Chapter 2: An Introduction to ASP.NET Core in Layman‘s Terms


Chapter 1: Foundations of Framework Learning and Practical Strategies

Chapter 2: An Introduction to ASP.NET Core in Layman‘s Terms

Chapter 3: Creating Minimal API Applications

1.What is the ASP.NET Core Framework

ASP.NET Core is an exceptional framework that is free to use on any mainstream system, such as Windows, Linux, or macOS. It is fully open-source, meaning you can view and modify its internal code. This framework is specifically designed to help developers create modern, efficient websites, web applications, and API services. It leverages the power of the .NET platform and the C# language to achieve this.
With ASP.NET Core, you have the flexibility to choose whether to host your application in the cloud or on your own computer. This allows you to take advantage of cloud services, such as automatically scaling resources based on demand, making your application more robust and flexible. However, if you prefer to have full control, you can manage your application directly on your computer.

More importantly, ASP.NET Core works seamlessly across various operating systems, giving developers more options to develop in an environment that best suits their needs. In summary, ASP.NET Core is a powerful and flexible tool that makes it easier for developers to create outstanding web applications and API services.

2.Types of Applications that can be Built with ASP.NET Core Framework

ASP.NET Core framework enables you to build a range of powerful applications, akin to constructing a comprehensive ecosystem. This ecosystem encompasses various types of applications, including web applications that display content directly on servers, backend systems handling complex business logic, and HTTP API interfaces that seamlessly connect mobile applications with servers. Furthermore, it excels in the Internet of Things (IoT) domain, addressing connectivity issues for various devices.
With the growing popularity of artificial intelligence, ASP.NET Core also shines in this area. It is indispensable for processing data and deploying machine learning models. By integrating ASP.NET Core with .NET’s machine learning libraries like ML.NET, you can run machine learning models directly within your web applications. These models intelligently predict and analyze user input data, enhancing your web application’s capabilities and providing a more personalized and precise service experience.

So, what are the common application types supported by ASP.NET Core? Here are a few examples:

Minimal APIs: These ultra-lightweight APIs are designed specifically for mobile apps or Single-Page Applications (SPAs), making them incredibly convenient to call.
Web APIs: If you require a more comprehensive and structured HTTP API service, Web APIs are your go-to choice.
gRPC APIs: When efficient communication between servers is necessary, gRPC APIs come into play. They utilize the gRPC protocol for faster and more efficient API communication.

Razor Pages: If you prefer a page-oriented development approach, Razor Pages simplify the page development process, making it easier to build server-side rendered applications.

MVC Controllers: For complex server-side application logic, MVC Controllers offer a structured approach. They adopt the Model-View-Controller architecture, clarifying your application logic and are not limited to page rendering.

Blazor WebAssembly: Imagine running .NET code directly in the browser – Blazor WebAssembly makes this possible. Leveraging WebAssembly technology, it provides exceptional performance for your Single-Page Applications, delivering a smooth experience comparable to JavaScript frameworks like Angular, React, or Vue.

Blazor Server: If you want the experience of a Single-Page Application but don’t want to sacrifice the convenience and performance advantages of server-side rendering, Blazor Server is your solution. It utilizes WebSockets for UI interactions and page updates, offering the best of both worlds.

These application building patterns are grounded in ASP.NET Core’s core component system, including infrastructure such as configuration management and logging. Each pattern extends the functionality set for specific scenarios while retaining these common characteristics.

When selecting the most suitable application architecture paradigm, developers need to comprehensively evaluate factors such as specific API requirements, integration with existing application systems, client runtime environments, system scalability needs, and stability requirements. ASP.NET Core’s high degree of flexibility not only supports the adoption of any single paradigm but also encourages the flexible combination of multiple paradigms within the same application to better address complex and ever-changing business needs.

3.Why Choose ASP.NET Core Framework

When selecting the ASP.NET Core framework, it’s essential to consider its advantages thoroughly. In fact, it shares many desirable qualities with other prominent platforms and frameworks, such as its ability to run on various operating systems (cross-platform compatibility), its speed and ease of scaling up (performance and scalability), a modern feel during development (modern development experience), built-in safeguards for data security (inherent security mechanisms), flexibility in deployment strategies (flexible deployment options), and a vast community ready to assist with problem-solving (robust community support and ecosystem).

However, despite these impressive benefits, they are not the primary reasons that convinced me to use ASP.NET Core. What truly stands out and swayed my decision is its exceptional care for solo developers like us. This framework boasts an incredibly smooth learning curve, making it easy to grasp, akin to walking downhill – even beginners can quickly understand how to use it and start working on their projects.

Moreover, its use of the C# language is particularly powerful, offering clarity in syntax (syntactical clarity), strong expressive capabilities, and an abundance of learning materials ranging from books to video tutorials. This comprehensive resource base enables independent developers like us to swiftly transform our ideas into tangible applications, ensuring both swiftness and quality.

4.ASP.NET Core Applications Handling HTTP Requests and Responses

The ASP.NET Core framework is paramount in creating websites and applications, primarily tasked with facilitating the development of fast-running, easily scalable web applications that efficiently transmit data from servers to our computers or mobile devices. For those specializing in web development, designing visually appealing and user-friendly websites within browsers presents both a challenge and an opportunity.

Envision the moment you enter a web address or URL into your browser; you’re essentially opening a portal to a new world. This URL serves as a digital map, directing you to a specific website and its particular section. It utilizes HTTP, a robust communication tool, to bridge the connection between your computer or mobile device and the server hosting the website, enabling you to view its content.

Turning to website names, or hostnames, they function as the identity cards of websites on the internet. Through DNS (Domain Name System), these hostnames are translated into unique numerical addresses (IP addresses), allowing computers worldwide to locate them. Think of for Microsoft’s website and for Baidu; DNS makes it possible for us to effortlessly find what we seek online, enjoying the convenience of the internet.

Let’s delve into the magic of HTTP! For those still unfamiliar, HTTP stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol, serving as the “traffic rule” that enables webpages to function on the internet. Picture it as a courier service: The client (your computer or mobile device) is the sender, placing a request to the server (the vast warehouse storing the website), saying, “Hey, I want this!” The server then locates the item based on the request, packages it, and sends it back as a response.

Each request comprises a “verb” and a “path.” The verb acts like a command, such as “give me” or “tell me,” while the path indicates where the requested item is located. The request may also include “headers,” akin to notes on a shipping label, providing additional information to the server. Sometimes, a “body” accompanies the request, much like a gift you send to a friend.

Upon receiving the request, the server responds with a status code, resembling a receipt from the courier company, informing you of the request’s success or any encountered issues. The response may also contain headers and a body, where headers are the same notes, and the body holds the requested content.

Information embarks on its journey across the internet, akin to a letter in transit, potentially traversing mountains, seas, and numerous locations before reaching its intended server with a specific name. There, a web application awaits to process this letter.

During this voyage, information halts at numerous points called routers, where it’s inspected before being forwarded. However, the actual processing commences only when it arrives at the designated server.

Upon reaching the server, it acts as a magician, transforming the letter’s content into an HTTP response. This response could be a stunning webpage, a crisp image, a JavaScript script animating the webpage, a simple “received” message, or anything else you desire.

Imagine clicking a link on a webpage, instructing the server, “Hey, show me something!” The server then packages an HTML document as a gift, encapsulated in an HTTP response, and swiftly delivers it to your browser via the internet’s express lane.

Upon receiving this gift, the browser springs into action. It doesn’t merely display the HTML code; instead, it meticulously constructs a complete webpage as per the HTML’s instructions. If the HTML mentions additional items hosted on the server, such as images, CSS for styling, or JavaScript for interactivity, the browser requests them from the server, one by one, until it has everything needed.

Whether it’s HTML, images, CSS, or JavaScript, they’re all transmitted through the same HTTP request-response mechanism. On the vast stage of the internet, this performance unfolds incessantly, forming the foundation upon which webpages are presented to us.

While simple webpages might require just a few requests, complex modern webpages might conceal hundreds or even thousands of requests and responses behind the scenes!

Now that you have a broad understanding of this process, let’s explore how ASP.NET Core, this remarkable magician, deftly conjures captivating HTTP responses on the server side.

5.Handling Requests in ASP.NET Core

In the world of ASP.NET Core, building a website is akin to staging a play, but this time, the actors are the browser and the server, performing their lines through the timeless script of HTTP conversations. ASP.NET Core acts as the magnificent magician behind the scenes, orchestrating everything from validating the legitimacy of requests, managing login information, to crafting stunning web pages.
Picture this: with a tap on your browser, you’ve essentially sent an invitation to ASP.NET Core. This invitation travels through the network and arrives at the realm of ASP.NET Core. Every website has a little helper named Kestrel, the default server maestro, who discreetly intercepts the invitation and translates it into an internal language—HttpContext—so that the website understands your intentions.

Armed with this HttpContext, the website discerns your needs and prepares a response. It might present you with a visually appealing webpage, inform you that “you cannot access this area,” or assist you in sending an email. All these responses are crafted by the website’s ingenuity and skill, after meticulously pondering over the information within the HttpContext.

Once the website has readied its response, Kestrel steps in again. It repackages these responses—essentially a combination of numbers and letters—back into the familiar form of HTTP and sends them back to your browser via the network.

For you, the process unfolds like a play, with HTTP requests and responses dancing across your screen, unaware of the multitude of activities happening behind the scenes. In reality, the true transformation takes place in the unseen realm of your ASP.NET Core website, where technology and creativity converge in a grand symphony.

6.Front-end and Back-end Separation

Blazor makes front-end and back-end separation a breeze! In this tutorial, I’ll specifically incorporate Blazor to enable your projects to reap the benefits of this separation. Let’s first take a brief look at what Blazor is all about:
Imagine you’re a C# enthusiast, but the world of web front-end development seems to be dominated by JavaScript. Doesn’t it give you a headache, knowing you have to learn a new language and invest time in practice? While JavaScript is indeed cool and shares some similarities with C#, mastering it to the level of fluency in C# takes significant effort.

That’s where Blazor comes in like a savior! It allows you to write the client-side part of your web pages directly in C#, eliminating the need to learn a new language. Blazor offers two flavors: Blazor Server and Blazor WebAssembly.

Blazor Server acts as a middleman, maintaining a constant connection with your ASP.NET Core server. Your C# code actually runs on the server. This means, although the code doesn’t directly execute in the browser, writing it feels just as easy as writing C# for the back-end.

Blazor WebAssembly, on the other hand, is even more impressive. It enables your C# code to run directly in the browser, achieving true client-side rendering. This results in faster responses to user actions, enhancing the overall experience.

Of course, neither version of Blazor is a one-size-fits-all solution, and they have their respective application scenarios. Nevertheless, Blazor has opened a new door for the future of ASP.NET Core, empowering C# developers to shine in the front-end realm.

Now that you have an idea of how requests and responses navigate ASP.NET Core, we’re about to uncover the secrets behind crafting those responses. This tutorial will take you inside ASP.NET Core, exploring how it works, how its components collaborate, and how they conjure up such impressive responses in the blink of an eye. It’s a journey filled with surprises and learning, where each chapter will deepen your understanding of ASP.NET Core.

My intention in writing this tutorial is straightforward: to make learning enjoyable, not just a chore. In every subsequent chapter, I’ll strive to explain concepts in various engaging ways, turning learning into an adventure. However, this chapter serves as a prologue, warming you up and setting the mood for the exciting journey ahead! 😊

