vue2和3 对接 海康摄像头插件 (视频WEB插件 V1.5.2)





1. 摄像头的预览与停止预览

2. 窗口布局设置

3. 页面多次调用组件唯一性

4. 初始单个预览与多个预览

5. 组件窗口自适应

6. 双击窗口全屏


海康官网下载插件 里面有dome等其他需要用到的



打开下载的文件里的bin文件 安装一下VideoWebPlugin





<!--  	只实现预览摄像头功能 	方法调用 	预览监控点的方法调用 可以传值 值为监控点 	this.$refs.hikVideo.previewVideo('333'); 	停止全部预览 	this.$refs.hikVideo.stopAllPreview(); 	窗口布局 	this.$refs.hikVideo.setLayout('1x1'); 	注意: 		如果要实现 点击播放摄像头 前提是组件已经在页面显示出来 		例子: 			this.$refs.hikVideo.previewVideo(data); data为监控点编号  --> <template> 	<div :id="id" class="playWnd" ref="playWndBox"></div> </template>  <script> export default { 	name: 'HikVideo', 	props: { 		objData: { 			type: Object, 			required: true 		}, 		cameraIndexCodes: { 			type: Array, 			required: true 		}, 		// 初始视频显示画面个数 		cameraQuantity: { 			type: Number, 			default: 1 		} 	}, 	data() { 		return { 			id: 'playWnd' + Math.random().toString(16).slice(2), 			// 视频盒子的高度 			playWndHeight: '', 			// 视频盒子的宽度 			playWndWidth: '', 			oWebControl: null, 			initCount: 0, 			pubKey: '', 			// 窗口编号 			wndId: 0 		} 	}, 	mounted() { 		// 初始化播放器插件 		this.$nextTick(() => { 			// 首次加载时的到父容器的高度 			this.getWndCover() 			console.log('resize', this.playWndWidth, this.playWndHeight) 			// console.log(this.oWebControl) 			this.initPlugin() 		})  		// 监听scroll事件,使插件窗口尺寸跟随DIV窗口变化 		window.addEventListener('scroll', () => { 			if (this.oWebControl != null) { 				this.getWndCover() 				this.oWebControl.JS_Resize(this.playWndWidth, this.playWndHeight) 				console.log('scroll') 				this.setWndCover() 			} 		})  		// 监听resize事件,使插件窗口尺寸跟随DIV窗口变化 		this.monResize() 	}, 	destroyed() { 		if (this.oWebControl != null) { 			// 先让窗口隐藏,规避可能的插件窗口滞后于浏览器消失问题 			this.oWebControl.JS_HideWnd() 			// // 销毁当前播放的视频 			// this.oWebControl.JS_RequestInterface({ funcName: 'destroyWnd' }) 			// // 断开与插件服务连接 			// this.oWebControl.JS_Disconnect() 		} 	}, 	methods: { 		monResize() { 			window.addEventListener('resize', (e) => { 				if (this.oWebControl != null) { 					this.getWndCover() 					console.log('resize', this.playWndWidth, this.playWndHeight) 					this.oWebControl.JS_Resize(this.playWndWidth, this.playWndHeight) 					this.setWndCover() 				} 			}) 		}, 		// 获取宽高 		getWndCover() { 			// 首次加载时的到父容器的高度 			this.playWndHeight = this.$refs.playWndBox.clientHeight 			// 首次加载时的到父容器的宽度 			this.playWndWidth = this.$refs.playWndBox.clientWidth 		}, 		// 创建播放实例 		initPlugin() { 			console.log('创建播放实例') 			let that = this 			this.oWebControl = null 			that.oWebControl = new WebControl({ 				szPluginContainer:, // 指定容器id 				iServicePortStart: 15900, // 指定起止端口号,建议使用该值 				iServicePortEnd: 15901, 				szClassId: '23BF3B0A-2C56-4D97-9C03-0CB103AA8F11', // 用于IE10使用ActiveX的clsid 				cbConnectSuccess: () => { 					// 创建WebControl实例成功 					that.oWebControl 						.JS_StartService('window', { 							// WebControl实例创建成功后需要启动服务 							// 值"./VideoPluginConnect.dll"写死 							dllPath: './VideoPluginConnect.dll' 						}) 						.then( 							function () { 								// 设置消息回调 								that.oWebControl.JS_SetWindowControlCallback({ 									cbIntegrationCallBack: that.cbIntegrationCallBack 								}) 								//JS_CreateWnd创建视频播放窗口,宽高可设定 								that.oWebControl 									.JS_CreateWnd( , 										that.playWndWidth, 										that.playWndHeight, 										{ bEmbed: true } 									) 									//注:that.playWndWidth, that.playWndHeight这是上边已经获取的父元素的宽高,你们要调整大小可以更改父元素大小,不然初始化插件的时候会有空白闪烁。 									.then(function () { 										// 创建播放实例成功后初始化 										that.init() 									}) 							}, 							function () { 								// 启动插件服务失败 								console.log('启动插件服务失败') 							} 						) 				}, 				// 创建WebControl实例失败 				cbConnectError: function () { 					that.oWebControl = null 					console.log('插件未启动,正在尝试启动,请稍候...') 					that.$message.warning('插件未启动,正在尝试启动,请稍候...') 					// 程序未启动时执行error函数,采用wakeup来启动程序 					window.WebControl.JS_WakeUp('VideoWebPlugin://') 					that.initCount++ 					if (that.initCount < 3) { 						setTimeout(function () { 							that.initPlugin() 						}, 3000) 					} else { 						console.log('插件启动失败,请检查插件是否安装!') 						that.$message.warning('插件启动失败,请检查插件是否安装!') 					} 				}, 				cbConnectClose: () => { 					// 异常断开:bNormalClose = false 					// JS_Disconnect正常断开:bNormalClose = true 					// console.log("cbConnectClose"); 					that.oWebControl = null 				} 			}) 		}, 		hide() { 			this.oWebControl && this.oWebControl.JS_HideWnd() 		}, 		// 初始化 		init(callback) { 			console.log('初始化') 			let that = this 			that.getPubKey(() => { 				let appkey = that.objData.appkey //综合安防管理平台提供的appkey,必填 				let secret = that.setEncrypt(that.objData.secret) //综合安防管理平台提供的secret,必填 				let ip = that.objData.ip //综合安防管理平台IP地址,必填 				let playMode = that.objData.playMode //初始播放模式:0-预览,1-回放 				let port = that.objData.port //综合安防管理平台端口,若启用HTTPS协议,默认443 				let snapDir = 'D:\\SnapDir' //抓图存储路径 				let videoDir = 'D:\\VideoDir' //紧急录像或录像剪辑存储路径 				let layout = that.objData.layout //playMode指定模式的布局 				let enableHTTPS = 1 //是否启用HTTPS协议与综合安防管理平台交互,这里总是填1 				let encryptedFields = 'secret' //加密字段,默认加密领域为secret 				let showToolbar = that.objData.showToolbar //是否显示工具栏,0-不显示,非0-显示 				let showSmart = 1 //是否显示智能信息(如配置移动侦测后画面上的线框),0-不显示,非0-显示 				let buttonIDs = 					'0,16,256,257,258,259,260,512,513,514,515,516,517,768,769' //自定义工具条按钮 				// var toolBarButtonIDs = "2049,2304" // 工具栏上自定义按钮 				that.oWebControl 					.JS_RequestInterface({ 						funcName: 'init', 						argument: JSON.stringify({ 							appkey: appkey, //API网关提供的appkey 							secret: secret, //API网关提供的secret 							ip: ip, //API网关IP地址 							playMode: playMode, //播放模式(决定显示预览还是回放界面) 							port: port, //端口 							snapDir: snapDir, //抓图存储路径 							videoDir: videoDir, //紧急录像或录像剪辑存储路径 							layout: layout, //布局 							enableHTTPS: enableHTTPS, //是否启用HTTPS协议 							encryptedFields: encryptedFields, //加密字段 							showToolbar: showToolbar, //是否显示工具栏 							showSmart: showSmart, //是否显示智能信息 							buttonIDs //自定义工具条按钮 						}) 					}) 					.then(function (oData) { 						that.oWebControl.JS_Resize(that.playWndWidth, that.playWndHeight) // 初始化后resize一次,规避firefox下首次显示窗口后插件窗口未与DIV窗口重合问题 						if (callback) { 							callback() 						} 						// 隐藏 						// that.oWebControl.JS_HideWnd() 						that.hide() 						for (let i = 0; i < that.cameraIndexCodes.length; i++) { 							console.log(that.cameraQuantity, i) 							if (i <= that.cameraQuantity - 1) { 								that.previewVideo(that.cameraIndexCodes[i], i + 1) 							} 						} 					}) 			}) 		}, 		// 获取公钥 		getPubKey(callback) { 			// console.log('获取公钥') 			let that = this 			this.oWebControl 				.JS_RequestInterface({ 					funcName: 'getRSAPubKey', 					argument: JSON.stringify({ 						keyLength: 1024 					}) 				}) 				.then(function (oData) { 					if ( { 						that.pubKey = 						callback() 					} 				}) 		}, 		// RSA 加密 		setEncrypt(value) { 			let that = this 			let encrypt = new window.JSEncrypt() 			encrypt.setPublicKey(that.pubKey) 			return encrypt.encrypt(value) 		}, 		// 回调的消息 		cbIntegrationCallBack(oData) { 			if (oData.responseMsg.type === 1) { 				this.wndId = oData.responseMsg.msg.wndId // 获取窗口序号 				console.log('当前选中窗口', oData.responseMsg.msg.wndId) 			} else if (oData.responseMsg.type === 7) { 				this.doubleClick() 			} 		}, 		// 双击全屏 		doubleClick() { 			this.oWebControl 				.JS_RequestInterface({ 					funcName: 'setFullScreen' 				}) 				.then(function (oData) { 					console.log(oData) 					// showCBInfo(JSON.stringify(oData ? oData.responseMsg : '')) 				}) 		}, 		// 布局 		setLayout(layout) { 			this.oWebControl.JS_RequestInterface({ 				funcName: 'setLayout', 				argument: { 					layout: layout //布局 				} 			}) 		}, 		// 视频预览功能 		previewVideo(data, i) { 			console.log('预览画面', data, i) 			this.oWebControl.JS_ShowWnd() 			let that = this 			let cameraIndexCode = data // 获取输入的监控点编号值,必填  			// if (data == undefined) { 			// 	cameraIndexCode = that.cameraIndexCode 			// } else { 			// 	cameraIndexCode = data 			// }  			// console.log('监控点编号值', cameraIndexCode) 			let streamMode = 0 // 主子码流标识:0-主码流,1-子码流 			let transMode = 0 // 传输协议:0-UDP,1-TCP 			let gpuMode = 0 // 是否启用GPU硬解,0-不启用,1-启用 			let wndId = i ? i : that.wndId // 播放窗口序号(在2x2以上布局下可指定播放窗口) 			that.oWebControl.JS_RequestInterface({ 				funcName: 'startPreview', 				argument: JSON.stringify({ 					cameraIndexCode: cameraIndexCode.trim(), // 监控点编号 					streamMode: streamMode, // 主子码流标识 					transMode: transMode, // 传输协议 					gpuMode: gpuMode, // 是否开启GPU硬解 					wndId: wndId // 可指定播放窗口 				}) 			}) 		}, 		// 停止全部预览 		stopAllPreview() { 			// console.log('停止全部预览') 			this.oWebControl.JS_RequestInterface({ 				funcName: 'stopAllPreview' 			}) 		}, 		// 格式化时间 		dateFormat(oDate, fmt) { 			let o = { 				'M+': oDate.getMonth() + 1, //月份 				'd+': oDate.getDate(), //日 				'h+': oDate.getHours(), //小时 				'm+': oDate.getMinutes(), //分 				's+': oDate.getSeconds(), //秒 				'q+': Math.floor((oDate.getMonth() + 3) / 3), //季度 				S: oDate.getMilliseconds() //毫秒 			} 			if (/(y+)/.test(fmt)) { 				fmt = fmt.replace( 					RegExp.$1, 					(oDate.getFullYear() + '').substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length) 				) 			} 			for (let k in o) { 				if (new RegExp('(' + k + ')').test(fmt)) { 					fmt = fmt.replace( 						RegExp.$1, 						RegExp.$1.length == 1 							? o[k] 							: ('00' + o[k]).substr(('' + o[k]).length) 					) 				} 			} 			return fmt 		},  		// 设置窗口裁剪,当因滚动条滚动导致窗口需要被遮住的情况下需要JS_CuttingPartWindow部分窗口 		setWndCover() { 			var iWidth = $(window).width() 			var iHeight = $(window).height() 			var oDivRect = $(`#${}`).get(0).getBoundingClientRect()  			var iCoverLeft = oDivRect.left < 0 ? Math.abs(oDivRect.left) : 0 			var iCoverTop = < 0 ? Math.abs( : 0 			var iCoverRight = 				oDivRect.right - iWidth > 0 ? Math.round(oDivRect.right - iWidth) : 0 			var iCoverBottom = 				oDivRect.bottom - iHeight > 0 					? Math.round(oDivRect.bottom - iHeight) 					: 0  			iCoverLeft = iCoverLeft > 2041 ? 2041 : iCoverLeft 			iCoverTop = iCoverTop > 945 ? 945 : iCoverTop 			iCoverRight = iCoverRight > 2041 ? 2041 : iCoverRight 			iCoverBottom = iCoverBottom > 945 ? 945 : iCoverBottom  			this.oWebControl.JS_RepairPartWindow(0, 0, 2041, 946) // 多1个像素点防止还原后边界缺失一个像素条 			if (iCoverLeft != 0) { 				this.oWebControl.JS_CuttingPartWindow(0, 0, iCoverLeft, 946) 			} 			if (iCoverTop != 0) { 				this.oWebControl.JS_CuttingPartWindow(0, 0, 2041, iCoverTop) // 多剪掉一个像素条,防止出现剪掉一部分窗口后出现一个像素条 			} 			if (iCoverRight != 0) { 				this.oWebControl.JS_CuttingPartWindow( 					2041 - iCoverRight, 					0, 					iCoverRight, 					946 				) 			} 			if (iCoverBottom != 0) { 				this.oWebControl.JS_CuttingPartWindow( 					0, 					946 - iCoverBottom, 					2041, 					iCoverBottom 				) 			} 		} 	} } </script>  <style> .playWnd { 	width: 100%; 	height: 100%; } </style> 


<template> 	<div style="width: 100%; height: 100%"> 		<div style="width: 50vw; height: 40vh"> 			<HikVideo 				:cameraIndexCodes="cameraIndexCodes" 				:objData="objData" 				:cameraQuantity="2" 				ref="hikVideo" 			> 			</HikVideo> 		</div> 		<button @click="previewVideo">预览视频</button> 		<button @click="stopAllPreview">停止所有预览</button> 		<!-- <div style="width: 30vw; height: 20vh"> 			<HikVideo 				:cameraIndexCodes="cameraIndexCodes" 				:objData="objData" 				ref="hikVideo" 			> 			</HikVideo> 		</div> --> 	</div> </template>  <script> import HikVideo from './VideoMain.vue' export default { 	name: 'ParentComponent', 	components: { 		HikVideo 	}, 	data() { 		return { 			objData: { 				//海康初始化数据 				appkey: '', //综合安防管理平台提供的appkey,必填 				ip: '', //综合安防管理平台IP地址,必填 				secret: '', //综合安防管理平台提供的secret,必填 				port: 443, //综合安防管理平台端口,若启用HTTPS协议,默认443 				playMode: 0, // 0 预览 1回放 				layout: '2x2', //页面展示的模块数【16】 				showToolbar: 1 //是否显示工具栏,0-不显示,非0-显示 			}, 			// 多个监控 			cameraIndexCodes: [ 				'', 				'', 				'' 			], 			// 初始预览的监控个数(注意不能比窗口数量多) 			cameraQuantity: 2, 		} 	}, 	mounted() {}, 	methods: { 		previewVideo() { 			this.$refs.hikVideo.previewVideo('ba282eb0f82543a980fd50cabe035824') 		}, 		stopAllPreview() { 			this.$refs.hikVideo.stopAllPreview() 		} 	} } </script> <style></style> 

vue3 代码:

<!-- 海康威视组件 --> <template> 	<div :id="" class="playWnd"></div> </template>  <script setup lang="ts"> import { 	ref, 	reactive, 	onMounted, 	onDeactivated, 	onActivated, 	onUnmounted } from 'vue' const WebControl = window.WebControl //index.html引入 直接从window里面拿到sdk const JSEncrypt = window.JSEncrypt //index.html引入 直接从window里面拿到sdk const props = defineProps({ 	wsUrl: { 		type: String //视频监控code 	}, 	objData: {} }) const objData = props.objData console.log(props.wsUrl, '====>wsurl') const state = reactive({ 	id: 'playWnd' + Math.random().toString(16).slice(2), //多个监控同时显示需要不同的id 	idWidth: 0 as any, 	idHeight: 0 as any, 	initCount: 0, 	pubKey: '', 	oWebControl: null as any }) console.log(state) //创建播放实例 const initPlugin = () => { 	state.oWebControl = new WebControl({ 		szPluginContainer:, // 指定容器id 		iServicePortStart: 15900, // 指定起止端口号,建议使用该值 		iServicePortEnd: 15900, 		szClassId: '23BF3B0A-2C56-4D97-9C03-0CB103AA8F11', // 用于IE10使用ActiveX的clsid 		cbConnectSuccess: function () { 			// 创建WebControl实例成功 			state.oWebControl 				.JS_StartService('window', { 					// WebControl实例创建成功后需要启动服务 					dllPath: './VideoPluginConnect.dll' // 值"./VideoPluginConnect.dll"写死 				}) 				.then( 					() => { 						console.log('启动成功') 						// 启动插件服务成功 						state.oWebControl.JS_SetWindowControlCallback({ 							// 设置消息回调 							cbIntegrationCallBack: cbIntegrationCallBack 						})  						state.oWebControl 							.JS_CreateWnd(, state.idWidth, state.idHeight) 							.then(() => { 								//JS_CreateWnd创建视频播放窗口,宽高可设定 								init() // 创建播放实例成功后初始化 							}) 					}, 					function () { 						console.log('启动失败') 						// 启动插件服务失败 					} 				) 		}, 		cbConnectError: function () { 			// 创建WebControl实例失败 			state.oWebControl = null 			console.log('插件未启动,正在尝试启动,请稍候...') 			WebControl.JS_WakeUp('VideoWebPlugin://') // 程序未启动时执行error函数,采用wakeup来启动程序 			state.initCount++ 			if (state.initCount < 3) { 				setTimeout(function () { 					initPlugin() 				}, 3000) 			} else { 				console.log('插件启动失败,请检查插件是否安装!') 			} 		}, 		cbConnectClose: function (bNormalClose) { 			// 异常断开:bNormalClose = false 			// JS_Disconnect正常断开:bNormalClose = true 			console.log('cbConnectClose') 			state.oWebControl = null 			console.log('插件未启动,正在尝试启动,请稍候...') 			WebControl.JS_WakeUp('VideoWebPlugin://') 			state.initCount++ 			if (state.initCount < 3) { 				setTimeout(function () { 					initPlugin() 				}, 3000) 			} else { 				console.log('插件启动失败,请检查插件是否安装!') 			} 		} 	}) } // 设置窗口控制回调 const setCallbacks = () => { 	state.oWebControl.JS_SetWindowControlCallback({ 		cbIntegrationCallBack: cbIntegrationCallBack 	}) }  // 推送消息 const cbIntegrationCallBack = (oData) => { 	console.log(oData.responseMsg, '--oData') 	if (oData.responseMsg.type === 7) { 		doubleClick() 	} } // 双击窗口放大 const doubleClick = () => { 	state.oWebControl 		.JS_RequestInterface({ 			funcName: 'setFullScreen' 		}) 		.then(function (oData) { 			console.log(oData) 			// showCBInfo(JSON.stringify(oData ? oData.responseMsg : '')) 		}) } //初始化 const init = () => { 	getPubKey(() => { 		// 请自行修改以下变量值 		let appkey = objData.appkey //综合安防管理平台提供的appkey,必填 		let secret = setEncrypt(objData.secret) //综合安防管理平台提供的secret,必填 		let ip = objData.ip //综合安防管理平台IP地址,必填 		let playMode = objData.playMode //初始播放模式:0-预览,1-回放 		let port = objData.port //综合安防管理平台端口,若启用HTTPS协议,默认443 		let snapDir = 'D:\\SnapDir' //抓图存储路径 		let videoDir = 'D:\\VideoDir' //紧急录像或录像剪辑存储路径 		let layout = objData.layout //playMode指定模式的布局 		let enableHTTPS = 1 //是否启用HTTPS协议与综合安防管理平台交互,这里总是填1 		let encryptedFields = 'secret' //加密字段,默认加密领域为secret 		let showToolbar = objData.showToolbar //是否显示工具栏,0-不显示,非0-显示 		let showSmart = 0 //是否显示移动框线框,0-不显示,非0-显示 		let buttonIDs = '0,16,256,257,258,259,260,512,513,514,515,516,517,768,769' //自定义工具条按钮 		// 请自行修改以上变量值  		state.oWebControl 			.JS_RequestInterface({ 				funcName: 'init', 				argument: JSON.stringify({ 					appkey: appkey, //API网关提供的appkey 					secret: secret, //API网关提供的secret 					ip: ip, //API网关IP地址 					playMode: playMode, //播放模式(决定显示预览还是回放界面) 					port: port, //端口 					snapDir: snapDir, //抓图存储路径 					videoDir: videoDir, //紧急录像或录像剪辑存储路径 					layout: layout, //布局 					enableHTTPS: enableHTTPS, //是否启用HTTPS协议 					encryptedFields: encryptedFields, //加密字段 					showToolbar: showToolbar, //是否显示工具栏 					showSmart: showSmart, //是否显示智能信息 					buttonIDs: buttonIDs //自定义工具条按钮 				}) 			}) 			.then(function (oData: any) { 				console.log(oData, 'oData') 				state.oWebControl.JS_Resize(state.idWidth, state.idHeight) // 初始化后resize一次,规避firefox下首次显示窗口后插件窗口未与DIV窗口重合问题 				previewClick() 			}) 	}) }  //获取公钥 const getPubKey = (callback: any) => { 	state.oWebControl 		.JS_RequestInterface({ 			funcName: 'getRSAPubKey', 			argument: JSON.stringify({ 				keyLength: 1024 			}) 		}) 		.then((oData: { responseMsg: { data: string } }) => { 			console.log(oData) 			if ( { 				state.pubKey = 				callback() 			} 		}) }  //RSA加密 const setEncrypt = (value: string) => { 	var encrypt = new JSEncrypt() 	encrypt.setPublicKey(state.pubKey) 	return encrypt.encrypt(value) }  // 监听resize事件,使插件窗口尺寸跟随DIV窗口变化 window.addEventListener('resize', () => { 	console.log('resize') 	if (state.oWebControl != null) { 		getElementWidth() 		state.oWebControl.JS_Resize(state.idWidth, state.idHeight) 		// setWndCover(); 	} })  // 监听滚动条scroll事件,使插件窗口跟随浏览器滚动而移动 window.addEventListener('scroll', () => { 	if (state.oWebControl != null) { 		getElementWidth() 		state.oWebControl.JS_Resize(state.idWidth, state.idHeight) 		// setWndCover(); 	} })  //视频预览功能 const previewClick = (data) => { 	var cameraIndexCode = data ? data : (props.wsUrl as any) 	// var cameraIndexCode = props.wsUrl as any //获取输入的监控点编号值,必填 	var streamMode = 0 //主子码流标识:0-主码流,1-子码流 	var transMode = 1 //传输协议:0-UDP,1-TCP 	var gpuMode = 0 //是否启用GPU硬解,0-不启用,1-启用 	var wndId = -1 //播放窗口序号(在2x2以上布局下可指定播放窗口)  	state.oWebControl.JS_RequestInterface({ 		funcName: 'startPreview', 		argument: JSON.stringify({ 			cameraIndexCode: cameraIndexCode, //监控点编号 			streamMode: streamMode, //主子码流标识 			transMode: transMode, //传输协议 			gpuMode: gpuMode, //是否开启GPU硬解 			wndId: wndId //可指定播放窗口 		}) 	}) 	console.log(state.oWebControl.JS_RequestInterface, ' ------face') 	console.log('当前的编号', cameraIndexCode) 	console.log('执行完成') }  // 停止全部预览 const stopAllPreview = () => { 	state.oWebControl.JS_RequestInterface({ 		funcName: 'stopAllPreview' 	}) } // 获取元素宽高 const getElementWidth = () => { 	state.idWidth = document.getElementById( 	state.idHeight = document.getElementById( }  onMounted(() => { 	getElementWidth() 	initPlugin() }) onActivated(() => { 	getElementWidth() 	initPlugin() }) onDeactivated(() => { 	console.log('销毁了') 	state.oWebControl.JS_HideWnd() 	state.oWebControl.JS_Disconnect().then( 		function () { 			//断开与插件服务连接成功 			console.log('断开与插件服务连接成功') 		}, 		function () { 			//断开与插件服务连接失败 			console.log('断开与插件服务连接失败') 		} 	) }) onUnmounted(() => { 	console.log('销毁了') 	state.oWebControl.JS_HideWnd() 	state.oWebControl.JS_Disconnect().then( 		function () { 			//断开与插件服务连接成功 			console.log('断开与插件服务连接成功') 		}, 		function () { 			//断开与插件服务连接失败 			console.log('断开与插件服务连接失败') 		} 	) }) // 暴露给父组件调用 defineExpose({ 	previewClick, 	stopAllPreview }) </script> <style> .playWnd { 	width: 100%; 	height: 100%; } </style> 



<template> 	<div> 		<div class="monitor-main"> 			<HikVideo 				:wsUrl="cameraIndexCode" 				:objData="HKobjData" 				ref="hkplayer" 			></HikVideo> 		</div> 		<button @click="previewVideo">预览视频</button> 		<button @click="stopAllPreview">停止所有预览</button> 		<el-select 			v-model="value" 			placeholder="设置布局" 			size="large" 			style="width: 240px" 			@change="setLayout" 		> 			<el-option 				v-for="item in options" 				:key="item.value" 				:label="item.value" 				:value="item.value" 			/> 		</el-select> 	</div> </template> <script setup> import HikVideo from './largeScreen/components/VideoMain.vue' import { ref } from 'vue'  const cameraIndexCode = ref('') // 摄像头索引code const HKobjData = ref({ 	// 海康初始化数据 	appkey: '', //综合安防管理平台提供的appkey,必填 	ip: '', //综合安防管理平台IP地址,必填 	secret: '', //综合安防管理平台提供的secret,必填 	port: 443, //综合安防管理平台端口,若启用HTTPS协议,默认443 	playMode: 0, // 0 预览 1回放 	layout: '1x1', //页面展示的模块数【16】 	showToolbar: 1 //是否显示工具栏,0-不显示,非0-显示 })  const hkplayer = ref(null)  const value = ref('1x1')  const options = [ 	{ value: '1x1' }, 	{ value: '2x2' }, 	{ value: '3x3' }, 	{ value: '4x4' }, 	{ value: '4+9' }, 	{ value: '1+1+12' }, 	{ value: '1+16' } ]  const previewVideo = () => { 	console.log('预览视频') 	// 预览视频 传参(参数为摄像头索引code) 	hkplayer.value.previewClick('') } const stopAllPreview = () => { 	console.log('停止所有预览') 	hkplayer.value.stopAllPreview() }  const setLayout = (e) => { 	console.log(e) 	hkplayer.value.setLayout(e) } </script> <style> .monitor-main { 	width: 600px; 	height: 400px; } </style> 

