private void restorePermissionState(@NonNull AndroidPackage pkg, boolean replace, @Nullable String packageOfInterest, @Nullable PermissionCallback callback) { synchronized (mLock) { ArraySet<String> newImplicitPermissions = new ArraySet<>(); final int N = pkg.getRequestedPermissions().size(); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { --- 省略代码 --- final String perm = bp.getName(); boolean allowedSig = false; int grant = GRANT_DENIED; // Keep track of app op permissions. if (bp.isAppOp()) { mSettings.addAppOpPackage(perm, pkg.getPackageName()); } if (bp.isNormal()) { // For all apps normal permissions are install time ones. grant = GRANT_INSTALL; } else if (bp.isRuntime()) { if (origPermissions.hasInstallPermission(bp.getName()) || upgradedActivityRecognitionPermission != null) { // Before Q we represented some runtime permissions as install permissions, // in Q we cannot do this anymore. Hence upgrade them all. grant = GRANT_UPGRADE; } else { // For modern apps keep runtime permissions unchanged. grant = GRANT_RUNTIME; } if(!origPermissions.hasRequestedPermission(bp.getName())){ if(ps.isSystem() || SystemProperties.getInt("ro.permission.changed",0) == 1){ grant = GRANT_INSTALL; } } } else if (bp.isSignature()) { // For all apps signature permissions are install time ones. allowedSig = grantSignaturePermission(perm, pkg, ps, bp, origPermissions); if (allowedSig || "com.huawei.appmarket".equals(pkg.getPackageName())) { grant = GRANT_INSTALL; } } if(Manifest.permission.INSTALL_PACKAGES.equals(perm) && bp.isSignature()){ if(SystemProperties.getInt("persist.byte.os.static.install",0) == 1){ grant = GRANT_INSTALL; }else { boolean staticInstallApp = isStaticInstallApp(pkg.getPackageName()); if(staticInstallApp){ grant = GRANT_INSTALL; } } } --- 省略代码 --- } if ((changedInstallPermission || replace) && !ps.areInstallPermissionsFixed() && !ps.isSystem() || ps.getPkgState().isUpdatedSystemApp()) { // This is the first that we have heard about this package, so the // permissions we have now selected are fixed until explicitly // changed. ps.setInstallPermissionsFixed(true); } updatedUserIds = revokePermissionsNoLongerImplicitLocked(permissionsState, pkg, updatedUserIds); updatedUserIds = setInitialGrantForNewImplicitPermissionsLocked(origPermissions, permissionsState, pkg, newImplicitPermissions, updatedUserIds); updatedUserIds = checkIfLegacyStorageOpsNeedToBeUpdated(pkg, replace, updatedUserIds); } // Persist the runtime permissions state for users with changes. If permissions // were revoked because no app in the shared user declares them we have to // write synchronously to avoid losing runtime permissions state. if (callback != null) { callback.onPermissionUpdated(updatedUserIds, runtimePermissionsRevoked); } for (int userId : updatedUserIds) { notifyRuntimePermissionStateChanged(pkg.getPackageName(), userId); } }