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#pragma once #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <fstream> #include <unordered_map> #include <mutex> #include "util.hpp" #include "log.hpp"  namespace ns_index{     struct DocInfo{         std::string title;//文档标题         std::string content;//文档对应的去标签之后的内容         std::string url;//官网文档url         uint64_t doc_id; //文档的ID     };      struct InvertedElem{//倒排的元素         uint64_t doc_id;         std::string word;         int weight;     };     //倒排拉链     typedef std::vector<InvertedElem> InvertedList;      class Index{     private:         //正排索引的数据结构用数组,数组的下标天然是文档的ID         std::vector<DocInfo> forward_index;//正排索引         //倒排索引一定是一个关键字和一组(个)InvertedElem对应(关键字和倒排拉链的对应关系)         std::unordered_map<std::string , InvertedList>inverted_index;     private:         Index(){}//单例,但是不能delete         Index(const Index&) = delete;         Index& operator = (const Index&) = delete;         static Index *instance;          static std::mutex mtx;     public:                  ~Index(){}     public:         static Index* GetInstance()//多线程环境会存在线程安全         {             if(nullptr==instance)             {                 mtx.lock();                 if(nullptr==instance)                 {                     instance = new Index();                 }                 mtx.unlock();             }              return instance;         }           //根据doc_id找到文档内容         DocInfo* GetForwardIndex(uint64_t doc_id)         {             if(doc_id >= forward_index.size())             {                 //std::cerr<<"doc_id out range,error!"<<std::endl;                 LOG2(DEBUG,"doc_id out range,error!");                 return nullptr;             }             return &forward_index[doc_id];         }         //根据关键字string,获得倒排拉链         InvertedList *GetInvertedList(const std::string &word)         {             auto iter = inverted_index.find(word);             if(iter==inverted_index.end())             {                 //std::cerr<<word<<"have no InvertedList"<<std::endl;                 LOG2(WARNING,"用户没搜到");                 return nullptr;             }             return &(iter->second);         }         //根据去标签,格式化之后的文档,构建正排和倒排索引         //data/raw_html/raw.txt         bool BuildIndex(const std::string &input)//parse处理完毕的数据交给我(文件的路径)         {             std::ifstream in(input,std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);             if(!in.is_open()){                 //std::cerr<<"sorry,"<<input<<"open error"<<std::endl;                 LOG2(FATAL,"open error");                 return false;             }             //读取文件             std::string line;//每一行是一个文件             int count = 0;             while(std::getline(in,line))             {                 //建立正排索引                 DocInfo* doc=BuildForwardIndex(line);                 if(doc==nullptr)                 {                     //std::cerr<<"build"<<line<<"error"<<std::endl;//for debug                     LOG2(DEBUG,"建立正排索引错误");                     continue;                 }                 BuildInvertedIndex(*doc);                 count++;                 if(count % 50==0)                 {                     //std::cout<< "当前已经建立的索引文档:"<<count <<std::endl;                     LOG2(NORMAL,"当前已经建立的索引文档: " + std::to_string(count));                 }              }             return true;         }         private:         DocInfo *BuildForwardIndex(const std::string &line)         {             //1. 解析line,字符串切分 line -> 3个string,(title、content、url)                         std::vector<std::string> results;             const std::string sep ="\3";//行内分隔符             ns_util::StringUtil::Split(line,&results,sep);              if(results.size()!=3){                 return nullptr;             }             //2. 字符串进行填充到DoInfo             DocInfo doc;             doc.title = results[0];             doc.content = results[1];             doc.url = results[2];             doc.doc_id = forward_index.size();//先进行保存,再插入,对应的id就是当前doc在vector下的下标             //3. 插入到正排索引的vector             forward_index.push_back(std::move(doc));//doc.html文件内容会比较大,避免拷贝应使用move             return &forward_index.back();         }         bool BuildInvertedIndex(const DocInfo &doc)         {             //DocInfo(title,content,url,doc_id)             //world -> 倒排拉链             struct word_cnt{                 int title_cnt;                 int content_cnt;                  word_cnt():title_cnt(0),content_cnt(0){}             };             std::unordered_map<std::string,word_cnt> word_map;//用来暂存词频的映射表              //对标题进行分词             std::vector<std::string> title_words;             ns_util::JiebaUtil::CutString2(doc.title,&title_words);//调用了CutString2             //对标题进行词频统计             for(auto &s : title_words){                 boost::to_lower(s);                 word_map[s].title_cnt++;             }              //对文档内容进行分词             std::vector<std::string> content_words;             ns_util::JiebaUtil::CutString2(doc.content,&content_words);             //对内容进行词频统计             for(auto &s : content_words){                 boost::to_lower(s);                 word_map[s].content_cnt++;             }  #define X 10 #define Y 1             //Hello.HELLO.hello(倒排索引的大小写要忽略)             //根据文档内容,形成一个或者多个InvertedElem(倒排拉链)             //因为当前我们是一个一个文档进行处理的,一个文档会包含多个“词”,都应当对应到当前的doc_id             for(auto &word_pair : word_map){                 InvertedElem item;                 item.doc_id = doc.doc_id;                 item.word = word_pair.first;                 item.weight = X*word_pair.second.title_cnt + Y*word_pair.second.content_cnt;//相关性                 InvertedList &inverted_list = inverted_index[word_pair.first];                 inverted_list.push_back(std::move(item));             }               //1.需要对title && content都要先分词             //title: 吃/葡萄             //content:吃/葡萄/不吐/葡萄皮              //词和文档的相关性(非常复杂,我们采用词频:在标题中出现的词,可以认为相关性更高一些,在内容中出现相关性低一些)             //2.词频统计               //知道了在文档中,标题和内容每个词出现的次数             //3. 自定义相关性                 //jieba的使用————cppjieba                          return true;         }     };     Index* Index::instance = nullptr;     std::mutex Index::mtx;  } 


#pragma once  #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <ctime>  #define NORMAL 1 #define WARNING 2 #define DEBUG 3 #define FATAL 4   #define LOG2(LEVEL,MESSAGE) log(#LEVEL,MESSAGE,__FILE__,__LINE__) //@brief:时间戳转日期时间 static inline std::string getDateTimeFromTS(time_t ts) { 	if(ts<0) { 		return ""; 	} 	struct tm tm = *localtime(&ts); 	static char time_str[32]{0}; 	snprintf(time_str,sizeof(time_str),"%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",tm.tm_year+1900,tm.tm_mon+1,tm.tm_mday,tm.tm_hour,tm.tm_min,tm.tm_sec); 	return std::string(time_str); }  void log(std::string level,std::string message,std::string file,int line) {     std::cout<<"["<<level<<"]"<<"["<<getDateTimeFromTS(time(nullptr))<<"]"<<"["<<message<<"]"<<"["<<file<<":"<<line<<"]"<<std::endl; }  


#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <boost/filesystem.hpp> #include "util.hpp" #include "log.hpp" const std::string src_path = "data/input"; const std::string output = "data/raw_html/raw.txt";//结尾没有'/'  typedef struct DocInfo{     std::string title;//文档的标题     std::string content;//文档内容     std::string url;//该文档在官网中的url }DocInfo_t; //const & 输入 //* 输出 //& 输入输出 bool EnumFile(const std::string &src_path,std::vector<std::string> *file_list); bool ParseHtml(const std::vector<std::string> &files_list,std::vector<DocInfo_t> *results); bool SaveHtml(const std::vector<DocInfo_t> &results,const std::string &output);  int main() {     std::vector<std::string> files_list;     //第一步,递归式的把每个html文件名带路径,保存到files_list中,方便后期进行一个一个的文件进行读取     if(!EnumFile(src_path, &files_list))     {         //std::cerr<<"enum file error!" <<std::endl;         LOG2(FATAL,"enum file error!");         return 1;     }     //第二步,按照files_list读取每个文件的内容,并进行解析     std::vector<DocInfo_t> results;     if(!ParseHtml(files_list,&results))     {         //std::cerr <<"parse html error"<<std::endl;         LOG2(FATAL,"parse html error");         return 2;     }     //第三步,把解析完毕的各个文件的内容,写入到output中,按照\3作为每个文档的分割符     if(!SaveHtml(results,output))     {         //std::cerr<<"save html error"<<std::endl;         LOG2(FATAL,"save html error");         return 3;     }          return 0; }   bool EnumFile(const std::string &src_path,std::vector<std::string> *files_list) {     namespace fs = boost::filesystem;     fs::path root_path(src_path);      //判断路径是否存在,不存在就没必要往后走了     if(!fs::exists(root_path))     {          //std::cerr<< src_path<<"not exists"<<std::endl;         LOG2(FATAL,"src_path not exists");         return false;     }     //定义一个空的迭代器,用来进行判断递归结束     fs::recursive_directory_iterator end;     for(fs::recursive_directory_iterator iter(root_path);iter != end;iter++){         //判断文件是否是普通文件(html是普通文件)         if(!fs::is_regular_file(*iter))         {             continue;         }         if(iter->path().extension()!= ".html"){//判断文件路径名的后缀是否符合要求 path()提取路径字符串,是一个路径对象   ,extension()提取后缀(.以及之后的部分)              continue;         }         //std::cout<<"debug: " <<iter->path().string()<<std::endl;         //当前的路径一定是一个合法的,以.html结束的普通网页文件、         files_list->push_back(iter->path().string());//将所有带路径的html保存到files_list,方便后续进行文本分析      }     return true; } static bool ParseTitle(const std::string &file,std::string *title){          std::size_t begin = file.find("<title>");     if(begin == std::string::npos){         return false;     }     std::size_t end = file.find("</title>");     if(end==std::string::npos)     {         return false;     }     begin+=std::string("<title>").size();      if(begin>end){         return false;     }      *title = file.substr(begin,end-begin);     return true; } static bool ParseContent(const std::string &file,std::string *content){          //去标签,基于一个简易的状态机编写     enum status{         LABLE,         CONTENT     };     enum status s=LABLE;     for(char c :file){         switch(s)         {             case LABLE:                 if(c=='>') s= CONTENT;                 break;             case CONTENT:                 if(c=='<') s= LABLE;                 else                 {                     //我们不想要保留原始文件中的‘\n’,因为我们想用\n作为html解析之后文本的分隔符                     if(c=='\n')c=' ';                     content->push_back(c);                 }                 break;             default:                 break;         }      }          return true; } static bool ParseUrl(const std::string &file_path,std::string *url) {     std::string url_head =  "https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_78_0/doc/html";     std::string url_tail = file_path.substr(src_path.size());//越过长度截取     *url = url_head + url_tail;     return true; }  //for debug static void ShowDoc(const DocInfo_t &doc) {     std::cout<<"title:"<<doc.title << std::endl;     std::cout<<"content:"<<doc.content << std::endl;     std::cout<<"url:"<<doc.url << std::endl; }  bool ParseHtml(const std::vector<std::string> &files_list,std::vector<DocInfo_t> *results) {     for(const std::string &file : files_list)     {         //1.读取文件,Read()         std::string result;         if(!ns_util::FileUtil::ReadFile(file,&result)){             continue;         }         //2.解析指定的文件,提取title         DocInfo_t doc;         if(!ParseTitle(result,&doc.title)){             continue;         }         //3.解析指定的文件,提取content         if(!ParseContent(result,&doc.content)){             continue;         }         //4.解析指定的文件路径,构建url         if(!ParseUrl(file,&doc.url)){             continue;         }         //done,一定是完成了解析任务,当前文档的相关结果都保存在doc中         results->push_back(std::move(doc)); //bug to do细节,本质会发生拷贝,效率可能会比较低 (move是细节)         //std::cout<<1<<std::endl;         //for debug         //ShowDoc(doc);         //break;     }     return true; } bool SaveHtml(const std::vector<DocInfo_t> &results,const std::string &output) {    #define SEP '\3'     //按照二进制方式进行写入     std::ofstream out(output,std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);     if(!out.is_open()){         //std::cerr<<"open "<<output <<"failed!"<<std::endl;         LOG2(FATAL,"open output failed!");         return false;     }     //就可以进行文件内容的写入了     for(auto &item : results)     {         std::string out_string;         out_string = item.title;         out_string+=SEP;         out_string +=item.content;         out_string +=SEP;         out_string +=item.url;         out_string+='\n';          out.write(out_string.c_str(),out_string.size());     }      out.close();     return true; }  //strstr 前闭后开 


#pragma once #include "index.hpp" #include "util.hpp" #include <algorithm> #include <jsoncpp/json/json.h> #include "log.hpp" //#include <vector> namespace ns_searcher{      struct InvertedElemPrint{         uint64_t doc_id;         int weight;          std::vector<std::string> words;         InvertedElemPrint():doc_id(0),weight(0){}              };      class Searcher{         private:             ns_index::Index *index;         public:             Searcher(){}             ~Searcher(){}         public:             void InitSearcher(const std::string &input)             {                 //1. 获取或者创建index对象                 index = ns_index::Index::GetInstance();                 //std::cout <<"获取index单例成功..."<<std::endl;                 LOG2(NORMAL,"获取index单例成功...");                 //2. 根据index对象建立索引                 index->BuildIndex(input);//CutString                 //std::cout<<"建立正排和倒排索引成功..."<<std::endl;                 LOG2(NORMAL,"建立正排和倒排索引成功...");             }             //query:搜索关键字             //json_string:返回给用户浏览器的搜索结果             void Search(const std::string &query,std::string *json_string)             {                 //1. [分词]:对我们的query进行按照searcher的要求进行分词                 std::vector<std::string> words;                 ns_util::JiebaUtil::CutString(query,&words);                 //2. [触发]:就是根据分词的各个“词,进行index查找”,建立index是忽略大小写,所以搜索关键字也需要                 //ns_index::InvertedList inverted_list_all;                 std::vector<InvertedElemPrint> inverted_list_all;                 std::unordered_map<uint64_t,InvertedElemPrint> tokens_map;                 for(std::string word : words)                 {                     boost::to_lower(word);                      ns_index::InvertedList *inverted_list = index->GetInvertedList(word);                     if(nullptr == inverted_list)                     {                         continue;                     }                     //不完美的地方(去重)                     //inverted_list_all.insert(inverted_list_all.end(),inverted_list->begin(),inverted_list->end());                     for(const auto &elem : *inverted_list)                     {                         auto &item = tokens_map[elem.doc_id];                         //item一定是doc_id相同的print节点                         item.doc_id =elem.doc_id;                         item.weight += elem.weight;                         item.words.push_back(elem.word);                     }                 }                 for(const auto&item : tokens_map){                     inverted_list_all.push_back(std::move(item.second));                                      }                 //3. [合并排序]:汇总查找结果,按照相关性(weight)降序排序                 /*std::sort(inverted_list_all.begin(),inverted_list_all.end(),\                 [](const ns_index::InvertedElem &e1,const ns_index::InvertedElem &e2){                     return e1.weight>e2.weight;                 }                                  );                 */                std::sort(inverted_list_all.begin(),inverted_list_all.end(),\                [](const InvertedElemPrint&e1,const InvertedElemPrint& e2){                 return e1.weight >e2.weight;                });                 //4. [构建]:根据查找出来的结果,构建json串————jsoncpp----通过jsoncpp完成序列化和反序列化                 Json::Value root;                 for(auto &item : inverted_list_all){                     ns_index::DocInfo *doc = index->GetForwardIndex(item.doc_id);                     if(nullptr == doc)                     {                         continue;                     }                     Json::Value elem;                     elem["title"] = doc->title;                     elem["desc"] = GetDesc(doc->content,item.words[0]);  //content是文档的去标签的结果,但是不是我们想要的,我们要的是一部分                     elem["url"] = doc->url;                      //foe debug                     //elem["id"]= (int)item.doc_id;//doc_id是64位的uint64_t                     //elem["weight"] = item.weight;                                      root.append(elem);                 }                    //Json::StyledWriter writer;                 Json::FastWriter writer;                 *json_string = writer.write(root);             }              std::string GetDesc(const std::string &html_content,const std::string &word)             {                 //找到word在html_content中的首次出现,然后往前找50个字节(如果没有,从begin开始),往后找100个字节(如果没有,到end就可以),截取出这部分内容                 const std::size_t prev_step = 50;                 const std::size_t next_step =100;                 //1. 找到首次出现                 auto iter = std::search(html_content.begin(),html_content.end(),word.begin(),word.end(),[](int x,int y){                     return (std::tolower(x)==std::tolower(y));                 });                  if(iter == html_content.end())                 {                     return "None1";                 }                 std::size_t pos = std::distance(html_content.begin(),iter);                 /*std::size_t pos = html_content.find(word);                 if(pos == std::string::npos){                     return "None1";//这种情况是不存在的                 }*/                 //2. 获取start,end           //这里有一个大坑,就是std::size_t是一个无符号数,无符号数相减为正数                 std::size_t start = 0;                 std::size_t end = html_content.size() - 1;                 //如果之前有50个字符,就更新开始位置                 if(pos  >start+ prev_step) start = pos -prev_step;//换成加法                 if(pos + next_step <end) end = pos + next_step;                 //3. 截取子串,return                 if(start >= end)return "None2";                                   std::string desc = html_content.substr(start,end-start+1);                 std::string result="..." + desc + "...";                 return result;                          }               };   } 


#pragma once #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <fstream> #include <vector> #include "boost_1_84_0/boost/algorithm/string.hpp" #include "../cppjieba/include/cppjieba/Jieba.hpp" //#include "cppjieba/jieba" #include "log.hpp" #include <mutex> #include <unordered_map> namespace ns_util{     class FileUtil     {     public:         static bool ReadFile(const std::string &file_path,std::string *out)         {             std::ifstream in(file_path,std::ios::in);             if(!in.is_open())             {                 //std::cerr << "open_file" << file_path <<"error" <<std::endl;                 LOG2(FATAL,"open_file error");                 return false;             }                  std::string line;             while(std::getline(in,line)){//如何理解getline读取到文件结束呢??getline到返回值是一个&,while(bool),本质是因为重载了强制类型转换                 *out += line;             }             in.close();             return true;         }      };     class StringUtil{     public:         static void Split(const std::string&target,std::vector<std::string>*out,const std::string& sep)         {             //boost split             boost::split(*out,target,boost::is_any_of(sep),boost::token_compress_on);         }     };     const char* const DICT_PATH = "./dict/jieba.dict.utf8";     const char* const HMM_PATH = "./dict/hmm_model.utf8";     const char* const USER_DICT_PATH = "./dict/user.dict.utf8";     const char* const IDF_PATH = "./dict/idf.utf8";     const char* const STOP_WORD_PATH = "./dict/stop_words.utf8";          class JiebaUtil     {     private:         //static cppjieba::Jieba jieba;         cppjieba::Jieba jieba;         std::unordered_map<std::string,bool> stop_words;         private:         JiebaUtil():jieba(DICT_PATH,HMM_PATH,USER_DICT_PATH,IDF_PATH,STOP_WORD_PATH)         {}         JiebaUtil(const JiebaUtil&)=delete;         JiebaUtil& operator=(JiebaUtil const&)=delete;         static JiebaUtil *instance;     public:         static JiebaUtil*get_instance()         {             static std::mutex mtx;             if(nullptr==instance){                 mtx.lock();                 if(nullptr ==instance){                     instance = new JiebaUtil();                     instance->InitJiebaUtil();                 }                 mtx.unlock();              }             return instance;         }         void InitJiebaUtil()         {             std::ifstream in(STOP_WORD_PATH);             if(!in.is_open())             {                 LOG2(FATAL,"load stop words fill error");                 return ;             }             std::string line;             while(std::getline(in,line))             {                 stop_words.insert({line,true});              }             in.close();         }         void CutStringHelper(const std::string &src,std::vector<std::string>*out)         {                                      jieba.CutForSearch(src,*out);             std::vector<std::string> v(*out);              //  //for debug             // for(auto e : v)             // {             //     std::cout<<"暂停词测试存储 v:"<<e<<"----"<<std::endl;             // }                            for(auto iter=out->begin();iter!=out->end();){                 auto it =stop_words.find(*iter);                 if(it!=stop_words.end())                 {                     //说明当前的string是暂停词,需要去掉                     iter = out->erase(iter);                 }                 else                 {                     iter++;                 }             }              if(out->empty())             {                 //std::cout<< "out为空"<<std::endl;                 *out = v;              }                          //debug              // std::cout<< out->empty()<<std::endl;             // for(auto e : *out)             // {             //     std::cout<<"暂停词测试out 后:"<<e<<"----"<<std::endl;             // }                      }         void CutString_has_stop_words(const std::string &src,std::vector<std::string>*out)         {             jieba.CutForSearch(src,*out);         }     public:          static void CutString(const std::string &src,std::vector<std::string> *out)         {             //debug             //std::cout<< "CutStringHelper" << std::endl;              ns_util::JiebaUtil::get_instance()->CutStringHelper(src,out);             //jieba.CutForSearch(src,*out);         }          static void CutString2(const std::string &src,std::vector<std::string> *out)         {              //debug             //std::cout<< "CutString2()" << std::endl;             ns_util::JiebaUtil::get_instance()->CutString_has_stop_words(src,out);                     }          //cppjieba::Jieba JiebaUtil::jieba(DICT_PATH,HMM_PATH,USER_DICT_PATH,IDF_PATH,STOP_WORD_PATH);     };     JiebaUtil *JiebaUtil::instance = nullptr; //加static是因为这个函数要被外部使用,加了static可以不创建对象就可以使用 } 


#include "searcher.hpp" #include "httplib.h" #include "../http.hpp"  const std::string root_path = "./wwwroot"; const std::string input = "data/raw_html/raw.txt";  ns_searcher::Searcher search;   std::string RequestStr(const HttpRequest &req) {     std::stringstream ss;     ss << req._method << " " << req._path << " " << req._version << "\r\n";     for (auto it : req._params)     {         ss << it.first << ": " << it.second << "\r\n";         DBG_LOG("RequestStr_params: first:%s ,second:%s", it.first, it.second);     }     for (auto it : req._headers)     {         ss << it.first << ": " << it.second << "\r\n";         DBG_LOG("RequestStr_headers: first:%s ,second:%s", it.first.c_str(), it.second.c_str());     }      ss << "\r\n";     ss << req._body;     return ss.str(); } void Hello(const HttpRequest &req, HttpResponse *rsp) {     if (!req.HasParam("word"))     {         rsp->SetContent("必须要有搜索关键字!", "text/plain; charset=utf-8");         return;     }      // rsp.set_content("hello world!你好世界\n","text/plain; charset=utf-8");      const std::string word = req.GetParam("word"); // 获取名为word的参数值     // debug     // std::cout<<"test:"<<word<<std::endl;      // std::cout<<"用户在搜索:"<<word<<std::endl;     //LOG2(NORMAL, "用户搜索的:" + word);     std::string json_string;     search.Search(word, &json_string);     rsp->SetContent(json_string, "application/json");     //rsp->SetContent(RequestStr(req), "text/plain"); }  void Login(const HttpRequest &req, HttpResponse *rsp) {         rsp->SetContent(RequestStr(req),"text/plain"); }  void PutFile(const HttpRequest &req, HttpResponse *rsp) {     rsp->SetContent(RequestStr(req), "text/plain"); }  void DelFile(const HttpRequest &req, HttpResponse *rsp) {     rsp->SetContent(RequestStr(req), "text/plain"); } int main()        {        search.InitSearcher(input);     HttpServer server(8085);     server.SetThreadCount(3);     server.SetBaseDir(root_path); // 设置静态资源根目录,告诉服务器有静态资源请求到来,需要到哪里去找资源路径     server.Get("/s", Hello);     server.Post("/login", Login);     server.Put("/1234.txt", PutFile);     server.Delete("/1234.txt", DelFile);     server.Listen();           return 0; } 



 #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <regex> #include <sys/stat.h> #include "../server.hpp"  #define DEFALT_TIMEOUT 10  std::unordered_map<int, std::string> _statu_msg = {     {100,  "Continue"},     {101,  "Switching Protocol"},     {102,  "Processing"},     {103,  "Early Hints"},     {200,  "OK"},     {201,  "Created"},     {202,  "Accepted"},     {203,  "Non-Authoritative Information"},     {204,  "No Content"},     {205,  "Reset Content"},     {206,  "Partial Content"},     {207,  "Multi-Status"},     {208,  "Already Reported"},     {226,  "IM Used"},     {300,  "Multiple Choice"},     {301,  "Moved Permanently"},     {302,  "Found"},     {303,  "See Other"},     {304,  "Not Modified"},     {305,  "Use Proxy"},     {306,  "unused"},     {307,  "Temporary Redirect"},     {308,  "Permanent Redirect"},     {400,  "Bad Request"},     {401,  "Unauthorized"},     {402,  "Payment Required"},     {403,  "Forbidden"},     {404,  "Not Found"},     {405,  "Method Not Allowed"},     {406,  "Not Acceptable"},     {407,  "Proxy Authentication Required"},     {408,  "Request Timeout"},     {409,  "Conflict"},     {410,  "Gone"},     {411,  "Length Required"},     {412,  "Precondition Failed"},     {413,  "Payload Too Large"},     {414,  "URI Too Long"},     {415,  "Unsupported Media Type"},     {416,  "Range Not Satisfiable"},     {417,  "Expectation Failed"},     {418,  "I'm a teapot"},     {421,  "Misdirected Request"},     {422,  "Unprocessable Entity"},     {423,  "Locked"},     {424,  "Failed Dependency"},     {425,  "Too Early"},     {426,  "Upgrade Required"},     {428,  "Precondition Required"},     {429,  "Too Many Requests"},     {431,  "Request Header Fields Too Large"},     {451,  "Unavailable For Legal Reasons"},     {501,  "Not Implemented"},     {502,  "Bad Gateway"},     {503,  "Service Unavailable"},     {504,  "Gateway Timeout"},     {505,  "HTTP Version Not Supported"},     {506,  "Variant Also Negotiates"},     {507,  "Insufficient Storage"},     {508,  "Loop Detected"},     {510,  "Not Extended"},     {511,  "Network Authentication Required"} };  std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> _mime_msg = {     {".aac",        "audio/aac"},     {".abw",        "application/x-abiword"},     {".arc",        "application/x-freearc"},     {".avi",        "video/x-msvideo"},     {".azw",        "application/vnd.amazon.ebook"},     {".bin",        "application/octet-stream"},     {".bmp",        "image/bmp"},     {".bz",         "application/x-bzip"},     {".bz2",        "application/x-bzip2"},     {".csh",        "application/x-csh"},     {".css",        "text/css"},     {".csv",        "text/csv"},     {".doc",        "application/msword"},     {".docx",       "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document"},     {".eot",        "application/vnd.ms-fontobject"},     {".epub",       "application/epub+zip"},     {".gif",        "image/gif"},     {".htm",        "text/html"},     {".html",       "text/html"},     {".ico",        "image/vnd.microsoft.icon"},     {".ics",        "text/calendar"},     {".jar",        "application/java-archive"},     {".jpeg",       "image/jpeg"},     {".jpg",        "image/jpeg"},     {".js",         "text/javascript"},     {".json",       "application/json"},     {".jsonld",     "application/ld+json"},     {".mid",        "audio/midi"},     {".midi",       "audio/x-midi"},     {".mjs",        "text/javascript"},     {".mp3",        "audio/mpeg"},     {".mpeg",       "video/mpeg"},     {".mpkg",       "application/vnd.apple.installer+xml"},     {".odp",        "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation"},     {".ods",        "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet"},     {".odt",        "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text"},     {".oga",        "audio/ogg"},     {".ogv",        "video/ogg"},     {".ogx",        "application/ogg"},     {".otf",        "font/otf"},     {".png",        "image/png"},     {".pdf",        "application/pdf"},     {".ppt",        "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint"},     {".pptx",       "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation"},     {".rar",        "application/x-rar-compressed"},     {".rtf",        "application/rtf"},     {".sh",         "application/x-sh"},     {".svg",        "image/svg+xml"},     {".swf",        "application/x-shockwave-flash"},     {".tar",        "application/x-tar"},     {".tif",        "image/tiff"},     {".tiff",       "image/tiff"},     {".ttf",        "font/ttf"},     {".txt",        "text/plain"},     {".vsd",        "application/vnd.visio"},     {".wav",        "audio/wav"},     {".weba",       "audio/webm"},     {".webm",       "video/webm"},     {".webp",       "image/webp"},     {".woff",       "font/woff"},     {".woff2",      "font/woff2"},     {".xhtml",      "application/xhtml+xml"},     {".xls",        "application/vnd.ms-excel"},     {".xlsx",       "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"},     {".xml",        "application/xml"},     {".xul",        "application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml"},     {".zip",        "application/zip"},     {".3gp",        "video/3gpp"},     {".3g2",        "video/3gpp2"},     {".7z",         "application/x-7z-compressed"} };  class Util {     public:         //字符串分割函数,将src字符串按照sep字符进行分割,得到的各个字串放到arry中,最终返回字串的数量         static size_t Split(const std::string &src, const std::string &sep, std::vector<std::string> *arry) {             size_t offset = 0;             // 有10个字符,offset是查找的起始位置,范围应该是0~9,offset==10就代表已经越界了             while(offset < src.size()) {                 size_t pos = src.find(sep, offset);//在src字符串偏移量offset处,开始向后查找sep字符/字串,返回查找到的位置                 if (pos == std::string::npos) {//没有找到特定的字符                     //将剩余的部分当作一个字串,放入arry中                     if(pos == src.size()) break;                     arry->push_back(src.substr(offset));                     return arry->size();                 }                 if (pos == offset) {                     offset = pos + sep.size();                     continue;//当前字串是一个空的,没有内容                 }                 arry->push_back(src.substr(offset, pos - offset));                 offset = pos + sep.size();             }             return arry->size();         }         //读取文件的所有内容,将读取的内容放到一个Buffer中         static bool ReadFile(const std::string &filename, std::string *buf) {             std::ifstream ifs(filename, std::ios::binary);             if (ifs.is_open() == false) {                 printf("OPEN %s FILE FAILED!!", filename.c_str());                 return false;             }             size_t fsize = 0;             ifs.seekg(0, ifs.end);//跳转读写位置到末尾             fsize = ifs.tellg();  //获取当前读写位置相对于起始位置的偏移量,从末尾偏移刚好就是文件大小             ifs.seekg(0, ifs.beg);//跳转到起始位置             buf->resize(fsize); //开辟文件大小的空间             ifs.read(&(*buf)[0], fsize);             if (ifs.good() == false) {                 printf("READ %s FILE FAILED!!", filename.c_str());                 ifs.close();                 return false;             }             ifs.close();             return true;         }         //向文件写入数据         static bool WriteFile(const std::string &filename, const std::string &buf) {             std::ofstream ofs(filename, std::ios::binary | std::ios::trunc);             if (ofs.is_open() == false) {                 printf("OPEN %s FILE FAILED!!", filename.c_str());                 return false;             }             ofs.write(buf.c_str(), buf.size());             if (ofs.good() == false) {                 ERR_LOG("WRITE %s FILE FAILED!", filename.c_str());                 ofs.close();                     return false;             }             ofs.close();             return true;         }         //URL编码,避免URL中资源路径与查询字符串中的特殊字符与HTTP请求中特殊字符产生歧义         //编码格式:将特殊字符的ascii值,转换为两个16进制字符,前缀%   C++ -> C%2B%2B         //  不编码的特殊字符: RFC3986文档规定 . - _ ~ 字母,数字属于绝对不编码字符         //RFC3986文档规定,编码格式 %HH          //W3C标准中规定,查询字符串中的空格,需要编码为+, 解码则是+转空格         static std::string UrlEncode(const std::string url, bool convert_space_to_plus) {             std::string res;             for (auto &c : url) {                 if (c == '.' || c == '-' || c == '_' || c == '~' || isalnum(c)) {                     res += c;                     continue;                 }                 if (c == ' ' && convert_space_to_plus == true) {                     res += '+';                     continue;                 }                 //剩下的字符都是需要编码成为 %HH 格式                 char tmp[4] = {0};                 //snprintf 与 printf比较类似,都是格式化字符串,只不过一个是打印,一个是放到一块空间中                 snprintf(tmp, 4, "%%%02X", c);                 res += tmp;             }             return res;         }         static char HEXTOI(char c) {             if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {                 return c - '0';             }else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') {                 return c - 'a' + 10;             }else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') {                 return c - 'A' + 10;             }             return -1;          }         static std::string UrlDecode(const std::string url, bool convert_plus_to_space) {             //遇到了%,则将紧随其后的2个字符,转换为数字,第一个数字左移4位,然后加上第二个数字  + -> 2b  %2b->2 << 4 + 11             std::string res;             for (int i = 0; i < url.size(); i++) {                 if (url[i] == '+' && convert_plus_to_space == true) {                     res += ' ';                     continue;                 }                 if (url[i] == '%' && (i + 2) < url.size()) {                     char v1 = HEXTOI(url[i + 1]);                     char v2 = HEXTOI(url[i + 2]);                     char v = v1 * 16 + v2;                     res += v;                     i += 2;                     continue;                 }                 res += url[i];             }             return res;         }         //响应状态码的描述信息获取         static std::string StatuDesc(int statu) {                          auto it = _statu_msg.find(statu);             if (it != _statu_msg.end()) {                 return it->second;             }             return "Unknow";         }         //根据文件后缀名获取文件mime         static std::string ExtMime(const std::string &filename) {                          // a.b.txt  先获取文件扩展名             size_t pos = filename.find_last_of('.');             if (pos == std::string::npos) {                 return "application/octet-stream";             }             //根据扩展名,获取mime             std::string ext = filename.substr(pos);             auto it = _mime_msg.find(ext);             if (it == _mime_msg.end()) {                 return "application/octet-stream";             }             return it->second;         }         //判断一个文件是否是一个目录         static bool IsDirectory(const std::string &filename) {             struct stat st;             int ret = stat(filename.c_str(), &st);             if (ret < 0) {                 return false;             }             return S_ISDIR(st.st_mode);         }         //判断一个文件是否是一个普通文件         static bool IsRegular(const std::string &filename) {             struct stat st;             int ret = stat(filename.c_str(), &st);             if (ret < 0) {                 return false;             }             return S_ISREG(st.st_mode);         }         //http请求的资源路径有效性判断         // /index.html  --- 前边的/叫做相对根目录  映射的是某个服务器上的子目录         // 想表达的意思就是,客户端只能请求相对根目录中的资源,其他地方的资源都不予理会         // /../login, 这个路径中的..会让路径的查找跑到相对根目录之外,这是不合理的,不安全的         static bool ValidPath(const std::string &path) {             //思想:按照/进行路径分割,根据有多少子目录,计算目录深度,有多少层,深度不能小于0             std::vector<std::string> subdir;             Split(path, "/", &subdir);             int level = 0;             for (auto &dir : subdir) {                 if (dir == "..") {                     level--; //任意一层走出相对根目录,就认为有问题                     if (level < 0) return false;                     continue;                 }                 level++;             }             return true;         } };  class HttpRequest {     public:         std::string _method;      //请求方法         std::string _path;        //资源路径         std::string _version;     //协议版本         std::string _body;        //请求正文         std::smatch _matches;     //资源路径的正则提取数据         std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> _headers;  //头部字段         std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> _params;   //查询字符串     public:         HttpRequest():_version("HTTP/1.1") {}         void ReSet() {             _method.clear();             _path.clear();             _version = "HTTP/1.1";             _body.clear();             std::smatch match;             _matches.swap(match);             _headers.clear();             _params.clear();         }         //插入头部字段         void SetHeader(const std::string &key, const std::string &val) {             _headers.insert(std::make_pair(key, val));         }         //判断是否存在指定头部字段         bool HasHeader(const std::string &key) const {             auto it = _headers.find(key);             if (it == _headers.end()) {                 return false;             }             return true;         }         //获取指定头部字段的值         std::string GetHeader(const std::string &key) const {             auto it = _headers.find(key);             if (it == _headers.end()) {                 return "";             }             return it->second;         }         //插入查询字符串         void SetParam(const std::string &key, const std::string &val) {             _params.insert(std::make_pair(key, val));         }         //判断是否有某个指定的查询字符串         bool HasParam(const std::string &key) const {             auto it = _params.find(key);             if (it == _params.end()) {                 return false;             }             return true;         }         //获取指定的查询字符串         std::string GetParam(const std::string &key) const {             auto it = _params.find(key);             if (it == _params.end()) {                 return "";             }             return it->second;         }         //获取正文长度         size_t ContentLength() const {             // Content-Length: 1234\r\n             bool ret = HasHeader("Content-Length");             if (ret == false) {                 return 0;             }             std::string clen = GetHeader("Content-Length");             return std::stol(clen);         }         //判断是否是短链接         bool Close() const {             // 没有Connection字段,或者有Connection但是值是close,则都是短链接,否则就是长连接             if (HasHeader("Connection") == true && GetHeader("Connection") == "keep-alive") {                 return false;             }             return true;         } };  class HttpResponse {     public:         int _statu;         bool _redirect_flag;         std::string _body;         std::string _redirect_url;         std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> _headers;     public:         HttpResponse():_redirect_flag(false), _statu(200) {}         HttpResponse(int statu):_redirect_flag(false), _statu(statu) {}          void ReSet() {             _statu = 200;             _redirect_flag = false;             _body.clear();             _redirect_url.clear();             _headers.clear();         }         //插入头部字段         void SetHeader(const std::string &key, const std::string &val) {             _headers.insert(std::make_pair(key, val));         }         //判断是否存在指定头部字段         bool HasHeader(const std::string &key) {             auto it = _headers.find(key);             if (it == _headers.end()) {                 return false;             }             return true;         }         //获取指定头部字段的值         std::string GetHeader(const std::string &key) {             auto it = _headers.find(key);             if (it == _headers.end()) {                 return "";             }             return it->second;         }         void SetContent(const std::string &body,  const std::string &type = "text/html") {             _body = body;             SetHeader("Content-Type", type);         }         void SetRedirect(const std::string &url, int statu = 302) {             _statu = statu;             _redirect_flag = true;             _redirect_url = url;         }         //判断是否是短链接         bool Close() {             // 没有Connection字段,或者有Connection但是值是close,则都是短链接,否则就是长连接             if (HasHeader("Connection") == true && GetHeader("Connection") == "keep-alive") {                 return false;             }             return true;         } };  typedef enum {     RECV_HTTP_ERROR,     RECV_HTTP_LINE,     RECV_HTTP_HEAD,     RECV_HTTP_BODY,     RECV_HTTP_OVER }HttpRecvStatu;  #define MAX_LINE 8192 class HttpContext {     private:         int _resp_statu; //响应状态码         HttpRecvStatu _recv_statu; //当前接收及解析的阶段状态         HttpRequest _request;  //已经解析得到的请求信息     private:         bool ParseHttpLine(const std::string &line) {             std::smatch matches;             std::regex e("(GET|HEAD|POST|PUT|DELETE) ([^?]*)(?:\\?(.*))? (HTTP/1\\.[01])(?:\n|\r\n)?", std::regex::icase);             bool ret = std::regex_match(line, matches, e);             if (ret == false) {                 _recv_statu = RECV_HTTP_ERROR;                 _resp_statu = 400;//BAD REQUEST                 return false;             }             //0 : GET /bitejiuyeke/login?user=xiaoming&pass=123123 HTTP/1.1             //1 : GET             //2 : /bitejiuyeke/login             //3 : user=xiaoming&pass=123123             //4 : HTTP/1.1             //请求方法的获取             _request._method = matches[1];             std::transform(_request._method.begin(), _request._method.end(), _request._method.begin(), ::toupper);             //资源路径的获取,需要进行URL解码操作,但是不需要+转空格             _request._path = Util::UrlDecode(matches[2], false);             //协议版本的获取             _request._version = matches[4];             //查询字符串的获取与处理             std::vector<std::string> query_string_arry;             std::string query_string = matches[3];             //查询字符串的格式 key=val&key=val....., 先以 & 符号进行分割,得到各个字串             Util::Split(query_string, "&", &query_string_arry);             //针对各个字串,以 = 符号进行分割,得到key 和val, 得到之后也需要进行URL解码             for (auto &str : query_string_arry) {                 size_t pos = str.find("=");                 if (pos == std::string::npos) {                     _recv_statu = RECV_HTTP_ERROR;                     _resp_statu = 400;//BAD REQUEST                     return false;                 }                 std::string key = Util::UrlDecode(str.substr(0, pos), true);                   std::string val = Util::UrlDecode(str.substr(pos + 1), true);                 _request.SetParam(key, val);             }             return true;         }         bool RecvHttpLine(Buffer *buf) {             if (_recv_statu != RECV_HTTP_LINE) return false;             //1. 获取一行数据,带有末尾的换行              std::string line = buf->GetLineAndPop();             //2. 需要考虑的一些要素:缓冲区中的数据不足一行, 获取的一行数据超大             if (line.size() == 0) {                 //缓冲区中的数据不足一行,则需要判断缓冲区的可读数据长度,如果很长了都不足一行,这是有问题的                 if (buf->ReadAbleSize() > MAX_LINE) {                     _recv_statu = RECV_HTTP_ERROR;                     _resp_statu = 414;//URI TOO LONG                     return false;                 }                 //缓冲区中数据不足一行,但是也不多,就等等新数据的到来                 return true;             }             if (line.size() > MAX_LINE) {                 _recv_statu = RECV_HTTP_ERROR;                 _resp_statu = 414;//URI TOO LONG                 return false;             }             bool ret = ParseHttpLine(line);             if (ret == false) {                 return false;             }             //首行处理完毕,进入头部获取阶段             _recv_statu = RECV_HTTP_HEAD;             return true;         }         bool RecvHttpHead(Buffer *buf) {             if (_recv_statu != RECV_HTTP_HEAD) return false;             //一行一行取出数据,直到遇到空行为止, 头部的格式 key: val\r\nkey: val\r\n....             while(1){                 std::string line = buf->GetLineAndPop();                 //2. 需要考虑的一些要素:缓冲区中的数据不足一行, 获取的一行数据超大                 if (line.size() == 0) {                     //缓冲区中的数据不足一行,则需要判断缓冲区的可读数据长度,如果很长了都不足一行,这是有问题的                     if (buf->ReadAbleSize() > MAX_LINE) {                         _recv_statu = RECV_HTTP_ERROR;                         _resp_statu = 414;//URI TOO LONG                         return false;                     }                     //缓冲区中数据不足一行,但是也不多,就等等新数据的到来                     return true;                 }                 if (line.size() > MAX_LINE) {                     _recv_statu = RECV_HTTP_ERROR;                     _resp_statu = 414;//URI TOO LONG                     return false;                 }                 if (line == "\n" || line == "\r\n") {                     break;                 }                 bool ret = ParseHttpHead(line);                 if (ret == false) {                     return false;                 }             }             //头部处理完毕,进入正文获取阶段             _recv_statu = RECV_HTTP_BODY;             return true;         }         bool ParseHttpHead(std::string &line) {             //key: val\r\nkey: val\r\n....             if (line.back() == '\n') line.pop_back();//末尾是换行则去掉换行字符             if (line.back() == '\r') line.pop_back();//末尾是回车则去掉回车字符             size_t pos = line.find(": ");             if (pos == std::string::npos) {                 _recv_statu = RECV_HTTP_ERROR;                 _resp_statu = 400;//                 return false;             }             std::string key = line.substr(0, pos);               std::string val = line.substr(pos + 2);             _request.SetHeader(key, val);             return true;         }         bool RecvHttpBody(Buffer *buf) {             if (_recv_statu != RECV_HTTP_BODY) return false;             //1. 获取正文长度             size_t content_length = _request.ContentLength();             if (content_length == 0) {                 //没有正文,则请求接收解析完毕                 _recv_statu = RECV_HTTP_OVER;                 return true;             }             //2. 当前已经接收了多少正文,其实就是往  _request._body 中放了多少数据了             size_t real_len = content_length - _request._body.size();//实际还需要接收的正文长度             //3. 接收正文放到body中,但是也要考虑当前缓冲区中的数据,是否是全部的正文             //  3.1 缓冲区中数据,包含了当前请求的所有正文,则取出所需的数据             if (buf->ReadAbleSize() >= real_len) {                 _request._body.append(buf->ReadPosition(), real_len);                 buf->MoveReadOffset(real_len);                 _recv_statu = RECV_HTTP_OVER;                 return true;             }             //  3.2 缓冲区中数据,无法满足当前正文的需要,数据不足,取出数据,然后等待新数据到来             _request._body.append(buf->ReadPosition(), buf->ReadAbleSize());             buf->MoveReadOffset(buf->ReadAbleSize());             return true;         }     public:         HttpContext():_resp_statu(200), _recv_statu(RECV_HTTP_LINE) {}         void ReSet() {             _resp_statu = 200;             _recv_statu = RECV_HTTP_LINE;             _request.ReSet();         }         int RespStatu() { return _resp_statu; }         HttpRecvStatu RecvStatu() { return _recv_statu; }         HttpRequest &Request() { return _request; }         //接收并解析HTTP请求         void RecvHttpRequest(Buffer *buf) {             //不同的状态,做不同的事情,但是这里不要break, 因为处理完请求行后,应该立即处理头部,而不是退出等新数据             switch(_recv_statu) {                 case RECV_HTTP_LINE: RecvHttpLine(buf);                 case RECV_HTTP_HEAD: RecvHttpHead(buf);                 case RECV_HTTP_BODY: RecvHttpBody(buf);             }             return;         } };   class HttpServer {     private:         using Handler = std::function<void(const HttpRequest &, HttpResponse *)>;         using Handlers = std::vector<std::pair<std::regex, Handler>>;         Handlers _get_route;         Handlers _post_route;         Handlers _put_route;         Handlers _delete_route;         std::string _basedir; //静态资源根目录         TcpServer _server;     private:         void ErrorHandler(const HttpRequest &req, HttpResponse *rsp) {             //1. 组织一个错误展示页面             std::string body;             body += "<html>";             body += "<head>";             body += "<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html;charset=utf-8'>";             body += "</head>";             body += "<body>";             body += "<h1>";             body += std::to_string(rsp->_statu);             body += " ";             body += Util::StatuDesc(rsp->_statu);             body += "</h1>";             body += "</body>";             body += "</html>";             //2. 将页面数据,当作响应正文,放入rsp中             rsp->SetContent(body, "text/html");         }         //将HttpResponse中的要素按照http协议格式进行组织,发送         void WriteReponse(const PtrConnection &conn, const HttpRequest &req, HttpResponse &rsp) {             //1. 先完善头部字段             if (req.Close() == true) {                 rsp.SetHeader("Connection", "close");             }else {                 rsp.SetHeader("Connection", "keep-alive");             }             if (rsp._body.empty() == false && rsp.HasHeader("Content-Length") == false) {                 rsp.SetHeader("Content-Length", std::to_string(rsp._body.size()));             }             if (rsp._body.empty() == false && rsp.HasHeader("Content-Type") == false) {                 rsp.SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream");             }             if (rsp._redirect_flag == true) {                 rsp.SetHeader("Location", rsp._redirect_url);             }             //2. 将rsp中的要素,按照http协议格式进行组织             std::stringstream rsp_str;             rsp_str << req._version << " " << std::to_string(rsp._statu) << " " << Util::StatuDesc(rsp._statu) << "\r\n";             for (auto &head : rsp._headers) {                 rsp_str << head.first << ": " << head.second << "\r\n";             }             rsp_str << "\r\n";             rsp_str << rsp._body;             //3. 发送数据             conn->Send(rsp_str.str().c_str(), rsp_str.str().size());         }         bool IsFileHandler(const HttpRequest &req) {             // 1. 必须设置了静态资源根目录             if (_basedir.empty()) {                 return false;             }             // 2. 请求方法,必须是GET / HEAD请求方法             if (req._method != "GET" && req._method != "HEAD") {                 return false;             }             // 3. 请求的资源路径必须是一个合法路径             if (Util::ValidPath(req._path) == false) {                 return false;             }             // 4. 请求的资源必须存在,且是一个普通文件             //    有一种请求比较特殊 -- 目录:/, /image/, 这种情况给后边默认追加一个 index.html             // index.html    /image/a.png             // 不要忘了前缀的相对根目录,也就是将请求路径转换为实际存在的路径  /image/a.png  ->   ./wwwroot/image/a.png             std::string req_path = _basedir + req._path;//为了避免直接修改请求的资源路径,因此定义一个临时对象             if (req._path.back() == '/')  {                 req_path += "index.html";             }             if (Util::IsRegular(req_path) == false) {                 return false;             }             return true;         }         //静态资源的请求处理 --- 将静态资源文件的数据读取出来,放到rsp的_body中, 并设置mime         void FileHandler(const HttpRequest &req, HttpResponse *rsp) {             std::string req_path = _basedir + req._path;             if (req._path.back() == '/')  {                 req_path += "index.html";             }             bool ret = Util::ReadFile(req_path, &rsp->_body);             if (ret == false) {                 return;             }             std::string mime = Util::ExtMime(req_path);             rsp->SetHeader("Content-Type", mime);             return;         }         //功能性请求的分类处理         void Dispatcher(HttpRequest &req, HttpResponse *rsp, Handlers &handlers) {             //在对应请求方法的路由表中,查找是否含有对应资源请求的处理函数,有则调用,没有则发挥404             //思想:路由表存储的时键值对 -- 正则表达式 & 处理函数             //使用正则表达式,对请求的资源路径进行正则匹配,匹配成功就使用对应函数进行处理             //  /numbers/(\d+)       /numbers/12345             for (auto &handler : handlers) {                 const std::regex &re = handler.first;                 const Handler &functor = handler.second;                 bool ret = std::regex_match(req._path, req._matches, re);                 if (ret == false) {                     continue;                 }                 return functor(req, rsp);//传入请求信息,和空的rsp,执行处理函数             }             rsp->_statu = 404;         }         void Route(HttpRequest &req, HttpResponse *rsp) {             //1. 对请求进行分辨,是一个静态资源请求,还是一个功能性请求             //   静态资源请求,则进行静态资源的处理             //   功能性请求,则需要通过几个请求路由表来确定是否有处理函数             //   既不是静态资源请求,也没有设置对应的功能性请求处理函数,就返回405             if (IsFileHandler(req) == true) {                 //是一个静态资源请求, 则进行静态资源请求的处理                 return FileHandler(req, rsp);             }             if (req._method == "GET" || req._method == "HEAD") {                 return Dispatcher(req, rsp, _get_route);             }else if (req._method == "POST") {                 return Dispatcher(req, rsp, _post_route);             }else if (req._method == "PUT") {                 return Dispatcher(req, rsp, _put_route);             }else if (req._method == "DELETE") {                 return Dispatcher(req, rsp, _delete_route);             }             rsp->_statu = 405;// Method Not Allowed             return ;         }         //设置上下文         void OnConnected(const PtrConnection &conn) {             conn->SetContext(HttpContext());             DBG_LOG("NEW CONNECTION %p", conn.get());         }         //缓冲区数据解析+处理         void OnMessage(const PtrConnection &conn, Buffer *buffer) {             while(buffer->ReadAbleSize() > 0){                 //1. 获取上下文                 HttpContext *context = conn->GetContext()->get<HttpContext>();                 //2. 通过上下文对缓冲区数据进行解析,得到HttpRequest对象                 //  1. 如果缓冲区的数据解析出错,就直接回复出错响应                 //  2. 如果解析正常,且请求已经获取完毕,才开始去进行处理                 context->RecvHttpRequest(buffer);                 HttpRequest &req = context->Request();                 HttpResponse rsp(context->RespStatu());                 if (context->RespStatu() >= 400) {                     //进行错误响应,关闭连接                     ErrorHandler(req, &rsp);//填充一个错误显示页面数据到rsp中                     WriteReponse(conn, req, rsp);//组织响应发送给客户端                     context->ReSet();                     buffer->MoveReadOffset(buffer->ReadAbleSize());//出错了就把缓冲区数据清空                     conn->Shutdown();//关闭连接                     return;                 }                 if (context->RecvStatu() != RECV_HTTP_OVER) {                     //当前请求还没有接收完整,则退出,等新数据到来再重新继续处理                     return;                 }                 //3. 请求路由 + 业务处理                 Route(req, &rsp);                 //4. 对HttpResponse进行组织发送                 WriteReponse(conn, req, rsp);                 //5. 重置上下文                 context->ReSet();                 //6. 根据长短连接判断是否关闭连接或者继续处理                 if (rsp.Close() == true) conn->Shutdown();//短链接则直接关闭             }             return;         }     public:         HttpServer(int port, int timeout = DEFALT_TIMEOUT):_server(port) {             _server.EnableInactiveRelease(timeout);             _server.SetConnectedCallback(std::bind(&HttpServer::OnConnected, this, std::placeholders::_1));             _server.SetMessageCallback(std::bind(&HttpServer::OnMessage, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2));         }         void SetBaseDir(const std::string &path) {             assert(Util::IsDirectory(path) == true);             _basedir = path;         }         /*设置/添加,请求(请求的正则表达)与处理函数的映射关系*/         void Get(const std::string &pattern, const Handler &handler) {             _get_route.push_back(std::make_pair(std::regex(pattern), handler));         }         void Post(const std::string &pattern, const Handler &handler) {             _post_route.push_back(std::make_pair(std::regex(pattern), handler));         }         void Put(const std::string &pattern, const Handler &handler) {             _put_route.push_back(std::make_pair(std::regex(pattern), handler));         }         void Delete(const std::string &pattern, const Handler &handler) {             _delete_route.push_back(std::make_pair(std::regex(pattern), handler));         }         void SetThreadCount(int count) {             _server.SetThreadCount(count);         }         void Listen() {             _server.Start();         } }; 


 #ifndef __M_SERVER_H__ #define __M_SERVER_H__ #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <cassert> #include <cstring> #include <ctime> #include <functional> #include <unordered_map> #include <thread> #include <mutex> #include <condition_variable> #include <memory> #include <typeinfo> #include <fcntl.h> #include <signal.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/epoll.h> #include <sys/eventfd.h> #include <sys/timerfd.h>  #define INF 0 #define DBG 1 #define ERR 2 #define LOG_LEVEL DBG  #define LOG(level, format, ...) do{\         if (level < LOG_LEVEL) break;\         time_t t = time(NULL);\         struct tm *ltm = localtime(&t);\         char tmp[32] = {0};\         strftime(tmp, 31, "%H:%M:%S", ltm);\         fprintf(stdout, "[%p %s %s:%d] " format "\n", (void*)pthread_self(), tmp, __FILE__, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__);\     }while(0)  #define INF_LOG(format, ...) LOG(INF, format, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define DBG_LOG(format, ...) LOG(DBG, format, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define ERR_LOG(format, ...) LOG(ERR, format, ##__VA_ARGS__)  #define BUFFER_DEFAULT_SIZE 1024 class Buffer {     private:         std::vector<char> _buffer; //使用vector进行内存空间管理         uint64_t _reader_idx; //读偏移         uint64_t _writer_idx; //写偏移     public:         Buffer():_reader_idx(0), _writer_idx(0), _buffer(BUFFER_DEFAULT_SIZE){}         char *Begin() { return &*_buffer.begin(); }         //获取当前写入起始地址, _buffer的空间起始地址,加上写偏移量         char *WritePosition() { return Begin() + _writer_idx; }         //获取当前读取起始地址         char *ReadPosition() { return Begin() + _reader_idx; }         //获取缓冲区末尾空闲空间大小--写偏移之后的空闲空间, 总体空间大小减去写偏移         uint64_t TailIdleSize() { return _buffer.size() - _writer_idx; }         //获取缓冲区起始空闲空间大小--读偏移之前的空闲空间         uint64_t HeadIdleSize() { return _reader_idx; }         //获取可读数据大小 = 写偏移 - 读偏移         uint64_t ReadAbleSize() { return _writer_idx - _reader_idx; }         //将读偏移向后移动         void MoveReadOffset(uint64_t len) {              if (len == 0) return;              //向后移动的大小,必须小于可读数据大小             assert(len <= ReadAbleSize());             _reader_idx += len;         }         //将写偏移向后移动          void MoveWriteOffset(uint64_t len) {             //向后移动的大小,必须小于当前后边的空闲空间大小             assert(len <= TailIdleSize());             _writer_idx += len;         }         //确保可写空间足够(整体空闲空间够了就移动数据,否则就扩容)         void EnsureWriteSpace(uint64_t len) {             //如果末尾空闲空间大小足够,直接返回             if (TailIdleSize() >= len) { return; }             //末尾空闲空间不够,则判断加上起始位置的空闲空间大小是否足够, 够了就将数据移动到起始位置             if (len <= TailIdleSize() + HeadIdleSize()) {                 //将数据移动到起始位置                 uint64_t rsz = ReadAbleSize();//把当前数据大小先保存起来                 std::copy(ReadPosition(), ReadPosition() + rsz, Begin());//把可读数据拷贝到起始位置                 _reader_idx = 0;    //将读偏移归0                 _writer_idx = rsz;  //将写位置置为可读数据大小, 因为当前的可读数据大小就是写偏移量             }else {                 //总体空间不够,则需要扩容,不移动数据,直接给写偏移之后扩容足够空间即可                 DBG_LOG("RESIZE %ld", _writer_idx + len);                 _buffer.resize(_writer_idx + len);             }         }          //写入数据         void Write(const void *data, uint64_t len) {             //1. 保证有足够空间,2. 拷贝数据进去             if (len == 0) return;             EnsureWriteSpace(len);             const char *d = (const char *)data;             std::copy(d, d + len, WritePosition());         }         void WriteAndPush(const void *data, uint64_t len) {             Write(data, len);             MoveWriteOffset(len);         }         void WriteString(const std::string &data) {             return Write(data.c_str(), data.size());         }         void WriteStringAndPush(const std::string &data) {             WriteString(data);             MoveWriteOffset(data.size());         }         void WriteBuffer(Buffer &data) {             return Write(data.ReadPosition(), data.ReadAbleSize());         }         void WriteBufferAndPush(Buffer &data) {              WriteBuffer(data);             MoveWriteOffset(data.ReadAbleSize());         }         //读取数据         void Read(void *buf, uint64_t len) {             //要求要获取的数据大小必须小于可读数据大小             assert(len <= ReadAbleSize());             std::copy(ReadPosition(), ReadPosition() + len, (char*)buf);         }         void ReadAndPop(void *buf, uint64_t len) {             Read(buf, len);             MoveReadOffset(len);         }         std::string ReadAsString(uint64_t len) {             //要求要获取的数据大小必须小于可读数据大小             assert(len <= ReadAbleSize());             std::string str;             str.resize(len);             Read(&str[0], len);             return str;         }         std::string ReadAsStringAndPop(uint64_t len) {             assert(len <= ReadAbleSize());             std::string str = ReadAsString(len);             MoveReadOffset(len);             return str;         }         char *FindCRLF() {             char *res = (char*)memchr(ReadPosition(), '\n', ReadAbleSize());             return res;         }         /*通常获取一行数据,这种情况针对是*/         std::string GetLine() {             char *pos = FindCRLF();             if (pos == NULL) {                 return "";             }             // +1是为了把换行字符也取出来。             return ReadAsString(pos - ReadPosition() + 1);         }         std::string GetLineAndPop() {             std::string str = GetLine();             MoveReadOffset(str.size());             return str;         }         //清空缓冲区         void Clear() {             //只需要将偏移量归0即可             _reader_idx = 0;             _writer_idx = 0;         } };  #define MAX_LISTEN 1024 class Socket {     private:         int _sockfd;     public:         Socket():_sockfd(-1) {}         Socket(int fd): _sockfd(fd) {}         ~Socket() { Close(); }         int Fd() { return _sockfd; }         //创建套接字         bool Create() {             // int socket(int domain, int type, int protocol)             _sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);             if (_sockfd < 0) {                 ERR_LOG("CREATE SOCKET FAILED!!");                 return false;             }             return true;         }         //绑定地址信息         bool Bind(const std::string &ip, uint16_t port) {             struct sockaddr_in addr;             addr.sin_family = AF_INET;             addr.sin_port = htons(port);             addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ip.c_str());             socklen_t len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);             // int bind(int sockfd, struct sockaddr*addr, socklen_t len);             int ret = bind(_sockfd, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, len);             if (ret < 0) {                 ERR_LOG("BIND ADDRESS FAILED!");                 return false;             }             return true;         }         //开始监听         bool Listen(int backlog = MAX_LISTEN) {             // int listen(int backlog)             int ret = listen(_sockfd, backlog);             if (ret < 0) {                 ERR_LOG("SOCKET LISTEN FAILED!");                 return false;             }             return true;         }         //向服务器发起连接         bool Connect(const std::string &ip, uint16_t port) {             struct sockaddr_in addr;             addr.sin_family = AF_INET;             addr.sin_port = htons(port);             addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ip.c_str());             socklen_t len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);             // int connect(int sockfd, struct sockaddr*addr, socklen_t len);             int ret = connect(_sockfd, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, len);             if (ret < 0) {                 ERR_LOG("CONNECT SERVER FAILED!");                 return false;             }             return true;         }         //获取新连接         int Accept() {             // int accept(int sockfd, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *len);             int newfd = accept(_sockfd, NULL, NULL);             if (newfd < 0) {                 ERR_LOG("SOCKET ACCEPT FAILED!");                 return -1;             }             return newfd;         }         //接收数据         ssize_t Recv(void *buf, size_t len, int flag = 0) {             // ssize_t recv(int sockfd, void *buf, size_t len, int flag);             ssize_t ret = recv(_sockfd, buf, len, flag);             if (ret <= 0) {                 //EAGAIN 当前socket的接收缓冲区中没有数据了,在非阻塞的情况下才会有这个错误                 //EINTR  表示当前socket的阻塞等待,被信号打断了,                 if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EINTR) {                     return 0;//表示这次接收没有接收到数据                 }                 ERR_LOG("SOCKET RECV FAILED!!");                 return -1;             }             return ret; //实际接收的数据长度         }         ssize_t NonBlockRecv(void *buf, size_t len) {             return Recv(buf, len, MSG_DONTWAIT); // MSG_DONTWAIT 表示当前接收为非阻塞。         }         //发送数据         ssize_t Send(const void *buf, size_t len, int flag = 0) {             // ssize_t send(int sockfd, void *data, size_t len, int flag);             ssize_t ret = send(_sockfd, buf, len, flag);             if (ret < 0) {                 if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EINTR) {                     return 0;                 }                 ERR_LOG("SOCKET SEND FAILED!!");                 return -1;             }             return ret;//实际发送的数据长度         }         ssize_t NonBlockSend(void *buf, size_t len) {             if (len == 0) return 0;             return Send(buf, len, MSG_DONTWAIT); // MSG_DONTWAIT 表示当前发送为非阻塞。         }         //关闭套接字         void Close() {             if (_sockfd != -1) {                 close(_sockfd);                 _sockfd = -1;             }         }         //创建一个服务端连接         bool CreateServer(uint16_t port, const std::string &ip = "", bool block_flag = false) {             //1. 创建套接字,2. 绑定地址,3. 开始监听,4. 设置非阻塞, 5. 启动地址重用             if (Create() == false) return false;             if (block_flag) NonBlock();             if (Bind(ip, port) == false) return false;             if (Listen() == false) return false;             ReuseAddress();             return true;         }         //创建一个客户端连接         bool CreateClient(uint16_t port, const std::string &ip) {             //1. 创建套接字,2.指向连接服务器             if (Create() == false) return false;             if (Connect(ip, port) == false) return false;             return true;         }         //设置套接字选项---开启地址端口重用         void ReuseAddress() {             // int setsockopt(int fd, int leve, int optname, void *val, int vallen)             int val = 1;             setsockopt(_sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (void*)&val, sizeof(int));             val = 1;             setsockopt(_sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEPORT, (void*)&val, sizeof(int));         }         //设置套接字阻塞属性-- 设置为非阻塞         void NonBlock() {             //int fcntl(int fd, int cmd, ... /* arg */ );             int flag = fcntl(_sockfd, F_GETFL, 0);             fcntl(_sockfd, F_SETFL, flag | O_NONBLOCK);         } };  class Poller; class EventLoop; class Channel {     private:         int _fd;         EventLoop *_loop;         uint32_t _events;  // 当前需要监控的事件         uint32_t _revents; // 当前连接触发的事件         using EventCallback = std::function<void()>;         EventCallback _read_callback;   //可读事件被触发的回调函数         EventCallback _write_callback;  //可写事件被触发的回调函数         EventCallback _error_callback;  //错误事件被触发的回调函数         EventCallback _close_callback;  //连接断开事件被触发的回调函数         EventCallback _event_callback;  //任意事件被触发的回调函数     public:         Channel(EventLoop *loop, int fd):_fd(fd), _events(0), _revents(0), _loop(loop) {}         int Fd() { return _fd; }         uint32_t Events() { return _events; }//获取想要监控的事件         void SetREvents(uint32_t events) { _revents = events; }//设置实际就绪的事件         void SetReadCallback(const EventCallback &cb) { _read_callback = cb; }         void SetWriteCallback(const EventCallback &cb) { _write_callback = cb; }         void SetErrorCallback(const EventCallback &cb) { _error_callback = cb; }         void SetCloseCallback(const EventCallback &cb) { _close_callback = cb; }         void SetEventCallback(const EventCallback &cb) { _event_callback = cb; }         //当前是否监控了可读         bool ReadAble() { return (_events & EPOLLIN); }          //当前是否监控了可写         bool WriteAble() { return (_events & EPOLLOUT); }         //启动读事件监控         void EnableRead() { _events |= EPOLLIN; Update(); }         //启动写事件监控         void EnableWrite() { _events |= EPOLLOUT; Update(); }         //关闭读事件监控         void DisableRead() { _events &= ~EPOLLIN; Update(); }         //关闭写事件监控         void DisableWrite() { _events &= ~EPOLLOUT; Update(); }         //关闭所有事件监控         void DisableAll() { _events = 0; Update(); }         //移除监控         void Remove();         void Update();         //事件处理,一旦连接触发了事件,就调用这个函数,自己触发了什么事件如何处理自己决定         void HandleEvent() {             if ((_revents & EPOLLIN) || (_revents & EPOLLRDHUP) || (_revents & EPOLLPRI)) {                 /*不管任何事件,都调用的回调函数*/                 if (_read_callback) _read_callback();             }             /*有可能会释放连接的操作事件,一次只处理一个*/             if (_revents & EPOLLOUT) {                 if (_write_callback) _write_callback();             }else if (_revents & EPOLLERR) {                 if (_error_callback) _error_callback();//一旦出错,就会释放连接,因此要放到前边调用任意回调             }else if (_revents & EPOLLHUP) {                 if (_close_callback) _close_callback();             }             if (_event_callback) _event_callback();         } }; #define MAX_EPOLLEVENTS 1024 class Poller {     private:         int _epfd;         struct epoll_event _evs[MAX_EPOLLEVENTS];         std::unordered_map<int, Channel *> _channels;     private:         //对epoll的直接操作         void Update(Channel *channel, int op) {             // int epoll_ctl(int epfd, int op,  int fd,  struct epoll_event *ev);             int fd = channel->Fd();             struct epoll_event ev;             ev.data.fd = fd;             ev.events = channel->Events();             int ret = epoll_ctl(_epfd, op, fd, &ev);             if (ret < 0) {                 ERR_LOG("EPOLLCTL FAILED!");             }             return;         }         //判断一个Channel是否已经添加了事件监控         bool HasChannel(Channel *channel) {             auto it = _channels.find(channel->Fd());             if (it == _channels.end()) {                 return false;             }             return true;         }     public:         Poller() {             _epfd = epoll_create(MAX_EPOLLEVENTS);             if (_epfd < 0) {                 ERR_LOG("EPOLL CREATE FAILED!!");                 abort();//退出程序             }         }         //添加或修改监控事件         void UpdateEvent(Channel *channel) {             bool ret = HasChannel(channel);             if (ret == false) {                 //不存在则添加                 _channels.insert(std::make_pair(channel->Fd(), channel));                 return Update(channel, EPOLL_CTL_ADD);             }             return Update(channel, EPOLL_CTL_MOD);         }         //移除监控         void RemoveEvent(Channel *channel) {             auto it = _channels.find(channel->Fd());             if (it != _channels.end()) {                 _channels.erase(it);             }             Update(channel, EPOLL_CTL_DEL);         }         //开始监控,返回活跃连接         void Poll(std::vector<Channel*> *active) {             // int epoll_wait(int epfd, struct epoll_event *evs, int maxevents, int timeout)             int nfds = epoll_wait(_epfd, _evs, MAX_EPOLLEVENTS, -1);             if (nfds < 0) {                 if (errno == EINTR) {                     return ;                 }                 ERR_LOG("EPOLL WAIT ERROR:%s\n", strerror(errno));                 abort();//退出程序             }             for (int i = 0; i < nfds; i++) {                 auto it = _channels.find(_evs[i].data.fd);                 assert(it != _channels.end());                 it->second->SetREvents(_evs[i].events);//设置实际就绪的事件                 active->push_back(it->second);             }             return;         } };   using TaskFunc = std::function<void()>; using ReleaseFunc = std::function<void()>; class TimerTask{     private:         uint64_t _id;       // 定时器任务对象ID         uint32_t _timeout;  //定时任务的超时时间         bool _canceled;     // false-表示没有被取消, true-表示被取消         TaskFunc _task_cb;  //定时器对象要执行的定时任务         ReleaseFunc _release; //用于删除TimerWheel中保存的定时器对象信息     public:         TimerTask(uint64_t id, uint32_t delay, const TaskFunc &cb):              _id(id), _timeout(delay), _task_cb(cb), _canceled(false) {}         ~TimerTask() {              if (_canceled == false) _task_cb();              _release();          }         void Cancel() { _canceled = true; }         void SetRelease(const ReleaseFunc &cb) { _release = cb; }         uint32_t DelayTime() { return _timeout; } };  class TimerWheel {     private:         using WeakTask = std::weak_ptr<TimerTask>;         using PtrTask = std::shared_ptr<TimerTask>;         int _tick;      //当前的秒针,走到哪里释放哪里,释放哪里,就相当于执行哪里的任务         int _capacity;  //表盘最大数量---其实就是最大延迟时间         std::vector<std::vector<PtrTask>> _wheel;         std::unordered_map<uint64_t, WeakTask> _timers;          EventLoop *_loop;         int _timerfd;//定时器描述符--可读事件回调就是读取计数器,执行定时任务         std::unique_ptr<Channel> _timer_channel;     private:         void RemoveTimer(uint64_t id) {             auto it = _timers.find(id);             if (it != _timers.end()) {                 _timers.erase(it);             }         }         static int CreateTimerfd() {             int timerfd = timerfd_create(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, 0);             if (timerfd < 0) {                 ERR_LOG("TIMERFD CREATE FAILED!");                 abort();             }             //int timerfd_settime(int fd, int flags, struct itimerspec *new, struct itimerspec *old);             struct itimerspec itime;             itime.it_value.tv_sec = 1;             itime.it_value.tv_nsec = 0;//第一次超时时间为1s后             itime.it_interval.tv_sec = 1;              itime.it_interval.tv_nsec = 0; //第一次超时后,每次超时的间隔时             timerfd_settime(timerfd, 0, &itime, NULL);             return timerfd;         }         int ReadTimefd() {             uint64_t times;             //有可能因为其他描述符的事件处理花费事件比较长,然后在处理定时器描述符事件的时候,有可能就已经超时了很多次             //read读取到的数据times就是从上一次read之后超时的次数             int ret = read(_timerfd, &times, 8);             if (ret < 0) {                 ERR_LOG("READ TIMEFD FAILED!");                 abort();             }             return times;         }         //这个函数应该每秒钟被执行一次,相当于秒针向后走了一步         void RunTimerTask() {             _tick = (_tick + 1) % _capacity;             _wheel[_tick].clear();//清空指定位置的数组,就会把数组中保存的所有管理定时器对象的shared_ptr释放掉         }         void OnTime() {             //根据实际超时的次数,执行对应的超时任务             int times = ReadTimefd();             for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) {                 RunTimerTask();             }         }         void TimerAddInLoop(uint64_t id, uint32_t delay, const TaskFunc &cb) {             PtrTask pt(new TimerTask(id, delay, cb));             pt->SetRelease(std::bind(&TimerWheel::RemoveTimer, this, id));             int pos = (_tick + delay) % _capacity;             _wheel[pos].push_back(pt);             _timers[id] = WeakTask(pt);         }         void TimerRefreshInLoop(uint64_t id) {             //通过保存的定时器对象的weak_ptr构造一个shared_ptr出来,添加到轮子中             auto it = _timers.find(id);             if (it == _timers.end()) {                 return;//没找着定时任务,没法刷新,没法延迟             }             PtrTask pt = it->second.lock();//lock获取weak_ptr管理的对象对应的shared_ptr             int delay = pt->DelayTime();             int pos = (_tick + delay) % _capacity;             _wheel[pos].push_back(pt);         }         void TimerCancelInLoop(uint64_t id) {             auto it = _timers.find(id);             if (it == _timers.end()) {                 return;//没找着定时任务,没法刷新,没法延迟             }             PtrTask pt = it->second.lock();             if (pt) pt->Cancel();         }     public:         TimerWheel(EventLoop *loop):_capacity(60), _tick(0), _wheel(_capacity), _loop(loop),              _timerfd(CreateTimerfd()), _timer_channel(new Channel(_loop, _timerfd)) {             _timer_channel->SetReadCallback(std::bind(&TimerWheel::OnTime, this));             _timer_channel->EnableRead();//启动读事件监控         }         /*定时器中有个_timers成员,定时器信息的操作有可能在多线程中进行,因此需要考虑线程安全问题*/         /*如果不想加锁,那就把对定期的所有操作,都放到一个线程中进行*/         void TimerAdd(uint64_t id, uint32_t delay, const TaskFunc &cb);         //刷新/延迟定时任务         void TimerRefresh(uint64_t id);         void TimerCancel(uint64_t id);         /*这个接口存在线程安全问题--这个接口实际上不能被外界使用者调用,只能在模块内,在对应的EventLoop线程内执行*/         bool HasTimer(uint64_t id) {             auto it = _timers.find(id);             if (it == _timers.end()) {                 return false;             }             return true;         } };  class EventLoop {     private:         using Functor = std::function<void()>;         std::thread::id _thread_id;//线程ID         int _event_fd;//eventfd唤醒IO事件监控有可能导致的阻塞         std::unique_ptr<Channel> _event_channel;         Poller _poller;//进行所有描述符的事件监控         std::vector<Functor> _tasks;//任务池         std::mutex _mutex;//实现任务池操作的线程安全         TimerWheel _timer_wheel;//定时器模块     public:         //执行任务池中的所有任务         void RunAllTask() {             std::vector<Functor> functor;             {                 std::unique_lock<std::mutex> _lock(_mutex);                 _tasks.swap(functor);             }             for (auto &f : functor) {                 f();             }             return ;         }         static int CreateEventFd() {             int efd = eventfd(0, EFD_CLOEXEC | EFD_NONBLOCK);             if (efd < 0) {                 ERR_LOG("CREATE EVENTFD FAILED!!");                 abort();//让程序异常退出             }             return efd;         }         void ReadEventfd() {             uint64_t res = 0;             int ret = read(_event_fd, &res, sizeof(res));             if (ret < 0) {                 //EINTR -- 被信号打断;   EAGAIN -- 表示无数据可读                 if (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN) {                     return;                 }                 ERR_LOG("READ EVENTFD FAILED!");                 abort();             }             return ;         }         void WeakUpEventFd() {             uint64_t val = 1;             int ret = write(_event_fd, &val, sizeof(val));             if (ret < 0) {                 if (errno == EINTR) {                     return;                 }                 ERR_LOG("READ EVENTFD FAILED!");                 abort();             }             return ;         }     public:         EventLoop():_thread_id(std::this_thread::get_id()),                      _event_fd(CreateEventFd()),                      _event_channel(new Channel(this, _event_fd)),                     _timer_wheel(this) {             //给eventfd添加可读事件回调函数,读取eventfd事件通知次数             _event_channel->SetReadCallback(std::bind(&EventLoop::ReadEventfd, this));             //启动eventfd的读事件监控             _event_channel->EnableRead();         }         //三步走--事件监控-》就绪事件处理-》执行任务         void Start() {             while(1) {                 //1. 事件监控,                  std::vector<Channel *> actives;                 _poller.Poll(&actives);                 //2. 事件处理。                  for (auto &channel : actives) {                     channel->HandleEvent();                 }                 //3. 执行任务                 RunAllTask();             }         }         //用于判断当前线程是否是EventLoop对应的线程;         bool IsInLoop() {             return (_thread_id == std::this_thread::get_id());         }         void AssertInLoop() {             assert(_thread_id == std::this_thread::get_id());         }         //判断将要执行的任务是否处于当前线程中,如果是则执行,不是则压入队列。         void RunInLoop(const Functor &cb) {             if (IsInLoop()) {                 return cb();             }             return QueueInLoop(cb);         }         //将操作压入任务池         void QueueInLoop(const Functor &cb) {             {                 std::unique_lock<std::mutex> _lock(_mutex);                 _tasks.push_back(cb);             }             //唤醒有可能因为没有事件就绪,而导致的epoll阻塞;             //其实就是给eventfd写入一个数据,eventfd就会触发可读事件             WeakUpEventFd();         }         //添加/修改描述符的事件监控         void UpdateEvent(Channel *channel) { return _poller.UpdateEvent(channel); }         //移除描述符的监控         void RemoveEvent(Channel *channel) { return _poller.RemoveEvent(channel); }         void TimerAdd(uint64_t id, uint32_t delay, const TaskFunc &cb) { return _timer_wheel.TimerAdd(id, delay, cb); }         void TimerRefresh(uint64_t id) { return _timer_wheel.TimerRefresh(id); }         void TimerCancel(uint64_t id) { return _timer_wheel.TimerCancel(id); }         bool HasTimer(uint64_t id) { return _timer_wheel.HasTimer(id); } }; class LoopThread {     private:         /*用于实现_loop获取的同步关系,避免线程创建了,但是_loop还没有实例化之前去获取_loop*/         std::mutex _mutex;          // 互斥锁         std::condition_variable _cond;   // 条件变量         EventLoop *_loop;       // EventLoop指针变量,这个对象需要在线程内实例化         std::thread _thread;    // EventLoop对应的线程     private:         /*实例化 EventLoop 对象,唤醒_cond上有可能阻塞的线程,并且开始运行EventLoop模块的功能*/         void ThreadEntry() {             EventLoop loop;             {                 std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_mutex);//加锁                 _loop = &loop;                 _cond.notify_all();             }             loop.Start();         }     public:         /*创建线程,设定线程入口函数*/         LoopThread():_loop(NULL), _thread(std::thread(&LoopThread::ThreadEntry, this)) {}         /*返回当前线程关联的EventLoop对象指针*/         EventLoop *GetLoop() {             EventLoop *loop = NULL;             {                 std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_mutex);//加锁                 _cond.wait(lock, [&](){ return _loop != NULL; });//loop为NULL就一直阻塞                 loop = _loop;             }             return loop;         } };  class LoopThreadPool {     private:         int _thread_count;         int _next_idx;         EventLoop *_baseloop;         std::vector<LoopThread*> _threads;         std::vector<EventLoop *> _loops;     public:         LoopThreadPool(EventLoop *baseloop):_thread_count(0), _next_idx(0), _baseloop(baseloop) {}         void SetThreadCount(int count) { _thread_count = count; }         void Create() {             if (_thread_count > 0) {                 _threads.resize(_thread_count);                 _loops.resize(_thread_count);                 for (int i = 0; i < _thread_count; i++) {                     _threads[i] = new LoopThread();                     _loops[i] = _threads[i]->GetLoop();                 }             }             return ;         }         EventLoop *NextLoop() {             if (_thread_count == 0) {                 return _baseloop;             }             _next_idx = (_next_idx + 1) % _thread_count;             return _loops[_next_idx];         } };   class Any{     private:         class holder {             public:                 virtual ~holder() {}                 virtual const std::type_info& type() = 0;                 virtual holder *clone() = 0;         };         template<class T>         class placeholder: public holder {             public:                 placeholder(const T &val): _val(val) {}                 // 获取子类对象保存的数据类型                 virtual const std::type_info& type() { return typeid(T); }                 // 针对当前的对象自身,克隆出一个新的子类对象                 virtual holder *clone() { return new placeholder(_val); }             public:                 T _val;         };         holder *_content;     public:         Any():_content(NULL) {}         template<class T>         Any(const T &val):_content(new placeholder<T>(val)) {}         Any(const Any &other):_content(other._content ? other._content->clone() : NULL) {}         ~Any() { delete _content; }          Any &swap(Any &other) {             std::swap(_content, other._content);             return *this;         }          // 返回子类对象保存的数据的指针         template<class T>         T *get() {             //想要获取的数据类型,必须和保存的数据类型一致             assert(typeid(T) == _content->type());             return &((placeholder<T>*)_content)->_val;         }         //赋值运算符的重载函数         template<class T>         Any& operator=(const T &val) {             //为val构造一个临时的通用容器,然后与当前容器自身进行指针交换,临时对象释放的时候,原先保存的数据也就被释放             Any(val).swap(*this);             return *this;         }         Any& operator=(const Any &other) {             Any(other).swap(*this);             return *this;         } };  class Connection; //DISCONECTED -- 连接关闭状态;   CONNECTING -- 连接建立成功-待处理状态 //CONNECTED -- 连接建立完成,各种设置已完成,可以通信的状态;  DISCONNECTING -- 待关闭状态 typedef enum { DISCONNECTED, CONNECTING, CONNECTED, DISCONNECTING}ConnStatu; using PtrConnection = std::shared_ptr<Connection>; class Connection : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Connection> {     private:         uint64_t _conn_id;  // 连接的唯一ID,便于连接的管理和查找         //uint64_t _timer_id;   //定时器ID,必须是唯一的,这块为了简化操作使用conn_id作为定时器ID         int _sockfd;        // 连接关联的文件描述符         bool _enable_inactive_release;  // 连接是否启动非活跃销毁的判断标志,默认为false         EventLoop *_loop;   // 连接所关联的一个EventLoop         ConnStatu _statu;   // 连接状态         Socket _socket;     // 套接字操作管理         Channel _channel;   // 连接的事件管理         Buffer _in_buffer;  // 输入缓冲区---存放从socket中读取到的数据         Buffer _out_buffer; // 输出缓冲区---存放要发送给对端的数据         Any _context;       // 请求的接收处理上下文          /*这四个回调函数,是让服务器模块来设置的(其实服务器模块的处理回调也是组件使用者设置的)*/         /*换句话说,这几个回调都是组件使用者使用的*/         using ConnectedCallback = std::function<void(const PtrConnection&)>;         using MessageCallback = std::function<void(const PtrConnection&, Buffer *)>;         using ClosedCallback = std::function<void(const PtrConnection&)>;         using AnyEventCallback = std::function<void(const PtrConnection&)>;         ConnectedCallback _connected_callback;         MessageCallback _message_callback;         ClosedCallback _closed_callback;         AnyEventCallback _event_callback;         /*组件内的连接关闭回调--组件内设置的,因为服务器组件内会把所有的连接管理起来,一旦某个连接要关闭*/         /*就应该从管理的地方移除掉自己的信息*/         ClosedCallback _server_closed_callback;     private:         /*五个channel的事件回调函数*/         //描述符可读事件触发后调用的函数,接收socket数据放到接收缓冲区中,然后调用_message_callback         void HandleRead() {             //1. 接收socket的数据,放到缓冲区             char buf[65536];             ssize_t ret = _socket.NonBlockRecv(buf, 65535);             if (ret < 0) {                 //出错了,不能直接关闭连接                 return ShutdownInLoop();             }             //这里的等于0表示的是没有读取到数据,而并不是连接断开了,连接断开返回的是-1             //将数据放入输入缓冲区,写入之后顺便将写偏移向后移动             _in_buffer.WriteAndPush(buf, ret);             //2. 调用message_callback进行业务处理             if (_in_buffer.ReadAbleSize() > 0) {                 //shared_from_this--从当前对象自身获取自身的shared_ptr管理对象                 return _message_callback(shared_from_this(), &_in_buffer);             }         }         //描述符可写事件触发后调用的函数,将发送缓冲区中的数据进行发送         void HandleWrite() {             //_out_buffer中保存的数据就是要发送的数据             ssize_t ret = _socket.NonBlockSend(_out_buffer.ReadPosition(), _out_buffer.ReadAbleSize());             if (ret < 0) {                 //发送错误就该关闭连接了,                 if (_in_buffer.ReadAbleSize() > 0) {                     _message_callback(shared_from_this(), &_in_buffer);                 }                 return Release();//这时候就是实际的关闭释放操作了。             }             _out_buffer.MoveReadOffset(ret);//千万不要忘了,将读偏移向后移动             if (_out_buffer.ReadAbleSize() == 0) {                 _channel.DisableWrite();// 没有数据待发送了,关闭写事件监控                 //如果当前是连接待关闭状态,则有数据,发送完数据释放连接,没有数据则直接释放                 if (_statu == DISCONNECTING) {                     return Release();                 }             }             return;         }         //描述符触发挂断事件         void HandleClose() {             /*一旦连接挂断了,套接字就什么都干不了了,因此有数据待处理就处理一下,完毕关闭连接*/             if (_in_buffer.ReadAbleSize() > 0) {                 _message_callback(shared_from_this(), &_in_buffer);             }             return Release();         }         //描述符触发出错事件         void HandleError() {             return HandleClose();         }         //描述符触发任意事件: 1. 刷新连接的活跃度--延迟定时销毁任务;  2. 调用组件使用者的任意事件回调         void HandleEvent() {             if (_enable_inactive_release == true)  {  _loop->TimerRefresh(_conn_id); }             if (_event_callback)  {  _event_callback(shared_from_this()); }         }         //连接获取之后,所处的状态下要进行各种设置(启动读监控,调用回调函数)         void EstablishedInLoop() {             // 1. 修改连接状态;  2. 启动读事件监控;  3. 调用回调函数             assert(_statu == CONNECTING);//当前的状态必须一定是上层的半连接状态             _statu = CONNECTED;//当前函数执行完毕,则连接进入已完成连接状态             // 一旦启动读事件监控就有可能会立即触发读事件,如果这时候启动了非活跃连接销毁             _channel.EnableRead();             if (_connected_callback) _connected_callback(shared_from_this());         }         //这个接口才是实际的释放接口         void ReleaseInLoop() {             //1. 修改连接状态,将其置为DISCONNECTED             _statu = DISCONNECTED;             //2. 移除连接的事件监控             _channel.Remove();             //3. 关闭描述符             _socket.Close();             //4. 如果当前定时器队列中还有定时销毁任务,则取消任务             if (_loop->HasTimer(_conn_id)) CancelInactiveReleaseInLoop();             //5. 调用关闭回调函数,避免先移除服务器管理的连接信息导致Connection被释放,再去处理会出错,因此先调用用户的回调函数             if (_closed_callback) _closed_callback(shared_from_this());             //移除服务器内部管理的连接信息             if (_server_closed_callback) _server_closed_callback(shared_from_this());         }         //这个接口并不是实际的发送接口,而只是把数据放到了发送缓冲区,启动了可写事件监控         void SendInLoop(Buffer &buf) {             if (_statu == DISCONNECTED) return ;             _out_buffer.WriteBufferAndPush(buf);             if (_channel.WriteAble() == false) {                 _channel.EnableWrite();             }         }         //这个关闭操作并非实际的连接释放操作,需要判断还有没有数据待处理,待发送         void ShutdownInLoop() {             _statu = DISCONNECTING;// 设置连接为半关闭状态             if (_in_buffer.ReadAbleSize() > 0) {                 if (_message_callback) _message_callback(shared_from_this(), &_in_buffer);             }             //要么就是写入数据的时候出错关闭,要么就是没有待发送数据,直接关闭             if (_out_buffer.ReadAbleSize() > 0) {                 if (_channel.WriteAble() == false) {                     _channel.EnableWrite();                 }             }             if (_out_buffer.ReadAbleSize() == 0) {                 Release();             }         }         //启动非活跃连接超时释放规则         void EnableInactiveReleaseInLoop(int sec) {             //1. 将判断标志 _enable_inactive_release 置为true             _enable_inactive_release = true;             //2. 如果当前定时销毁任务已经存在,那就刷新延迟一下即可             if (_loop->HasTimer(_conn_id)) {                 return _loop->TimerRefresh(_conn_id);             }             //3. 如果不存在定时销毁任务,则新增             _loop->TimerAdd(_conn_id, sec, std::bind(&Connection::Release, this));         }         void CancelInactiveReleaseInLoop() {             _enable_inactive_release = false;             if (_loop->HasTimer(_conn_id)) {                  _loop->TimerCancel(_conn_id);              }         }         void UpgradeInLoop(const Any &context,                      const ConnectedCallback &conn,                      const MessageCallback &msg,                      const ClosedCallback &closed,                      const AnyEventCallback &event) {             _context = context;             _connected_callback = conn;             _message_callback = msg;             _closed_callback = closed;             _event_callback = event;         }     public:         Connection(EventLoop *loop, uint64_t conn_id, int sockfd):_conn_id(conn_id), _sockfd(sockfd),             _enable_inactive_release(false), _loop(loop), _statu(CONNECTING), _socket(_sockfd),             _channel(loop, _sockfd) {             _channel.SetCloseCallback(std::bind(&Connection::HandleClose, this));             _channel.SetEventCallback(std::bind(&Connection::HandleEvent, this));             _channel.SetReadCallback(std::bind(&Connection::HandleRead, this));             _channel.SetWriteCallback(std::bind(&Connection::HandleWrite, this));             _channel.SetErrorCallback(std::bind(&Connection::HandleError, this));         }         ~Connection() { DBG_LOG("RELEASE CONNECTION:%p", this); }         //获取管理的文件描述符         int Fd() { return _sockfd; }         //获取连接ID         int Id() { return _conn_id; }         //是否处于CONNECTED状态         bool Connected() { return (_statu == CONNECTED); }         //设置上下文--连接建立完成时进行调用         void SetContext(const Any &context) { _context = context; }         //获取上下文,返回的是指针         Any *GetContext() { return &_context; }         void SetConnectedCallback(const ConnectedCallback&cb) { _connected_callback = cb; }         void SetMessageCallback(const MessageCallback&cb) { _message_callback = cb; }         void SetClosedCallback(const ClosedCallback&cb) { _closed_callback = cb; }         void SetAnyEventCallback(const AnyEventCallback&cb) { _event_callback = cb; }         void SetSrvClosedCallback(const ClosedCallback&cb) { _server_closed_callback = cb; }         //连接建立就绪后,进行channel回调设置,启动读监控,调用_connected_callback         void Established() {             _loop->RunInLoop(std::bind(&Connection::EstablishedInLoop, this));         }         //发送数据,将数据放到发送缓冲区,启动写事件监控         void Send(const char *data, size_t len) {             //外界传入的data,可能是个临时的空间,我们现在只是把发送操作压入了任务池,有可能并没有被立即执行             //因此有可能执行的时候,data指向的空间有可能已经被释放了。             Buffer buf;             buf.WriteAndPush(data, len);             _loop->RunInLoop(std::bind(&Connection::SendInLoop, this, std::move(buf)));         }         //提供给组件使用者的关闭接口--并不实际关闭,需要判断有没有数据待处理         void Shutdown() {             _loop->RunInLoop(std::bind(&Connection::ShutdownInLoop, this));         }         void Release() {             _loop->QueueInLoop(std::bind(&Connection::ReleaseInLoop, this));         }         //启动非活跃销毁,并定义多长时间无通信就是非活跃,添加定时任务         void EnableInactiveRelease(int sec) {             _loop->RunInLoop(std::bind(&Connection::EnableInactiveReleaseInLoop, this, sec));         }         //取消非活跃销毁         void CancelInactiveRelease() {             _loop->RunInLoop(std::bind(&Connection::CancelInactiveReleaseInLoop, this));         }         //切换协议---重置上下文以及阶段性回调处理函数 -- 而是这个接口必须在EventLoop线程中立即执行         //防备新的事件触发后,处理的时候,切换任务还没有被执行--会导致数据使用原协议处理了。         void Upgrade(const Any &context, const ConnectedCallback &conn, const MessageCallback &msg,                       const ClosedCallback &closed, const AnyEventCallback &event) {             _loop->AssertInLoop();             _loop->RunInLoop(std::bind(&Connection::UpgradeInLoop, this, context, conn, msg, closed, event));         } };  class Acceptor {     private:         Socket _socket;//用于创建监听套接字         EventLoop *_loop; //用于对监听套接字进行事件监控         Channel _channel; //用于对监听套接字进行事件管理          using AcceptCallback = std::function<void(int)>;         AcceptCallback _accept_callback;     private:         /*监听套接字的读事件回调处理函数---获取新连接,调用_accept_callback函数进行新连接处理*/         void HandleRead() {             int newfd = _socket.Accept();             if (newfd < 0) {                 return ;             }             if (_accept_callback) _accept_callback(newfd);         }         int CreateServer(int port) {             bool ret = _socket.CreateServer(port);             assert(ret == true);             return _socket.Fd();         }     public:         /*不能将启动读事件监控,放到构造函数中,必须在设置回调函数后,再去启动*/         /*否则有可能造成启动监控后,立即有事件,处理的时候,回调函数还没设置:新连接得不到处理,且资源泄漏*/         Acceptor(EventLoop *loop, int port): _socket(CreateServer(port)), _loop(loop),              _channel(loop, _socket.Fd()) {             _channel.SetReadCallback(std::bind(&Acceptor::HandleRead, this));         }         void SetAcceptCallback(const AcceptCallback &cb) { _accept_callback = cb; }         void Listen() { _channel.EnableRead(); } };  class TcpServer {     private:         uint64_t _next_id;      //这是一个自动增长的连接ID,         int _port;         int _timeout;           //这是非活跃连接的统计时间---多长时间无通信就是非活跃连接         bool _enable_inactive_release;//是否启动了非活跃连接超时销毁的判断标志         EventLoop _baseloop;    //这是主线程的EventLoop对象,负责监听事件的处理         Acceptor _acceptor;    //这是监听套接字的管理对象         LoopThreadPool _pool;   //这是从属EventLoop线程池         std::unordered_map<uint64_t, PtrConnection> _conns;//保存管理所有连接对应的shared_ptr对象          using ConnectedCallback = std::function<void(const PtrConnection&)>;         using MessageCallback = std::function<void(const PtrConnection&, Buffer *)>;         using ClosedCallback = std::function<void(const PtrConnection&)>;         using AnyEventCallback = std::function<void(const PtrConnection&)>;         using Functor = std::function<void()>;         ConnectedCallback _connected_callback;         MessageCallback _message_callback;         ClosedCallback _closed_callback;         AnyEventCallback _event_callback;     private:         void RunAfterInLoop(const Functor &task, int delay) {             _next_id++;             _baseloop.TimerAdd(_next_id, delay, task);         }         //为新连接构造一个Connection进行管理         void NewConnection(int fd) {             _next_id++;             PtrConnection conn(new Connection(_pool.NextLoop(), _next_id, fd));             conn->SetMessageCallback(_message_callback);             conn->SetClosedCallback(_closed_callback);             conn->SetConnectedCallback(_connected_callback);             conn->SetAnyEventCallback(_event_callback);             conn->SetSrvClosedCallback(std::bind(&TcpServer::RemoveConnection, this, std::placeholders::_1));             if (_enable_inactive_release) conn->EnableInactiveRelease(_timeout);//启动非活跃超时销毁             conn->Established();//就绪初始化             _conns.insert(std::make_pair(_next_id, conn));         }         void RemoveConnectionInLoop(const PtrConnection &conn) {             int id = conn->Id();             auto it = _conns.find(id);             if (it != _conns.end()) {                 _conns.erase(it);             }         }         //从管理Connection的_conns中移除连接信息         void RemoveConnection(const PtrConnection &conn) {             _baseloop.RunInLoop(std::bind(&TcpServer::RemoveConnectionInLoop, this, conn));         }     public:         TcpServer(int port):             _port(port),              _next_id(0),              _enable_inactive_release(false),              _acceptor(&_baseloop, port),             _pool(&_baseloop) {             _acceptor.SetAcceptCallback(std::bind(&TcpServer::NewConnection, this, std::placeholders::_1));             _acceptor.Listen();//将监听套接字挂到baseloop上         }         void SetThreadCount(int count) { return _pool.SetThreadCount(count); }         void SetConnectedCallback(const ConnectedCallback&cb) { _connected_callback = cb; }         void SetMessageCallback(const MessageCallback&cb) { _message_callback = cb; }         void SetClosedCallback(const ClosedCallback&cb) { _closed_callback = cb; }         void SetAnyEventCallback(const AnyEventCallback&cb) { _event_callback = cb; }         void EnableInactiveRelease(int timeout) { _timeout = timeout; _enable_inactive_release = true; }         //用于添加一个定时任务         void RunAfter(const Functor &task, int delay) {             _baseloop.RunInLoop(std::bind(&TcpServer::RunAfterInLoop, this, task, delay));         }         void Start() { _pool.Create();  _baseloop.Start(); } };   void Channel::Remove() { return _loop->RemoveEvent(this); } void Channel::Update() { return _loop->UpdateEvent(this); } void TimerWheel::TimerAdd(uint64_t id, uint32_t delay, const TaskFunc &cb) {     _loop->RunInLoop(std::bind(&TimerWheel::TimerAddInLoop, this, id, delay, cb)); } //刷新/延迟定时任务 void TimerWheel::TimerRefresh(uint64_t id) {     _loop->RunInLoop(std::bind(&TimerWheel::TimerRefreshInLoop, this, id)); } void TimerWheel::TimerCancel(uint64_t id) {     _loop->RunInLoop(std::bind(&TimerWheel::TimerCancelInLoop, this, id)); }   class NetWork {     public:         NetWork() {             DBG_LOG("SIGPIPE INIT");             signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);         } }; static NetWork nw; #endif 





