- 查找子字符串的位置:
$string = "Hello world"; $pos = strpos($string, "world"); echo "The position of 'world' in the string is: " . $pos;
- 查找多个子字符串的位置:
$string = "Hello world, hello universe"; $keywords = array("world", "universe"); foreach ($keywords as $keyword) { $pos = strpos($string, $keyword); echo "The position of '$keyword' in the string is: " . $pos . "\n"; }
- 判断子字符串是否存在于字符串中:
$string = "Hello world"; $keyword = "world"; if (strpos($string, $keyword) !== false) { echo "The keyword '$keyword' exists in the string."; } else { echo "The keyword '$keyword' does not exist in the string."; }
- 查找子字符串的位置并截取子字符串:
$string = "Hello world"; $keyword = "world"; $pos = strpos($string, $keyword); if ($pos !== false) { $substring = substr($string, $pos); echo "The substring starting from '$keyword' is: " . $substring; } else { echo "The keyword '$keyword' does not exist in the string."; }