
#include <stdio.h> #include <Windows.h> #include <process.h> #include <conio.h> #include "MvCameraControl.h"  bool g_bExit = false;  // ch:等待按键输入 | en:Wait for key press void WaitForKeyPress(void) {     while(!_kbhit())     {         Sleep(10);     }     _getch(); }  //相机参数 bool PrintDeviceInfo(MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO* pstMVDevInfo) {     if (NULL == pstMVDevInfo)     {         printf("The Pointer of pstMVDevInfo is NULL!\n");         return false;     }     if (pstMVDevInfo->nTLayerType == MV_GIGE_DEVICE)     {         int nIp1 = ((pstMVDevInfo->SpecialInfo.stGigEInfo.nCurrentIp & 0xff000000) >> 24);         int nIp2 = ((pstMVDevInfo->SpecialInfo.stGigEInfo.nCurrentIp & 0x00ff0000) >> 16);         int nIp3 = ((pstMVDevInfo->SpecialInfo.stGigEInfo.nCurrentIp & 0x0000ff00) >> 8);         int nIp4 = (pstMVDevInfo->SpecialInfo.stGigEInfo.nCurrentIp & 0x000000ff);          // ch:打印当前相机ip和用户自定义名字 | en:print current ip and user defined name         printf("CurrentIp: %d.%d.%d.%d\n" , nIp1, nIp2, nIp3, nIp4);         printf("UserDefinedName: %s\n\n" , pstMVDevInfo->SpecialInfo.stGigEInfo.chUserDefinedName);     }     else if (pstMVDevInfo->nTLayerType == MV_USB_DEVICE)     {         printf("UserDefinedName: %s\n", pstMVDevInfo->SpecialInfo.stUsb3VInfo.chUserDefinedName);         printf("Serial Number: %s\n", pstMVDevInfo->SpecialInfo.stUsb3VInfo.chSerialNumber);         printf("Device Number: %d\n\n", pstMVDevInfo->SpecialInfo.stUsb3VInfo.nDeviceNumber);     }     else     {         printf("Not support.\n");     }      return true; }  static  unsigned int __stdcall WorkThread(void* pUser) {     int nRet = MV_OK;     MV_FRAME_OUT stOutFrame = {0};  	MV_DISPLAY_FRAME_INFO stDisplayInfo = { 0 }; 	  	MV_DISPLAY_FRAME_INFO 成员变量 	//void *  hWnd  //窗口句柄 	//unsigned char *  pData //显示的数据  	//unsigned int  nDataLen//数据长度  	//unsigned short  nWidth//图像宽  	//unsigned short  nHeight//图像高  	//enum MvGvspPixelType  enPixelType//像素格式 	//unsigned int  nRes[4]//保留      	HWND g_hwnd = GetForegroundWindow();//获取当前DOS窗口句柄       while(true)     {         nRet = MV_CC_GetImageBuffer(pUser, &stOutFrame, 1000);         if (nRet == MV_OK)         {             printf("Get Image Buffer: Width[%d], Height[%d], FrameNum[%d]\n",                 stOutFrame.stFrameInfo.nWidth, stOutFrame.stFrameInfo.nHeight, stOutFrame.stFrameInfo.nFrameNum);  			//将图片显示在DOS窗口上 			if (g_hwnd) 			{ 				stDisplayInfo.hWnd = g_hwnd; 				stDisplayInfo.pData = stOutFrame.pBufAddr;// 指向图像数据的指针 				stDisplayInfo.nDataLen = stOutFrame.stFrameInfo.nFrameLen;//数据长度  				stDisplayInfo.nWidth = stOutFrame.stFrameInfo.nWidth;   // 图像的宽度(像素) 				stDisplayInfo.nHeight = stOutFrame.stFrameInfo.nHeight; // 图像的高度(像素) 				stDisplayInfo.enPixelType = stOutFrame.stFrameInfo.enPixelType;  // 像素类型,如黑白、RGB、Bayer等  				MV_CC_DisplayOneFrame(pUser, &stDisplayInfo); 			}                  nRet = MV_CC_FreeImageBuffer(pUser, &stOutFrame);             if(nRet != MV_OK)             {                 printf("Free Image Buffer fail! nRet [0x%x]\n", nRet);             }         }         else         {             printf("Get Image fail! nRet [0x%x]\n", nRet);         }         if(g_bExit)         {             break;         }     }      return 0; }  int main() {     int nRet = MV_OK;     void* handle = NULL;      do      {         // ch:枚举设备 | en:Enum device         MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO_LIST stDeviceList;         memset(&stDeviceList, 0, sizeof(MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO_LIST));         nRet = MV_CC_EnumDevices(MV_GIGE_DEVICE | MV_USB_DEVICE, &stDeviceList);         if (MV_OK != nRet)         {             printf("Enum Devices fail! nRet [0x%x]\n", nRet);             break;         }          if (stDeviceList.nDeviceNum > 0)         {             for (unsigned int i = 0; i < stDeviceList.nDeviceNum; i++)             {                 printf("[device %d]:\n", i);                 MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO* pDeviceInfo = stDeviceList.pDeviceInfo[i];                 if (NULL == pDeviceInfo)                 {                     break;                 }                  PrintDeviceInfo(pDeviceInfo);                         }           }          else         {             printf("Find No Devices!\n");             break;         }          printf("Please Input camera index(0-%d):", stDeviceList.nDeviceNum-1);         unsigned int nIndex = 0;         scanf_s("%d", &nIndex);          if (nIndex >= stDeviceList.nDeviceNum)         {             printf("Input error!\n");             break;         }          // ch:选择设备并创建句柄 | en:Select device and create handle         nRet = MV_CC_CreateHandle(&handle, stDeviceList.pDeviceInfo[nIndex]);         if (MV_OK != nRet)         {             printf("Create Handle fail! nRet [0x%x]\n", nRet);             break;         }          // ch:打开设备 | en:Open device         nRet = MV_CC_OpenDevice(handle);         if (MV_OK != nRet)         {             printf("Open Device fail! nRet [0x%x]\n", nRet);             break;         }          // ch:探测网络最佳包大小(只对GigE相机有效) | en:Detection network optimal package size(It only works for the GigE camera)         if (stDeviceList.pDeviceInfo[nIndex]->nTLayerType == MV_GIGE_DEVICE)         {             int nPacketSize = MV_CC_GetOptimalPacketSize(handle);             if (nPacketSize > 0)             {                 nRet = MV_CC_SetIntValue(handle,"GevSCPSPacketSize",nPacketSize);                 if(nRet != MV_OK)                 {                     printf("Warning: Set Packet Size fail nRet [0x%x]!", nRet);                 }             }             else             {                 printf("Warning: Get Packet Size fail nRet [0x%x]!", nPacketSize);             }         }          // ch:设置触发模式为off | en:Set trigger mode as off         nRet = MV_CC_SetEnumValue(handle, "TriggerMode", 0);         if (MV_OK != nRet)         {             printf("Set Trigger Mode fail! nRet [0x%x]\n", nRet);             break;         }          // ch:开始取流 | en:Start grab image         nRet = MV_CC_StartGrabbing(handle);         if (MV_OK != nRet)         {             printf("Start Grabbing fail! nRet [0x%x]\n", nRet);             break;         }          unsigned int nThreadID = 0;         void* hThreadHandle = (void*) _beginthreadex( NULL , 0 , WorkThread , handle, 0 , &nThreadID );         if (NULL == hThreadHandle)         {             break;         } 		//在C/C++编程中,_beginthreadex 是一个用于在Microsoft Visual Studio环境下创建线程的函数。 		//这个函数定义在<process.h>头文件中,它允许你在一个独立的线程中启动一个新的执行路径。下面是对给定代码行的解释: 		//NULL:这是线程属性指针,通常设置为NULL表示使用默认属性。 		//0:这是线程堆栈大小。如果设置为0,那么系统会根据默认值或编译器设置来决定堆栈大小。 		//WorkThread:这是指向线程函数的指针,当线程开始运行时,将从这里开始执行。 		//handle:这是传递给WorkThread函数的参数。当WorkThread被调用时,它的第一个参数将接收这个值。 		//0:这是线程的优先级增量。通常设置为0,意味着线程将具有默认的优先级。 		//&nThreadID:这是一个指向整型变量的指针,_beginthreadex函数将返回创建的新线程的ID到这个变量中。            printf("Press a key to stop grabbing.\n");         WaitForKeyPress();          g_bExit = true;         Sleep(1000);          // ch:停止取流 | en:Stop grab image         nRet = MV_CC_StopGrabbing(handle);         if (MV_OK != nRet)         {             printf("Stop Grabbing fail! nRet [0x%x]\n", nRet);             break;         }          // ch:关闭设备 | Close device         nRet = MV_CC_CloseDevice(handle);         if (MV_OK != nRet)         {             printf("ClosDevice fail! nRet [0x%x]\n", nRet);             break;         }          // ch:销毁句柄 | Destroy handle         nRet = MV_CC_DestroyHandle(handle);         if (MV_OK != nRet)         {             printf("Destroy Handle fail! nRet [0x%x]\n", nRet);             break;         }     } while (0);       if (nRet != MV_OK)     {         if (handle != NULL)         {             MV_CC_DestroyHandle(handle);             handle = NULL;         }     }      printf("Press a key to exit.\n");     WaitForKeyPress();      return 0; }



