package Project; import java.util.Scanner; public class OnlineTe { public static void main(String[] args) { for (;;){ System.out.println("------欢迎使用OnlineT------"); System.out.println("请输入访问的级别:"); System.out.println("1:Stu"); System.out.println("2:Manageer"); System.out.println("3:Quit"); Scanner sc =new Scanner(System.in); int num = sc.nextInt(); String sna="1"; String spw="123456"; String mna="2"; String mpw="123456"; String [] Namebox =new String[10]; String [] Pssswordbox =new String[10]; int flag = 0; //StuSystem if (num==1){ a:for (;;){ System.out.println("您的身份是Stu,请(1.登录) 或( 2.创建!)"); int chose1= sc.nextInt(); if (chose1==1){//登录 for (;;){ for (;;){ for (;flag!=1;){ System.out.println("Name:"); String stuName = sc.next(); System.out.println("Password:"); String stupw = sc.next(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (stuName.equals(sna)|stuName.equals(Namebox[i])){//对比用户名 System.out.println("Name Right !"); if (stupw.equals(spw)|stupw.equals(Pssswordbox[i])){//对比密码 System.out.println("Password Right ! Login success!");//进入系统 flag=1; System.out.println("Welcome to StuSystem ! Please choise your block ! ( 1.User Block )( 2.Text Block)( 3. Quit )"); int chose2= sc.nextInt(); if (chose2==1){//用户管理 System.out.println("Please choise your Action ! ( 1.Change Password )( 2. Quit )"); int chose3= sc.nextInt(); if (chose3==1){ System.out.println("--修改密码界面--"); } else if (chose3==2) { System.out.println("Do you wanna to Qqqquit?"); break; } } else if (chose2==2) {//考试管理 System.out.println("Exam begins!"); System.out.println("Exam over! waht do you annna do ? (1.Query grades )(2.Output grades )(3.Quit )"); int chose4= sc.nextInt(); if (chose4==1){//查询 System.out.println("Your grade is **** !"); } else if (chose4==2) {//导出 System.out.println("Output success !"); }else {//退出 System.out.println("Do you wanna to Quit ?"); break; } }else if (chose2==3){ System.out.println(" you wanna to Quit ?"); break a; } }else { System.out.println("Password worng ! Try again!");//再次尝试 } }else if (flag!=1){ System.out.println("Not Right ! Try again ! "); break a; } } } } } } if (chose1==2){//注册 b:for (;;){ System.out.println("Please input Name:"); String name1 = sc.next(); boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < Namebox.length; i++) { if (Namebox[i] == null) { Namebox[i] = name1; System.out.println("成功注册Name!"); found = true; break; } else if (Namebox[i].equals(name1)) { System.out.println("Name already used!"); found = true; break b; } } if (!found){ System.out.println("所有用户名位置已满!"); }else { System.out.println("Please input Password:"); String password1 = sc.next(); for (int n = 0; n < Pssswordbox.length; n++){ if (Pssswordbox[n] == null) { Pssswordbox[n] = password1; System.out.println("成功注册Password!"); System.out.println("注册成功!"); break b; } } } }// } } } if (num==2){ for (;;){ System.out.println("欢迎登陆管理员!"); System.out.println("Name:"); String name = sc.next(); if (name.equals(mna)){ System.out.println("Name Right !"); System.out.println("Password:"); String password = sc.next(); if (password.equals(mpw)){ System.out.println("Password Right !"); System.out.println("管理员登陆成功!"); for (;;){ System.out.println("Waht do you annna do ? (1.管理学员 )(2.管理考题 )(3.Quit )"); int choise5 = sc.nextInt(); if (choise5==1){ for (;;){ System.out.println("---学员管理界面---"); System.out.println("Waht do you annna do ? (1.增加学员)(2.删除学员)(3.修改学员)(4.查找学员)(5.显示所有学员信息)(6.退出本模块)"); int choise6 = sc.nextInt(); if (choise6==1){ System.out.println("增加学员"); } else if (choise6==2) { System.out.println("删除学员"); } else if (choise6==3) { System.out.println("修改学员"); } else if (choise6==4) { System.out.println("查找学员"); } else if (choise6==5) { System.out.println("显示所有学员信息"); } else if (choise6==6) { System.out.println("退出本模块"); break; } } if (choise5==2){ System.out.println("---考题管理界面---"); System.out.println("Waht do you annna do ? (1.增加考题)(2.删除考题)(3.修改考题)(4.查找考题)(5.显示所有考题信息)(6.退出本模块)"); int choise7 = sc.nextInt(); if (choise7==1){ System.out.println("增加考题"); } else if (choise7==2) { System.out.println("删除考题"); } else if (choise7==3) { System.out.println("修改考题"); } else if (choise7==4) { System.out.println("查找考题"); } else if (choise7==5) { System.out.println("显示所有考题信息"); } else if (choise7==6) { System.out.println("退出本模块"); break; } } if (choise5==3){ System.out.println("退出至起始模块"); break ; } } } if (!password.equals(mpw)){ System.out.println("Not Right ! Try again ! "); break; } } } if (!name.equals(mna)){ System.out.println("Not Right ! Try again ! "); break; } } } } } }