


        Faiss 中有常用的三种索引方式:IndexFlatL2IndexIVFFlatIndexIVFPQ

1.IndexFlatL2 - 暴力检索L2:

  • 使用欧氏距离(L2)进行精确检索。
  • 适用于较小规模的数据集,采用暴力检索的方式,即计算查询向量与所有数据库向量之间的距离,然后返回相似度最高的前 k 个向量。
import faiss  d = 200  # 向量维度 index = faiss.IndexFlatL2(d)  # 构建索引 data = ...  # 添加数据 index.add(data)  # 添加数据到索引 k = 500  # 返回结果个数 query = ...  # 查询向量 dis, ind = index.search(query, k)  # 查询相似内容 

2. IndexIVFFlat - 倒排索引,加速:

  • 使用倒排索引结构,将数据集划分为多个聚类空间,以加速搜索。
  • 在查询阶段,首先定位到可能包含相似向量的聚类中心,然后在该聚类中心附近进行精确搜索。
import faiss  d = 200  # 向量维度 nlist = 10000  # 聚类空间 k = 500  # 返回结果个数 quantizer = faiss.IndexFlatL2(d)  # 量化器 index = faiss.IndexIVFFlat(quantizer, d, nlist)  # 构建索引 index.nprobe = 20  # 查找聚类中心的个数 index.train(data)  # 训练 index.add(data)  # 添加数据到索引 dis, ind = index.search(query, k)  # 查询相似内容 

3. IndexIVFPQ - 省空间超快:

  • 使用 Product Quantization(PQ)技术进行有损压缩,以节省内存。
  • 在查询阶段,返回近似结果。
import faiss  d = 200  # 向量维度 m = 8  # 空间拆分 nlist = 10000  # 聚类空间 k = 500  # 返回结果个数 quantizer = faiss.IndexFlatL2(d) index = faiss.IndexIVFPQ(quantizer, d, nlist, m, 8)  # 每个向量用8 bits 编码 index.nprobe = 20  # 查找聚类中心的个数 index.train(data)  # 训练 index.add(data)  # 添加数据到索引 dis, ind = index.search(query, k)  # 查询相似内容 
// https://github1s.com/facebookresearch/faiss/blob/HEAD/tutorial/python/3-IVFPQ.py#L6-L32 import numpy as np  d = 64                           # dimension nb = 100000                      # database size nq = 10000                       # nb of queries np.random.seed(1234)             # make reproducible xb = np.random.random((nb, d)).astype('float32') xb[:, 0] += np.arange(nb) / 1000. xq = np.random.random((nq, d)).astype('float32') xq[:, 0] += np.arange(nq) / 1000.  import faiss  nlist = 100 m = 8 k = 4 quantizer = faiss.IndexFlatL2(d)  # this remains the same index = faiss.IndexIVFPQ(quantizer, d, nlist, m, 8)                                   # 8 specifies that each sub-vector is encoded as 8 bits index.train(xb) index.add(xb) D, I = index.search(xb[:5], k) # sanity check print(I) print(D) index.nprobe = 10              # make comparable with experiment above D, I = index.search(xq, k)     # search print(I[-5:]) 


  • Product quantization in Faiss and from scratch
  • 乘积量化背后的主要思想是,将采用高维嵌入(其中每个元素都是浮点数)转换为更小的向量,其元素是无符号整数,具体位数通常是八位或一个字节。        
  • 为了实现这一点,我们首先将向量分成 m 段,然后将每个段映射到某个固定整数。对于 m 个分段中的每个分段都有 m 个单独的估计器,如果我们假设这些估计器已经经过训练,我们可以简单地使用它们将给定分段分配给集群 id,并且该集群 id 是我们将用来表示的数字。



        faiss 提供了保存和加载索引的功能,可以将索引保存为文件以便后续重用。这对于避免重新构建索引,以及在不同的程序之间共享索引非常有用。

import faiss import numpy as np  # 创建一些随机数据 np.random.seed(42) data = np.random.rand(10, 5).astype('float32')  # 创建一个平面索引 index = faiss.IndexFlatL2(5) index.add(data)  # 保存索引到文件 faiss.write_index(index, "my_index.index") 
import faiss import numpy as np # 加载索引 loaded_index = faiss.read_index("my_index.index")  # 进行相似性搜索 query_vector = np.random.rand(1, 5).astype('float32') k = 3 D, I = loaded_index.search(query_vector, k)  print("相似度最高的{}个向量的索引: {}".format(k, I)) print("对应的相似度分数: {}".format(D)) 


import faiss  # 假设你已经创建了一个索引 index # 这里以 IndexFlatL2 为例,具体类型根据你的实际情况选择 index = faiss.IndexFlatL2(d=128)  # 添加一些数据到索引中 data_to_add = [...]  # 你的数据 index.add(data_to_add)  # 打印添加数据前的索引大小 print("索引大小 (添加数据前):", index.ntotal)  # 清空索引中的所有数据 index.reset()  # 打印清空数据后的索引大小 print("索引大小 (清空数据后):", index.ntotal) 



# 这个例子好像有问题 import faiss  # 创建两个示例 IndexIVFPQ 索引 dimension = 64 nlist = 100 nprobe = 32 code_size = 8  # 进行相似性搜索的设置 query_vector = faiss.rand((1, dimension)).astype('float32') k = 3  quantizer = faiss.IndexFlatL2(dimension) index1 = faiss.IndexIVFPQ(quantizer, dimension, nlist, nprobe, 8)  # 每个向量用8 bits 编码 index2 = faiss.IndexIVFPQ(quantizer, dimension, nlist, nprobe, 8)  # 每个向量用8 bits 编码 # 向索引添加一些示例数据 data1 = faiss.rand((10000, dimension)).astype('float32') data2 = faiss.rand((50000, dimension)).astype('float32')  index1.train(data1) index1.add(data1) D, I = index1.search(query_vector, k) print("index1:相似度最高的{}个向量的索引: {}".format(k, I)) print("index1:对应的相似度分数: {}".format(D)) # print("Retrieved Vectors:", data1[I[0]])  index2.train(data2) index2.add(data2) D, I = index2.search(query_vector, k) print("index2:相似度最高的{}个向量的索引: {}".format(k, I)) print("index2:对应的相似度分数: {}".format(D)) # print("Retrieved Vectors:", data2[I[0]])  # 打印每个索引的总数 print("Index 1 total:", index1.ntotal) print("Index 2 total:", index2.ntotal)  # 创建一个新的索引,然后将两个索引合并到新的索引中 merged_index = faiss.IndexIVFPQ(quantizer, dimension, nlist, nprobe, 8) merged_index.merge_from(index1,add_id=True) merged_index.merge_from(index2,add_id=True)  # 打印合并后的总数 print("Merged Index total:", index1.ntotal) print("Merged Index total:", index1.ntotal) print("Merged Index total:", merged_index.ntotal)  D, I = merged_index.search(query_vector, k) print("merged_index合并后:相似度最高的{}个向量的索引: {}".format(k, I)) print("merged_index合并后:对应的相似度分数: {}".format(D)) # index1:相似度最高的3个向量的索引: [[   0 4722 8480]] # index1:对应的相似度分数: [[0.02087733 6.411026   7.01804   ]] # index2:相似度最高的3个向量的索引: [[    0   512 33625]] # index2:对应的相似度分数: [[0.02118337 5.254285   5.6290326 ]] # Index 1 total: 10000 # Index 2 total: 50000 # Merged Index total: 0 # Merged Index total: 0 # Merged Index total: 60000 # merged_index合并后:相似度最高的3个向量的索引: [[63 70  1]] # merged_index合并后:对应的相似度分数: [[4.093991 4.093991 4.093991]] 
  • merge_from遍历 PDF 列表。首次创建 Faiss 索引,然后合并其余索引。
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/76421045/how-to-combine-multiple-faiss-indexes-into-one-to-get-a-single-retriever pdfs = [help_doc_name, newsletters_doc_name, supportCases_doc_name]  for index, pdf in enumerate(pdfs):    content = load_pdf(pdf)    if index == 0:        faiss_index = FAISS.from_documents(content, OpenAIEmbeddings())    else:       faiss_index_i = FAISS.from_documents(content, OpenAIEmbeddings())       faiss_index.merge_from(faiss_index_i)  faiss_index.save_local(index_path)  retriever = faiss_index.as_retriever(         search_type="similarity", search_kwargs={"k": 3}     ) qa_chain = RetrievalQA.from_chain_type(     llm=llm,     chain_type="stuff",     retriever=retriever,     verbose=False ) 


// https://gist.github.com/mdouze/586746666ef493dbc363aef9266bb990 import numpy as np import faiss  def merge_idmap_flat(a, b):      a_flat = faiss.downcast_index(a.index)     b_flat = faiss.downcast_index(b.index)         ab_flat = faiss.IndexFlatL2(a.d)     faiss.copy_array_to_vector(         np.hstack((             faiss.vector_to_array(a_flat.xb),              faiss.vector_to_array(b_flat.xb)         )),          ab_flat.xb     )     ab = faiss.IndexIDMap(ab_flat)     ab.referenced = ab_flat # avoid deallocation, not needed in 1.4.0     faiss.copy_array_to_vector(         np.hstack((             faiss.vector_to_array(a.id_map),              faiss.vector_to_array(b.id_map)         )),          ab.id_map      )     ab_flat.ntotal = ab.ntotal = a.ntotal + b.ntotal     return ab 


  • 使用python定位到最深的实现为IndexIVF类的merge_from方法。这个函数很可能是 faiss 库中的底层实现,通过 swig 工具将 C/C++ 代码包装成 Python 接口。

  • 再TEST宏处进入测试

#include <gtest/gtest.h>  // https://github1s.com/facebookresearch/faiss/blob/HEAD/tests/test_merge.cpp#L14 // now use ondisk specific merge https://github1s.com/facebookresearch/faiss/blob/HEAD/tests/test_merge.cpp#L234-L247 TEST(MERGE, merge_flat_ondisk_2) {     faiss::IndexShards index_shards(d, false, false);     index_shards.own_indices = true;      for (int i = 0; i < nindex; i++) {         index_shards.add_shard(                 new faiss::IndexIVFFlat(&cd.quantizer, d, nlist));     }     EXPECT_TRUE(index_shards.is_trained);     index_shards.add_with_ids(nb, cd.database.data(), cd.ids.data());     int ndiff = compare_merged(&index_shards, false, false);     EXPECT_GE(0, ndiff); } 
  • 调用compare_merged
// https://github1s.com/facebookresearch/faiss/blob/HEAD/tests/test_merge.cpp#L88-L144 /// perform a search on shards, then merge and search again and /// compare results.  // 定义一个函数,用于在索引分片上进行搜索,合并索引,再次搜索,并比较结果。 int compare_merged(         faiss::IndexShards* index_shards,         bool shift_ids,         bool standard_merge = true) {     // 定义用于存储搜索结果的数组     std::vector<idx_t> refI(k * nq);     std::vector<float> refD(k * nq);      // 在索引分片上执行搜索操作,将结果存储在 refD 和 refI 数组中     index_shards->search(nq, cd.queries.data(), k, refD.data(), refI.data());          Tempfilename filename;// 创建一个临时文件名对象      // 定义新的搜索结果数组     std::vector<idx_t> newI(k * nq);     std::vector<float> newD(k * nq);      // 根据 standard_merge 的值,选择标准合并方式还是非标准合并方式     if (standard_merge) {         // 标准合并方式         for (int i = 1; i < nindex; i++) {             faiss::ivflib::merge_into(// 将所有索引分片合并到第一个分片中                     index_shards->at(0), index_shards->at(i), shift_ids);         }          // 同步索引以确保合并的变化得以反映         index_shards->syncWithSubIndexes();     } else {         // 非标准合并方式         std::vector<const faiss::InvertedLists*> lists;         faiss::IndexIVF* index0 = nullptr;         size_t ntotal = 0;          // 收集所有分片的倒排列表         for (int i = 0; i < nindex; i++) {             auto index_ivf =                     dynamic_cast<faiss::IndexIVF*>(index_shards->at(i));             assert(index_ivf);             if (i == 0) {                 index0 = index_ivf;             }             lists.push_back(index_ivf->invlists);             ntotal += index_ivf->ntotal;         }          // 创建一个新的 OnDiskInvertedLists,并将所有倒排列表合并到其中         auto il = new faiss::OnDiskInvertedLists(                 index0->nlist, index0->code_size, filename.c_str());          il->merge_from(lists.data(), lists.size());          // 替换第一个分片的倒排列表         index0->replace_invlists(il, true);         index0->ntotal = ntotal;     }      // 仅在第一个索引分片上执行搜索操作     index_shards->at(0)->search(             nq, cd.queries.data(), k, newD.data(), newI.data());      // 比较搜索结果,计算不同的数量     size_t ndiff = 0;     for (size_t i = 0; i < k * nq; i++) {         if (refI[i] != newI[i]) {             ndiff++;         }     }          // 返回不同的数量     return ndiff; } 
void merge_into(faiss::Index* index0, faiss::Index* index1, bool shift_ids) {     // 检查两个索引是否兼容,如果不兼容将引发异常     check_compatible_for_merge(index0, index1);      // 将传入的索引强制转换为 IndexIVF 类型     IndexIVF* ivf0 = extract_index_ivf(index0);     IndexIVF* ivf1 = extract_index_ivf(index1);      // 调用 IndexIVF 类的 merge_from 方法,将 index1 合并到 index0     ivf0->merge_from(*ivf1, shift_ids ? ivf0->ntotal : 0);      // 对于 IndexPreTransform 等情况,更新索引总数     index0->ntotal = ivf0->ntotal;     index1->ntotal = ivf1->ntotal; }  
  • IndexIVF 的类型定义如下,它继承自两个类:Index 和 IndexIVFInterface。第396行为函数声明:virtual void merge_from(Index& otherIndex, idx_t add_id) override;,它的实际实现是通过
/** Index based on a inverted file (IVF)  *  * In the inverted file, the quantizer (an Index instance) provides a  * quantization index for each vector to be added. The quantization  * index maps to a list (aka inverted list or posting list), where the  * id of the vector is stored.  *  * The inverted list object is required only after trainng. If none is  * set externally, an ArrayInvertedLists is used automatically.  *  * At search time, the vector to be searched is also quantized, and  * only the list corresponding to the quantization index is  * searched. This speeds up the search by making it  * non-exhaustive. This can be relaxed using multi-probe search: a few  * (nprobe) quantization indices are selected and several inverted  * lists are visited.  *  * Sub-classes implement a post-filtering of the index that refines  * the distance estimation from the query to databse vectors.  */ struct IndexIVF : Index, IndexIVFInterface {     /// Access to the actual data     InvertedLists* invlists = nullptr; // #include <faiss/invlists/InvertedLists.h>     bool own_invlists = false;      size_t code_size = 0; ///< code size per vector in bytes      /** Parallel mode determines how queries are parallelized with OpenMP      *      * 0 (default): split over queries      * 1: parallelize over inverted lists      * 2: parallelize over both      * 3: split over queries with a finer granularity      *      * PARALLEL_MODE_NO_HEAP_INIT: binary or with the previous to      * prevent the heap to be initialized and finalized      */     int parallel_mode = 0;     const int PARALLEL_MODE_NO_HEAP_INIT = 1024;      /** optional map that maps back ids to invlist entries. This      *  enables reconstruct() */     DirectMap direct_map;      /// do the codes in the invlists encode the vectors relative to the     /// centroids?     bool by_residual = true;      /** The Inverted file takes a quantizer (an Index) on input,      * which implements the function mapping a vector to a list      * identifier.      */     IndexIVF(             Index* quantizer,             size_t d,             size_t nlist,             size_t code_size,             MetricType metric = METRIC_L2);      void reset() override;      /// Trains the quantizer and calls train_encoder to train sub-quantizers     void train(idx_t n, const float* x) override;      /// Calls add_with_ids with NULL ids     void add(idx_t n, const float* x) override;      /// default implementation that calls encode_vectors     void add_with_ids(idx_t n, const float* x, const idx_t* xids) override;      /** Implementation of vector addition where the vector assignments are      * predefined. The default implementation hands over the code extraction to      * encode_vectors.      *      * @param precomputed_idx    quantization indices for the input vectors      * (size n)      */     virtual void add_core(             idx_t n,             const float* x,             const idx_t* xids,             const idx_t* precomputed_idx);      /** Encodes a set of vectors as they would appear in the inverted lists      *      * @param list_nos   inverted list ids as returned by the      *                   quantizer (size n). -1s are ignored.      * @param codes      output codes, size n * code_size      * @param include_listno      *                   include the list ids in the code (in this case add      *                   ceil(log8(nlist)) to the code size)      */     virtual void encode_vectors(             idx_t n,             const float* x,             const idx_t* list_nos,             uint8_t* codes,             bool include_listno = false) const = 0;      /** Add vectors that are computed with the standalone codec      *      * @param codes  codes to add size n * sa_code_size()      * @param xids   corresponding ids, size n      */     void add_sa_codes(idx_t n, const uint8_t* codes, const idx_t* xids);      /** Train the encoder for the vectors.      *      * If by_residual then it is called with residuals and corresponding assign      * array, otherwise x is the raw training vectors and assign=nullptr */     virtual void train_encoder(idx_t n, const float* x, const idx_t* assign);      /// can be redefined by subclasses to indicate how many training vectors     /// they need     virtual idx_t train_encoder_num_vectors() const;      void search_preassigned(             idx_t n,             const float* x,             idx_t k,             const idx_t* assign,             const float* centroid_dis,             float* distances,             idx_t* labels,             bool store_pairs,             const IVFSearchParameters* params = nullptr,             IndexIVFStats* stats = nullptr) const override;      void range_search_preassigned(             idx_t nx,             const float* x,             float radius,             const idx_t* keys,             const float* coarse_dis,             RangeSearchResult* result,             bool store_pairs = false,             const IVFSearchParameters* params = nullptr,             IndexIVFStats* stats = nullptr) const override;      /** assign the vectors, then call search_preassign */     void search(             idx_t n,             const float* x,             idx_t k,             float* distances,             idx_t* labels,             const SearchParameters* params = nullptr) const override;      void range_search(             idx_t n,             const float* x,             float radius,             RangeSearchResult* result,             const SearchParameters* params = nullptr) const override;      /** Get a scanner for this index (store_pairs means ignore labels)      *      * The default search implementation uses this to compute the distances      */     virtual InvertedListScanner* get_InvertedListScanner(             bool store_pairs = false,             const IDSelector* sel = nullptr) const;      /** reconstruct a vector. Works only if maintain_direct_map is set to 1 or 2      */     void reconstruct(idx_t key, float* recons) const override;      /** Update a subset of vectors.      *      * The index must have a direct_map      *      * @param nv     nb of vectors to update      * @param idx    vector indices to update, size nv      * @param v      vectors of new values, size nv*d      */     virtual void update_vectors(int nv, const idx_t* idx, const float* v);      /** Reconstruct a subset of the indexed vectors.      *      * Overrides default implementation to bypass reconstruct() which requires      * direct_map to be maintained.      *      * @param i0     first vector to reconstruct      * @param ni     nb of vectors to reconstruct      * @param recons output array of reconstructed vectors, size ni * d      */     void reconstruct_n(idx_t i0, idx_t ni, float* recons) const override;      /** Similar to search, but also reconstructs the stored vectors (or an      * approximation in the case of lossy coding) for the search results.      *      * Overrides default implementation to avoid having to maintain direct_map      * and instead fetch the code offsets through the `store_pairs` flag in      * search_preassigned().      *      * @param recons      reconstructed vectors size (n, k, d)      */     void search_and_reconstruct(             idx_t n,             const float* x,             idx_t k,             float* distances,             idx_t* labels,             float* recons,             const SearchParameters* params = nullptr) const override;      /** Similar to search, but also returns the codes corresponding to the      * stored vectors for the search results.      *      * @param codes      codes (n, k, code_size)      * @param include_listno      *                   include the list ids in the code (in this case add      *                   ceil(log8(nlist)) to the code size)      */     void search_and_return_codes(             idx_t n,             const float* x,             idx_t k,             float* distances,             idx_t* labels,             uint8_t* recons,             bool include_listno = false,             const SearchParameters* params = nullptr) const;      /** Reconstruct a vector given the location in terms of (inv list index +      * inv list offset) instead of the id.      *      * Useful for reconstructing when the direct_map is not maintained and      * the inv list offset is computed by search_preassigned() with      * `store_pairs` set.      */     virtual void reconstruct_from_offset(             int64_t list_no,             int64_t offset,             float* recons) const;      /// Dataset manipulation functions      size_t remove_ids(const IDSelector& sel) override;      void check_compatible_for_merge(const Index& otherIndex) const override;      virtual void merge_from(Index& otherIndex, idx_t add_id) override;      // returns a new instance of a CodePacker     virtual CodePacker* get_CodePacker() const;      /** copy a subset of the entries index to the other index      * see Invlists::copy_subset_to for the meaning of subset_type      */     virtual void copy_subset_to(             IndexIVF& other,             InvertedLists::subset_type_t subset_type,             idx_t a1,             idx_t a2) const;      ~IndexIVF() override;      size_t get_list_size(size_t list_no) const {         return invlists->list_size(list_no);     }      /// are the ids sorted?     bool check_ids_sorted() const;      /** initialize a direct map      *      * @param new_maintain_direct_map    if true, create a direct map,      *                                   else clear it      */     void make_direct_map(bool new_maintain_direct_map = true);      void set_direct_map_type(DirectMap::Type type);      /// replace the inverted lists, old one is deallocated if own_invlists     void replace_invlists(InvertedLists* il, bool own = false);      /* The standalone codec interface (except sa_decode that is specific) */     size_t sa_code_size() const override;     void sa_encode(idx_t n, const float* x, uint8_t* bytes) const override;      IndexIVF(); }; 
// https://github1s.com/facebookresearch/faiss/blob/HEAD/faiss/invlists/OnDiskInvertedLists.cpp#L569-L636 // 从一组倒排列表中合并数据到当前 OnDiskInvertedLists 对象 size_t OnDiskInvertedLists::merge_from(         const InvertedLists** ils,         int n_il,         bool verbose) {     // 确保当前 InvertedLists 对象为空     FAISS_THROW_IF_NOT_MSG(             totsize == 0, "works only on an empty InvertedLists");      // 记录每个倒排列表的大小     std::vector<size_t> sizes(nlist);      // 遍历所有输入的倒排列表     for (int i = 0; i < n_il; i++) {         const InvertedLists* il = ils[i];         // 确保倒排列表的维度和码的大小与当前对象一致         FAISS_THROW_IF_NOT(il->nlist == nlist && il->code_size == code_size);          // 统计每个列表的大小         for (size_t j = 0; j < nlist; j++) {             sizes[j] += il->list_size(j);         }     }      size_t cums = 0;     size_t ntotal = 0;      // 根据统计的列表大小更新当前对象的结构     for (size_t j = 0; j < nlist; j++) {         ntotal += sizes[j];         lists[j].size = 0;         lists[j].capacity = sizes[j];         lists[j].offset = cums;         cums += lists[j].capacity * (sizeof(idx_t) + code_size);     }      // 更新当前对象的总大小     update_totsize(cums);      size_t nmerged = 0;     double t0 = getmillisecs(), last_t = t0;      // 并行处理每个列表 #pragma omp parallel for // OpenMP在循环中实现并行化的预编译关键字(Preprocessor Directives),表示在其后的 for 循环应该在多个线程中并行执行     for (size_t j = 0; j < nlist; j++) {         List& l = lists[j];         // 遍历所有输入的倒排列表         for (int i = 0; i < n_il; i++) {             const InvertedLists* il = ils[i];             // 获取当前列表在输入倒排列表中的条目数             size_t n_entry = il->list_size(j);             // 更新当前列表的大小和内容             l.size += n_entry;             update_entries(                     j,                     l.size - n_entry,                     n_entry,                     ScopedIds(il, j).get(),//根据https://github1s.com/facebookresearch/faiss/blob/HEAD/faiss/invlists/InvertedLists.h#L165-L205的定义看,应该是指向倒排表的指针                     ScopedCodes(il, j).get());         }         // 确保当前列表的大小与容量相等         assert(l.size == l.capacity);          // 在 verbose 模式下,输出合并的进度信息         if (verbose) { #pragma omp critical             {                 nmerged++;                 double t1 = getmillisecs();                 if (t1 - last_t > 500) {                     printf("merged %zd lists in %.3f s\r",                            nmerged,                            (t1 - t0) / 1000.0);                     fflush(stdout);                     last_t = t1;                 }             }         }     }     // 输出合并完成的信息     if (verbose) {         printf("\n");     }      // 返回合并后的总条目数     return ntotal; }  
void OnDiskInvertedLists::update_entries(         size_t list_no, // 表示要更新的倒排列表的编号。         size_t offset, // 表示要更新的列表中的起始位置。         size_t n_entry,// 表示要更新的条目数。         const idx_t* ids_in, // 表示输入的新 ids 数组的指针。         const uint8_t* codes_in) {// 表示输入的新 codes 数组的指针。     // 检查是否为只读状态,如果是,抛出异常     FAISS_THROW_IF_NOT(!read_only);      // 如果要更新的条目数为 0,则直接返回     if (n_entry == 0)         return;      // 获取当前列表的引用     const List& l = lists[list_no];      // 确保更新的范围在合理的范围内     assert(n_entry + offset <= l.size);      // 获取当前列表的 ids 数组的指针     idx_t* ids = const_cast<idx_t*>(get_ids(list_no));      // 将输入的 ids_in 复制到列表的相应位置     memcpy(ids + offset, ids_in, sizeof(ids_in[0]) * n_entry);      // 获取当前列表的 codes 数组的指针     uint8_t* codes = const_cast<uint8_t*>(get_codes(list_no));      // 将输入的 codes_in 复制到列表的相应位置     memcpy(codes + offset * code_size, codes_in, code_size * n_entry); }  


https://github1s.com/facebookresearch/faiss-main/tests$ ls CMakeLists.txt            test_binary_io.py           test_cppcontrib_sa_decode.cpp   test_factory.py                  test_index_binary.py     test_local_search_quantizer.py  test_omp_threads_py.py    test_pq_encoding.cpp        test_search_params.py common_faiss_tests.py     test_build_blocks.py        test_cppcontrib_uintreader.cpp  test_fast_scan_ivf.py            test_index_composite.py  test_lowlevel_ivf.cpp           test_ondisk_ivf.cpp       test_product_quantizer.py   test_simdlib.cpp test_approx_topk.cpp      test_clone.py               test_dealloc_invlists.cpp       test_fast_scan.py                test_index.py            test_mem_leak.cpp               test_oom_exception.py     test_RCQ_cropping.cpp       test_sliding_ivf.cpp test_autotune.py          test_clustering.py          test_distances_simd.cpp         test_heap.cpp                    test_io.py               test_merge.cpp                  test_pairs_decoding.cpp   test_referenced_objects.py  test_standalone_codec.py test_binary_factory.py    test_code_distance.cpp      test_documentation.py           test_hnsw.cpp                    test_ivflib.py           test_merge_index.py             test_params_override.cpp  test_refine.py              test_threaded_index.cpp test_binary_flat.cpp      test_contrib.py             test_doxygen_documentation.py   test_index_accuracy.py           test_ivfpq_codec.cpp     test_meta_index.py              test_partitioning.cpp     test_residual_quantizer.py  test_transfer_invlists.cpp test_binary_hashindex.py  test_contrib_with_scipy.py  test_extra_distances.py         test_index_binary_from_float.py  test_ivfpq_indexing.cpp  test_omp_threads.cpp            test_partition.py         test_rowwise_minmax.py      torch_test_contrib.py 


  • 不支持动态更新:FAISS构建的索引不支持动态添加、删除和更新向量。如果数据发生改变,通常需要重新构建整个索引。
  • 不支持分布式存储和查询(有第三方库实现)
  • 单机可能出现内存不足问题:
Traceback (most recent call last):   File "*****.py", line 199, in <module>     main()   File "*****.py", line 93, in main     train(config, train_loader, model, losses, optimizer, 0, logger)   File "*****.py", line 164, in train     index.add(image_embeds.view(1,-1).detach().cpu().numpy())   File "/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/envs/***/lib/python3.8/site-packages/faiss/__init__.py", line 194, in replacement_add     self.add_c(n, swig_ptr(x))   File "/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/envs/***/lib/python3.8/site-packages/faiss/swigfaiss_avx2.py", line 2166, in add     return _swigfaiss_avx2.IndexFlat_add(self, n, x) MemoryError: std::bad_alloc 


