2959. 关闭分部的可行集合数目


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2959. 关闭分部的可行集合数目


一个公司在全国有 n 个分部,它们之间有的有道路连接。一开始,所有分部通过这些道路两两之间互相可以到达。

公司意识到在分部之间旅行花费了太多时间,所以它们决定关闭一些分部(也可能不关闭任何分部),同时保证剩下的分部之间两两互相可以到达且最远距离不超过 maxDistance 。

两个分部之间的 距离 是通过道路长度之和的 最小值 。

给你整数 n ,maxDistance 和下标从 0 开始的二维整数数组 roads ,其中 roads[i] = [ui, vi, wi] 表示一条从 ui 到 vi 长度为 wi的 无向 道路。

请你返回关闭分部的可行方案数目,满足每个方案里剩余分部之间的最远距离不超过 maxDistance。


floyd + 二进制枚举



''' Author: NEFU AB-IN Date: 2024-07-17 15:46:10 FilePath: \LeetCode\2959\2959.py LastEditTime: 2024-07-17 16:16:35 ''' # 3.8.19 import import random from collections import Counter, defaultdict, deque from datetime import datetime, timedelta from functools import lru_cache from heapq import heapify, heappop, heappush, nlargest, nsmallest from itertools import combinations, compress, permutations, starmap, tee from math import ceil, comb, fabs, floor, gcd, log, perm, sqrt from string import ascii_lowercase, ascii_uppercase from sys import exit, setrecursionlimit, stdin from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, TypeVar, Union  # Constants TYPE = TypeVar('TYPE') N = int(2e5 + 10) M = int(20) INF = int(1e12) OFFSET = int(100) MOD = int(1e9 + 7)  # Set recursion limit setrecursionlimit(int(2e9))   class Arr:     array = staticmethod(lambda x=0, size=N: [x() if callable(x) else x for _ in range(size)])     array2d = staticmethod(lambda x=0, rows=N, cols=M: [Arr.array(x, cols) for _ in range(rows)])     graph = staticmethod(lambda size=N: [[] for _ in range(size)])   class Math:     max = staticmethod(lambda a, b: a if a > b else b)     min = staticmethod(lambda a, b: a if a < b else b)   class IO:     input = staticmethod(lambda: stdin.readline().rstrip("\r\n"))     read = staticmethod(lambda: map(int, IO.input().split()))     read_list = staticmethod(lambda: list(IO.read()))   class Std:     class GraphShortestPath:         def __init__(self, n: int):             self.n = n             self.g = Arr.graph(n)          def add_edge(self, u: int, v: int, w: int):             """Add an edge to the graph."""             self.g[u].append((v, w))          def floyd(self, exclude_nodes=None) -> List[List[int]]:             """Floyd's algorithm for finding the shortest paths between all pairs of nodes."""             if exclude_nodes is None:                 exclude_nodes = []              dist = Arr.array2d(INF, self.n, self.n)             # Initialize distances with the given edges             for u in range(self.n):                 if u in exclude_nodes:                     continue                 for v, w in self.g[u]:                     if v in exclude_nodes:                         continue                     dist[u][v] = Math.min(dist[u][v], w)              # Set the diagonal to zero             for i in range(self.n):                 if i in exclude_nodes:                     continue                 dist[i][i] = 0              # Floyd-Warshall algorithm             for k in range(self.n):                 for i in range(self.n):                     if dist[i][k] == INF:  # If there is no path from i to k, skip                         continue                     for j in range(self.n):                         if dist[i][j] > dist[i][k] + dist[k][j]:                             dist[i][j] = dist[i][k] + dist[k][j]              return dist  # ————————————————————— Division line ——————————————————————   class Solution:     def numberOfSets(self, n: int, maxDistance: int, roads: List[List[int]]) -> int:          def judge(dist, exclude):             for u in range(n):                 if u in exclude:                     continue                 for v in range(n):                     if v in exclude:                         continue                     if dist[u][v] > maxDistance:                         return 0             return 1          graph = Std.GraphShortestPath(n)         for u, v, w in roads:             graph.add_edge(u, v, w)             graph.add_edge(v, u, w)         ans = 0         for i in range(1 << n):             exclude = set()             for j in range(n):                 if i & 1 << j:                     exclude.add(j)             dist = graph.floyd(exclude)             ans += judge(dist, exclude)          return ans 

