- 首先,需要在项目中引入JSerialComm库。如果你使用的是Maven,可以在pom.xml文件中添加以下依赖:
<dependency> <groupId>com.fazecast</groupId> <artifactId>jSerialComm</artifactId> <version>2.7.0</version> </dependency>
- 创建一个类,用于处理串口通信和数据批量传输:
import com.fazecast.jSerialComm.SerialPort; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class SerialPortManager { private SerialPort serialPort; private OutputStream outputStream; public SerialPortManager(String portName, int baudRate) { serialPort = SerialPort.getCommPort(portName); serialPort.setBaudRate(baudRate); serialPort.setComPortTimeouts(SerialPort.TIMEOUT_READ_SEMI_BLOCKING, 0, 0); try { outputStream = serialPort.getOutputStream(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void openPort() { if (!serialPort.openPort()) { System.out.println("Failed to open the serial port."); return; } System.out.println("Serial port opened successfully."); } public void closePort() { if (serialPort.closePort()) { System.out.println("Serial port closed successfully."); } else { System.out.println("Failed to close the serial port."); } } public void sendData(List<Byte> data) { if (outputStream == null) { System.out.println("Output stream is not initialized."); return; } try { for (Byte b : data) { outputStream.write(b); outputStream.flush(); } System.out.println("Data sent successfully."); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public List<Byte> receiveData(int maxLength) { List<Byte> receivedData = new ArrayList<>(); if (outputStream == null) { System.out.println("Output stream is not initialized."); return receivedData; } try { int bytesRead; byte[] buffer = new byte[maxLength]; while ((bytesRead = serialPort.readBytes(buffer, buffer.length)) != -1) { receivedData.addAll(java.util.Arrays.asList(buffer, 0, bytesRead)); } System.out.println("Data received successfully."); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return receivedData; } }
- 使用
public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { String portName = "COM3"; // 串口名称,根据实际情况进行修改 int baudRate = 9600; // 波特率 SerialPortManager serialPortManager = new SerialPortManager(portName, baudRate); serialPortManager.openPort(); // 批量发送数据 List<Byte> dataToSend = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { dataToSend.add((byte) (i + 1)); } serialPortManager.sendData(dataToSend); // 批量接收数据 List<Byte> receivedData = serialPortManager.receiveData(10); System.out.println("Received data: " + receivedData); serialPortManager.closePort(); } }