes = [[[1]*col for _ in range(row)] for _ in range(2)]  class Box:     def __init__(self, x, y, w, h, color, batch=batch):         self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h = x, y, w, h         self.rect = shapes.Rectangle(x, y, w, h, color=color, batch=batch) = shapes.Box(x, y, w, h, color=Color('WHITE').rgba, thickness=3, batch=batch) = group     def hide(self): = self.rect.batch = None     def on_mouse_over(self, x, y):         return self.x<=x<=self.x+self.w and self.y<=y<=self.y+self.h  for r,arr in enumerate(Boxes):     for c,_ in enumerate(arr):         Boxes[r][c] = Box(x0+c*(w+space), y0+r*(h+space), w, h, COLOR[c+r*len(arr)])  class RC:     def __init__(self, r=0, c=0):         self.r, self.c = r, c     def __repr__(self):         return f'Rc({self.r}, {self.c})'     def __and__(self, other):         return self.r == other.r and self.c == other.c     def __or__(self, other):         return self.r == other.r or self.c == other.c     def __eq__(self, other):         return self & other     def __lt__(self, other):         return self.r == other.r and self.c != other.c     def __gt__(self, other):         return self.r != other.r and self.c == other.c     def __le__(self, other):         return self.r == other.r and self.c - other.c     def __ge__(self, other):         return self.c == other.c and self.r - other.r     def __xor__(self, other):         return self < other or self > other     def __mod__(self, other):         return [RC(self.r, other.c), RC(other.r, self.c)]     def __truediv__(self, other):         return 1 if self<other and (self<=other)<0 or self>other and (self>=other)<0 else -1     def __add__(self, other):         return abs(self<=other)==1 or abs(self>=other)==1     def __sub__(self, other):         if self<other: return [RC(self.r,_) for _ in range(self.c+(self/other),other.c,self/other)]         if self>other: return [RC(_,self.c) for _ in range(self.r+(self/other),other.r,self/other)]         return []     def __mul__(self, other):         if self<other: return not any(Array[self.r+1][_+1] for _ in range(self.c+(self/other),other.c,self/other))         if self>other: return not any(Array[_+1][self.c+1] for _ in range(self.r+(self/other),other.r,self/other))         return False  class Game:     def __init__(self):         self.array = Array         self.boxes = Boxes         self.rc, self.rc2 = RC(), RC()         self.last, self.last2 = None, None         self.line = shapes.Line(0, 0, 0, 0, width=5, color=Color('light gold').rgba, batch=batch, group=group)         self.line.visible = False     def on_mouse_click(self, x, y):         if self.line.visible or self.success(): return         r, c = (y-y0)//(h+space), (x-x0)//(w+space)         if r in range(row) and c in range(col) and self.boxes[r][c].on_mouse_over(x, y) and self.array[r][c]:             if self.last is None and self.last2 is None:                 self.rc, self.last = RC(r, c), self.boxes[r][c]        = Color('RED').rgba             elif self.last is not None and self.last2 is None:                 self.rc2, self.last2 = RC(r, c), self.boxes[r][c]        = Color('RED').rgba                 if self.rc == self.rc2:            = Color('WHITE').rgba                     self.last, self.last2 = None, None                 else:                     self.line.x, self.line.y = self.getxy(r, c)                     self.line.x2, self.line.y2 = self.getxy(self.rc.r, self.rc.c)                     self.line.visible = True                     clock.schedule_interval(self.update, 0.3)             return (r, c), Color(self.boxes[r][c].rect.color).name     def getxy(self, row, col):         return x0+col*(w+space)+w//2, y0+row*(h+space)+h//2     def update(self, event):         self.line.visible = False         clock.unschedule(self.update)         if self

