




  1. 已经安装并配置好了Kubernetes集群。
# k8s版本及环境信息 root@master1:~# kubectl get node -o wide NAME      STATUS   ROLES           AGE   VERSION   INTERNAL-IP    EXTERNAL-IP   OS-IMAGE           KERNEL-VERSION     CONTAINER-RUNTIME master1   Ready    control-plane   25h   v1.28.2   <none>        Ubuntu 24.04 LTS   6.8.0-36-generic   containerd://1.7.12 node1     Ready    <none>          25h   v1.28.2   <none>        Ubuntu 24.04 LTS   6.8.0-36-generic   containerd://1.7.12 node2     Ready    <none>          25h   v1.28.2   <none>        Ubuntu 24.04 LTS   6.8.0-36-generic   containerd://1.7.12  # 操作系统信息 root@master1:~# cat /etc/issue Ubuntu 24.04 LTS \n \l  root@master1:~# uname -a Linux master1 6.8.0-36-generic #36-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Mon Jun 10 10:49:14 UTC 2024 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux 
  1. 已经安装并配置好了Helm。
# helm版本 root@master1:~# helm version version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.15.2", GitCommit:"1a500d5625419a524fdae4b33de351cc4f58ec35", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.22.4"} 
  1. 已经部署了提供pv、pvc等资源的存储资源。
root@master1:~# helm ls -n openebs NAME    NAMESPACE   REVISION        UPDATED                           STATUS          CHART           APP VERSION openebs openebs         1     2024-07-02 14:38:40.928808834 +0800 CST deployed        openebs-4.0.1   4.0.1 root@master1:~# kubectl get pod -n openebs NAME                                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE openebs-localpv-provisioner-6b8bff68bd-vmwp7      1/1     Running   0          121m openebs-lvm-localpv-controller-778b75449c-mmvw6   5/5     Running   0          121m openebs-lvm-localpv-node-d2trc                    2/2     Running   0          121m openebs-lvm-localpv-node-md5wh                    2/2     Running   0          121m openebs-zfs-localpv-controller-6665568c7c-snw4q   5/5     Running   0          121m openebs-zfs-localpv-node-mc8tv                    2/2     Running   0          121m openebs-zfs-localpv-node-w6nns                    2/2     Running   0          121m root@master1:~# kubectl get sc -n openebs NAME               PROVISIONER        RECLAIMPOLICY   VOLUMEBINDINGMODE      ALLOWVOLUMEEXPANSION   AGE openebs-hostpath   openebs.io/local   Delete          WaitForFirstConsumer   false                  121m 



1. 添加Jenkins的Helm仓库

# 添加更新仓库 helm repo add jenkins https://charts.jenkins.io helm repo update  # 查看版本列表 helm search repo -l jenkins/jenkins  # 查看最新版本 helm search repo jenkins  # 下载chart包,不加--version则加载最新版本 helm pull jenkins/jenkins --version 5.1.9 


jenkins/jenkins5.3.32.452.2Jenkins - Build great things at any scale! As t…
jenkins/jenkins5.3.22.452.2Jenkins - Build great things at any scale! As t…
jenkins/jenkins5.3.12.452.2Jenkins - Build great things at any scale! As t…
jenkins/jenkins5.1.92.440.3Jenkins - Build great things at any scale! As t…

2. 创建命名空间

kubectl create namespace jenkins 

3. 安装Jenkins

# 查看values helm show values jenkins/jenkins  # 下面安装的参数来自于values。指定服务暴露方式为NodePort并指定端口,pv由存储类openebs-hostpath提供 helm upgrade --install jenkins jenkins/jenkins --namespace jenkins --set persistence.storageClass="openebs-hostpath" --set controller.serviceType=NodePort --set controller.nodePort=30080  # 卸载安装 helm uninstall jenkins -n jenkins     # 测试环境执行 root@master1:~/jenkins# helm upgrade --install jenkins jenkins/jenkins --namespace jenkins --set persistence.storageClass="openebs-hostpath" --set controller.serviceType=NodePort --set controller.nodePort=30080 Release "jenkins" does not exist. Installing it now. NAME: jenkins LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Jul  3 14:07:47 2024 NAMESPACE: jenkins STATUS: deployed REVISION: 1 NOTES: 1. Get your 'admin' user password by running:   kubectl exec --namespace jenkins -it svc/jenkins -c jenkins -- /bin/cat /run/secrets/additional/chart-admin-password && echo 2. Get the Jenkins URL to visit by running these commands in the same shell:   export NODE_PORT=$(kubectl get --namespace jenkins -o jsonpath="{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}" services jenkins)   export NODE_IP=$(kubectl get nodes --namespace jenkins -o jsonpath="{.items[0].status.addresses[0].address}")   echo http://$NODE_IP:$NODE_PORT  3. Login with the password from step 1 and the username: admin 4. Configure security realm and authorization strategy 5. Use Jenkins Configuration as Code by specifying configScripts in your values.yaml file, see documentation: http://$NODE_IP:$NODE_PORT/configuration-as-code and examples: https://github.com/jenkinsci/configuration-as-code-plugin/tree/master/demos  For more information on running Jenkins on Kubernetes, visit: https://cloud.google.com/solutions/jenkins-on-container-engine  For more information about Jenkins Configuration as Code, visit: https://jenkins.io/projects/jcasc/  # 查看安装的资源 root@master1:~/jenkins# kubectl get all -n jenkins NAME            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE pod/jenkins-0   2/2     Running   0          10m  NAME                    TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE service/jenkins         NodePort   <none>        8080:30080/TCP   10m service/jenkins-agent   ClusterIP     <none>        50000/TCP        10m  NAME                       READY   AGE statefulset.apps/jenkins   1/1     10m 


  • persistence.storageClass参数:用于动态申请pv,持久化jenkins数据。
  • serviceType参数:指定服务暴露的方式,nodePort范围:30000-32767。

也可以通过自定义 values.yaml 文件来配置Jenkins安装参数。例如,创建一个 myvalues.yaml 文件:

controller:   JCasC:     enabled: true     configScripts:       welcome-message: |         jenkins:           systemMessage: "Welcome to Jenkins on Kubernetes with Helm"   installPlugins:     - kubernetes     - workflow-aggregator     - git     - configuration-as-code   serviceType: NodePort 


helm install jenkins jenkins/jenkins --namespace jenkins -f myvalues.yaml 

4. 配置jenkins

  1. 查询admin密码
kubectl --namespace jenkins get secret jenkins -o jsonpath="{.data.jenkins-admin-password}" | base64 --decode # 或者 kubectl exec --namespace jenkins -it svc/jenkins -c jenkins -- /bin/cat /run/secrets/additional/chart-admin-password && echo  # 我这里获取的随机密码 EepJvUf9a8ryLo1JPDzdqo 
  1. 配置Jenkins插件源
root@master1:~# kubectl get pod -n jenkins NAME        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE jenkins-0   2/2     Running   0          22m root@master1:~# kubectl exec -itn jenkins jenkins-0 sh  $ echo $JENKINS_HOME /var/jenkins_home  $ cp $JENKINS_HOME/hudson.model.UpdateCenter.xml{,.bak}  $ sed -i 's#https://updates.jenkins.io/update-center.json#https://mirrors.huaweicloud.com/jenkins/updates/update-center.json#g' $JENKINS_HOME/hudson.model.UpdateCenter.xml  

5. 访问Jenkins


kubectl --namespace jenkins get svc 




  1. jenkins 5.3.3 · jenkins/jenkinsci (artifacthub.io)
  2. charts/stable/jenkins at master · helm/charts (github.com)
  3. Jenkins

