- 首先,在Mapper XML文件中定义两个实体类和对应的映射关系:
<!-- 定义父类实体 --> <resultMap id="ParentMap" type="Parent"> <id property="id" column="parent_id" /> <result property="name" column="parent_name" /> <collection property="children" ofType="Child" resultMap="ChildMap" /> </resultMap> <!-- 定义子类实体 --> <resultMap id="ChildMap" type="Child"> <id property="id" column="child_id" /> <result property="name" column="child_name" /> </resultMap>
- 接着,在Mapper接口中定义查询方法,使用Collection映射来获取一对多关系:
public interface ParentMapper { @Select("SELECT parent_id, parent_name, child_id, child_name FROM parent_table JOIN child_table ON parent_table.parent_id = child_table.parent_id") @Results({ @Result(property = "id", column = "parent_id"), @Result(property = "name", column = "parent_name"), @Result(property = "children", column = "{id=parent_id, name=parent_name}", javaType = List.class, many = @Many(select = "getChildByParentId")) }) List<Parent> getAllParents(); @Select("SELECT child_id, child_name FROM child_table WHERE parent_id = #{id}") List<Child> getChildByParentId(Integer id); }
- 最后,在实体类中定义父类和子类的属性以及对应的getter和setter方法:
public class Parent { private Integer id; private String name; private List<Child> children; // getter and setter methods } public class Child { private Integer id; private String name; // getter and setter methods }