centos8 yum openstack


To install OpenStack on CentOS 8 using yum, you can follow these steps:

  1. Update your system:
sudo yum update -y 
  1. Enable the OpenStack repository:
sudo yum install -y centos-release-openstack-train 
  1. Install the OpenStack packages:
sudo yum install -y openstack-packstack 
  1. Generate the answer file for Packstack:
sudo packstack --gen-answer-file=~/openstack-answers.txt 
  1. Edit the answer file to customize your OpenStack installation:
sudo vi ~/openstack-answers.txt 

You can modify parameters like CONFIG_CONTROLLER_HOST, CONFIG_COMPUTE_HOSTS, CONFIG_NETWORK_HOSTS, etc. to match your environment.

  1. Install OpenStack using Packstack and the answer file:
sudo packstack --answer-file=~/openstack-answers.txt 

This command will install and configure all the necessary OpenStack services based on your answer file.

Please note that OpenStack is a complex system and may require additional configuration and setup depending on your specific use case. It is recommended to consult the official OpenStack documentation for detailed instructions and best practices.

