- 导入所需库:
import threading import time
- 创建一个共享资源类,该类包含一个锁(Lock)对象和一个条件变量(Condition)对象。这将允许我们在多个线程之间同步对共享资源的访问。
class SharedResource: def __init__(self): self.lock = threading.Lock() self.condition = threading.Condition(self.lock)
- 在共享资源类中添加一些方法来处理共享资源的状态更改。例如,我们可以添加一个方法来增加共享资源的值,并在值达到特定阈值时通知所有等待的线程。
class SharedResource: # ... (previous code) def increment_value(self): with self.condition: # Increment the shared resource's value self.value += 1 # Check if the value has reached a specific threshold if self.value >= self.threshold: # Notify all waiting threads self.condition.notify_all()
- 创建工作线程类,该类将执行特定任务并与共享资源交互。在此示例中,我们将创建一个线程,当共享资源的值达到阈值时,该线程将执行某个操作。
class WorkerThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, shared_resource): super().__init__() self.shared_resource = shared_resource def run(self): with self.shared_resource.condition: # Wait until the shared resource's value reaches the threshold while self.shared_resource.value< self.shared_resource.threshold: self.shared_resource.condition.wait() # Perform some action when the condition is met print(f"Thread {self.name} is performing an action")
- 在主程序中创建共享资源对象、工作线程对象并启动线程。
def main(): shared_resource = SharedResource() # Create and start worker threads worker_threads = [WorkerThread(shared_resource) for _ in range(3)] for thread in worker_threads: thread.start() # Increment the shared resource's value for _ in range(10): time.sleep(0.5) shared_resource.increment_value() # Wait for all worker threads to finish for thread in worker_threads: thread.join() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
在这个示例中,我们使用 NotifyAll