tinymce vue拓展多图上传 实现拖拽切换位置,图片排序


实现功能:基于tinymce TinyMCE中文文档中文手册   拖拽图片排序,去掉全部上传按钮,点击保存上传图片并关闭弹窗,优化了一些交互提示



tinymce.PluginManager.add('axupimgs', function(editor, url) { 	var pluginName='Ax多图片上传'; 	window.axupimgs={}; //扔外部公共变量,也可以扔一个自定义的位置  	var baseURL=tinymce.baseURL; 	// var iframe1 = baseURL+'/plugins/axupimgs/upfiles.html'; 	var iframe1 = location.origin+'/tinymce/axupimgs/upfiles_new.html';     axupimgs.images_upload_handler = editor.getParam('images_upload_handler', undefined, 'function');     axupimgs.images_upload_base_path = editor.getParam('images_upload_base_path', '', 'string');     axupimgs.axupimgs_filetype = editor.getParam('axupimgs_filetype', '.png,.gif,.jpg,.jpeg', 'string'); 	axupimgs.res=[]; 	var openDialog = function() { 		isAddEventListener(true) 		return editor.windowManager.openUrl({ 			title: pluginName, 			size: 'large', 			url:iframe1, 			buttons: [ 				{ 					type: 'custom', 					text: 'Close', 					name: 'close', 				}, 				{ 					type: 'custom', 					text: 'Save', 					name: 'save', 					primary: true 				}, 			], 			onAction: function (api, details) { 				switch (details.name) { 					case 'save': 						//发送给upfiles,上传图片 						window.postMessage({ action: 'upLoadPictureFile' }, '*'); 						break; 					case 'close': 						window.postMessage({ action: 'closeUpLoadPictureFile' }, '*'); 						isAddEventListener(false) 						break; 					default: 						break; 				} 			}, 		}); 	};  	//保存 	function save() { 		// 链接插入富文本显示 		var html = ''; 		var imgs = axupimgs.res; 		var len = imgs.length; 		for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { 			if (imgs[i].url) { 				html += '<img src="' + imgs[i].url + '" />'; 			} 		} 		editor.insertContent(html); 		axupimgs.res = []; 		tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.close() 	};  	//处理消息 	function handleMessage(event){ 		var data = event.data; 		if (data.action === 'savePictureFile') { 			save(); 			isAddEventListener(false) 		} 	}  	//添加监听 	function isAddEventListener(isAdd){ 		if(isAdd){ 			// 接收来自 iframe1 的消息 			window.addEventListener('message', handleMessage, false) 		}else{ 			window.removeEventListener('message',handleMessage, false) 		} 	}  	editor.ui.registry.getAll().icons.axupimgs || editor.ui.registry.addIcon('axupimgs','<svg viewBox="0 0 1280 1024" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24"><path d="M1126.2,779.8V87.6c0-24-22.6-86.9-83.5-86.9H83.5C14.7,0.7,0,63.7,0,87.7v692c0,36.2,29.2,89.7,83.5,89.7l959.3-1.3c51.7,0,83.5-42.5,83.5-88.3zm-1044,4V86.3h961.6V783.7H82.2v0.1z" fill="#53565A"/><path d="M603,461.6L521.1,366.3,313,629.8,227.2,546.8,102.4,716.8H972.8v-170L768.2,235.2,603.1,461.6zM284.6,358.4a105.4,105.4,0,0,0,73.5-30c19.5-19.1,30.3-45,30.2-71.8,0-56.8-45.9-103-102.4-103-56.6,0-102.4,46.1-102.4,103C183.4,313.5,228,358.4,284.6,358.4z" fill="#9598A0"/><path d="M1197.7,153.6l-0.3,669.3s13.5,113.9-67.4,113.9H153.6c0,24.1,23.9,87.2,83.5,87.2h959.3c58.3,0,83.6-49.5,83.6-89.9V240.8c-0.1-41.8-44.9-87.2-82.3-87.2z" fill="#53565A"/></svg>');  	editor.ui.registry.addButton('axupimgs', { 		icon: 'axupimgs',         tooltip: pluginName, 		onAction: function() { 			openDialog(); 		} 	}); 	editor.ui.registry.addMenuItem('axupimgs', { 		icon: 'axupimgs', 		text: '图片批量上传...', 		onAction: function() { 			openDialog(); 		} 	}); 	return { 		getMetadata: function() { 			return  { 				name: pluginName, 				url: "http://tinymce.ax-z.cn/more-plugins/axupimgs.php", 			}; 		} 	}; });  


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}         var upload_handler = axupimgs.images_upload_handler;         var upload_base_path = axupimgs.images_upload_base_path;          //为列表添加排序         function reSort() {             document.querySelectorAll('#file_list li').forEach((el, i) => {                 el.setAttribute('data-num', i);             });         }          function addList(files) {             var files_sum = files.length;             var vDom = document.createDocumentFragment();             for (let i = 0; i < files_sum; i++) {                 let file = files[i];                 let blobUrl = window.URL.createObjectURL(file)                 axupimgs.res.push({ file: file, blobUrl: blobUrl, url: '' });                 let li = document.createElement('li');                 li.setAttribute('class', 'up-no');                 li.setAttribute('data-time', file.lastModified);                 li.setAttribute('draggable', 'true');                 li.innerHTML = '<div class="picbox"><img src="' + blobUrl + '"></div><div class="namebox"><span>' + file.name + '</span></div><div class="tools"><a class="remove"></a></div>';                 vDom.appendChild(li);             }             document.querySelector('#file_list').appendChild(vDom);         }           //清空列表         document.querySelector('#topbar .removeall').addEventListener('click', () => {             if (axupimgs.res.length > 0) {                 if (confirm("确定清空列表吗")) {                     axupimgs.res = []                     document.querySelectorAll('#file_list li').forEach((el, i) => {                         el.parentNode.removeChild(el)                     });                 }             }          });         //是否内部拖动         var isInputDrag = false         //拖拽添加         document.addEventListener('dragover', (e) => {             e.stopPropagation();             e.preventDefault();             if (isInputDrag) {                 e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'move';             } else {                 e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'copy';             }         });         document.addEventListener('dragend', (e) => {             isInputDrag = false         }); 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                if (li) {                     var oldData = e.dataTransfer.getData('text/plain');                     try {                         var newData = li.getAttribute('data-num');                         if (newData == null) {                             newData = e.target.parentNode.getAttribute('data-num')                         }                         // 可能会引发异常的代码块                     } catch (error) {                         newData = e.target.parentNode.getAttribute('data-num')                         // 异常处理代码块                     }                     console.log("打印切换位置:", oldData, newData)                     if (newData && oldData && (oldData != newData)) {                         var oldEl = document.querySelectorAll('#file_list li')[oldData];                         var newEl = document.querySelectorAll('#file_list li')[newData];                         if (newEl && oldEl) {                             if (newData !== oldData) {                                 if (isLeft) {                                     document.querySelector('#file_list').insertBefore(oldEl, newEl); 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                //isUpLoad:undefined未上传 1成功 -1:失败 2:上传中                  if (data.isUpLoad == undefined || data.isUpLoad == -1) {                     blobInfo.file = data.file;                     uploadFile(index, blobInfo)                 }             });         }         //单独上传文件         function uploadFile(index, blobInfo) {             axupimgs.res[index].isUpLoad = 2;             upload_handler(blobInfo, function (url) {                 if (upload_base_path) {                     if (upload_base_path.slice(-1) == '/' && url.substr(0, 1) == '/') {                         url = upload_base_path + url.slice(1);                     } else if (upload_base_path.slice(-1) != '/' && url.substr(0, 1) != '/') {                         url = upload_base_path + '/' + url;                     } else {                         url = upload_base_path + url;                     }                 }                 axupimgs.res[index].url = url;                 axupimgs.res[index].isUpLoad = 1;                 filename = url.split('/').pop();                 var li = document.querySelectorAll('#file_list li')[index];                  li.setAttribute('class', 'up-over');                 li.querySelector('.namebox span').innerText = filename;                 window.parent.postMessage({ action: 'upLoadPictureFileProgress' }, '*');             }, function (err) {                 document.querySelectorAll('#file_list li.up-now').forEach((el, i) => {                     el.setAttribute('class', 'up-no');                 });                 axupimgs.res[index].isUpLoad = -1;                 window.parent.postMessage({ action: 'upLoadPictureFileProgress' }, '*');                 var name = axupimgs.res[index].file.name                 if (alert("图片" + name + "上传失败:" + err)) {                  }             });         }          //判断是否全部上传         function checkisAllUpLoad() {             const finedData = axupimgs.res.find(item => item.isUpLoad !== 1);             if (finedData) {                 return false;             } else {                 return true;             }         }          //判断是否正在上传中         function checkisUpLoadLoading() {             const finedData = axupimgs.res.find(item => item.isUpLoad === 2);             if (finedData) {                 return true;             } else {                 return false;             }         }          //切换位置         function changePosition(oldIndex, newIndex, isLeft) {             let oldData = axupimgs.res[oldIndex];             let newData = axupimgs.res[newIndex];             //右移             if (newIndex > oldIndex) {                 axupimgs.res.splice(oldIndex, 1);                 console.log("axupimgs.res-右移", isLeft, oldIndex, newIndex)                 axupimgs.res.splice(isLeft ? newIndex - 1 : newIndex, 0, oldData);             }             //左移             if (newIndex < oldIndex) {                 axupimgs.res.splice(oldIndex, 1);                 console.log("axupimgs.res-左移", isLeft, oldIndex, newIndex)                 if (!isLeft) {                     if (newIndex >= axupimgs.res.length) {                         newIndex = newIndex                     } else {                         newIndex++                     }                 }                 axupimgs.res.splice(newIndex, 0, oldData);             }             axupimgs.res.forEach((element) => {                 console.log("name:", element.file.name);             });          }          //接收js发送的message         window.parent.addEventListener('message', function (event) {             var data = event.data;             //上传图片             if (data.action === 'upLoadPictureFile') {                 if (axupimgs.res.length > 0) {                     document.querySelectorAll('#file_list li.up-no').forEach((el, i) => {                         el.classList ? el.classList.add('up-now') : el.className += ' up-now';                     });                     if (checkisAllUpLoad()) {                         console.log("upLoadPictureFile-图片全部上传成功")                         window.parent.postMessage({ action: 'savePictureFile' }, '*');                     } else {                         console.log("upLoadPictureFile-图片正在上传或者上传失败")                         upAllFiles();                     }                 } else {                     if (confirm("暂未上传图片,确定要关闭吗")) {                         close();                     }                 }             }             //进度             if (data.action === 'upLoadPictureFileProgress') {                 if (checkisAllUpLoad()) {                     window.parent.postMessage({ action: 'savePictureFile' }, '*');                 }                 // isShowAddFile(!checkisUpLoadLoading())                 isShowLoading(checkisUpLoadLoading())             }             //关闭弹窗             if (data.action === 'closeUpLoadPictureFile') {                 checkClose();             }          }, false);         // 检测关闭弹窗         function checkClose() {             console.log("checkClose", axupimgs.res)             if (axupimgs.res.length > 0) {                 if (confirm("系统可不会保存您的编辑,确定要关闭吗")) {                     close();                 }             } else {                 close();             }         }         //关闭弹窗         function close() {             window.parent.tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.close();         }         //是否显示添加文件按钮         function isShowAddFile(isShow) {             document.querySelector('.addfile').style.display = isShow ? 'inline' : 'none';         }          // 获取 loading 遮罩层元素         var loadingOverlay = document.getElementById('loading_overlay');          // 当需要显示 loading 时调用此函数         function isShowLoading(isShow) {             loadingOverlay.style.display = isShow ? 'flex' : 'none'; // 显示遮罩层             document.body.style.pointerEvents = isShow ? 'none' : 'auto'; // 禁用页面点击事件         }          var observ_flist = new MutationObserver((muList, observe) => {             if (muList[0].addedNodes.length > 0) {                 muList[0].addedNodes.forEach((el) => {                     el.querySelector('.remove').addEventListener('click', (e) => {                         var li = e.target.parentNode.parentNode;                         var n = li.getAttribute('data-num');                         var el = document.querySelectorAll('#file_list li')[n];                         el.parentNode.removeChild(el);                         axupimgs.res.splice(n, 1);                     });                 });             }             reSort();         });         observ_flist.observe(document.querySelector('#file_list'), { childList: true });      </script> </body>  </html>

