#ifndef SYS_INTR_H_ #define SYS_INTR_H_  #include "xparameters.h" #include "xil_exception.h" #include "xdebug.h" #include "xscugic.h"  #define INTC_DEVICE_ID          XPAR_SCUGIC_SINGLE_DEVICE_ID #define DMA_IRQ_ID  			61U    int Init_Intr_System(XScuGic * IntcInstancePtr); void Setup_Intr_Exception(XScuGic * IntcInstancePtr); void DMAirqHandler(void *CallbackRef);  #endif /* SYS_INTR_H_ */  
#include "sys_intr.h" #include "user_udp.h"  volatile unsigned dma_ddr_addr_flag = 0;  //dma读区域标志 //--------------------------------------------------------- //                    设置中断异常 //--------------------------------------------------------- void Setup_Intr_Exception(XScuGic * IntcInstancePtr) { 	Xil_ExceptionInit(); 	Xil_ExceptionRegisterHandler(XIL_EXCEPTION_ID_INT, 			(Xil_ExceptionHandler)XScuGic_InterruptHandler, 			(void *)IntcInstancePtr); 	Xil_ExceptionEnable(); }  //--------------------------------------------------------- //                    初始化中断系统 //--------------------------------------------------------- int Init_Intr_System(XScuGic * IntcInstancePtr) { 	int Status;  	XScuGic_Config *	GIC_ConfigPtr	; 	GIC_ConfigPtr = XScuGic_LookupConfig(INTC_DEVICE_ID); 	if (NULL == GIC_ConfigPtr) { 		print("XScuGic_LookupConfig fail\n"); 		return XST_FAILURE; 	}  	Status = XScuGic_CfgInitialize(IntcInstancePtr, GIC_ConfigPtr, 			GIC_ConfigPtr->CpuBaseAddress); 	if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) { 		print("XScuGic_CfgInitialize fail\n"); 		return XST_FAILURE; 	}  	Status = XScuGic_Connect(IntcInstancePtr, DMA_IRQ_ID, 			   (Xil_ExceptionHandler)DMAirqHandler, 			   (void *)IntcInstancePtr); 	if(Status != XST_SUCCESS){ 		print("XScuGic_Connect fail\n"); 		return Status; 	} 	Setup_Intr_Exception(IntcInstancePtr); 	XScuGic_SetPriorityTriggerType(IntcInstancePtr, DMA_IRQ_ID, 						0xA0, 0x03); 	XScuGic_Enable(IntcInstancePtr, DMA_IRQ_ID); 	return Status; }  void DMAirqHandler(void *CallbackRef){ 	XTime tEnd,tCur; 	u32 tUsed = 0;     XTime_GetTime(&tCur); 	if(!dma_ddr_addr_flag){ //		Xil_DCacheInvalidateRange((u32 *)ADC_DMA_ADDR,SEND_LEN*SEND_CNT); //		adc_udp_send((u8 *)ADC_DMA_ADDR,SEND_CNT,SEND_LEN); 	} 	else{ //		Xil_DCacheInvalidateRange((u32 *)(ADC_DMA_ADDR + SEND_CNT*SEND_LEN),SEND_LEN*SEND_CNT); //		adc_udp_send((u8 *)(ADC_DMA_ADDR + SEND_CNT*SEND_LEN),SEND_CNT,SEND_LEN); 	} 	dma_ddr_addr_flag ^= 1;     XTime_GetTime(&tEnd);     tUsed = ((tEnd-tCur)*1000000)/(COUNTS_PER_SECOND);     printf("UDP TX SPEED = %f Mbit/s\n send all time = %f ms \n send all data = %f MB\n",     		((SEND_LEN * SEND_CNT * 8)/(tUsed/1000000.0))/(1024*1024),(tUsed/1000.0),(SEND_LEN * SEND_CNT)/(1024*1024.0)); }  
#ifndef SRC_USER_UDP_H_ #define SRC_USER_UDP_H_  #include "lwip/err.h" #include "lwip/udp.h" #include "lwip/init.h" #include "lwipopts.h" #include "lwip/err.h" #include "lwipopts.h" #include "netif/xadapter.h" #include "xil_printf.h" #include "xtime_l.h" #include "sleep.h"  #define SEND_CNT         8192 #define SEND_LEN         256*4 #define ADC_DMA_ADDR     0x10000000  #define LOCAL_PORT   	7  //本地端口 #define REMOTE_PORT     8080 //远程端口  int user_udp_init(void); void adc_udp_send(u8 * dma_addr,u32 send_cnt,u32 send_len); void udp_recv_callback(void *arg, struct udp_pcb *tpcb,            struct pbuf *p, struct ip_addr *addr, u16_t port);   #endif /* SRC_USER_UDP_H_ */  
#include "user_udp.h"  //--------------------------------------------------------- //                    变量定义 //--------------------------------------------------------- struct udp_pcb *connected_pcb = NULL; static struct pbuf *pbuf_to_be_sent = NULL; u32  udp_serial_num = 0;   volatile unsigned udp_connected_flag = 0;  //连接标志  //--------------------------------------------------------- //                  UDP连接初始化函数 //--------------------------------------------------------- int user_udp_init(void) { 	struct udp_pcb *adc_pcb; 	ip_addr_t ipaddr; 	err_t err; 	udp_connected_flag = 0;  	/*  创建UDP控制块   */ 	adc_pcb = udp_new(); 	if (!pcb) { 		xil_printf("Error Creating PCB.\r\n"); 		return -1; 	} 	/*  绑定本地端口   */ 	err = udp_bind(adc_pcb, IP_ADDR_ANY, LOCAL_PORT); 	if (err != ERR_OK) { 		xil_printf("Unable to bind to port %d\r\n", LOCAL_PORT); 		return -2; 	} 	/*  连接远程地址   */ 	IP4_ADDR(&ipaddr, 192, 168, 1, 183); 	err = udp_connect(adc_pcb, &ipaddr, REMOTE_PORT); 	if (err != ERR_OK) { 		xil_printf("Unable to connect remote port.\r\n"); 		return -3; 	} 	else { 		xil_printf("Connected Success.\r\n"); 		connected_pcb = adc_pcb; 		udp_connected_flag = 1; 	} 	udp_recv(adc_pcb,udp_recv_callback,NULL); 	return 0; }  //--------------------------------------------------------- //                   UDP发送数据函数 //--------------------------------------------------------- void adc_udp_send(u8 * dma_addr,u32 send_cnt,u32 send_len){ 	err_t err; 	for(int i=0;i<send_cnt;i++){ 		usleep(4); 		struct udp_pcb *tpcb = connected_pcb; 		if (!tpcb) { 			xil_printf("error connect.\r\n"); 		} 		/*  申请pbuf资源  */ 		pbuf_to_be_sent = pbuf_alloc(PBUF_TRANSPORT, send_len + 4, PBUF_POOL); 		*(u32 *)(dma_addr + send_len * i - 4) = udp_serial_num; 		udp_serial_num = udp_serial_num + 1; 		memset(pbuf_to_be_sent->payload, 0, send_len + 4);  //初始化内存区域 		memcpy(pbuf_to_be_sent->payload, (u8 *)(dma_addr + send_len * i - 4), send_len + 4);  //将内存区域的值copy过来 		//pbuf_to_be_sent->payload = (u32 *)(dma_addr+send_len*i); 		/*  发送字符串  */ 		err = udp_send(tpcb, pbuf_to_be_sent); 		if (err != ERR_OK) { 			xil_printf("Error on udp send : %d \r\n", err); 			pbuf_free(pbuf_to_be_sent); 			return; 		} 		pbuf_free(pbuf_to_be_sent);  //释放pbuf 	} }  //--------------------------------------------------------- //                   UDP接收数据并根据数据来发送或者接收并读写文件 //---------------------------------------------------------  void udp_recv_callback(void *arg, struct udp_pcb *tpcb,            struct pbuf *p_rx, struct ip_addr *addr, u16_t port){ 	err_t err; 	char *pData; 	char buff[28]; 	if(p_rx != NULL){ 		pData = (char *)p_rx-payload; 		if(p_rx->len >= 7){ 			if ((pData[0] == 'r') && (pData[1] == 'e') 			&&  (pData[2] == 'a') && (pData[2] == 'd') 			&&  (pData[3] == 'l') && (pData[4] == 'o') 		 	&&  (pData[3] == 'g')){  		 	} 		} 	} }  
//-------------------------------------------------- //          blog.csdn.net/FPGADesigner //          copyright by CUIT Qi Liu //      Zynq Lwip UDP Communication Test Program //--------------------------------------------------   #include "user_udp.h" #include "sys_intr.h"   extern unsigned udp_connected_flag; extern unsigned dma_ddr_addr_flag;  static  XScuGic Intc;   //GIC  int main(void) { 	struct netif *netif, server_netif; 	ip_addr_t ipaddr, netmask, gw; 	/*  开发板MAC地址  */ 	unsigned char mac_ethernet_address [] = 		{0x00, 0x0a, 0x35, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02}; 	/*  开启中断系统  */ 	Init_Intr_System(&Intc); 	netif = &server_netif; 	IP4_ADDR(&ipaddr,  192, 168,   1, 10); 	IP4_ADDR(&netmask, 255, 255, 255, 0); 	IP4_ADDR(&gw,      192, 168,   1, 1);  	lwip_init();   //初始化lwIP库 	/* 添加网络接口并将其设置为默认接口 */ 	if (!xemac_add(netif, &ipaddr, &netmask, &gw, mac_ethernet_address, XPAR_XEMACPS_0_BASEADDR)) { 			xil_printf("Error adding N/W interface\r\n"); 			return -1; 	} 	netif_set_default(netif); 	netif_set_up(netif);        //启动网络 	user_udp_init();            //初始化adcUDP 	user_tftp_init();  	while(1) 	{ 		/*  将MAC队列中的包传输的LwIP/IP栈中   */ 		xemacif_input(netif); 	} 	return 0; }  

